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Day, R. A. (1999). GeÂotechnique 49, No.

2, 231±245

Net pressure analysis of cantilever sheet pile walls

R . A . DAY 

There are many methods for the analysis and Il existe plusieurs meÂthodes pour analyser et
design of embedded cantilever retaining walls. concevoir des murs de souteÁnement en porte-aÁ-
They involve various different simpli®cations of faux enfouis dans le sol. Ces meÂthodes passent
the net pressure distribution to allow calculation par diverses simpli®cations de la distribution de
of the critical retained height. In the UK, it is pression nette pour permettre le calcul de la
commonly assumed that net pressure consists of hauteur critique retenue. Au Royaume-Uni, on
the sum of the active and passive limiting pres- assume communeÂment que la pression nette est
sure values. In the USA, the net pressure is constitueÂe de la somme des valeurs de pression
commonly simpli®ed by a three-line rectilinear limites actives et passives. Aux USA, la pression
pressure distribution. Recently, centrifuge tests nette est communeÂment simpli®eÂe par une dis-
have led to a proposed semi-empirical rectilinear tribution rectiligne de la pression sur trois lig-
method in which an empirical constant de®nes nes. ReÂcemment, des essais centrifuges ont
the point of zero net pressure. Finite element conduit aÁ proposer une meÂthode recitligne semi
analyses presented in this paper examine the net empirique dans laquelle une constante empiri-
pressure distribution at limiting equilibrium. que de®nit le point zeÂro de pression nette. Les
The study shows that the point of zero net pres- analyses d'eÂleÂments ®nis preÂsenteÂes dans cet
sure for a best-®t rectilinear approximation is expose examinent la distribution de pression
dependent on the ratio between the passive and nette au point d'eÂquilibre limite. Cette eÂtude
active earth pressure distributions at limiting montre que le point zeÂro de pression nette
conditions. A simple empirical equation is pro- permettant d'obtenir l'approximation rectiligne
posed which de®nes the point of zero pressure. qui convient le mieux, deÂpend du rapport entre
The predictions for the critical retained height les distributions de pressions terrestres actives et
and bending moment distribution using this passives en conditions limites. Nous proposons
empirical equation are in excellent agreement une eÂquation empirique simple qui de®nit le
with the ®nite element results and centrifuge point de pression zeÂro. Les preÂvisions pour la
data. They are in better agreement than the hauteur critique retenue et la distribution du
predictions of the commonly used analysis meth- couple de ¯exion qui font appel aÁ cette eÂquation
ods. empirique montrent un excellent accord avec les
reÂsultats des analyses d'eÂleÂments ®nis et les
donneÂes centrifuges. Elles sont plus coheÂrentes
KEYWORDS: earth pressure; retaining walls; sheet que les preÂdictions obtenues par les meÂthodes
piles. d'analyse couramment employeÂes.

INTRODUCTION retaining walls are frequently used for temporary

A cantilever sheet pile retaining wall consists of a and permanent support of excavations up to about
vertical structural element embedded in the ground 4´5 m high.
below the retained material. The upper part of the The distribution of earth presure on the em-
wall provides a retaining force due to the wall bedded part of the wall is dependent on the complex
stiffness and the embedment of the lower part. The interaction between the wall movement and the
embedded cantilever wall obtains its ability to ground. Many methods for analysis and design of
resist the pressure of the retained soil by develop- embedded cantilever walls have been proposed and
ing resisting earth pressures on the embedded por- these have been reviewed by Bica & Clayton
tion of the wall. Embedded cantilever sheet pile (1989). Each method makes various assumptions
concerning the distribution of earth pressure on the
wall and the de¯ection or wall movement. Most of
Manuscript received 3 February 1998; revised manuscript
accepted 9 September 1998. the methods are limit equilibrium methods based on
Discussion on this paper closes 2 July 1999; for further the classical limiting earth pressure distributions.
details see p. ii. Model studies on embedded walls have been per-
 University of Queensland. formed by Rowe (1951), Bransby & Milligan


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232 DAY

(1975) and Lyndon & Pearson (1985). Bica & ify the general shape of the pressure distribution to
Clayton (1993) have produced some empirical enable a solution to be found. These are discussed
charts for the design of cantilever walls. below.
King (1995) suggested an analytical limit equili-
brium approach for dry cohesionless soil, involving
different assumptions from the previous methods. UK method
One of King's assumptions involves an empirically In this method, the earth pressure distribution is
determined parameter. King makes a recommenda- simpli®ed as shown in Fig. 2. The lines marked K a
tion, based on the results of centrifuge test results, and Kp indicate the active and passive limiting
for an appropriate value of the empirical parameter. earth pressure values de®ned by the earth pressure
This paper compares King's proposal with two coef®cients K a and K p . The force R, representing
other cantilever wall design methods commonly the net force acting below the point O, is assumed
used in practice in the UK and the USA. In to act at point O. Moment equilibrium about O
particular, this paper examines the value that King yields the value d 0 required for stability. The pen-
suggested for the empirical parameter. A series of etration depth, d, is then taken as d ˆ 1:2d 0 .
®nite element analyses of embedded cantilever Finally, a check is made to ensure that the force R
walls in dry cohesionless soil have been performed can be mobilized on the wall below point O. The
to add further data to allow the appropriate selec- bending moment diagram is calculated from the
tion of the value of this parameter. A new recom- assumed pressure distribution. This method is com-
mendation is made, based on the ®nite element monly used in the UK. It is described by Pad®eld
results and other experimental data. & Mair (1984).
The limiting equilibrium condition is de®ned as
the situation in which the depth of penetration, d,
COMMON ANALYSIS METHODS is just suf®cient to maintain equilibrium for a
The basis of the limit equilibrium methods is retained height, h. This condition may also be
the prediction of the maximum height of excava- called the failure or critical condition. It is useful
tion for which static equilibrium is maintained. to de®ne the height h in the non-dimensional form
This is known as the limiting equilibrium situation. h9 ˆ h=d. The limiting equilibrium or critical va-
It is therefore important to be able to accurately lue of h9 given by the UK method is:
evaluate the earth pressure acting on each side of p 
3 (K =K ) ÿ 1
p a
the wall in the limiting equilibrium condition. h9c ˆ (1)
The actual distribution and magnitude of earth 1:2
pressure on an embedded retaining wall is depen- Five methods are used in design to incorporate a
dent on the complex interaction of the wall and the factor of safety against collapse. These involve
soil. The general shape of the earth pressure dis- increasing the embedment depth (Fd ), reducing the
tribution is shown in Fig. 1. The common limit strength parameters (Fs ), reducing the passive pres-
equilibrium design and analysis methods are all sure coef®cient (Fp ), reducing the net passive
based on this general shape. Each method makes pressure (Fnp ), or reducing the net available pas-
different simpli®cations and assumptions that mod- sive pressure (Fr ) (Pad®eld & Mair, 1984).

(a) (b)

Fig. 1. Net pressure on embedded cantilever wall: (a) pressure

distribution; (b) net pressure

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h Kp

Ka Ka

d0 Kp
(a) (b)

Fig. 2. Simpli®ed pressure distribution ± UK method: (a) pressure distribu-

tion; (b) net pressure

USA method (a) The limiting passive pressure is fully mobi-

In this method, the earth pressure distribution is lized on the wall immediately below dredge
simpli®ed by the rectilinear distribution shown in level. This assumption gives the gradient of the
Fig. 3. The rectilinear distribution is characterized rectilinear pressure distribution between pa and
by the parameters pa , p1 , p2 and y. This is a p1 . It is equal to the passive pressure gradient
modern version of a method initially proposed by minus the active pressure gradient, ã(K p ÿ Ka ),
Krey in 1932. It is described by Bowles (1988) where ã is the bulk unit weight of the soil.
and King (1995). This method is commonly used (b) The value of p2 is equal to the passive
in the USA. pressure limit on the retained side minus the
For a given retained height, h, it is required to active pressure on the dredged side (equation
determine the minimum depth of penetration and (2)). This is the maximum possible value
the corresponding pressure distribution that just which p2 can have:
maintains stability ± the limiting equilibrium solu- p2 ˆ ã(h ‡ d)K p ÿ ãd K a (2)
tion. In this situation, it is reasonable to assume
that the pressure behind the wall at the dredge The equations of equilibrium and the constraints
level, pa , is equal to the active pressure limit. imposed by the two assumptions yield equation (3)
Hence, there are four unknown values, d, p1 , p2 (King, 1995). For a given value of h, this equation
and y, which need to be determined. can be solved for Y and hence the limiting equili-
The consideration of horizontal force and mo- brium depth of penetration d, and h9c :
ment equilibrium provides two equations. In order    
4 q 3 8P 2 6P
to obtain a solution, two more assumptions are Y ‡ Y ÿ Y ÿ 2 (2mb ‡ q)Y
necessary. In the USA method these assumptions m m m
are as follows: P
ÿ (6bq ‡ 4P) ˆ 0 (3)
q ˆ K p ã(h ‡ x) ÿ Ka ãx; m ˆ (K p ÿ K a )ã
(h ‡ 2x) K a ãh
Ka bˆ ; xˆ (4)
h 3 m
P ˆ 12 K a ãh(h ‡ x)
Two methods are used in design to incorporate a
x factor of safety against collapse. Either the embed-
pa ment depth is increased by 30% or a factor of safety
y is used to reduce the passive pressure coef®cient.
d p1
ε p2 This method proposed by King (1995) is similar
to the USA method. The earth pressure is simpli-
Fig. 3. Rectilinear pressure distribution ®ed by a similar rectilinear net pressure distribu-

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234 DAY

tion (Fig. 3). Force and moment equilibrium and linear pressure distribution is then fully de®ned in
the ®rst of the assumptions made in the USA terms of the non-dimensional parameters x9, y9 and
method provide three equations or conditions. The å9. However, the depth of embedment, d, remains
general rectilinear net pressure method differs from unknown. It is interesting to note that equations (5)
the USA method only in the second assumption and (6) are dependent only on the geometrical
required to obtain a solution. The second assump- parameters. They are independent of the soil den-
tion involves the location of the point, near the sity and the active and passive pressure coef®cients
bottom of the wall, of zero net pressure. King K a and Kp .
(1995) suggested that the assumption å9 ˆ The ®rst assumption of the rectilinear pressure
å=d ˆ 0:35 (Fig. 3) provided good predictions of distribution de®nes the distance x (Fig. 3) at limit-
failure height and bending moment distribution. ing equilibrium:
This recommendation was based on the results of
centrifuge tests. The advantage of this method is x 1
ˆ (7)
that the value of p2 is not prescribed as being pa ã(K p ÿ Ka )
equal to its maximum possible value.
where, pa ˆ ãhK a
The limiting equilibrium or failure criteria can
Application of the general rectilinear method therefore be expressed in the form (King, 1995)
Force and moment equilibrium yield the follow-    
ing two equations (King, 1995): x x9 1
ˆ ˆ (8)
h c h9 c K p =K a ÿ 1
y9[(1 ÿ 2å9) ÿ y9(1 ÿ å9)]
x9 ˆ (5)
h9(1 ÿ å9 ÿ y9) ÿ y92 ‡ (1 ÿ 2å9) Using equations (5) and (6), the relationship be-
tween x9=h9 and h9 can be calculated for different
and values of å9 (Fig. 4). For a particular situation (K a
and Kp given by soil strength and wall friction
[(1 ÿ å9)h9 ‡ (1 ÿ 2å9)] y92 ‡ [(1 ÿ å9)h92
angles), the critical value of h9 can therefore be
ÿ (1 ÿ 3å9)] y9 ÿ [(1 ÿ 2å9)h92 ‡ (1 ÿ 3å9)h9] ˆ 0 determined using Fig. 4 and equation (8) with the
(6) assumed value of å9.

where x9 ˆ x=d, h9 ˆ h=d, y9 ˆ y=d, and å9 ˆ

Thus for a given value of h9 and an assumed General rectilinear net pressure method
value of å9, the values of y9 and x9 can be From Fig. 4 it can be seen that for the larger
determined from equations (5) and (6). The recti- values of å9 there is a maximum value of x=h. In

0.33 Value of ε′

100 0.25
(x /h)c for :

x ′/h ′ 5 x /h

0.34 258
1021 308

0.35 0.36


0.1 1.0 10.0

h ′ 5 h /d

Fig. 4. Relationship between x=h and h9

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fact, if å9 is greater than 1=3, there exists a maxi- Figure 5 highlights the following interesting
mum value for x=h (not shown on ®gure). If the points:
critical value of x=h given by equation (8) is
greater than this maximum, then a solution which (a) The UK and USA methods predict values that
satis®es the equations of equilibrium and the as- lie on lines nearly parallel to lines of constant å9.
sumed value of å9 does not exist. Fig. 4 also (b) The UK method is very close over the whole
illustrates that if the critical value of x=h is less range of K p =Ka to the rectilinear net pressure
than the maximum value, there are two valid method if a value of å9 ˆ 0:27 is assumed.
solutions for h9 which satisfy the assumptions, the (c) The assumptions of the USA method yield a
larger value being of practical interest. value of å9 that varies between about 0´1 at
The critical values of x=h calculated from equa- high values of K p =K a and 0´15 at low values
tion (8) for the case of a frictionless wall are (see also Fig. 18).
shown in Fig. 4 for ö9 ˆ 208, 258 and 308. For (d) King's recommendation of å9 ˆ 0:35 is more
these cases, K p =K a ˆ 4:2, 6´1 and 9´0 respectively. conservative than both the UK and the USA
The recommendation of King, that å9 is assumed methods.
constant and equal to 0´35, does not yield a solu-
tion if K p =K a is less than 7´90 (e.g. frictionless
walls in low-strength soils). In practice, however, a FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSES
solution is possible. A series of two-dimensional plane strain ®nite
Clearly, this is a de®ciency. It would appear that, element analyses have been performed to deter-
for situations with lower values of K p =K a , the mine the pressure distribution on an embedded
value of å9 at limiting equilibrium is less than cantilever wall at limiting equilibrium for compari-
0´35. son with that assumed in the limit equilibrium
methods described above. In the ®nite element
analyses, the limiting equilibrium height of excava-
Failure depth of excavation tion was determined by `excavating' elements from
Equations (1) and (8) indicate that the critical the mesh in front of a 10 m deep wall until
retained height h9c is dependent only on the ratio numerical convergence was not achieved. Details
K p =K a . The variation of h9c calculated using each of the mesh and boundary conditions are shown in
method is plotted in Fig. 5 for a range of values of Fig. 6. The displacement of the top of the wall is
K p =K a . The range of possible values of Kp =K a is plotted against the excavation depth in Fig. 7. This
very large. For a frictionless wall in a ö9 ˆ 208 plot is necessary to ensure that the failure to
material, K p =K a ˆ 4:2, and for a rough wall in a converge was indeed due to a physical instability
ö9 ˆ 508 material, K p =K a ˆ 477. The critical va- of the wall, rather than a numerical problem.
lues predicted by the rectilinear net pressure meth- Before excavation began, the initial horizontal
od are plotted for a range of assumed values of å9. stress in the soil was equal to half the vertical

Rectilinear net pressure Value of ε′ 0.27
0.20 0.30
5 UK method 0.10 0.35
USA (Bowles, 1988)
h ′c 5 hc /d

1 10 100 1000
Kp /Ka

Fig. 5. Critical height of excavation

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236 DAY
20 m

10 m

50 m

120 m

Fig. 6. Finite element mesh ± excavated elements cross-hatched


Excavation height: m


5 258

Low stifness (scale 2)

Middle stiffness (scale 1)
High stiffness (scale 1)
0 Scale 1 100 200
0 Scale 2 500 1000

Deflection: mm

Fig. 7. De¯ection of top of wall

stress (K 0 ˆ 0:5). Analyses by Fourie & Potts dition. The Imperial College Finite Element Pro-
(1989) and Day & Potts (1993) have shown that gram was used for the analyses.
the initial value of K 0 does not affect the failure An elastic±perfectly plastic cohesionless Mohr±
height of excavation. The analyses assume fully Coulomb model was used to describe the soil
drained conditions with pore pressure equal to zero behaviour. A range of analyses was performed with
and are therefore applicable to the long-term con- the friction angle, ö9, of the soil equal to 208, 258,

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308, 358, 408, 458 and 508. In each case, the angle marked on these ®gures by a horizontal line. This
of dilation was taken as half the friction angle. was taken as the last height at which numerical
The bulk unit weight of the soil, ã, equals convergence was achieved and is estimated to have
20 kN=m3 . The Young's modulus equals 5000 ‡ an accuracy of 0´1 m. The bending moment distri-
5000z kPa, where z is the depth measured from the butions in the wall for these analyses are shown in
original ground surface. The Poisson's ratio equals Figs 13±17. The results of the other analyses are
0´2. similar.
The wall was assumed to be elastic with proper-
ties equivalent to a reasonably stiff sheet pile:
E ˆ 2:1 3 108 kPa, I ˆ 46:8 3 10ÿ4 m4 =m width, Net pressure distribution
and A ˆ 5:26 3 10ÿ2 m2 =m. The wall was as- The integration point stress distributions indicate
sumed to be rough in all analyses. For the cases of that the net pressure distribution is characterized
soil strength, ö9 ˆ 208, 358 and 508, additional by a linear part above the excavation level and a
analyses were done using walls 100 times less stiff linear part immediately below the excavation level,
and 100 times more stiff in bending (I ˆ 46:8 3 extending almost to the point of the maximum
10ÿ6 m4 =m, A ˆ 1:13 3 10ÿ2 m2 =m and I ˆ 46:8 value. Below the maximum, to the bottom of the
3 10ÿ2 m4 =m, A ˆ 24:4 3 10ÿ2 m2 =m). wall the net pressure is non-linear. The wall stiff-
ness has very little effect on the limiting equili-
brium excavation height and the net pressure on
ANALYSIS OF RESULTS the wall at failure.
The net horizontal earth pressure on the wall The aim of the ®nite element analyses was to
obtained from the ®nite element analyses at limit- determine the validity of the assumptions used in
ing equilibrium at the integration points is shown the rectilinear net pressure method. Hence, the
in Figs 8±12 for the analyses using ö9 ˆ 208, 258, rectilinear pressure distribution shown in Fig. 3
358, 408 and 508. The upper 4 m of the wall, on was ®tted to the net pressure data points (integra-
which the pressure distribution is linear, has been tion points) obtained from the ®nite element ana-
omitted for clarity. The results of the other ana- lyses. The best-®t line is plotted in Figs 8±12. The
lyses are similar. For the cases of ö9 ˆ 208, 358 rectilinear best-®t approximation was found in the
and 508, the results of the analyses with different following way:
wall stiffness are similar to the results shown. The
limiting equilibrium height of excavation is also (a) Using a least squares ®t to the bending

φ′ 5 208

Finite element
Best fit
Height: m

Equation (9)

King's method

USA method
UK method

21000 0 1000
Pressure: kPa

Fig. 8. Net pressure distribution ± ö9 ˆ 208

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238 DAY

φ′ 5 258

6 Finite element

Best fit
Height: m

Equation (9)

King's method

USA method
UK method

21000 0 1000
Pressure: kPa

Fig. 9. Net pressure distribution ± ö9 ˆ 258

φ′ 5 358

Finite element
Best fit
Height: m

Equation (9)

King's method

USA method
UK method

21000 0 1000
Pressure: kPa

Fig. 10. Net pressure distribution ± ö9 ˆ 358

moment data points above the excavation level, (b) Using this value of pa , the values of p1 , p2
the value of pa was determined. The bending and y were determined by a least squares ®t of
moment was used instead of the stresses the rectilinear pressure distribution to the ®nite
because the bending moment is very sensitive element net pressure data points over the full
to small changes in the pressure. wall length. The values of p1 , p2 and y were

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φ′ 5 408

Finite element
Best fit

Equation (9)
Height: m

King's method

USA method

8 UK method

21000 0 1000
Pressure: kPa

Fig. 11. Net pressure distribution ± ö9 ˆ 408

φ′ 5 508

Finite element
Best fit
Height: m

Equation (9)

King's method

USA method
UK method

21000 0 1000
Pressure: kPa

Fig. 12. Net pressure distribution ± ö9 ˆ 508

additionally constrained so that the net hori- to the data points obtained from the ®nite
zontal force and net moment on the wall were element analyses.
zero. The resulting best-®t rectilinear net pres-
sure distribution satis®es both moment and Having determined the best-®t rectilinear pressure
force equilibrium. It is a close approximation distribution, the following were determined from

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240 DAY

φ′ 5 208

Finite element

Best fit
Equation (9)
Height: m

King's method

USA method
UK method

0 200 400
Moment: kNm/m

Fig. 13. Bending moment distribution ± ö9 ˆ 208

φ′ 5 258

Finite element

4 Best fit
Height: m

Equation (9)

King's method

6 USA method

UK method

0 200 400
Moment: kNm/m

Fig. 14. Bending moment distribution ± ö9 ˆ 258

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φ′ 5 358

Finite element
4 Best fit
Height: m

Equation (9)

King's method
6 USA method

UK method

0 200 400
Moment: kNm/m

Fig. 15. Bending moment distribution ± ö9 ˆ 358

φ′ 5 408

Finite element

4 Best fit
Height: m

Equation (9)

King's method

6 USA method

UK method

0 200 400
Moment: kNm/m

Fig. 16. Bending moment distribution ± ö9 ˆ 408

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242 DAY

φ′ 5 508

Finite element

4 Best fit
Height: m

Equation (9)

King's method

6 USA method

UK method

0 200 400
Moment: kNm/m

Fig. 17. Bending moment distribution ± ö9 ˆ 508

the values of pa , p1 , p2 , y and the wall geometry, be seen that there is very little difference between
h and d: the different methods. Therefore, the theoretical
passive pressure is fully mobilized below the ex-
(a) The distance from the bottom of the wall of cavation level and the ®rst assumption used in the
zero net pressure, å9. rectilinear net pressure method is quite reasonable.
(b) The active pressure coef®cient, K a . In all Also plotted on this diagram are the values of å9
cases, K a was within 2% of the theoretical that result from the assumptions used to de®ne the
value given by Caquot & Kerisel (1948) for a net pressure distribution in the USA method.
rough wall. Clearly, å9 is not constant and varies with re-
(c) The passive pressure coef®cient immediately spect to the limiting earth pressures (K p =Ka ). A
below the excavation level, K p , that is inferred good approximation to the actual value is given by
from the rectilinear pressure distribution be- equation (9), which is plotted on Fig. 18:
tween pa and p1 .  
: Kp
å9 ˆ 0 047 ln ‡ 0:1 (9)
For comparison with the value of K p inferred from Ka
the best-®t rectilinear pressure distribution (above),
Kp was also determined from the ®nite element The net pressure distribution and the predicted
integration point stresses. This was calculated using limiting equilibrium height of excavation given by
a least squares ®t to the linear part of the passive the UK method, USA method, King's recommenda-
pressure distribution immediately below the exca- tion (å9 ˆ 0:35) and equation (9), in conjunction
vation. with theoretical pressure coef®cients K a and K p
The values of å9 determined in this manner are given by Caquot & Kerisel (1948), are also plotted
plotted against K p =K a in Fig. 18 for K p deter- on Figs 8±12. This is akin to a design procedure.
mined in three different ways. The values of K p It is noted that King's assumption does not yield a
used are the theoretical values given by Caquot & solution in the case of ö9 ˆ 208, because K p =K a is
Kerisel (1948) for a rough wall, and those calcu- less than 7´9. There is good agreement between the
lated by the two methods described above. It can results based on equation (9) and the ®nite element

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FE stresses
Best fit
0.4 Theoretical


ε′ 5 0.047 ln(Kp /K a) 1 0.10


USA (Bowles, 1988)

1 10 100 1000
Kp /K a

Fig. 18. Position of zero net pressure

results. Neither the USA method nor the assump- centrifuge tests reported by King (1995). The cen-
tion that å9 ˆ 0:35 produces good estimates of the trifuge experiments were performed by excavation
limiting equilibrium height and net earth pressure of 0´5 m of soil at each stage (the wall was 11 m
over the full range of soil properties and wall long). The actual limiting equilibrium height may
friction. The USA method is reasonably good for therefore be up to 0´5 m greater than the last
low values of K p =K a , and King's assumption is observed stable height, which is reported by King.
reasonable at high values. Consequently, the USA This range is plotted in Fig. 19. There is excellent
method and the å9 ˆ 0:35 assumption produce er- agreement between the ®nite element results and
roneous bending moment distributions compared the centrifuge data. The limiting equilibrium height
with the ®nite element results. predicted by the rectilinear pressure distribution
based on the assumptions that passive pressure is
fully mobilized immediately below excavation and
Bending moment at limiting equilibrium å9 is given by equation (9) is also plotted in Fig.
In Figs 13±17 the bending moments calculated 19. This method provides an excellent prediction
from the best-®t rectilinear net pressure are plotted. of the ®nite element results and the centrifuge data
The best-®t rectilinear net pressure diagram pro- over the full range of K p =Ka .
duces a bending moment that is surprisingly close The predictions of critical retained height and
to the ®nite element bending moment. The bending bending moment distribution by the USA and UK
moment obtained from the USA method, King's methods are reasonable at low values of K p =K a
assumption (å9 ˆ 0:35), equation (9) and the UK but not at high values. The assumption of
method in conjunction with theoretical values of å9 ˆ 0:35 is in better agreement with the data and
K a and K p are also shown. ®nite element results at the upper values of K p =K a
but appears very conservative at lower values.

Comparison of methods
The limiting equilibrium retained height ob- CONCLUSION
tained from the ®nite element analysis is the last A rectilinear net pressure distribution comprising
stable height for which a numerical solution was three lines provides a good approximation to the actual
obtained. It is estimated that the actual critical net pressure distribution at limiting equilibrium. This
height is up to 0´1 m greater. The consequential distribution has the following characteristics:
range in h9c is plotted in Fig. 19 against the ratio
K p =K a . The values of K a and Kp used here were (a) Active pressure is fully mobilized above the
determined from the integration point stresses in excavation level.
the soil immediately adjacent to the wall (as de- (b) Passive pressure is fully mobilized immedi-
scribed above). Also plotted are the results of ately below the excavation level.

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244 DAY

Centrifuge (King, 1995) ε′ 5 0.35

5 Finite element

h ′c 5 h c /d

ε′ 5 equation (9)
1 10 100 1000

Kp / K a

Fig. 19. Comparison of ®nite element results, centrifuge data and design methods

(c) The point of zero net pressure is dependent on may be as good an approximation to the net pres-
the active and passive pressure coef®cients and sure in the realistic situations when the retained
is de®ned by equation (9). height is less than the limit state value. The in situ
stress (K 0 ) and wall stiffness are likely to be more
The limiting equilibrium retained height and the signi®cant in this situation.
bending moment distribution predicted by this rec-
tilinear net pressure are in excellent agreement
with centrifuge data and ®nite element analyses
over the full range of soil strength and wall friction REFERENCES
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