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Presentation Script

By Florencia Wacana Dharma, 1406564345

I. Introduction

“Hello! Good morning everyone! Let me Introduce myself, my name is Florencia Wacana
Dharma. You can call me Floren. I’m a student from faculty of nursing University of Indonesia.”

“Today I’d like to share a topic that everyone might familiar with. It’s about stress and

“Everyone is already familiar with this topic right?”

“This session will last for 15 minutes including 5 minutes question time.”

“Okay then, let’s get started!”

II. Body

What is Stress

“So, what is your stress? Is there anyone who want to state your opinion? Please raise your
(Pick maximum 3 audience)
“Okay, so majority of the audiences pick (optional) as a source of stress and some said that
their source of stress is (optional).”
“Yes, right, people source of stress is different. Why? Because humans are unique. For me,
(optional) is not a source of stress. I become stressed out if I don’t do anything and just wasting
“What is stress?”
“Stress is a condition in which the person experiences changes in the normal balanced state.
A stressor is any event or stimulus that causes and individual to experience stress. (Berman &
Snyder, 2012)”
“So, to be easy. You can call stress as a condition you need to adapt with and the stressor
is something that make you feel stressed”
“For example (optional)”
(Pick 2 examples from audience)

Effect of Stress

“So, how can stress affect your life?”

“Stress can have various effect on someone such as physical, emotional, intellectual, social,
and many more. But usually the effects are mixed because stress affect the whole person.”
“Stress responses can be grouped into physical responses and psychological responses.”
“Physical responses include fight-or-flight response and various hormone secretion that
can make your pupil dilates, increased heartbeat, increased respiratory rate, and many more
(Townsend, 2014)”
“Psychological response include feeling of anxiety, grief, and many more (stuart)
(Townsend, 2014).”
“Not all stress is bad. Enough amount of stress can give positive result, for example when
you are going to have a quiz tomorrow, you will feel stressed and start to study in order to not fail
the quiz. That kind of stress is good because it can be a source of motivation.”

What is Coping

“How do we fight stress? We can fight stress by doing something that is called coping”
“Coping may described as dealing with change (Berman & Snyder, 2012)”
“So, my friend, what do you do when you got stressed?”
(Ask the audience)

Type of Coping

“There are many types of coping. But in this session, I limit the type into Adaptive Coping
and Maladaptive Coping (Stuart, 2013)”
“Adaptive coping helps the person to deal effectively with stressful events and minimize
distress associated with them. Maladaptive coping can result in unnecessary distress for the person
and others.”
“So when you have a problem that make you stressed out and you try to talk to your parents,
friends, or anyone to solve the problem, that’s called as adaptive coping.”
“But when you have a problem that make you stressed out and you start to smoke, drink
alcohol, isolate yourself from others, that’s called as maladaptive coping”
How to Find a Good Coping

“To find a good coping you have to try a lot of coping strategies.”
“First, you have to list the situation that make you feel stressed out, pick a few way of
coping that suit your preference. Then, when the situation comes, try one of those coping. See if it
works well, if not you can try another coping.”
“This is some suggestion of coping strategies that often work for most of people.”
“Talk to someone you trust, tell them your problem, and maybe you can ask for advice.”
“Write down your problem, you can keep a diary or a journal and write your thoughts in
“Make a time for yourself, such as strolling around, listening to music, reading a book,
sightseeing, doing your hobby, and many more.”
“And then don’t forget to be optimistic, do a little self-talk, give yourself a motivation and
III. Conclusion

“In the conclusion, stress is something that make us feel uncomfortable. we can fight stress
with the right coping. To find a good coping you can try to list the situation, pick a few way of
coping, try it out, and evaluate it.”

“By having the right coping we can fight stress and improve our health.”

“That’s all from me, I hope it’s clear enough. I’ll open question and answer for three
question. If you have question please raise your hand and say your name.”

(Q&A Session)

Berman, A., & Snyder, S. J. (2012). Kozier & Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing: Concept, Process, and
Practice 9th edition. New Jersey: Pearson Education.
Stuart, G. W. (2013). Principles and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing 10th edition. Missouri: Elsevier.
Townsend, M. C. (2014). Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: Concepts of Care in
Evidence-Based Practice 6th edition. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company.

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