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Memorandum of Understanding 2018-2019

The Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) -
Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA)

RE: SAMPLE in the Network of ACSA Local Programs

Network of ACSA Local Programs

The Network of ACSA Local Programs is created and administered through a partnership of
the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA)/ Foundation for Educational
Administration (FEA) and Local Education Agencies. This includes ACSA-FEA Affiliated Local
Programs providing ACSA's approved Commission on Teacher Credentialing Clear
Administrative Credential Program and services. Operated through regional Local Educational

The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to clarify the collaboration between ACSA-
FEA and SAMPLE regarding the services and responsibilities of ACSA and the SAMPLE in the
Network of ACSA Local Programs pertaining to:
 Professional development of leadership coaches in ACSA Leadership Coaching skills,
strategies, and resources through ACSA and Lead Learner Associates;
 Professional development of leadership coaches in building confidential, trust-based
relationships with credential candidates, goal setting and action plan development, in the
use of CACP Assessments, Leadership Coach Tools, and Strategies, and other resources;
 Ongoing professional development of new and experienced leadership coaches deepening
and broadening coaching capacity, providing coaching practice and feedback, providing
opportunities for professional collegial networking, and current policy, research, and
trends impacting school leadership;
 Certification of demonstrated competence by leadership coaches in the application of ACSA
Leadership Coaching, skills, strategies and tools; and
 Support and networking of Affiliated Local Program Coordinators;
 Localized implementation of ACSA's Clear Administrative Credential Program.

While ACSA-FEA has their own Clear Administrative Services Credential (ASC) program, their
partnership has a broader interest in supporting the induction and development of school leaders
through leadership coaching that is provided by well-trained coaches in independent Affiliate
Clear Administrative Services Credential programs.

ACSA-FEA has the responsibility for alignment of procedures and adherence to credential program
requirements of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing for the Affiliated Local Programs; it is
the responsibility of the Affiliated Local Programs to determine charges for coaching services as
well as the hiring of coaches.
Association of California School Administrators (April 2018) 1
Local Program Affiliation includes:
➢ ACSA Leadership Coaching (ALC) *
➢ Program Orientation Training *
➢ California Network of School Leadership Coaches (CNET) *
➢ ACSA Leadership Coach Certification *
➢ Clear Administrative Credential Local Program affiliation
*required for ALL Clear Administrative Credential Program Leadership Coaches
Services provided by ACSA-FEA will include:
 Two (2) days of professional development in ACSA Leadership Coaching strategies, skills,
and resources through an ACSA-FEA approved regional location. Services include:
o 2 qualified presenters
▪ Presenter lodging, air/ground transportation, all meals included
▪ Presenter provides laptop w/PowerPoint and video clips
o Materials for each participant
o Supplemental materials
▪ sign in sheets
▪ name tents
▪ session evaluation
o Daily continental breakfast for participants
o Daily lunch for participants

 One (1) day of professional development, Program Orientation, for all New Coaches in an
ACSA-FEA approved regional Affiliate Local Program. Services include:
o 1-2 qualified presenters
▪ Presenter lodging, air/ground transportation, all meals included
▪ Presenter provide laptop w/PowerPoint and video clips
o Materials for Program Orientation trainings
▪ Participant materials for Program Orientation
▪ Sign in sheets
▪ Name tents
▪ Session evaluations
o Continental breakfast for participants
o Lunch for participants

 Two (2) days of professional development, California Network of School Leadership

Coaches for all coaches, new and experienced, in an ACSA-FEA approved regional location
in Fall and Winter. Services include:
o 1-2 qualified presenters
▪ Presenter lodging, air/ground transportation, all meals included
▪ Presenter provide laptop w/PowerPoint and video clips
o Materials
▪ Participant materials
▪ Sign in sheets
▪ Name tents
Association of California School Administrators (April 2018) 2
▪ Session evaluation
o Daily continental breakfast for participants
o Daily lunch for participants

 Review of Coach Certification Portfolios by an ACSA team who will:

o Provide a letter of certification and a certificate to all coaches who meet the
certification criteria
o Provide specific feedback to coaches who did not meet the certification portfolio
review criteria with a date for resubmittal and further review

 Local Program Coordinator with support and professional consultation of other Affiliate
coordinators and of Clear Administrative Credential Program (CACP) coordinators
through in-person (4 times/year), video-conference collaborations (as scheduled) and
Local Program Coordinator Retreat (1 time per year).

 Development and support for CTC approved Clear Administrator Credential Program
(CACP) beginning July 1, 2016.
o Research and development of Clear Administrative Services Credential (ASC)
o Liaison between CTC and Clear ASC program including annual data collection and
reports, Biennial reports, Program Assessment, CTC fees, and timely responses to
requests for correspondence, data, and other reports
o Liaison between Clear ASC program Local Program/Coordinator, coaches, and clear
credential candidates
o Respond to requests/inquiries from organizations and Local Programs in a timely
and appropriate manner
o Provide logistics and support for program implementation including application,
enrollment, monitoring, and recommendation for candidate credentials
o Provide logistics and support for program coaches implementing Clear ASC
program components and using program tools
o Research, develop, and support for candidate professional development
o Implement and maintain online Learning Management System (LMS) for CACP
candidates, coaches and Local Program Coordinators
o Provide marketing and advertisement
o Ensure education code law and CTC policy and procedures are adhered

Responsibilities of the Local Program Affiliate will include:

 Designate site Local Program PD coordinator who will:
o Schedule and secure professional development training room reservation
o Coordinate room set up including
▪ Tables and seating in presentation room (tables seating 4-6 participants)
▪ Tables and seating positioned so that all participants can clearly see
presenter and screen
o Ensure screen, sound, projection equipment, and Wi-Fi is provided and in good
working order
o Advise ACSA PD coordinator re: local options for catering services

Association of California School Administrators (April 2018) 3

o Receive training materials, sign-in sheets, name cards sent by ACSA-FEA to support
o Ensure that training materials sent by ACSA-FEA are available in professional
development room one (1) hour prior to each session

 Designate a local Program Coordinator who will:

o Respond to ACSA-FEA communications
o Assume responsibility for communicating any local questions, suggestions, or
requests to ACSA-FEA presenters
o Participate consistently and actively in Affiliated Local Program Coordinator
meetings four times each year
o Distribute annual CNET and CACP surveys
o Require and monitor coach attendance and active participation in all CACP program
components and required professional development (ACSA Leadership Coaching
and ongoing CNET)
o Communicate, advise, and monitor candidate progress towards program
o Report to and resolve issues connected with coaches and candidate progress

 Clear Administrative Credential Program (CACP)

o Designate individual or designee to manage CACP Local Program
o Provide information and respond to requests to interested CACP candidates
o Recruit, match, and hire coaches for CACP candidates
o Ensure program coaches register and participate in required program training
o Meet with Local Program coaches a minimum of four times per year
o Act as Academic Advisor to CACP candidates
o Respond to requests for information/data to credential program office
o Participate in program meetings, surveys, and evaluations
o Liaison between coaches and candidates
o Liaison between educational partners and credential program office

 ACSA's Educational Services/Credential Department must be notified if any of the following

conditions should occur.
o Candidate changes schools or administrator position
o Candidate is no longer employed in an administrator position
o Leave of Absence: date let - date return

 I ____________________, acknowledge that I have read and fully understand my responsibilities

as the Local Program Coordinator _____________________________ .
LPC Signature

Association of California School Administrators (April 2018) 4

ACSA Local Program Agreement for 2018-2019 calculated as follows:

ACSA/FEA Educational Number of Registration

Cost per coach
Services Training participants Fees

ACSA Leadership Coaching

$650.00/new coach $
training: 2 consecutive days

Program Orientation 1 day

Open only to ACSA Clear
No Charge $
Administrative Credential
Program (CACP) coaches.

$185.00/credential coaches
CNET training 2-days:
FALL/SPRING $450.00/non credential
ACSA Leadership Coach $75.00/per portfolio
Certification submission

Total Registration Fees $

Affiliate fee in Leadership Coach training will be invoiced by Association of California School
Administrators with instructions for payment no later than 45 days from invoice.

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________
Name: Margaret Arthofer
Local Program/District: Association of California School Administrators
Title: Senior Director Ed Services

______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
Date Date

Association of California School Administrators (April 2018) 5

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