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imi Employ Mili of the Poo, (Mt) And odious Prides Milian mee. os) ayy self and Vanity Were Ministers of Indy, ‘Ther darting Fly, Fekleness In Diet, Fursiture and Dress, ‘That tanger lous Vie, at made ‘The ery Wheel that trad the Trade. ‘Their Laws and Clon were equly Objes of Mt ‘Tha Vie sured lng, Which jon'd wath Tie sed Indy Hid carry’ Life's Conveniences, Ie real Pleasures, Comat, Ease, ‘Tosuch a Height the very Poor Lived beter than ihe Rich before, [And nothing could be adéed mare Manele, The Fell ofthe Bees, 1794. CHAPTER ONE ‘The Consumer Revolution of Eighteenth-century England was a consomer bom in England in the eighteenth century. Inthe “quarter ofthe entry shat boom reached revolutionary properons. sand in paricalar women, bought as ever before. Even their len “aes to gear number of goads than ever bere. Ta fa, the fceth ecm ane ca courant geting td spending, tech pion new prosperity, and such an explain of new prodacin sn ng techniques, hata greater prporton of the population than society in human history was ale to enjoy the pleasures of Ceures bu the eigherth century marked a majr watershed popular metaphor i peterted~whether revton or ake-of of or the achievement of ceal mase—ihe same unmiaable break fccured in consumption ax acral in production. Justa the Revolution of the eighteenth century marks ne ofthe great ies im hse, coe ofthe gest turcog pint inthe Nsoy of Ceperien, s,m view, does the matching reeten in con- For the consumer revolution was Ue aecesty analogue wo the a evolution, the necessary convlsion on the demand sie of the 1 match the coneston om the ply, for only jot begining to rai hare pevaive were the soil and ‘Alen of that change, and how eomsdevable were the pressures to brng it aout ar the ens were uch a ring aboot great in the Lfeyie of the population a2 was rough about by the revolution in agrclure which began some eight thousand years the bit of Chet ges ofthat order do ot ecu without somimen, and contemporaries legucot in thei des pions and explanation ef what Arhut Young called ths “UNIVERSAL” luvary and what Dibien in 1801 led atthe prevaling ‘opulence’ of all dates" Foreign commentators ntounded ty what oe called "he iseate nation abt of far at Mikent ck Yome Demand mie Groth. Ne Vi hele i Ce ee rt tla’ Mand Peta Sue Thmltand Sealy Red Renu het Og \ of the English’ and almost invariably reorded thir amazed reactions toi “The Gétingen pofesnr Lictenberg sid of England inthe 1770s thatthe tary and extnvagance ofthe lowe and middling ase ad "ten osuch 2 pitch a never bere sen in the werk the Russian weiter Karam S10 of England inthe 1780s “Everything presente an aspect of. plenty. [Notone abject from Dover to London reminded met pve the Nara sen Archenhale si of the 1790s England sarpases all he aber ais {i Barope in. -Toeary.and th wary neesing diy“ All aur, he concluded, ‘enp the acamulaton of riches, lary and peature" One ic nt hve to take al suc hyperbole erally to realest something ‘momentous was dhught to be happening, By the end of he eighteenth Ceovury there was desening cor of comment=—full of wonder oF, mare fin, complaint a the manifold signs of ths grea change in consumer tae "The rich, of cours, led the way. They indulged in an orgy af spending Magnificent houses were bull eahingaceacend of bulding in the 17502 ‘ad1770 when he bythess Adam designed so many menerable Geran ‘ouses to replace Elizabethan ad Jorbean manson rules demoed to male epace Tor them. Superlative furniture was omeisined rom the published direores of Chippendale, Hepplewhie and Sheraton. Porcelain Sn parery of qvaty woparaled in Eagan Mory ppeseed, cng ‘Ghesen, Bow, Worcener and Derby forthe few, and Wedgwoad forthe many iver ranged from the sturdy mastery of the erly Huguenot iver ‘hithso the characters elegance of 3 Safe cane the eine ‘Edney of Hester Batemas. Miro came Iran the get master Litll ‘ele trom the maser smiths of Sheictl, os in pean vary, eee ‘hecouly excadve of Mathew Boon wo the cheap baton oe he mas rare. Wonderful new gardens were crested with rangers Bursting ith the latest “erotique Ike pineapples and camellias. Whole estates were replated for pterity with tres Ehsen from nurs afering an nee ‘cuened aunber and varety ef spenee Collstone of arlacrate pets eembled menagerie private son In all thee areas there ore the ‘mistabatlesignscf conspeuous consumption Inalladestefornoely—so ‘A-consuming that De. Johnson compbaned that men were even to be ange in anew may in fashion nowely became an ieesisle dro In ‘omen forthchome new fashions wereinsedon-—in potey, arte, {bees etry, even wallpaper. Esen thei anime mutt bene and Iinprned brede af hess, ale and ake, dog, Fah, bird and plans, were all dlbersely pursued with anew ines and a matching sucese, "0.6 Unghie Vt Eaton ama nd bid by Me Moe Soden Gear aaah i EA ts ea rt. ney RT a Ate re ag 1 alarming wo think of how many res, fowers and animals which we for granted they bred cr imported forthe Fst ine” imitation ofthe cch the mile ranks spent more femzely than eer and in ination of tem the ren of ect pane In at bet they that et war unprecedented in the mpoance ol timpact ot se demand. Spurred an by sell emulation and as cnpeion, nd women surrendered eagety tthe parsit of novelty the hype of lahon, ad the enticement persaive erimecia pro rent many obs erce the prized prsesons of he Hc, enced rogrll uay. Red» osc lxty ma pend og et characeristis—the dosly seated nature of English scey the or veal sonal moby, the multve spending bred by Sxal the compulsive power a fashion begten by sca mined with the widespread ait to pend (ere by ests of prosper) wo produce an unprecedented propensity co “unprecedenet i the depth o which penetrated the lower reches abd unprecedented init impact onthe econamy ener sy andthe consumer reponse wi wee eerish led by any sera of earners] decorum men advertised in unpre hiner newspapers were lake cer by advertacmess, ery large proportion ofall newspapers was fled with averting. fe castmer had plenty to chao from. For, spurred on by rampant feigne: paces both sion eateages sb andes ‘legance. Fashion in hats and hairstyle, dress and shoes a such ke, argu ceached even pene exteme than eer before nly changed more rapidly and inoened a gener proportion of He corres hel at ‘They id. Men and women's wigs were cavcatured as needing spec openings inthe rots of ter carriages inthe 770s. Women with enorme tell opt ove didi wo negaiate narrow neways snd sencnced Thee presence dough wide one il several feet of awalen sit before they atvedhemscves- Hats sprouted upwards and sideways, and sud was the rage to follow fathion that een aborer inthe ele were reste by ‘Sta and Blake in graced widebrimmed pre hat Sayles in furiture,slver and paery and the Hike were (by the ature of ‘her marke and the nature of demand nacre) iw sseptibe 0 anual or even monthly change in taste, and they achieved an enviable ‘ereniy which we sl cherish two centri Iter” Despite he conficing Shams of Gothic Chinasene and Neo-Clasicl, some designers managed tempat a remarkable uilrmty f se oma anes inthe lst dene ofthe centuryihe eh had Adam and th est had Adamesque. Even Gothic and Chinaere were adaped 0 cascal peportons (apart fam ‘xeational extrataganat like Bedford's Fonthill er the Pagoda at Kew) Bux within shove its bjs of the most marvelous quay and variety smcre produced fr the hig cane of acy. Unecsved by ay seas of te ‘of ample proie, anufacavrs were able tw exploit what ‘hey elle is ‘peel madsea? to conume as ckoet buy ee inated prices this universal contagion spend They fl sch infections ‘hou be Cherie They flit the compete pow fasten shld be pandered to. They made are tht thie absenive eal to consume wat sonst lated and encouraged ‘So ahough the dominant syle wae neo-classical, the designers produced cndless ahionable variations on he prevailing thee, Prliic inventiveness {ound an enuraging marke: response So long a he investor could make ‘stew proc thteabe, make aces aed cul disperse he ‘tide enough Secret army" of cmmercal agent t would el Given hose ‘ell iaodacons and “distributions, urprecdetely large sles oan npreederely lrg market were bth possible ard achieved. Temporary infidels tothe prevaing "Gree sealed the market wo be erected vith sich novels asthe spines and erocades ofthe Egyptian sp 35 ‘Tall ache vartions onthe Chinese andthe Gothic bet nthe man Tee-das would auc forte English mare, ln thes the aldorope of fashion almont cleat any prevalirg aye in a confeincdonred Sowsiam of rapidly hanging osue. But the peocasial dominated tery, brass lve, friar, cater, gas and so mc more which male tp the incidentals of Georgian conmumption--clecks and dor fraitare, adow frames and fights, camene al cuff toe, wallpaper andi Welland al ene yr ther producons whove sl el reais tho be Georgian ergs Seow 68. eae cers rh ed acho’. Enea mre wer bey arerised the pres, and heal sol by shopkeeper, pdlars, hawkers, seth rand the ike Traditional ele were mated in number, a estechniques developed reinforce tel nd amongst the lending elite Penathable batery of commertl sls was deployed to capture and the market for commer good Tei withthe methods being ued nd the atade being inclcated and ied that much ofthe fling chapters wl be cnceracd. But before ‘vps the growth of contumer behaviour and desribe the many whic Groght tw auch a pth of excheneny, cae shou ft, july ones nial clams ofthe importance of te phenomenon expe and explain see ofthe tarvers whidh have sod i the ol that importance being fully recogni il be ane ofthe major burdene of thi bs 10 show that consumer our wat #0 rampant and the acarpance of commercial aides 20 ne hat ao ane the fuuce should dou thal the Best of te wel. octies had unmisakably emerged by 1800. Bu ci hat the th eentry sav Ine birt of cosumertcety or hat many aspects icity were imbued with anew commercial sttude ould nt be speted 3 ble that by 1800 England had achieved the featres ‘cintuncr sede Nor shouldbe assumed thal tebith ocurred Tong period of gest: sf tht Kind of mageitade do not happen without log pride of tation, development and rw. The cuter seveetion, te wot hes had is ets dep in the pst. ocurred in eiheeth-enry ‘becausof a happy combination of many srcombances. Like the evolution, it was a mol-causl phenomenon, ad many ofthe ral and commercial deeopment. i haveoncired whoa he pesaicace ef ey prepariry eats alee er dsp ith he seventeenth century. It we mck the inllectal rigs Of the ‘i consamplon we wil Bad them the 190 ee see the eceplance sed oplaatcn ol ewe ides we have to mee lat ond bal ee cher cena. The leaning of the seventeenth Cnty prevailing econcmie dios raped inthe mere! tlance-l-paymente explanation of how 3 aia'sweah grew. Weitere ke Mun, Malyzes, Milde and Vaughan enained lrg ind othe benefit of Increased spending Luxuries were une with frig entiquer and were therfore danger tthe balance (tira Domestic cermin, or hare demand, was a beat a necesary ‘ils which gre fatal response popalaon growth. To them oa ‘Eevand appeared incase "The veh were expend to buy thei Hares, the poor thane entugh a subi. The peslity tha atall eel of sce onsuamers might seqire new wants and fod new means te enhance their (pachasing power whidh would generate new spending and produce habs npc of Ceoying all raditonal mie tothe wealth of rations wat “hough of if net won was nat st he 16805 hat what had ‘ten fer v0 mush ofthe century mere consumption’ lst rmering ‘Buta the cange and varity and amount of English manufacturing deelped asthe rene for inceaed domestic consurptin ef the produc {Fhe maanafacurers grew, so se writers esponding othe obvious, if een eonemie growth, began wo speculate upon the dynamic effec of Incremed demand. The word "markets" i her pamphlets sualy changed Troma eereneto he puto salerto the more hsv conept a expandable coy Tr wa in fa, oof the fr example ofthe ureshing of tate bane demand ihe ace sauder prolife cheap calico and musi frm Inia) ‘eich simi he ew respon of bath the lai nate of dames CSsumplon and ts benef" Ara real many of the underying caus of theconmmerrevution of th een cerry were expt ecgniand forthe fr tie, Farin the 1690 the tate for the cheap, colerfl fabrics Imponed bythe Eat Inia Company reaced epidemic proportions It was then when the maverick spit of fashion revealed tel inthe erage cnet fprimedealices[ thatthe potential market power of previously une wants ‘ne cery nto ew. Here wae a reolsionary fr Under the sway of few canting tastes, people ad spent more, and in spending more the ‘anit of demand had become apparent. In ts atc, the defenders Gl doneaie pending dacoereé the propulsive power (and the ecnomic ‘Stvamages tothe mtn) of envy, emaaion, love ef Iacury, vanity and aulng min" By te urn of he century iti potibleo maral an impressive aray cc contenporary weirs who nw sw the coneractv and benef aspects popetve “freon eg a en ere ee SEE cc taeretmeettoretoettr Heelies a ase roast haynes eager Sta sive lv of spending, Te nese propensity to ons, wha com call he Vetlen ee ol ematve spending the nl in fashionable eosin, ll fund thei hearts jaan icy Narh wrote in 691 that "he main spur to Tade or rather to ryan Tgenuty ithe exorbitant Appeties of Me, which hey wl Pos 0 grate, and 0 be dsponed fo mark, when hig ee wl iether eit fr dd Men conten hence with bare Necrsaries,we Mantel in tog emotive ec ao he worl tiie pie, nervy, an uni cae oe Wen the ‘tan fom topic eatcr* Nis Baton wan ee ore ft wring that is ot Nery that cach the Cmmampton ny be katate wares bet tthe wat of te Mind, cn, “elec of Nowa snd Things Saree cou Tade™ Tee npr ct peigally wee el oe wars The manda se gece wa te prealing eran, bat twas ign dallenged for efi tne ccnoric advange of compeaen any, emuson any and prc mre andr calcd sion ld Barto cont a Clout bore OU ons are wer oc, Neth, indy ad ingen chen ang the meaner fo ae preimtat ts Indonyby he example ei ean wo Borer cen othe poo bntropcy a pre canal claien Bo inl got by “he exes Applicaton he de 02 is Vanity" A room Apiey hs demons "The es of conan ata with Sundtar appes, capa crag the pew liso ren, ane waht cmnoic rate of abe epee many psa ma fe gan mite cpr scropate Nv wl he 70nd eth aed rope cane se at canonic grow wich rcp the va ob Jo demand In 77 Ream Sih could wate Sonempon fn purport ll rducon and hn of he roar ugh eae, only rar k maybe rcery fr prong hat of Thema en petty esa” ‘a ‘Th Try Coon Comenir nh Cr The as ie Vy Pha Ft Bemeupn Tn hy Ta to enya rd AURTHOF AeomeER SOCIETY Such views were ol acceptable atthe begng of he eighcath centr: “Whe usleahing of the acgustive sins all lasses sl pore io great “thea “the Hea foe inproement hough spending implied genuine Sosa mobiliy. The aston that “the meaner srt” could and shuld flit their beers suggested that dst dincons were based eile (mae than gurcnng fer, The moral bnphestonr of gris teow Popular spending were even mare suspec. Unlike the werk hie whch {led upon powerful oaging fr selling and rpc acti, the thio cesumpuen... fered nothingmore than a seatinghefon sy What Profesor Appleby calla the demacatiaaion of censumpion™ threatened Ye undermine 2 class dsipline anda sytem of socal ont [reiouly tiered up by the patric and see elements in orhadoe Serna thecry “The remarably hole reception ofthe economic ations 2né moral ‘pica of Mandeville’ Fable ofthe Bees gives some indication of how ‘reat the threat wat bed 10 be, eo ead Mader noe Bt in ect ightenthcentary the fet of his famous inset allegory of Engh sacety could hardly have ben freater i he had tipped his rumbling hive’ sight inte the pus and Uibrares of educated England. The sing in is subide —Priae Vice, [Aiblick Benefir—wat alone rlicen 1 provoke moral outage. For i resented i grammatc form hi argument stesng the nana, il fd ecnamic benefits that could and sp ls wew diy geing ros lary, Stari redgiy, pede, ney ad vanity. Ad frying the he was eld torrnai Machaveli and Hobbes ae the Father of Lies To John Brow, Hibs and Mandeville were ‘Deveted Names yet sien ne'er de Seated fom Obtvs Grove Ifa. Un ohn Wey red Th ‘Fale ofthe Beer be ad “eragine there ha ever appeared inthe world such a bec athe works of Marhaval Bu de Manderil oe far beyond ‘hom in wickedness” To an ances contemporary pet Mandeville was ‘Anh hime ‘Nhe Vir ements MANDEVIL- Re hie Name He was the target a frius onslaught in the prest,the ppt and the ‘court, a incenved morals competed to denounce him. To the five years Sethe appearance in 1724 hiatal version ol The Fl, which inched "A" Vindlatin of the Boo’, no lear than en Docks atacng were Tape 8, SPS Has Am (278. rae Nasr 0.10, M9 ty sro, Tht Cha he Pines Deed (32) PEER Rana (70 The oh Bp In France the to was ordered 1 be hanged by the common and Mandeville was burned in egy. at gave mot immediate offence was the apparent chapionship of ‘the cial jemifeaton of the Benefits which scr fom Jn Luzury, Publick Mirchi, Joba Dennis wrte in utage i 1728 ‘Champion for Vice and Luvury, 2 serious, cal 2 deliberate hat a Creature inirely new, and has ever been heard of fin any Nein, ot ay Age othe Word'™ Sach byperble was pial butt wascommon omany eters wh read wih fry Mandeville’ ofthe nurse hie fn whch “Tate nats ed ie Men an a or heen hey pon din ell” bs Manders meager for sia, he entre ppation ta evpiileserypaatcnps. ch meahl errors * cory Par wa lf Vi, ive wat ‘Save Protea, Ina Yar eames Grime Degree ty a ay wale tse ee es DERE Se iphabec acomparirento Mandevil’s barbed dggerel referred rear in in Eng inl the Onin of Moral Virus wich ©) a it Di Fc chan ral Cpl and tan Ws a he ae Ces Kner Fur Hoenn The ase acted as explication ofthe teat of he poem. His expiion was intended {© neplte ad wo atl bis"Mor bn te ape ot the emt gle (fbi moval mestge: Here be painted cut that Mercer, Upeliters, ‘Taylors and many cies. would be stan’ in alla Year time, if Pde and Leary wer ae oe banish’ the naon ™ Here he asked what ‘tea Plum Cy ech he meant a man worth £100,007) he id we lavishly spend his wealth and stimasate the ceonmy thrcugh employ and consumo? Here he argc tha even ighwaymen encourage ade ty spending lvshly wha they have ale, a snc een poor Come, sto -. mua have Shos snd Scckings Glos, Sity Se Manu make, the Sempsizes, the Lianey-drape’ all must get smcting by ber, {a hundred eileren Tradesmen dependent on those she li her Money ‘with may touch par et belere a Meh it ta end Here be sng "he prises of compton cnsumpion and emulative spending wring he [Latour of Milli woud scan beat an end if there were not cr Mion Employ, To me thes Handy works dextroy™ “The Praga” he write, oa Blessing te the whale Soy where "Pragati ke inesty 2 meen saeing Vir, ha only 6 fr sal Sore of gpd peaceable Men, wo ae foniented te por they may ‘eaoy tnt ageing Nato you wey have sn enugh of. 7H ring draing Vine that employ no flan, and therefor very wales {na irading County, where there ar vant numbrrs that one way O ote mus be alto Work. Twat hardy tobe expected that euch ideas would be seeped without sontroveey. The Hea that consumption was he logal ead ef production’, Thatibe “aie consuming capac ofthe publ a arg igh Deco a tine for sutined. grow tae "octy was an aggregation of el Inreted indiidal ied to one another by the tenuous Bonds of envy, gear ie e tedoe oea “Eee ree eats eo ee station and competion’ wer new ado many, aleming “Dangerous ling tendencies lurked behind hee of personal improvement rough ve boying Inevitably thre, lke the merchans, who espoused these novel views ef ‘ature of heighened domestic cosumsion wee tharly stacked Toe landowners and thi allies even demanded new sumplaey law or ‘nmediate spresion of bared Lunury, the spreading Catagion ch isthe greatest Corryper of Publick Manners andthe presen usher of Public pint™ Jonathan Swit, fr insta, aged that nt ‘ll Excemes in Coating, Puriure and the Like i would be to ‘enact and enforce sumpiuary Laws against Luxury" Others, ,nereainglyacteped the "ecesary Ei" and bythe ae igi ‘Eniury the vale of heightened propeniy to consent wat wey ily of poverty. increasing! amie tha the icced avy of he eons ieoveniences of ie as wel a the nee tie qnldeperne srs slat 16 industry by all ranks of sty = "The purse of ‘ul now be sen assay deat, for atthe powh of new timated increased ert and utp improved consti by a of city would rer simulate ecm regres vis had een acompanied by 3 changing tte to the wages of the acne othe scl wl of hard tines pe way tothe coe age were both ily and enol deat A en lo reser quay in the drone wealth nd more seca so ineasngleive demand a raised andar of ing fog the population fund octeaaing joan, Higher el weger ‘ct an scene wo eater eon forthe workforce. tnd would the workers to bene ram the growing cup of contumer goods ed canzumpton woud frter best Gomand andthe rls “bean cine” would be in the interes ofthe worfore, he andthe conomy. iy England was as well prepared for 3 consuner tom as it was ly Indeed Engh sos provided an Sal breding proud for mah beacu mymet fare iene aan tp Resre, and nein ep. oui mm em Se fm icur aye he Poe Lb «emo Reine Veh, 19) ‘hose commeraly att on explain new ensue wants. The seucure ‘A Engh sce, the polenta 1 offered for socal maby, the ral ‘Srapettion bred by nsclnely packed layer el fled exci opporsnties for he erp. For Erland ha expec more make han phere dein ire what has bee aed “e campresson of the {eieeconomic pera or the muvoving oval dtance’s When Aéan Smith wrote that ihe accommodation of 4 European prince doe not vay somicheaced that ofan industis and gal peasant a the acco. daton the later exceds tat of macy an Afpean King, the aac trater cf the les and eri of ten thowsand caked tavaga’ his fencralzaton mua have ben heavily inflaeaed by his ko wedge ef Eglish ‘ecey. French sce, in which in Arthur Young's words ‘you goat onc ‘vom begary te preisicn™ of, in Harold Perko’ words, from “x large ‘mass of consumptin-esiing peasant’ 10's small dase of Tamar con Sumer as helt be very ferent fom English society with is loely packed cial wrate—many aacoers ks each Harti 1757, efor, EE'Eegland tothe gradual and coy tanto Frm rank rank From Geary King to Pick Colguhous, the sca analysts had depiced a mult-yeredsoietyin which etal matty was bth posible and grey Coveed, Malthus had speccalyidentied th hope to rise othe fea {allinseiey” atte Goer of Mt emaied xiny in bering sor om ondin which 2am favs the maser spring of ple prspery ‘The impance of sucha sacl strcture forthe rap transmsson of ‘ew want, fer the rapid spread fnew fashions, for clas competion, sei mulation andemulative spending iscbnous, tna soit in which these sane beeen the clases isto gre! fo bridge, as sy berween 2 landed arinecrcy anda landless pnnntsroria which he tances mired, ‘Dina cast sre, then new ptr increased expenditure on onset ands are extreme) dic it impose wo induce In such societies te fonampton of Tusa fs nied to an exclusive market atthe apex of fonts, beyond the reach othe interest of the mass market andy theron, very limited canoe ignifcance In England where here was a consant Fess sriving to camber from one ran othe nex, and where possesion, fd expel athe, Eth jmbaliaed and signalled each ep in the lal Sa THES SOI The Ong Nd Engh Sct 96) p91 TEPER SER TE Reema a ee eaters sei Faye cpr ama orn Europe: Tewards the end lhe sevententh cetary London had recone the biggest European cy and ad, of cure, mo serious fs England Pari wat he only comparale capil iy tnd are were contin 1750. No eer cy in Barope could match tha proportion ‘Amtierdam came cee to it). In adion, Protesor Wrigley hat cd that when ane allows for he elec of popsiten movement Bo ne tropes nd fr the eft ofthe Lani eon, et Sc total du popalation of England td experience Ting in Lae, stage of thr lines” With 16 percent the tal adult opal expatd tothe influence of London's shops, London's Wee apd the ing Landon fathion, polenta for infvening consumer behaviour formas. served athe hopindowe for he whale county, the centre joe of conspicuous consumption which mould be eagerly mimicked the place which st the sl or the season and Sa the hordes al itor and heir rite ene ary ack tnt les 1 of the country, Thee were many important als inthis procs nex caper wl show) but witout he exitenc of London woul een much more Afi or commer man plain to acheve the tonlcemity of ate which so ied the wandardaed production fee acon otem.Eaceprenurs scaled a rng the fi changes "keep pan inate even fare the buoyant home Semand ghee cetury, be having st ice producon machines mee neds they nde tobe able contra and’ te ugvearacer ough prof fuby fom is poxnialies teloe is sucess Ih um alowed ther eng shin ieee. Al ase tiny Loncon cs othe Lancashire coer mille—ihe tars, dresamakes, milines juamaker+—would produce enough minor vaiaions on the pe shins 1 sty the arse, keep Steen aie ao allow the chara om pes mins or Whateer wa vequred-—whcther ig wesc cr deine eoloar-oatl the meet pr change wad 1p, carctlly stage managed and ined to suit the eds omen servant ats wae a arther vial ink in thi chin of fahion dal cnulation and increased spending Domestic servic was protab el Ma of Ln pro Qu a ey rexrit oF A consuMen socieTy se ee sng emote ty seaport Sb tana sly pres eno enn ang be ia aan tle amt Sd aed Dagerarueety canoes saad rename era cae hte tenet So pctecy win lec oe ot mer ied a taieal page ie peed Seliotan Sie yuh ney sa tg sae Persp eanpenerieorneeniatirsd See tear eee Fe nt Sanaa wre px saa en to nd tell ncn en Serer cerns roe nea a Gab ree sing and ited conta by boca an Een eerctmanrntee aie icieeun ga ctr ep aloes sorte ech panto Races eh Las ca ncn ay hat os apa emir wpe “eanererch camry tte sees eo ta En ey sanyce caren ec cence eens wei mes benthic ie dp ris Eid Soar coed we Sel cre sagas wl tec arent py een seatae uh whe mars step tetel erate ty ma imecny Damecy ie sg micpicaglamnen ape rteeang sate ae wae Weidner eke de mente Pent n epened aa {do sora new apening abit to enable ther to do 5, aml easier acces Sipreuer ary of amply svalble new commosies, A mast connumer| indrtet awaited hoe prodic ofthe indus rvluon which kif sales Promotion could make fadhonably dentable, heaey averisment coud Ln 95, att de widely known, and whole bates of salesmen coud make easly ‘proces of coer calzaton i decried th flowing capi ihe proces woulda have chee uch ign eu wah eh nt acompanying changes For although adverisement ales Fr andthe explanation of fashion can fluence the markers rope men sym Fount me to ape is betes more insert fl, that frocen will We pealy A the icreaed deseo sens accrpaie by creed wy 3, Fartunately th wo occured in he eighteenth era. ere historian have advanced vary tease wt sulcient of the warking canes could en the subanial inceat in nce ould explain he growing democratization of cosunpsin which, ‘wit the spending of he middle rank, coud usher in'2'mant ‘mart Ekzabeh Giiey showed that wge rates mereated rede Her much of the century, ae raphy beoween 1700 an 1786, a tovidy inthe indslizingarest where the demand fr loa wn AH. jm hat ugg that money wage one a2 Fl of in fod pres during the exrordnary ran of good harvest he uate ofthe century" and thas als been supped tha ary [earnings rine wba when wines nd chide joned the wage ahr orc employed indus Thos family earns cod be inlaed a. real te long hors of workinsied on ty the ew citing Where whole fies were employs fo og hours a: sin aaron he erated crtings coud lereaor dramatically can caryog wor is mothe das of consumes wing an abe to afr rs gesics bu he deers of We" With more wives employed. there eam incressin emandor goad reviwsly made at home (aes sinned of a igh, manufactured cue nd pote ined ttade ween, furstre te) With waren having cermand of Se thei own and aces a rater olay come, cw would 2, sraer dnond for goals donna by Tonal comune thes curtains nen, pote, ule aries and Home; bck, batons and fahon sete or the person With in eaih andl in kind (or thne who ve up vigin ot ral workers and for ton in domestic seve who sche higher Te rn tis ry nin donee Mm, het eset tata Cova a, rj led try ge ie AE Garni am Maen ec Bean By ee tied Ron kB em kW money wage rest nthe ising competition fer labour) working clas Conners would have greater ermal ce and preter opp 1 alow thei en tate spending on thove iensenal (per, 0 on ened by midde-tas mals i they 0 whe ‘There is not space hereto do juste Yo the shlarhip which supers ‘tose argument, mor to the crkicams whkh have refed and. qualified Gen” Bor i not carcasoatle to egg at thee at an ‘greta indeed increase i home demand before 1750 hat beween 1950 and 1780 the proportion of he popalaton with fay incomes in the £30 10 £00 per annum range increased Trem smehg ike 18 pet cet 0 something sppraaching 25 percent and that hese extra bouche made {ajar cntibuion wo the make or the mas consumer proc othe ‘aly Industrial Reston "There ar many seumgions buh into this mode f explanation. There sare many regional variations in sme areas afar hiherpeopeten ofthe Depsltion woul hae jane the new enmimer market. im ther areas Cae {ewer would fave done 89), bu tis made consent withthe commercial development dered elsewhere in his volume, ts conse with the bes avalable aggregate statistic, and itis certainly consistent with comtemporary reac tthe growth o te home marke. For eonemperaris mere Oy few eowieed fe vee and inpertnee of te heme marke, David Macpherson in hit Annals of Commerce wrote atthe beginning o the ineteem emury ‘The home rae i with good renontelieved 0 bea vast teal eater in value han the whole he ore rade the peopel Great cial being the best cutters the manutatoare and waders of Great Brita” By 1805 he was merely cching the views oa whale catalogse of contemporary commentaire making the same pola. AS erly a8 1780 Fielding bad spe ut the impact on soy. ‘Nothing a wrough ich an lean inhi order pop, abe rdton ond ir ad ne oes snr ibang sean averted he fre ate of a anh i aca ‘Site, nora and tas ee ope mare seca of tower The | ‘arrow af te fare is ungedlaia wes he aga i ay, thes ity opie el he Sete regain "ee pei MW grat Pin nd ane aA Cent, ura ln Hay Ei ed Maes Jo ete een eH Tr 8 eon ESB agg chosen ovegpr a orc ean on ned Waly pt Qased eT. Stan An conse Huey of Eng. Te 188 “Seay sh nha pel mera a oe Tin Feng. gory he Cote ae ncn ars 8 stein Fielding ew was soil emulation. As be wrote in 1780 the Nothmen wil emulate the Grandewr ofa Prine and the leran wl aspire othe proper aate ts Nobeman he Trades ram behind his Coumer inte the saan place he Gena, Ror coin ed here I eas the vey Dregs the Peale who sulla degree beyond that which Slog to then By 76) the ‘Magazine felitha the proce had proceed far ad Yo fo ha resent rage fitting the manners High fc hth spend eo ruth neha vere hana years sal oly ie common fi at l= process which Mandeile had wo cotronrllyprophesicd athe ing the century was inreasiogy seeped 38 being unden at ay. Sore parts of Mandevite's arguments remained wacepale she teavior of Engh aie war sen Yo come mae sad ose 1 ta deed in The Fate of the Bees many were forced however oh Medes wien sem nl the eastety a hone mand had ery mach opened ths othe behaviour ef "elie 1 ma increasingly acpi! man ennuming animal with bounds appeies 1 fll fashion, tis teers wo seh socal advan hugh spending. to acre sal abit hough oeenon To sy heat of pashan longer te prevegatine the rh Wasnt simpy a itcesoal recogni of he conruciv and gil aspx ot progreive lve of senting, The lea unt ff atealism was mache bya rerio ta he detain grspion was acl aking place When Dr Jono wre Depend Frey sate of wri i as ria ae cam be Ben sae ake car agua yo ea sendin loury mous ding he ihe den ape praca rien atl ne andevile deserted in recive allegory inthe rst quarier of fy wasbng descendents atin the lat quar. Compared generations the English weresid ob buyig te tan eer feompated wih ker saone icy wee sido own ore han one so 6 Se tes Wa iagoone Ty (a 3 SoD, deg Pe Wot rr nine Mechanic in Eagan, the later would be Found on average to Exceed the Sexes Valoe by a least thee to one “Tucker spe ct the implica for English cnsumpsin parns and faethe demand fr parcalar gods when he wen on sy that Engh Imanfacoers {era ie mods Penat nd Machi ner age Midge ar Whe eer, Neh ae ere nde Baer appede in pnt eta (rhe Magiceence Perso ‘hetivons of Fangs Thar ti tht e Eat Bone eden tuto fave beer Camenences ihe Meuse and ae shave mere cay ef lean neat Fura ad eater tart ash Caren rea, radon Carat, ante Ble plsed Bay Un ander (Tin ray inown shond among Peso ouch Ran) than acto eloond a2 Without the detaed quantitative werk that i requted on English and Earopean inventories, sch jgeents cannot yet be enfemed What work as been done suggss hat whereas the preinduial world was Guraceraed by ‘extremely mode possesion, the people of Tate Sighenth-catry England welcomed anincreasingiow of nhc ine, pillows ras caring and cs along with pewter, ase and china, and Brass copper ad itonware ite thei hemes" “The decencea coed by the poorest mar who fies im the probate Inventories of Sedge in Saffrdshire included te following tho csl hammer, tang conse ballon, copper can, wood ‘erture un da sir Sarin pan» ta etl es oe ys ek Ge, ed RRL each tos aang ey te try eee bt sme wer er 9 ra ‘Stmne,aurbsing spoon smn Ash fons kn ere and toaa" ee ee eee es Seen neon eras: Sete gear oa ars tr fee ae Ter Ennis and Pied Wraingy, oR. be Sch inelas esis en somnpese poner Mc el we of is bs tam ae ‘Suen Atmore ream Fs imeason ss W'6 hes | Joao Ree Tar ed Rp oe lewd Hoa THU oe 1 gr gly Pott ere Da, 01rd Wa oheY Ree, - enone Bh 8 Age Heed ese oe on Tine even books fo he vale of 5 mor prosperous wilstheappeaanc fnew produc cvouly the Of personal purchase not ineritance—is sing, and when ON a Vicaler wort {284 the cridence of personal comumpiin of ‘anufacured goods becmes unmistakable At hochld potent more commonplace i the eighteenth century he pracice grew of only generalized account fal goods and otal vue, bt ere samples of fans atthe end ofthe etry own immense varied household gods la dramatic conta 0 Tac let Uy tet The pre-indusral homewas marked for om men and women isi, an austerity, a sheer lack af possesion, which com ll ne wich onc reads he peobateitvénories Jona Demon gave rid ol the psesions of presndnalsckry ia his Lite Common ‘Thechiling pcre poverty evoked bythe inventory fone James in 1648 can be conveyed by the conten of is kichen “one mal aamal sie’ and one smal tas simer The pres ames, able nen, le ponery and les calery. Spome weve the one sivesnrned up move rarely feta were noneexstn: Furaiire ‘snd simple: "a sng Fully Peed cat seems to have euiced families. eather bets were a mark ol wealth aod betpreads eo in the ieenteis ofthe wealthy. Even fer the more prope of he community whe mustered a more mpresie invent, ew ssesions were new and ch af the eradely made cookrare Tarnly though two a tree generations ant o dsinguish benecen new purchases sn prized poses inunble, which are pased enby inheritance, teva inbred sy donot regan at elec demand. What was dative consumer behaviour ofthe lt ighteenthcetary was th sce poscec litle bowl more. thse ‘who hat merited ample bought new ones and those born to uperfity seemed cert fences with every passing fan, the tinge which ties Hee Gabbe mea lied about the new 8 patersf consumptan war he ac that their howe were ED ove and Cashion in the seme that where net ey ed thee Trtre, ow they bough i pew Now everything was new: Some showy chais and a sta (af by al ‘means) halla doven prin gilt frames banging up some singing ode shes with novels many wine decors and tine glaze ad her se and ‘a Wweabfa se and des rive". and wor fall forts Aye and carpet ad 3 bl ol ol Oecd ofthe Tent of thie ‘nce plain and subsamial howe had been moulded into psrlour nd thee ras the mahogany table, the Bie chaizs and te ine glass? | ‘Cotes was appalled by the seal competion in show apd hau’ te ree consumption” and “arryings othe ‘constant airy wo make 2 Show. Bur here was po ofthe persuasive power ofthe new commeréal ‘= Sich ames ad long ben in command fica suficent acquire fee posesons i now they fe competes dana Fashsnablemskogany ‘mut replace raioal aly showy chars mst replace we jnted sol srbale sso pottery adiferentsc foreach mealorveneath cowse—mus Ue acquired. togeter with changes of cuter for deter ew decanters, slase, new prints, new bak shelves, ew novele—al ef which brokers 9 ‘hole new approach to buying by part of he radon prosperous mile ‘ase Those acme nvet he had sa sated Pebr Kab sn 1768 by bey ‘ene tke adie of quality’ were ow responding un as arly to the twikt of thow eoling otery snd glts and carpets and Galery and fori > they ad frst done to ose ‘eling Fashionable clothes” When lob For wed the Counes of Becive tive sob appeal 1 bt carpein Weguond utd the Duchest of Devortire to ge socal cachet 10 fotery, ths waste kind of tnt demand they were atemping ores ‘These were the Catomers who caught rom example di contagion eare™ Here is one explanation of the gpecacuar success of the Gilowe Lancaster andthe Sedans af London with their masave urnitre nol) ‘They produced and sold furniture onan unprecedented scale Seon ‘Sono Abersgate Stet had stork wecth mar than £10,000 in 1790, an in 1796 the frm had over 400 employecpders mizor workers, carvers temas a well the sages ad piers” "The same pater of increased consumption canbe sen a whe ‘ot commodiies Tea wae “snglet out by sich a8 Jona Hanweay at ‘Spears cf luxury spending on needles extravagance by the poo”. He w ‘ocked to nd tha even ltcurers mending the road demanded thee dai tex" Hanway blamed the habit, 100, en the downward apral of fh Sr sci emulation, “tse trae by Example, and by Example i Aad ch comempeny ews were tn ot bythe uring the course of the eltenth century the per tape no ten inrened een” TS ic ariel for many tobe the imate pos of te growth he democratization oeontumpion snd teal of scone he fac tha during the la een years othe cenuy the Seis Seer Bonnaire nasi FE een eee Bana ats aot Sehgal ne Fieosticervaes eerie Baia ee ol Fae poy eee ar pipmanaa reece rep per ere ted pace causaey tg ame or sorcerer ee tet cattery eerie Bis eae cectn a es pss er ec pac Saeed aera iy impecbabe ta allthis exracomtumption could be sbuored layers of income In view of te handtome margin beween expedite for minimum satsisence nested by contemporary estimates, thr tema even more imprababie™ ‘ch evidence and a many argu in favour of 4 consumer ee i ree a feeger 8 i rb er, Tas ts, Te Tonfomaion of Engdane 9 Nad Wild Bi cet nc Bene aera ped See Fel ts me | ah Eo 7) wy ea ns Som Rael Pas Bery ies nt Meld Skee cer amen enone i Reese Lena aad Wate and aie be 4 Tiana i pots ‘ecltion athe rl of commercaination in produc one hat a6 ‘thy many hierians have en so reco rol thie mpirtnce “The seepie sneha tone hor spp de sabe ehh ‘alermuket expansion tobe sarigaforead recone ant aac ‘espe a, cere py. ur bere ae deeper Festne whch telpr explain she raion! hora acl appredston of he expancon Ofthe commer mara and robo commer enpanding Thea ‘epi inet! beets corporate in the preepeian myth (he en theo there wana nd organ sci ch men leaner testo wih atfacton an supped by asain weep Sy tmunere and dsr) nthe peste imerretation the India Revotsn Che fan tht many sufered during the ne chert cerry. fd ovo more te Ine ages of chee, hs pred a ‘Siccam rom mcogiig tw anedy Sn hdr arty ve) (= Pekan ane ter work (oleh proces neal Weck ray “eh prevent tor sane eng ny eae he employment ‘omen snd chron ne facies} in the low a men irae Selig (i wou ens imponble 0 pp 8 wel reed man in the Sree’ more alfenshesppavon than thepma, warn 1883), ‘ich pled hem at he btm of the busines each ad cae hem ‘She ker andereimated sd undertdcd™ Even theory ha seme asia the resin of he importa of he cexpanon of te ane mart Ecworsat ike Reel ety one oid ‘nol of rapid onome growin pode by sharp increase in hme ‘imand, on he round ta bane Senand i ently eat do 3 Su tha se mt aca she evpanaon in expo Here the fet of th Emporia eadence salma twungopinon oar i te oposite ie Seibe cxprs ae sow in argerol beng died ameter {home demand nh eon cerry. ‘The preapnrin myih hasbeen hen 0 by our inet aio of le tor of poeaty i be prendssal wend Whet we Shai par inthe wns and eouyade ved alos wp sion or that he average man’s income wa xo that even 3 poor he atsrbed 6 to 80 pe cent ofthat income in good tines having bought thei fod, the mass ofthe people ha ile fr their no malt how eemenary they were. In pre-indusial Europe the el a garment, othe eh fora gatcny rmned a henty the people could ony Mord a ew mes in tei ines when wees? rene cles ef plac vicina were cage sou by thei elaine, fen we leacn of te ow expectation ot Ife, the igh nfare moray, which tended ther ive, the poo et and few confor they sustain them, then the gas made inthe eighteenth century look impressive theres then, some evidence ofthe tide begining to turn i favour of accept he eteaton othe mike inte ghey, esl oo lle appreation ofthe riches ofthe commerdal response, ferly and ingenuity of entrepreneurial ideas, the extent to which yaceped consumer aitudee The consumeriam and commer ‘of cour yet reached the mature sage of a modern consumer yi alesdy hae many elements common with hat Inter Hage of i development, bet what sikes one most as en els Uwough the ements of provnal newspapers, of reads the correspondence of entry mamiactrere or rade the entemparary vent consumer purchares, the variey of smal sale enterprise The tradesman, who have bee frgoien, ae even more appren there int eco entrepreneurial illane har gered tight enough fslltaberemembared Thee were profs “even small orunes to rom very modest anfacts idee Ht & no acide that Adam Tamous exemplar of the division of labour wat taken ftom the ture of pins or that TS Ashen founded the modern study of with his work on Pete Stab the ail maker, ofthat Bimaghin's ty was bul om the manufacture of tone and buckles ad ean. rthat Shefeld grew onthe proisof cry, tha ufferdhie lis property to exockery, or that Manchester imuseoemed on the that provided the mate mrt for fhe prog 3 the en igheenh century. Other sreae rived on hae 20d glove, and bl and shoes and dress, aod saucepan an brass and copper, and Spd tales ad cath fof theses! tes of household consumption fered the lure of profi ‘wo faced 10 make and sel her Tre was 3 va ae prowing ‘lumourg 1 by. For hase withthe hls e manufacture ad the opportunities were legion It was nat fr noting thatthe Fst Senco ae eee ES eiecery Sere fan iri ee bee ee RetAL Pn, Phe Ongar nr rt (0) epi eases na a Meester e india boomin elder Revohton wee mae charscterscay {ote Foul in the conse sea han inthe tony inurl see, The tenty ena: hd eo besa reogised st oh ecg ‘ean, tte rab of rch watered ifs Spl aa al, Soto ad orks in and inches, po at pes, tan cart glove ttnocr eal te “The mare opportune were protean, the posit of prof ah she former made lon, The nants tore who made hem ae as tot treaties cece tow met are came bey tmade fngh Brana nd lode, Jouah Wedgwood nod pot, Mater Boao an brie and buts he Pings ad ls, oto mere the great commas who bust the fore the ster and tndrdthes oo Georgian predecnr Aad for ey Weawood tee were hundred ewer modes rowan he potter i cavbtig ely be comenprsy Nebo Seneca res ad Se calcite of te cree whch fe forbes ‘nad for ephemera rom piers boars ed et ales Se ‘ele ‘One should however, rei the facie stumption that se wan any wey mnred ven tch favourable longterm demand enone The Taeemitcetary sonomy saw fall hve a atrovent me Frnoa econpaned year bak epeion an en the Dam er ‘Ecaner ee some. The ghcenbrcetry broly cours ep tei grim {men of hoe whoresponed econo operant ol sn Gite tere Spector sone fre Tor mat be means gn ‘aie far fhe many, and complete callopse f anwcomfr abi ae tmber of ase nerpies. The prospec ef pet ata the Fede, the nncqaney he ove conhdent ane wl, jon ara ‘Sidhe pled ad the fora Tree undred hd icy gt ban Tepes the deren year 172 shows what Bad yar Coad a ‘SP inda of aman dembod; se hundred a twenty hoe banrepi Un 173s te mart forsee war aay Lung up hws wha Be fos deren yer could own he rears ntl th ls being featymet Ar. Attnonceotit wat oer song that Neve ‘fea Inovn athe mon for ces bene tat waste Une en wien mens ass wee Sol elle twat he mal poke Tope “Thc moray tein bun acne withthe elec sl ow st demand~ae ng pram 7 in 777 GD a 70 ependn arch ite hat year and etching 66 in 1779 evn 76h and 1962 the Genlena's Magting rtrd 188 and 171 atures which ace the ‘anrapey courte” There were many eases are Not even boyan 9 ann, Bran Aton in nd, 70-1009 09 590 ex proof agaist some busessmen's incompetence, and the ac depron required avery consderble range of ails 1 ire The ee of commercial il eee fo exe was very mach higher Tnelten reaied™ the rome hierarchy the eutcmess service wat arg an varie Iam prt can on he gle tl sep, om ofa, rom auctions veasnal sas a exhibitions. Phe experince uid way trom hagghng a one doorstep to helping one! rm faerie counter i Lender, lam hiring 3 dees lor Satrdy ight {oem 4 Georgian forerunner of Moss Bros. in the 1760 to buying fbterratonal thowrsoms or tarng the company ol the gency, he snd even eoyally a the elegant showrooms of oe of the rest factrers. The grec of eerie included a vas range bly, i), probly ard magnitude They were all competing for he ‘ofa ney afluent society, eager to consume the (by the andar tie) uniguely wide range ef prods, andor he Fst ive in er Ter ma them, powsesing the wherewithal do Ierarchia! meagher is pt ot ony Tor sesing. terms ofthe al espa, the ferent layers of expertise and achieves the Irv sues and faire, bit alo fr sewing on the conser Tact tht there were thore whe porgd on mater jects (he lords socal jungle, thoe who gt mare an they needed i he midaing fsocey thse who enjoyed decent suiceny (a arge and multe scion of Society) those who seaped a bare sufcieney, ad those vied. the embryonic development of consumer society had cetiy bt the pregnancy had sl had seme way og. By 170 he barviers fade ware cvtaialy coming dow, but tere were tt many preven the prorated Birth pangs of mation giving bith 10 soci from being sen tobe ovr however there harriers had given way andthe consume soi tnnounced by se many cbservers (nt alot tem wishing it wel) fweallne ey witnest eparta sucha masel supporting evdence, arrival shoud no tnger be doubted. In Brandes words the fuare fo series which were tiling enough, bt aeorichand inventive to bother about changing colors materi and sys of come” Stopes endeavours te show Hat Bagiand wa un each a ei, 1p 0-10 04 Moki Joh gwen ad on Ang in ee cy nei

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