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2018-2019 Moffat County School District Balanced Scorecard


MCSD will ensure clear and consistent norms and expectations for behavior are
The board of education will have an increased presence at CASB sponsored
communicated to students, staff, and administrators. SPFA 3, G 1
events. SPFA 1*, G 1**
MCSD Leadership Team Will Complete FEMA Certification for Emergency
The board of education will support the second year of the MCSD Strategic Plan.
Planning for Schools. SPFA 3, G 1
SPFA 1, G 1
MCSD will successfully implement on line student registration. SPFA 3, G 2
The board of education will successfully be reconfigured to a 5 district- 2 at-large
MCSD Secretaries will receive training in cultural competence. SPFA 3, G 3
membership. SPFA 1, G 2
MCSD will continue the process of revamping the salary schedules for staff for
Board of education members will increase school visits to once per quarter. SPFA
implementation in fall of 2019. SPFA 3, G 4; SPFA 4, G 4
1, G 2
The board of education will conduct a self-evaluation. SPFA 1, G 2
MCSD will educate Moffat County voters on Amendment 73. SPFA 4, G 3; SPFA 4,
Students will show improvement on all measures of academic success. SPFA 2, MCSD will develop a multi-year plan to address significant capital needs. SPFA 4,
G 1; SPFA 2, G 3; G2
Elementary schools will successfully implement year two of the Early Literacy MCSD will create and monitor the effectiveness of partnership with ProVelocity to
Grant as measured by state mandated goals. SPFA 2, G 1; SPFA 2, G 3 provide technology support in an efficient and effective manner. SPFA 4, G1;
Elementary School Leadership will successfully implement Project Lead the Way SPFA 5, G 4
Launch. SPFA 2, G 1; SPFA 2, G 3 MCSD will determine feasibility of partnering with a third-party vendor to provide
Craig Middle School staff will expand on Student Centered Learning through a student transportation. SPFA 4, G1: SPFA 5, G 4
commitment to Problem Based Learning. SPFA 2, G 1; SPFA 2, G 3 ENGAGING THE COMMUNITY
High School Staff will implement year one of iPad initiative to create an optimal MCSD will strengthen the partnership with Friends of Moffat County Education.
learning environment for student success. SPFA 2, G 1; SPFA 2, G 3; SPFA 4, G 3 SPFA 5, G 2
MCHS will reduce the dropout rate and increase graduation rate through the MCSD will increase public visibility through the “I Choose Moffat County School
supports provided by the EARSS Grant. SPFA 2, G 1 District” Campaign. SFPA 5, G 2
MCSD will continue working with CMEDP as an anchor institution for the
broadband initiative. SPFA 5, G4
MCSD will consistently participate in the Communities That Care partnership to
improve Protective Factors for students. SPFA 5, G4
MCHS will engage the community to assist FIRST Robotics through active
mentorship. SPFA 5, G4

*SPFA = Strategic Plan Focus Area

**G = Goal

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