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‫الحمد ہلل و کفی و سالم علی عبادہ الذین اصطفی‬

:‫اما بعد فقد قال ہللا تعالی فی القرآن المجید والفرقان الحمید‬
‫ولقد کرمنا بنی آدم‬
‫صدق ہللا العلی العظیم‬
The chairman, respectable teachers and my dear fellows in Islam!


Today, our topic is ‘dignity of human being’.

Let us start by asking a few questions:

Why do we need to understand the concept of dignity of human being?

What does the Quran tell us about the dignity of human being?

What is the criteria of dignity of human being in Islam?

Now, let’s come to the first question. Why do we need to understand the concept of dignity of human
being? Dear friends! The fact is a man behaves as per the perception he has made about himself. If
somebody is told from the very first day that he is coward and valueless, he will not develop into a
confident person. He will lead his whole life in fear of failure. Therefore, we need to understand what
value, honour and dignity our Lord has given us.

Now, let’s come to the second question. What does the Quran tell us about the dignity of human being?

Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran:

‫ولقد کرمنا بنی آدم‬

And We have certainly honored the children of Adam.

At another place, Allah says in the Holy Quran:

‫لقد خلقنا االنسان فی احسن تقویم‬

We have created the human in the best way.

At another place, Allah says in the Holy Quran:

َ‫ض آیَاتٌ ل أِل ُموقِنِین‬

ِ ‫َوفِي أاْل َ أر‬
ِ ‫َوفِي أَنفُ ِس ُك أم ۚ أَفَ َال تُب‬
َ‫أص ُرون‬
On the earth are signs for those of assured Faith,

As also in your own selves: Will you not then see?

All these verses of the Holy Quran show that human being is a most dignified and exemplary creation of
Allah. Moreover, Allah Almighty gave a matchless honour to humanity by sending his beloved Prophet
Hazrat Muhammad among human beings. A poet says:

‫ہللا کی سرتابقدم شان ہیں یہ‬

‫ان سا نہیں انساں وہ انسان ہیں یہ‬
‫قرآن تو ایمان بتاتا ہے انھیں‬
‫ایمان یہ کہتا ہے میری جان ہیں یہ‬
Now, what is the criteria of dignity of human being in Islam? Allah says in the Holy Quran:

‫َو أال َع أ‬
‫ص ِر‬
‫سانَ لَفِي ُخسأر‬ ِ ‫إِ َّن أ‬
َ ‫اْلن‬
‫صب ِأر‬
َّ ‫ص أوا بِال‬ ِ ‫ص أوا بِ أال َح‬
َ ‫ق َوت ََوا‬ َ ‫ت َوت ََوا‬
ِ ‫صا ِل َحا‬ َ ‫ِإ َّال الَّذِینَ آ َمنُوا َو‬
َّ ‫عمِ لُوا ال‬
By Time,

Verily Man is in loss,

Except those who have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of
Truth, and of Patience.

If a man keeps himself on the path of Iman and Amal or Faith and Action, he will not lose his dignity.
Otherwise, he will lose his honour and will be ranked among those about whom Allah says in the Quran:

َ ‫ث ُ َّم َر َد أدنَاہُ أ َ أسفَ َل‬

َ‫سا ِفلِین‬
Then We degraded him (to be) the lowest of the low.

Here I end my speech.

‫و ما علینا اال البالغ المبین‬

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