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14, 2015

Realization of Thin and Broadband Magnetic Radar

Absorption Materials With the Help of Resistor FSS
Jie Zhou, Shaowei Bie, Dong Wan, Haibing Xu, Yongshun Xu, and Jianjun Jiang

Abstract—In this letter, a kind of composite radar absorption thickness of 2 mm [2]. Therefore, it is urgent to improve the
material consisting of gradient and spiral square resistor fre- absorption bandwidth of RAMs and decrease their weight.
quency selective surface (FSS) and magnetic sheets is designed Compared to traditional radar absorption materials, fre-
by HFSS. The use of resistor FSS makes a significant increase of
quency selective surface (FSS) can greatly reduce the weight.
operating bandwidth compared to single magnetic radar absorp-
tion materials (mRAMs). Under the condition of normal incident FSS consists of 2-D periodic arrays of metallic elements,
electromagnetic wave, it has remarkable absorptive performance which has been widely researched in antenna applications and
with the reflectivity below 10 dB with a thin thickness of 2 mm RAMs. However, its absorbing bandwidth needs to be further
in the range of 6–18 GHz. In addition, the composite mRAMs improved. Recently, a new type of FSS, which is loaded with a
exhibits high angular stability when the incident angle ranges series of lumped elements such as resistors, capacitors, induc-
from 0 to 30 . In order to illustrate the importance of resistors, tors, and diodes between or in the unit cells, is more attractive
a comparative experiment of structure with nonresistor FSS is
made. Experimental results are compared to numerical simula-
in the design of a microwave absorber. Our group researched
tions. They are in agreement with each other. the FSS loaded with different resistors between cells. The
absorption performance remarkably increased owing to the
Index Terms—Frequency selective surface (FSS), magnetic
ohm loss of resistors compared to the FSS without resistors.
radar absorption materials (mRAMs).
However, it still has a narrow broadband reflectivity response
below 10 dB and a big thickness of 3.7 mm [3].
I. INTRODUCTION Based on the above consideration, people began to research
the combination of FSS and RAM in order to develop composite

R ADAR absorption materials (RAMs) and coatings have

been widely used in stealth technology since World
War II. Recently, RAMs are used to cope with the electromag-
radar absorption materials with great absorptive performance,
thinness, light weight, and broad band at the same time. Then,
much research was devoted to the combination of FSS and
netic pollution problem in our life. With the ever-increasing magnetic RAMS (mRAMs). Generally, an FSS is embedded
application development of electronic equipment, a series of between two mRAMs [4], [5]. Meanwhile, some researchers
problems, such as electromagnetic interference (EMI) and focused on dielectric RAMs [6]. However, the operating band-
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), have emerged. EMI can width of composite structure was only 2–3 GHz wider than
cause disturbances on the precision apparatus. Meanwhile, corresponding dielectric RAMs. Sun et al. suggested that it
the electromagnetic radiation is also potentially hazardous to was advisable to choose magnetic RAMs [5]. They designed
biological systems. Therefore, numerous research works have single-layer FSS embedded magnetic RAMs, which not only
been done to pursue a high-performance absorber to solve the had a broadband of 15 GHz (3–18 GHz) with reflectivity below
electromagnetic pollution problem. Traditionally, radar absorp- 10 dB, but also was quite lightweight. However, its thickness
tion materials are fabricated by mechanically milling method; reaches to 5 mm, which is thicker than actually needed.
they are very thin and flexible. However, due to the high density In this letter, spiral square resistor FSS that is rarely re-
of the carbonyl iron and ferrite, these RAMs usually suffer searched as FSS is designed. Moreover, there is no relative
from a high weight. Meanwhile, their bandwidth is also quite report about the combination of spiral square FSS and tradi-
narrow. For example, our group has synthesized RAMs filled tional magnetic radar absorption materials. FSS is embedded
with carbonyl iron and MnO (MnO weight fraction is 30%), between two pieces of mRAMs. It has a thickness of 2 mm
which exhibits an operating bandwidth of only 3.5 GHz at a with 12 GHz over the frequency range from 6–18 GHz, which
level of below 10 dB of the reflection coefficient with the is much thinner and more broadband than the combination of
FSS and dielectric slab [3].
Manuscript received July 03, 2014; accepted August 13, 2014. Date of pub-
lication August 19, 2014; date of current version January 27, 2015. This work
was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province, China, Fig. 1 shows the structure diagram of the composite mRAMs.
under Grant No. ZRY0124 and the National Natural Science Foundation of
The composite mRAMs are composed of one FSS layer and two
China under Grant No. 61172003.
The authors are with the School of Optical and Electronic Information, mRAMs layers. Obviously, the FSS is sandwiched between two
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China mRAMs.
mRAMs have the following compositions: 70 wt.% EW,
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online
at 29.6 wt.% silicon, and 0.4 wt.% vulcanizing agent. The mixture
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2014.2349533 was placed in a press form and cured for 7 min at a temperature

1536-1225 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

As the angle of incidence increases, the reflectivity of both

TE-polarization and TM-polarization decreases slightly, which
means the composite mRAMs exhibit high angular stability
when the incident angle ranges from 0 to 30 .
Fig. 5 is the photograph of the composite mRAMs. The first
and third layers are mRAMs. The second layer is resistor FSS
with a total thickness of 0.6 mm, which consists of FR4 poly-
imide and resistors. Both of the FSS and mRAMs share the
same size of cm . In the measurements, they are
Fig. 1. Structure diagram of the composite mRAMs. fully overlapped and glued together. The composite mRAMs are
measured under vertical incident wave in a microwave anechoic
chamber, which mainly contains a vector network analyzer Agi-
lent 8720ES, two linear polarized horn antennas, and a metal test
bench [10]. To increase the accuracy of measurement, we adopt
the technology of subtracting the background level in the cal-
culation and turning on the time domain of the vector network
analyzer in the measurement. One antenna transmits TEM wave
in the range of 2–18 GHz onto the sample, and the other receives
the reflected wave. The reflectivity is calculated by -parame-
ters obtained from measurement.


Fig. 6 shows the reflectivity of mRAMs and the composite
mRAMs with nonresistor FSS and resistor FSS at the frequency
range of 2–18 GHz. The RAMs have an operating bandwidth
of 4.7 GHz from 9 to 13.7 GHz with the reflectivity below
Fig. 2. Electromagnetic characteristics of mRAMs. 10 dB. The operating frequency band of composite mRAMs
with nonresistor FSS is 8.4–16 GHz at E- . Therefore, the
operating bandwidth increases to 7.6 GHz after incorporating
nonresistor FSS. Furthermore, the corresponding bandwidth
reaches to 12 GHz with the help of resistor FSS from 6–18 GHz
at E- , which is double more than RAMs. Moreover, it has
a strong absorption peak at 7.5 GHz compared to composite
mRAMs with nonresistor FSS. Therefore, the resistors play a
vital role in both bandwidth and absorption intensity. At E- ,
the corresponding bandwidth of the composite mRAMs with
nonresistor is 6.2 GHz at the range from 9.3 to 10.2 GHz and
11.7 to 17 GHz. However, the composite mRAMs with resistor
Fig. 3. (a) Original resistor FSS cell and (b) HFSS optimization model. still have an operating bandwidth of 12.3 GHz from 5.7 to
18 GHz, which confirms the importance of resistors in ab-
sorption once again. Meanwhile, many resonance frequencies
of 170 . Its electromagnetic characteristics are measured by appear at the band of 6.8–18 GHz, which coincides with the
-parameters through coaxial measurement [7], as shown in study [8], [9].
Fig. 2. The studies [8] and [9] show that the spiral square FSS To demonstrate the importance of the resistors, the composite
has a perfect transparent performance in -band frequency mRAMs with nonresistor FSS and resistor FSS are simulated
region and multiple resonance in - and Ku-band. However, with the solution frequency of 7 GHz. Fig. 7(a) and (b) denotes
we add resistors in the FSS, and the original size is shown in the surface current density of composite mRAMs with nonre-
Fig. 3(a). For convenience, we term E- and E- as the sistor FSS and resistor FSS at E- , respectively. At E- ,
direction of electric field loading on the composite mRAMs, the corresponding surface current density of composite mRAMs
which are parallel to - and -axis, respectively. To optimize with nonresistor FSS and resistor FSS are Fig. 7(c) and (d). Ob-
the composite mRAMs, the variables , , , , , , viously, the induced current increases dramatically after adding
and are set. The electromagnetic parameters of mRAM are resistors. The induced current is consumed by flowing through
imported into the material library for defining mRAM. The the resistors. Therefore, the existence of resistors can greatly
HFSS optimization model is shown in Fig. 3(b). The composite improve the absorptive performance.
mRAMs are optimized by Quasi Newton of HFSS. The specific Fig. 8 shows the experimental and simulation results of the
optimization results are presented in Table I. Then, we calculate composite mRAMs with resistor FSS. The experimental results
the reflectivity of composite mRAMs at normal and oblique are slightly different from the simulations. The edge diffraction
incidence of TE and TM polarized waves, as shown in Fig. 4. of the structure may lead to the difference. The reflectivity is

Fig. 4. Modeled reflectivity of composite mRAMs at oblique incidence of (a) TE and (b) TM polarized waves.

Fig. 5. Photograph of the composite mRAMs.

Fig. 7. Surface current density of composite mRAMs with nonresistor FSS and
resistor FSS. (a) Nonresistor FSS at E- . (b) Resistor FSS at E- . (c) Nonre-
sistor FSS at E- . (d) Resistor FSS at E- .

Fig. 6. Reflectivity of mRAMs and the composite mRAMs with nonresistor

FSS and resistor FSS.


Fig. 8. Reflectivity of measurement and simulation of the composite mRAMs

with resistor FSS.
computed under the condition of infinite periodic structure in
simulation. While in the experiment, the samples are measured
with the size of cm . The influence bringing from IV. CONCLUSION
nonuniform size may be a good explanation of the slight differ- In this letter, a kind of composite radar absorption materials
ence between them. However, it should be confirmed by further consisting of gradient and spiral square resistor FSS and mag-
work. netic sheets is designed. It is stable with the respect to the angle

of incidence of TEM wave. The operating bandwidth with the [4] Y. N. Kazantsev and A. V. Lopatin, “Broadening of operating fre-
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IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 1227–1235, Apr.
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[6] V. A. Babayan, Y. N. Kazantsev, A. V. Lopatin, V. P. Mal’tsev,
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