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QA Project Manager (v1.0 Alpha)

QA Project Manager is a web application to manage Software Quality
Assurance Projects effectively.

This document guide you through steps required for Quick Installation and
Configuration. Detailed document will be provided in future releases.

Current Features
Manage QA Project Details
Manage Resource Details and Resource allocations to test cycles
Manage Test Cycle Details
Manage Software Release Details
Provide consultation view to Project Managers

Features to be added in future Releases

Managing QA Resource skill development
Manage training details
Access Tracking
Software Release Form and other Re

Special Thanks
We honestly appreciate the continuous help given by Javier Paniza

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Installation and Configuration

This section guide you to download , install and configure qaProjectManager

Download qaManager Installation ( or .tar.gz)
Extract the file to your installation directory
QaManager installation directory is referred as QAHOME

JDK Installation
Download and Install JDK 5x and set JAVA_HOME
You can download the JDK from

Set CATALINA_HOME to QAHOME/portal directory

Install and Configure Database

Current version supports only MySQL 5.x
Install MySQL 5.x
Create qaProjectManager database using scripts QAHOME/script/createhWithInitialData.sql
The script creates tables and insert initial data (designations, departments etc)
Change the database user and password in QAHOME/portal/conf/context.xml
(Additional information available in the file)

Portlet Deployment
Download QAProjectManager.war
Extarct the zip file and create the qaProjectManager database in MySQL
Extract the war file and change DB user password in ./conf/context.xml
Create war file again
Deploy the portlets in your favorite portlet (qaManager is tested with Liferay 4.3)

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Starting Application

Starting qaProjectManager
Go to QAHOME/bin directory
Run (or .bat)
Wait for one minute and open a web browser
Access http://localhost:8080

Stopping qaProjectManager
Go to QAHOME/bin directory
Run (or .bat)

Login Accounts
To administer the portal:
- User:
- password: qamanager

To access the QA manager's portlets

- User :
- password : qamanager

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