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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

19 August 2018 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

the eucharist: the living food

and drink that give eternal life

esus satisfies our yearning for life not only with his teaching but also
with the total gift of himself through the Eucharist – his Body and
Blood under the sacramental signs of Bread and Wine. Foreshadowed
in the Old Testament through the manna and the water that gushed from
the rock at Moses’ command, Jesus gave himself to his disciples at the Last
Supper under the forms of bread and wine in anticipation of his sacrificial
offering to the Father on Calvary in atonement for the sins of all mankind.
He also mandated them to repeat “in memory of him” until the end of time
what he had just done in the Upper Room.
Our Sunday Eucharist is a privileged manifestation of Jesus’ immense
love for us, as he makes himself our spiritual nourishment. He is the source
of our wisdom and strength. The Eucharist is also a privileged means for us to express our gratitude to
him and to the Father for all the blessings they constantly shower on us.

All –Lord, have mercy! Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-

P –Lord Jesus, your flesh is gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
real food and your blood, God, Son of the Father, you take
real drink. Forgive our lack away the sins of the world, have
Entrance Antiphon of appreciation for these mercy on us; you take away the
(To be recited only when no Entrance great gifts. Christ, have sins of the world, receive our
Hymn is sung.) prayer; you are seated at the right
Turn your eyes, O God, our All –Christ, have mercy! hand of the Father, have mercy
shield; and look on the face of on us. For you alone are the Holy
your anointed one; one day P –Lord Jesus, you promise One, you alone are the Lord, you
within your courts is better eternal life to those who re- alone are the Most High, Jesus
than a thousand elsewhere. ceive you. Forgive the many Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
sacrilegious communions in the glory of God the Father.
Greeting and profanations commit- Amen!
ted everyday. Lord, have
P –Blessed be Jesus, the Food mercy!
of everlasting life. May his grace Collect (Opening Prayer)
All –Lord, have mercy!
and peace be with you all! P –O God, who have prepared
All – And with your spirit! P –May almighty God have for those who love you good
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, things which no eye can see, fill
Penitential Act and bring us to everlasting life. our hearts with the warmth of
All – Amen! your love, so that, loving you in
P –As we prepare to celebrate
the sacred mysteries, let us call all things and above all things,
Gloria we may attain your promises,
to mind our shortcomings and
ask the Lord for pardon and All – Glory to God in the high- which surpass every human de-
strength. (Pause) est, and on earth peace to people sire.
of good will. We praise you, Through our Lord Jesus
P –Lord Jesus, you are the liv- we bless you, we adore you, we Christ, your Son, who lives and
ing bread that came down glorify you, we give you thanks reigns with you in the unity of
from heaven. Forgive our for your great glory, Lord God, the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
lack of faith in this great heavenly King, O God, almighty and ever.
truth. Lord, have mercy! Father. All – Amen!
shame. When the poor one All – Glory to you, O Lord!
called out, the Lord heard, and
from all his distress He saved Jesus said to the crowds: “I
him. R. am the living bread that came
down from heaven. Whoever
1st Reading Prv 9:1-6 eats this bread will live for-
Today’s passage from the 2nd Reading Eph 5:15-20 ever; and the bread that I will
Book of Proverbs expresses St. Paul exhorts us to keep give is my flesh for the life of
God’s deep desire to have man- careful watch over our conduct the world.” The Jews quar-
kind share in His wisdom and life. and to give thanks to the Father reled among themselves, say-
This plan will be actualized fully for everything. These are among ing, “How can this man give us
in the Eucharistic banquet. the basic dispositions we need his flesh to eat?”
to have in order to receive Holy Jesus said to them, “Amen,
R –A proclamation from the Communion fruitfully.
Book of Proverbs amen, I say to you, unless you
R –A proclamation from the eat the flesh of the Son of Man
Wisdom has built her Letter of Paul to the Ephe- and drink his blood, you do not
house, she has set up her seven sians have life within you. Whoever
columns; she has dressed her eats my flesh and drinks my
meat, mixed her wine, yes, she Brothers and sisters:
Watch carefully how you blood has eternal life, and I
has spread her table. will raise him on the last day.
She has sent out her maid- live, not as foolish persons but
as wise, making the most of the For my flesh is true food, and
ens; she calls from the heights my blood is true drink. Who-
out over the city: “Let who- opportunity, because the days
are evil. ever eats my flesh and drinks
ever is simple turn in here!” my blood remains in me and
To the one who lacks under- Therefore, do not continue
in ignorance, but try to under- I in him. Just as the living Fa-
standing, she says, “Come, eat ther sent me and I have life
of my food, and drink of the stand what is the will of the
Lord. And do not get drunk on because of the Father, so also
wine I have mixed! Forsake the one who feeds on me will
foolishness that you may live. wine, in which lies debauchery,
but be filled with the Spirit, ad- have life because of me. This is
Advance in the way of under- the bread that came down from
standing.” dressing one another in psalms
and hymns and spiritual songs, heaven. Unlike your ancestors
The Word of the Lord! singing and playing to the Lord who ate and still died, whoever
All – Thanks be to God! in your hearts, giving thanks eats this bread will live for-
always and for everything in ever.”
Responsorial Psalm Ps 34 the name of our Lord Jesus The Gospel of the Lord!
R –Taste and see the goodness Christ to God the Father. All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
of the Lord! The Word of the Lord! Christ!
R. M. Velez All – Thanks be to God! Homily
 Eb Cm Ab
      
Gospel Acclamation Profession of Faith

 (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)
All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
Taste and see the good-ness “Whoever eats my flesh All –I believe in one God, the Fa-
and drinks my blood re- ther almighty, maker of heaven
 Bb Eb mains in me and I in him,” and earth, of all things visible
  
  
says the Lord. and invisible.
Alleluia! Alleluia! I believe in one Lord Jesus
Christ, the Only Begotten Son
of the Lord!
Gospel Jn 6:51-58 of God, born of the Father be-
Jesus’ audience finds it ever fore all ages. God from God,
* I will bless the Lord at all Light from Light, true God from
times; his praise shall be ever more difficult to accept his invi-
tation to eat his flesh and drink true God, begotten, not made,
in my mouth. Let my soul glory consubstantial with the Father;
in the Lord; the lowly will hear his blood. Undeterred by their
negative stand, Jesus emphasizes through him all things were
me and be glad. R. made. For us men and for our
the wonderful effects which the
* Glorify the Lord with me, reception of his body and blood salvation he came down from
let us together extol his name. produces in those who accept heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy
I sought the Lord, and he an- him with faith. Spirit was incarnate of the Vir-
swered me and delivered me gin Mary, and became man.*
from all my fears. R. P –The Lord be with you! For our sake he was crucified
All –And with your spirit! under Pontius Pilate, he suf-
* Look to Him that you P – A proclamation from the fered death and was buried, and
may be radiant with joy, and holy Gospel according to rose again on the third day in
your faces may not blush with John accordance with the Scriptures.

19 August 2018
He ascended into heaven and is P –Lord Jesus, we thank you the name of the Lord. Ho-
seated at the right hand of the for the priceless gift of the Eu- sanna in the highest!
Father. He will come again in charist and pray that we may
glory to judge the living and the always live according to the mes- Memorial Acclamation
dead and his kingdom will have sage that comes to us from this P –The mystery of faith!
no end. great Sacrament. You who live All –When we eat this Bread
I believe in the Holy Spirit, and reign for ever and ever. and drink this Cup, we pro-
the Lord, the giver of life, who All – Amen! claim your Death, O Lord,
proceeds from the Father and until you come again!
the Son, who with the Father
and the Son is adored and glori-
fied, who has spoken through
the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, cath- Preparation of the Gifts
olic and apostolic Church. I All – Our Father . . .
P –Pray, brethren . . .
confess one Baptism for the P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
All – May the Lord accept the
forgiveness of sins and I look All –For the kingdom, the
sacrifice at your hands, for the
forward to the resurrection of power, and the glory are
praise and glory of his name,
the dead and the life of the world yours, now and for ever!
for our good and the good of all
to come. Amen! his holy Church.
Sign of Peace
Prayer of the Faithful
Prayer over the Offerings Breaking of the Bread
P –Encouraged by the message
coming from God’s Word, let us P –Receive our oblation, O All – Lamb of God . . .
Lord, by which is brought about
approach the Source of all good-
a glorious exchange, that, by of- Communion
ness. To him let us present our fering what you have given, we
humble petitions saying: may merit to receive your very P –This is Jesus, the Bread
All –Jesus, Bread of Life, hear self. of Life, the Lamb of God who
our prayer! Through Christ our Lord. takes away the sins of the world.
All – Amen! Blessed are those called to his
C –For the whole Catholic Supper.
Church: May she ever more trea- All –Lord, I am not worthy
sure the Eucharist as the Sac- Preface that you should enter under
rament of the Lord’s Body and of the Holy Eucharist I my roof, but only say the word
Blood, the Food of everlasting P –It is truly right and just, our and my soul shall be healed.
Life. Let us pray! R. duty and our salvation, always
C –For all our religious and and everywhere to give you Communion Antiphon
thanks, Lord, holy Father, al- (To be recited only when no
civil leaders: May they serve the
mighty and eternal God, through Communion Hymn is sung.)
people of God with total dedica-
tion for the common good. Let us Christ our Lord. I am the living bread that
pray! R. For he is the true and eternal came down from heaven, says
Priest, who instituted the pattern the Lord. Whoever eats of this
C –For all the youth in our of an everlasting sacrifice and bread will live forever.
country: May they become more was the first to offer himself as
appreciative of the Eucharist by the saving Victim, commanding Prayer after Communion
their active participation in the us to make this offering as his
Mass. Let us pray! R. memorial. P –Made partakers of Christ
As we eat his Flesh that was through these Sacraments, we
C –For those who feel rejected,
sacrificed for us, we are made humbly implore your mercy,
for the sick and the dying: May
strong, and, as we drink his Lord, that, conformed to his
they experience in sacramental
Blood that was poured out for image on earth, we may merit
Communion the source of their
us, we are washed clean. also to be his coheirs in heav-
hope and the root of everlasting
And so, with Angels and en.
life. Let us pray! R.
Archangels, with Thrones and Who lives and reigns for ever
C –For all of us, present at this and ever.
Dominions, and with all the
Eucharistic celebration: May we All – Amen!
hosts and Powers of heaven, we
live the spirit of this Sacrament
sing the hymn of your glory, as
through acts of charity and gen-
without end we acclaim:
erous availability. Let us pray! All – Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
R. of hosts. Heaven and earth are
C – Let us pray in silence for our full of your glory. Hosanna in
personal intentions. (Pause) the highest! P –The Lord be with you.
Let us pray! R. Blessed is he who comes in All – And with your spirit!

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

P –Bow your heads and pray P –May you walk in His ways, P –Go in peace and make your
for God’s blessing. (Pause) always knowing and doing lives a constant Eucharist!
May the Eucharist you have what is right and good, un- All – Thanks be to God!
received bear fruit in your til you enter your heavenly
daily life. inheritance. Come and Visit the
All – Amen! All – Amen! Word & Life Publications
Booth #210
P –May almighty God keep you P –May almighty God bless at the 39th Manila
from all harm and fill you you: the Father, and the International Book Fair
with every good gift. Son, and the Holy Spirit.
All – Amen! September 12-16, 2018
All – Amen! (10am – 8pm)
SMX Convention Center
SM Mall of Asia Complex,

T here is an intrinsic connection between food and life.

Food is indispensable to preserve and increase life.
Likewise, there is an intrinsic connection between the
be. The Eucharistic bread and wine, true body and
blood of Christ, thanks to the power of his Word and
of his Spirit, are the answer to their question. But only
Eucharist and man’s spiritual life. Jesus develops this those who believe that everything is possible for God will
theme in his discourse on the “Bread of Life,” and em- respond “Amen!”
phasizes this truth especially in today’s Gospel passage.
He states it, both in the form of a promise (see vv.
51, 57 and 58), and as a strong warning: “If you do not In simple narrative of the
Marian apparitions at Fatima,
eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you
have no life in you” (v. 52b).
The “life” Jesus is talking about is not our psy-
chophysical life and activity, the temporal sequence
or illustrated in comic strips
of actions and reactions which begins at conception and in Filipino manga style.
inevitably ends when our heart and brain cease to func-
tion. Rather, the “life” Jesus has in mind is that spark
of divine reality which is rooted in the very core of our
personality. It is the spiritual dimension of our “self”
which raises us to the level of God’s very life. It is at
that depth and height that man becomes different from the
rest of creation, and that he can experience an intimacy
with the divine “Thou” which is the source of endless hap-
piness and fulfillment. Such is the “life” Jesus is promis-
ing, and for which he offers himself as food and drink.
This “life” is not measured in days and years,
but by the intensity of the faith and love that per-
meates it. It shares in the very life and eternity
of God, and that is why it is called “eternal life.” But
to enjoy it, we do not have to wait until our earthly
days are over. Such a “life” can already be ours to-
day (though in a limited degree) through faith in Je-
sus and by eating his Flesh and drinking his Blood.
Only on this condition can we experience the life- Plus:
giving communion with Christ (see v. 56) which in- • a documentary section on the
serts us in the marvelous stream of life that has its Messages and Secrets of Fatima,
origin in the Father, and has its unique channel in • the Alliance of Billions of Hearts, and
His incarnate Son. (See v. 57.) • the devotion of the Five First Satur-
The Jews who were listening to Jesus were very ma-
terialistic and rationalistic in their outlook. They could not
understand how Jesus could give them his flesh to eat Get your copy from any religious bookstore
(see v. 52) because they had no idea of eternal life. They or order now from Word & Life Publications
were unable to soar beyond the boundaries of matter and Tel. nos.: 894-5401/02 or 894-5241
time. They did not know how creative divine love can E-mail address:

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, G. Ramos, J. Domingo, A. Adsuara, V. David, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Marketing: Fr. B. Nolasco and T. Mojica • Circulation: R. Saldua

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