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Paul Fannon, Vesna Kadelburg, Ben Woolley and Stephen Ward , Mathematics Higher Level for the IB Diploma Solutions Manual Paul Fannon, Vesna Kadelburg, Ben Woolley and Stephen Ward CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS ‘University Printing House, Cambridge c82 88s, United Kingdom ‘Cambridge University res is part ofthe University of Cambridge It furthers the University’s mision by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education, learning and esearch atthe highest international levels of excellence. -wwrw-cambridge org Information on ths title: edueation.cambridge org ‘© Cambridge University Press 2016 ‘Ths publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception ‘and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, ‘no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Pres, First published 2016 Printed in India by Multvista Global Pvt Ltd A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library {SBN 978-1-107-57937-8 Paperback ‘Cover image: Craig Jewellishutterstock (Cambridge University Press has no responsiblity forthe persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate Information regarding prices, travel timetables, and other factual information given in this work s correct at the time of fist printing but (Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafer. NOTICE TO TEACHERS IN THE UK Itisillegal to reproduce any part of this wo ‘material form (including photocopying and electronic storage) except under the following circumstances () where you are abiding by a licence granted to your school or institution by the Copyright Licensing Agency: (i) where no such licence exists, or where you wish to exceed the terms ofa licence, and you have gained the writen permission of Cambridge Univesity Press; (ii) where you are allowed to reproduce without permission under the provisions ‘of Chapter 3 ofthe Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, which covers, for ‘example, the reproduction of short passages within certain types of educational anthology and reproduction for the purposes of setting examination questions. Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Contents - Questions crossing chapters Introduction Counting principles Exponents and logarithms Polynomials Algebraic structures ‘The theory of functions ‘Transformations of graphs Sequences and series Binomial expansion Circular measure and trigonometric functions Trigonometric equations and identities Geometry of triangles and circles Further trigonometry Vectors Lines and planes in space Complex numbers Basic differentiation and its applications Basic integration and its applications Further differentiation methods Further integration methods Further applications of calculus Summarising data Probability Discrete probability distributions Continuous distributions Mathematical induction 10 21 31 41 69 84 93 110 124 135 148 179 206 223 233 248 266 287 293 313 Introduction “This book contains worked solutions forall the exam-style questions that, in the Higher Level courseboo are colour-coded green, blue, red or gold. As a reminder: nga grade 3 or 4 Green questions should be accessible to students on the way to achie Blue questions are aimed at students hoping to attain a grade 5 or 6. Red questions are the most difficult, and success with a good number of these would suggest a student is on course for a grade 7. Gold questions are ofa type not typically seen in the exam but are designed to provoke thinking an¢ discussion in order to develop a better understanding of the topic. Ofcourse, these are just guidelines, Ifyou are aiming for a grade 6, do not be surprised if occasional find a green question you cannot do; people are rarely equally good at all areas of the syllabus. Similarly even if you are able to do all the red questions, that does not guarantee you will get a grade 7 ~ after al in the examination you will have to deal with time pressure and exam stress! It is also worth rememberi that these questions are graded according to our experience of the final examination. When you first start the course, you may wel find the questions harder than you would do by the end of the course, so try ne to get discouraged! ‘The solutions are generally written in the format of a ‘model answer’ that students should aim to produce the exam, but sometimes extra lines of working are included (which wouldn't be absolutely necessary in th exam) in order to make the solution easier to follow and to aid understanding, In many cases the approach shown is not the only option, and neither do we claim it to always be categorica the best or the approach that we would advise every student to take; this is clearly subjective, and different students will have different strengths and therefore preferences, Alternative methods are sometimes giver either in the form of full worked solution or by way of a comment after the given worked solution, ‘Where the question has a calculator symbol next to it (indicating that itis for the calculator paper), the approach taken is intentionally designed to utilise the calculator and thereby to minimise work. Student should make sure they are familiar with all the calculator techniques used and, if not, the calculator skill sheets on the CD-ROM accompanying the coursebook should be consulted. “When there is no symbol (indicating that the question could appear on either the calculator or the non lator paper), the solution given usually assumes that a calculator is not available, Students should mh ‘they can cope in this situation but also that they can adapt and use features of the calculator to speed Perhaps the most common example of this is to use the calculator’s equation solver rather than simultaneous or quadratic equations manually. lyadvise that these solutions be consulted only after having spent a good dea of ime and efor ing on a question. The process of thinking about the problems encountered, even ifa full solution ig the skills and knowledge needed to succeed i err ee 1 Counting principles Exercise Exercise © 12x4=48 ©} a 7!=5040 Bo 5x6x3=90 b Number of arrangements with largest b 6x(5+3)=48 book at one end: 2x6!=1440 e So number of arrangements with © 5X64+5x3+6x3=63 largest not at either end: @ va=15 5040-1440=3600 5!1=120 @ 2 58x68x61x65=15637960 @: b Require the final digit to be 5, so there are 4!= 24 such numbers. oO a 17!=35568 742 809 600 16!=20 922 789 888 000 b 156379602 = 10104528 26° x9" =115316136 ‘There are 4 options for the journey to the middle, then two possible directions (left 51x 4! = 2880 or right), and then a single choice of path upwards. So the total number of possible. routes is 4x2x1=8 =720 b Require the first digit to be 1 or 2, so © a isxaxi2=720 there are 2! x5!=240 such numbers. b ‘There are two cases: © 301=2.65x10" (sr) + shirt is not pink = no constraints Because there are an odd number of red on tie or waistcoat: 15x4x9=540 toys, the one in the middle must be red; + shirts pink = tie not red, waistcoat then, on the left arrange two red and two not red: 12x3x3=108 blue, to be matched on the right. The Total number of possible outfits is following colour patterns are possible 540+108 = 648 on the left RRBB (Da 5x4x3=60 RBRB Ru RBBR b 5'=125 Sue Ba 3=81 BRBR BBRR b 5°=125 ‘There are —— Fxg 7 6 Colour patterns available, is SIX 41X6= 17280 - Exercise o rent (n=1)=20 n—n-20=0 (n-5)(n4+4)=0 =3n=5 (asm isa positive integer) e EX Coo ninkn-) 990 =n'-n-990=0 From GDC, n=10 © n-(n-1)!= 16(n-2)! Dividing through by (n= 2): n(n-1)-(n=1)=16 Ww -2n-15=0 (n—5)(n-+3)=0 =n=5 (forneN) rcise | Choose 9 from 15: Within each pattern, there are 5! <4! arrangements of the individual toys. So total number of possible arrangements 9 o (; }- 15 380937 7 @ Choose 3 boys from 16 and 2 girs from 12 16), (1?) 60x66 = 36960 2 2 ©} Choose 1 goalkeeper from 3, 4 defender from 8, 4 midfielders from 6, and 2 forwards from 5: 3 8 6 5 (HO) C)G) =3x70X15x10= 31500 ©) Choose 12 from 140, then 10 from 128, then 10 from the remaining 118: lie} (ia oy x x 12 10 | =1,61%10" (3SF) (D2 Choose 3 boys from 14 and 2 girls from 16: fe 16 |, |=364%120= 43 680 >}2) b Choose 3 boys from 14, and for the girls choose 2 from 15 (the 2 places not taken by Roberta or Priya 1 from 2 (Roberta or Priya) 14) (15 x| ~ |x2=364%105x2=76440 Sy) e\2 OD) a Exactly 6¢ is spent if you choose 3 of the 2¢ sweets from 7: (hs b Exactly 7¢ is spent if you choose | of the 2¢ sweets from 7 and 1 of the 5¢ sweets from 5: (}()* id choose ¢ Exactly 10¢ is spent if you choose 5 of the 2¢ sweets from 7 or 2 of the 5¢ ‘sweets from 5: 7.7 \a21+10=31 +]. |= = a laa At most 5¢ is spent if you choose 1 or 2 of the 2¢ sweets from 7 or 1 of the 5¢ sweets from 5; (Homes 9 a Choose 4 from 9: ‘al =126 ‘b Exclude the possibilities where all questions are from the same section. All questions from A: choose 4 from 5: All questions from B: choose 4 from 4: (J «, number of ways of choosing at least one from each section is 126-5-1=120 To deliberately double-count: each point connects to 14 other points .2n=15x14 =n=15x7=105 lines COMMENT It is assumed that vertices of the triangles/ quadrilaterals can only be at the original fen points and not at any intersections created by lines joining these ten points. a Each triangle is defined by three points. Number of different sets of 3 points = 10 =120 3 b Each quadrilateral is defined by four points. ‘Number of different sets of 4 points = 10 =210 4 (B With n people, each shakes hands with n—1others. This double-counts the total ( number of handshakes. wan(n-1)=2x276 m —n-552=0 (n-24)(n+23)=0 =n=24 (© Once the rows are determined, there is only one arrangement for each row. Choose 15 from 45 for the first row and 15 from 30 for the second row: 45) (30 ni | |. |=3.45x10" x1.55x10° 1s) (us =5.35x10" (3SF) Exercise () Numbers divisible by 5 range from 21 x5 to 160 x 5: 140 multiples of 5 So there are 700-140 = 560 numbers not divisible by 5. COMMENT Alternatively, 4 out of every 5 of the numbers between 101 and 800 are not divisible by 5, so there are tx 700 = 560 of them. ‘There are 6 different letters. Total number of permutatior 1=120 total number not beginning with J’: 720-120= 600 a Choose 3 from 10: bls 120 ale 'b Choose 3 from 22, then exclude the choices of all chocolates: 3 from 12 22) (12) _1540-220=1320 3) (3 ©) There are 7 different letters. 1=5040 a Total permutations: Permutations beginning with ‘KI: 5! 120 total not beginning with ‘ 5040-120 = 4920 b Permutations beginning with ‘KI’ or ‘IK: 2x5!=240 +. total not beginning ‘KI or ‘IK’: 5040-240= 4800 Total committee possibiliti ie = 20349 oe Total all-male committees possible: 12) ( }. 792 5 ', total committees that are not all male: 20349-792 = 19557 G Total possible selections of 7 tiles: 26 . )- 2 ‘Trying all possible values: n=2: “P,=4#°P,=30 n=3: *P,=120= *P, n=4: *P,=336#360 n=5: "P,=720="R, n=6: "P,=13204720=°P, = So n=3 or 5 Exercise (©) Treating Joshua and Jolene as one unit, permute 13 units, then internally permute Joshua and Jolene: 13!x2=12454041600 © Arrange the three blocks in 3!=6 ways. Internally permute the members of each class in 6! 4! 4! ways, Total arrangements: 6x6! 4! x 4!= 2488320 ‘Treating the physics books as one unit, permute 7 units; then internally permute the 3 physics books: 3 71x31= 30240 in 13!= 6227020800 ways. There are 14 spaces in the line-up \ stand in each of 4 of these spaces. 14 There a tao posible space selections. ‘Then permute the Browns: Total possible arrangements: 13!1001x 4!=1.50x10"* (3SE) 24 a "P,=32432400 b There are 9 possible spaces for the leftmost friend to sit. Total arrangements: 9x7! = 45360 a Treating the men as one unit, permute 6 units, then internally permute the 4men: 6!x4!=17280 b Treating all the men as one unit and all the women as one unit, permute the 2 units, then internally permute the 4 men and internally permute the 5 women: 21x 41x5!=5760 © Permute the 5 women: 5!=120 Into 4 of the 6 spaces, insert one man, and then permute the men: °P, = 360 Total possible arrangements: 120360 = 43200 d Requirea WMWMWMWMW arrangement. Permute the 5 women and the 4 men: 51x4! ©B The 13 Grays and Greens can be arranged (including the ends), and one Brown must. meee PT Mixed examination practice 1 Short questions ©} Choose 3 from 7 and permute them: ve x 3 Permute 5 units: 5!=120 Permute 3 and permute 7: 3! x7!= 30240 @ 9 =729 © Total possible choices without restriction 7p =210 choose 4 from 8:| , |=70 Choices which contain the two oldest ~ choose 2 from the remaining 6 (> +. choices not containing both of the oldest: 70-15 =55 © (n+1)!=30(n-1)! (n+1)(n)(n— n(n+1)=30 mW +n-30=0 (n-5)(n+6)=0 :.n=5 (reject the negative solution n =—6) 30(n-1)! (@® There are 8 different letters, consisting of 4 vowels and 4 consonants. Choose 1 of the 4 consonants to be the first letter, 1 of the other 3 consonants to be the last letter, and permute the remaining 6 letters for the centre: (I}()}-#=s0 n*—n-210=0 (n-15)(n+14)=0 =n=15 (reject the negative solution n = -14) ©) Total possible choices without restriction: 15 choose 5 from 15: ( 5 )- 3003 Choices which are all girls: choose 5 8 from 8: (3 56 ©. choices which contain at least one boy: 3003-56 =2947 Total permutations without restriction: 61=720 Permutations containing BE or EB: permute 5 units and then internally permute B and E: 5!x2!= 240 1. permutations without B and E next to each other: 720-240 = 480 ©) Total possible choices without restriction: 12 choose 5 from 12: ie =m Choices which contain the two youngest: choose 3 from the remaining 10 » 120 3) <- choices not containing both of the youngest: 792-120 = 672 ® Choose and permute 3 letters from 26: 26 an )=*4=15600 3 Choose 5 digits with repeats allowed: 9° =59049 «total possible registration numbers: 15600x59049= 921164 400 Choose 1 from 5 to be the driver and permute the remaining 7: 5 1 /X7!= 25200 COMMENT Notice that the exact arrangement of people in each row of the olher seats is irrelevant, since each sea! is uniquely identified. The answer would be the same for a van with seats in a 2-2-2-2 arrangement, for example (©) the drivers can be arranged in 2 ways; then choose 3 from 8 to go in the car: 6) ax], |=112 3 COMMENT The specific people to go in the van need not be considered, since after choosing those to go in the car, the rest will go in ee areas difference which vehicle is considered to have the first pick of passengers when making the calculation Long questions (© 2 Choose 1 of 2 places for Anya, then permute the other 4: 2x4!= 48 b Total possible permutations: 5!=120 Permutations with Anya not at an end: 120-48=72 ¢ With Anya at the left, permute the other 4: 4!=24 With Elena on the right, permute the other 4: 4!=24 Ai

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