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What has been done your country to reduce pollution?

Mexico has been done rules to reduce pollution, for example now, one day of week
you must not use the car. Other example in The Mexico City, the government has
been done rules to teach to people who recycling, when the trash car gather trash
people must give them the trash classify in inorganic, and organic. Also the
government has been done Information campaigns in TV, in radio and internet to
raise awareness to population. There are many things we can do to reduce our
impact on the environment. If we all use energy, transport and other services more
carefully, we can reduce pollution.

what is being doing your country to make people

commute more efficiently?

Every day, workers across the region endure of the world’s most crowded subway
cars. Every weekday morning between 4 and 7 a.m. the workers of Greater Mexico
City line up for the vans, subways, and buses that will take them on their long ride
into the city. The government is being trying improve transport, for example, the
government is being building a lot of lines of “metrobus”, although this is insufficient
because is a lot of people. Also the government is being building highway more
efficiently to reduce traffic but increase of cars is greater and greater.

Missael Eduardo Lucas Flores 7MIE1

First Evidence

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