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Support Site / Client T.

Spent FLSA
ID type System Client Country Pers Date Hour (H) eng

Bomgar Barbie/Mr
RemoteA Camous
19 ccess QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr (Contes) 100310 15H45 1.5 ASA

Bomgar 11H30
RemoteA Et
18 ccess QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr JC. Fayolle 100310 14h15 1 ASA

17 Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr JC. Fayolle 100308 13H15 0.5 ASA

16 Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr JC. Fayolle 100303 17H25 0.75 ASA
Bomgar Niermont/Mr
RemoteA Camous
15 ccess QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr (Contes) 100303 9H30 1 ASA

14 Ass-tel QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr Guy Garcia 100302 16h05 0.5 ASA

13 ccess QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr Barbier 100301 15h30 1.5 ASA

12 Ass-tel QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr Guy Garcia 100225 15h30 1 ASA

Mme Lopez
& Mr
11 Ass-tel QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr Garcia 100225 10h00 0.5 ASA

10 Ass-tel QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr Guy Garcia 100224 15h20 0.5 ASA

9 Ass-tel QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr Barbier 100219 16H30 0.5 ASA

8 Ass-tel QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr Barbier 100219 14H15 0.5 ASA

7 Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P. Legros 100217 22h05 0.5 ASA

6 Ass-tel QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr Guy Garcia 100202 15H15 0.5 ASA
5 Ass-tel QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr Barbier 100127 11H15 0.75 ASA

4 e-mail QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr Barbier 100126 17h30 0.25 ASA

3 Ass-tel QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr Niermont 100126 14h45 0.5 ASA

2 Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P. Legros 100122 14H20 0.5 ASA

1 Site Visit QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr andais 100118 14 ASA
Support Description

Connexion à distance via l'usine de Contes la modification effectué le 1/3 n'a

pas résolu le Pb. Modif à nouveau

Pb sur le Synop, sur le prelv Melange un message "Manque condition initiale" et

la couleur de l'échantillonneur en Bleu". Les points qui anniment ces symboles
ont été supprimés !!, récréation des point concerné. Pb résolu.

Pb Insitec. Après une augmentation de la dose (de 17 à 40g) pour pour

l'analyse Insitec, nous constatons plus de défauts bien que l'analyse se termine
bien. Les raisons peuvent être soit Timeout soit un défaut qui se déclare pour un
court instant sur l'appareil (vue auparavant). une première action de augmenter
le timeout à 400 ou 500 sec. aprés augmentation à 500 sec, le défaut n'aparait

Les éch Auto (Clinker) ne sont plus enregistrés. La cartouche arrive à la station
Recp se vidange mais on ne dose pas cas l'ech n'est pas enreg. Après re-boot,
le PB disparait, le diag sur les signaux AST et SST auipourraient être la cause

Connexion à distance via l'usine de Contes mise en place de la correction du

driver effectuée il y a 2 jours, les test seront effectué durant la journée
Comment modifier le timeout du programme Malvern (PGM_Param(2) fortran )

Pb1) Modif à distance du Prgramme DX concerné par le PB de la semaine

derniè l'heure tardive nous n'avons pas mis en place la solution. Nous feron
demain. Pb2) De temps en temps une perte de comm avec toutes les
machines, ceci s'est produit vers 14h aujourd'hui. aprés Investigations des
messages "Collision excessives" sont générés ce qui indique un pb réseau

après contact avec Mr Granacher et envoie des traces il apparait que QCX
envoie la demande des résultat avec format KPc, après dignostic nous
decouverons su'il s'agit d'une bUg dans QCX, qui se produit suite à un monieur
bien redémarrage du driver regle le PB. une correction du driver
doit être effectué la semaine suivante.

les traces envoyées montrent que le PC Bruker envoie les resultats en Kcp.
Donc c'est un pb de paramètrage qui a changé dans le logiciel de Bruker
(probablement après la calibration). Envoie par e-mail les coordonnées Mr
Granacher qui a dévelppé la partie AXSCOM.

Pb depuis la matiné les résultas FX dans QCX sont en Kpc et non pas en
pourcentage. Bruker a verifié à distance ne decèle pas d'anomalie côté PC
Bruker. Demade d'eeffectuer des traces de comm et d'envoyer par e-mail.

Patille arrive au bout du conv coté FX mais Analyse ne demarre pas. PB de

sequence non terminé auparavat au niveau de convoyeur (Pb d'automatisme qui
arrive rarement). La solution est faire fonctionner le convoyeur manuellement
sens FX vers Robot avec la pastille.
Pb capteur presence pastille coté FX
Pb Defaut Comm Modbus, sur les aiguilleurs et les échantilloneurs. Reboot
QCX/Automates etc… n'a pas resolu le PB. Pb liaison Comm / cartes modem
cables etc à verifier

les resultats des analyses du nouveau produit (Nv GrpEch) ne sont pas transmis
à Protop. Il faut configurer les exports C-Points pour ce nouveau Produit.
Info comment integrer nouveau produit en Automatique, Grp Ech, AutoEch,
Bpoint Alg, etc …
PB de comm avec les machines Labo et Protop/ reboot QCX OK, un diagnostic
approfondit n'est pas possible, avec les alarmes communiqué, il semble que ce
soit un pb de micro coupure réseau

Info sur les cartes de contrôle et l'utilisation des Apoints à cet effet
pb au niveau DX, Ech arrive ext convoyeur mais analyse ne démarre pas. Apres
RAZ, Idem, DX se met en Défaut. Solution : sur le PC DX vider la liste d'ancien
Ech non supprimé. OK

Suite PMV See PMV Site Report

Support Site / Client T. Spent
Support_ID type System Client Country Pers Date Hour (H)

S090213FR-ASA02 Ass-tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr ayolle 090213 11h30 0.5

S090213FR-ASA01 Remote conn/BOMGAR

QCX354 Lafarge Contes Fr G. Camous 090213 10H00 1.25

S090415FR-ASA01 Ass-tel QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr Barbier 090415 14H45 0.5

S090529FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P. Legros 090529 12H00 0.5

S090605FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P. Legros 090605 16H30 1

S090608FR-ASA01 PMV QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P.Legros 090608 35

S090616FR-ASA01 Site Visit QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr J.C. Fayolle 090616 14

S090619FR-ASA01 Site Visit QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr J.C. Fayolle 090619 7

S090619FR-ASA01 Site Visit QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr J.C. Fayolle 090623 7

S090213FR-ASA02 Ass-tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr Fayolle 090626 20H45 0.5

S090703FR-ASA01 Site Visit QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr J.C. Fayolle 090703 7

S090728FR-ASA01 Site Visit QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr J.C. Fayolle 090728 7

G. Camous
S090803FR-ASA01 PMV QCX354 Lafarge Contes Fr & J.M Jover 090803 35
S090911FR-ASA01 Site Visit QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Choupay 090911 7

S090928FR-ASA01 Site Visit QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr J.C. Fayolle 090914 7

S090911FR-ASA01 Site Visit QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Choupay 090928 7

S091001FR-ASA01 Ass-tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P.Legros 091001 19h15 2

S091017FR-ASA01 Ass-tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P.Legros 091017 17h00 1

S091021FR-ASA02 Ass-tel QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr Barbier 091021 14h30 0.5
S091001FR-ASA01 Ass-tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P.Legros 091021 11h00 0.5

Site Visit QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr J.C. Fayolle 091116 49

PMV QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Choupay 091214 28
PMV QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr Barbier 091221 28

Site Visit QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr J.C. Fayolle 091202 42

Site Visit QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr J.C. Fayolle 090707 7

Site Visit QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr J.C. Fayolle 090730 7

Site Visit QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr J.C. Fayolle 090914 7

Site Visit QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr J.C. Fayolle 100106 21
eng Support Description Crédit heures crédit jours
371 53

Some of XRD results are not transfered to Protop. In some sgp not transfer for
ASA QIMS. Indication for XRD transfert, deeper invistigation is needed for QIMS Usine
New application under supperQ does not start from QCX. Dignostic using
BOMGAR remote connection. The application was bad configured under
ASA SuperQ. Correction OK Contes
After having problem with Brucker XRF during analysis, need to know how to
ASA trace communication. Information given. PB solved. PLN
ASA Info sur la recup des resultas au dela de 2 ans SPLC
PB With Extra smp for average & smp in rcv/ cancel of etra smp, restart extra
smp driver; Rcv does not reset (the clean) the robot did not removed the cup
ASA from balance, once removed manual it is OK. Le Havre
ASA PMV See Site report

ASA QCX Client Install & various

ASA QCX Client Install & various

ASA Robolab trouble shooting / Trace Install etc …

ASA PB avec Robolab, blocage malgré 2 reboots. Origine du PB Robot hors cercle

ASA Latest QCX Client

ASA Robolab Diagnostic (after Server Virus contamination)

ASA See PMV Report

ASA diagnostic on Sampler PB alarm.

ASA Trace on Robot Dirver / autamatic backup of SDREvents

ASA Pb Autoech non valid BP50/Export to Protop/ Boucl
PB Robolab, certain appli trop long à s'afficher voir non. Reboot OK, mais ech.
Non traité parés vidange cartouch. Type Godet non detect. Rredef. Poid petit
ASA Gd. + marge
bp de ralentissement su system. Après reboot et chg de srv 2 eqp "n'acrrochent
ASA pas" reverif connecteur Moxa & rebbot OK
ASA diagnostic concernant PB Comm entre QCX et XRF Bruker
ASA téléchargement des fichiers d'alarmes sur plusieur jour pour diagnostic

Jesper Problem with TTR


Christophe, rené



utilisées jours utilisés jours restants
327.5 46.79 6.21

heures utilisées



Support Site / Client T. Spent
Support_ID type System Client Country Pers Date Hour (H)

S081204FR-ASA01 Site Visit ECS511 Smedar Rouen Fr M. Delorme 081204 7

S081201FR-ASA01 PMV QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Choupay 081201 2 5 6 8 35

G. Garcia & 10h &

S081124FR-ASA01 Ass-tel QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr Barbier 081124 14h 1

S081009FR-ASA01 QCX1254
Remote/BOMGAR Holcim Rochefort Fr Viverge 081009 13H 0.5

Barbier & 11H&14

S081008FR-ASA01 Ass-tel QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr Gomez 081008 H 3

S081007FR-ASA02 Site Visit QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Caillière 081007 18H45 0.5

S081007FR-ASA01 Ass-tel QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr Barbier 081007 10h 1

G. Garcia
S081002FR-ASA01 Ass-tel QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr & Gaubert 081002 10h 0.75

S080923FR-ASA01 Site Visit QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Caillière 080923 0.5

G. Garcia &
S080902FR-ASA01 PMV QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr Barbier 080902 21
S080825FR-ASA01 PMV QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P.Legros 080825 35

S080724FR-ASA01 Ass-tel QCX354 Lafarge Contes Fr G. Camous 080724 16h 1

S080722FR-ASA01 Site Visit QCX354 Lafarge Contes Fr G. Camous 080722 11

S080717FR-ASA02 Ass-Tel ECS1059 (italcementi) Morocco AKBOUR 080717 10H&17H 1

S080717FR-ASA01 QCX1254
Remote/BOMGAR Holcim Rochefort Fr Viverge 080717 1

S080715FR-ASA01 Site Visit QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P.Legros 080715 12

S080713FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P. Legros 080713 Sunday20H 2.5

S080711FR-ASA01 Remote conn/BOMGAR

QCX354 Lafarge Contes Fr G. Camous 080711 7

S080708FR-ASA01 Site Visit QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Menetrier 080708 24

S080702FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P. Legros 080702 18H00 0.5

S080627FR-ASA01 PMV ECS511 Smedar Rouen Fr M. Delorme 080627 7

S080623FR-ASA01 Site Visit QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Caillière 080623 8
G. Camous
S080616FR-ASA01 Site Visit QCX354 Lafarge Contes Fr & J.M Jover 080616 35

S080606FR-ASA03 Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P. Legros 080606 19H00 0.5

S080606FR-ASA02 Ass-Tel ECS1058 (italcementi) Safi Morocco Aroui 080606 17H 2
S080606FR-ASA01 e-mail ECS511 SNVE Rouen Fr Lesage 080606 9H30 0.5

S080605FR-ASA01 Site Visit QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Legros 080605 8

S080604FR-ASA02 Ass-Tel ECS1058 (italcementi) Safi Morocco Aroui 080604 14H 1

Sandrine 11h et
S080604FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Legros 080604 14h 0.5

Onyx / Flore
S080526FR-ASA01 e-mail/diag ECS/PLG1137Sonirval Nevers FR Mateta 080526 11H 1

S080502FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel ECS1058 (italcementi) Safi Morocco Aroui 080502 17H00 1
(italcementi Safi
S080414FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel ECS1058 ) Morocco Aroui 080414 16H45 0.5

S080408FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Landais 080408 9h:15 1

S080328FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel QCX573 Maroc FEZ Morocco Marwahi 080328 14h15 1

S080327FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel QCX573 Maroc FEZ Morocco Marwahi 080327 14h 4

S080326FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel QCX573 Maroc FEZ Morocco Marwahi 080326 14h15 1
S080321FR-ASA01 Remote conn
QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr Toupin 080321 10h:30 0.5

S080319FR-ASA01 Site Visit QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr Toupin 080319 7

S080318FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel ECS1058 (italcementi) Safi Morocco Aroui 080318 11H30 0.5

S080317FR-ASA01 Site Visit QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Choupay 080317 7

S080317FR-CCD01 E-mail QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Menetrier 080317

S080312FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel ECS1058 (italcementi) Safi Morocco Aroui 080312 14H 1

Mr Viverge
S080311FR-ASA01 QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr & Menetrier 080311 09h:15 2

Mr Viverge
S080307FR-ASA01 QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr & Menetrier 080307 11h:45 1

S080306FR-ASA01 QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Mr Viverge 080306 15h:00 1

S080305FR-ASA01 Site Visit QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Landais 080305 7

S080303FR-ASA02 QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Mr Viverge 080303 11h:05

S080303FR-ASA01 QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr FAYOLLE 080303 10h:00

S080302FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Viverge 080302 18h05 1.5

S080227FR-ASA02 QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Menetrier 080227 14h00 1

S080227FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr FAYOLLE 080227 16h:20 0.5

Cimar Agadir Mr Akbour

S080226FR-ASA02 e-mail ECS1059 (italcementi) Morocco & Taji 080226 16H00 0.5

Mr Viverge
S080226FR-ASA01 QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr & Menetrier 080226 17h00 2

S080215FR-ASA01 Site Visit QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Mr Cassez 080215 14h00 1

S080212FR-ASA01 Site Visit QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr andais 080212 7

Holcim FEZ
S080205FR-ASA02 Ass-Tel QCX573 Maroc Morocco Marwahi 080205 19h15 1
S080205FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel QCX573 Maroc FEZ Morocco Marwahi 080205 14h45 0.5

S080201FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P. Legros 080201 16h:20 0.5

Dacosta &
S080131FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Mr Cassez 080131 15h:00 0.5

MM Marino
Lille, & Dacosta
S080127FR-ASA01 QCX1254 Holcim-IT Rochefort Fr & Viverge 080127 3

S080124FR-ASA01 Site Visit QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Mr Landais 080124 7

Cassez &
S080123FR-ASA01 various QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Menetrier 080123 2

S080117FR-ASA03 e-mail QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr FAYOLLE 080117 18:15 0.5

Cimar Agadir and
S080117FR-ASA02 Ass-Tel ECS1059 (italcementi) Morocco Mr Akbour 080117 17H45 1.5
S080117FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Choupay 080117 0

S080116FR-ASA03 Ass-Tel QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Mr Landais 080116 0

S080116FR-ASA02 e-mail QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr FAYOLLE 080116 19:00 1

S080116FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr y; Menetrier 080116 10:30 1

Lille, MM Marino
S080114/15/16FR-ASA01 QCX1254 Holcim-IT Rochefort Fr & Dacosta 080114/15/16 8

CJO Djebel Oust

S080115FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel QCX985 (CIMPOR) Tunisia Mr Djebbi 080115 15:15 1.5
S080109FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr G. Garcia 080109 10:30 0.5
S080107FR-ASA02 Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr FAYOLLE 080104 21:45 0

S080107FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr FAYOLLE 080104 18:00 2

S080104FR-ASA01 Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr FAYOLLE 080104 11:00 0.5
eng Support Description

urgent intervention : MOP1 stopped and will not restart (disk space problem),
reboot on VMS CD, check of the disk files, one of system log file has huge
ASA amount of data. After file deletion system OK again
PMV XRF Driver Modification to use Cubix as spare XRF + normal system
ASA control

during the WE after changing product type for cement the analysis stops after
about one Min. it is OK for clinckr and RM. From the trace QCX cancel the
analysis after about 1 min. the origin of the problem is timeout definition, it looks
ASA like it has been

Since last week, almost 2 time per day, the Opstation on the client Freez,
ASA we must restart OPS to solve it. We have to check if it is HF pb

ASA & Establishement of a remote connction (BOMGAR) to Debug and see itf the
COE Bruker Pb is From QCX. Conclusion thePB is in Brucker side.
after some work on the pC XRF the communication is lost between , will
ASA not be back again. Aftre re-starting the driver OK
PB have not been solved bruker did not do any investigation. We got
communication trace, the XRF at the end of the analysis send
ASA permanaetely, it is being moving sample to the belt

Pb Bruker, Sample analysed uploaded to internal Pos but not to the belt.
ASA Manual samples from rack are OK. Our dignostic Bruker PB
XRD Eqp had HW pb during Weekend, after panalytical intervention the PB has
been fixed. But from QCX analysis will not start. After restating the driver Teins4
ASA it is OK


ASA PMV See Site report

diagnostic et info pour résoudre 1- pb transmission Pfmanu à Unilab. 2-

ASA Remplacement lecteur Cassette

ASA Résolution PB Drivers FX

ASA PB on IPModbus converter/ how to reset etc …

after power cut the TTR drivers are in fault. After investigation the TTR have
ASA been Put in Manual. Once swithched back to Auto PB Salved
diagnostic pour le problème Robot survenu le wwek-end. Finalement c'était un
ASA PB de mauvaise sycronisation.

ASA Troubleshooting of the Robot Problem

ASA Troubleshooting of the XRF new driver

ASA PMV 3 days See site report

Info, Clincker result has not been transmited to CCR. The reason is a sample
ASA have been taken befor last clinker sample analyzed

ASA PMV On VMS system

Test to repreduce problem happening June 4. usage of 4 portion per sample. In
the begining of the afternoon the PB happened. DB put back, recommendation to
ASA a avoid 4 portions use
ASA Visite annulelle dans le cadre du contrat de maintenance

The operators says that some time when changing sample taking frequency it is
not respected by the system. Explanation may be for a given sample we have to
change the frequency for all sample group (product) of the sampler and not anly
ASA the current one.

ASA Help on rebuilding the arriere server by using import/export method.

ASA Info about using optical mouse, on POP (VMS) under WinNT

Solving Predosing PB. the PB has become serious yesterday aftrnoon. the plant
decided to use the image disk made one month ago. This worked OK. so my
work was to investigate what happened yesterday. we put the suspected disk on
ASA disconnected spare machine.

TS ECS carrière server, the installation of new server with Backup, Comm to
ASA PLC have PB. Serveral test and investigation PB Not solved.

Dosing/deviding PB on the predoser. Since the morining one predose machine,

does not dose some or all the portion. Check of the comM, events etc.. After
ASA reboot the PB remain. Urgent intervention the to do the following day.

The client asks if possible to get statistical data fro octobre 2007, for points not
ASA declared in PLG. After investigation, Hourly stat data do cover only 2 months.

Test of the remote connection Through the secure server in Copenhagen, using

Problem on Server Synchronisation. Synchro failed. Finaly we did backup

ASA from server1 and restore on server2 OK
PB en Result transfer to QIMS on some of SGP. This was due to changes
on XRF1 and XRF2 for (tablet and bead). Explanation on where to change
ASA config.
the QCX system is Freeze with no mouse nor keyboard active, with alarm set
time error (at 28 march 02hxx.) Reboot, and change to system time to the local
ASA morrocan time

After long investigation, the PB is because the ethernet connec is set to twisted
pair not BNC. Modification done (>>>set ewa0_mode BNC) comm OK with XRF
& PLC. Still pb in the Eqp itself the client will contact Thermo to fix the eqp HW
ASA pb
The client recived today the new QCX server sent by KBH, It starts OK, but no
comm with XRF nor PLC's various investigation, agreement to continue
ASA investigation tomorrow
Test of the remote connection Through the secure server in Copenhagen, using

1- Discussion on spec for Feeder acsh Estimation, based on complicated

calculation. 2- Discussion on how to improve the diagnostic when pb in the
ASA Recv Station 3- B-Points for Eqp availability as part of new performance reports

ASA Question on how to put back old mimic. E-mail description sent.
Work with panalitical reducing analysis time, espcialy sampling handle in the
ASA changer
e-mail bug origin of AUS Pb is in one faceplate, description how to fix it. Mr
CCD Menetrier made the modif. OK
ASA Several calls for how to change passwords for administatives accounts

Implementation by remote connection of B Pnts for Status Eqp for KPI, BpAlg,
ASA Bpnts and log horizon.

PB AUS the transport system showing as a carrier is in the tubes with red sign.
The client does think it is sensor PB. He asked for CCD diagnostic, trough
remote connection. Finaly the client succeed to solve the PB by lookin in the
ASA PLC. Mr Menetier sent

ASA Test remote connexion to the site using BOMGAR. Sucess OK

ASA Transfert PB between XRD Sgp Data and Protop. Solved
The client is complaining he odered spar parts from Pfaff since Otober 2007, he
did not recieve any thing yet. Phone number of GGR is given to do the
ASA necessary
JCF suggests a meeting in site to discuss the complecated calculation. We
ASA agree for 19/3/08 in the morning

Since Friday Night no possibility to analyse on the Axios from QCX. Comm
look to be OK, after investigation and trace etc … we find out that the
defined bacth list in SuperQ is corrupted. Creation of new list (QCX_LIST1)
ASA and modification in QCX driver par
Upgrade of Mill and Press drivers + faceplates. Discussion on BLX behavior, and
ASA modification of the virtual silo capacity from 500t to 400t

Discussion on problem happend on RCV & Balance and TTR. What is the
possibility to intreuce more info in the OPS RCV etc to help for diagnostic. Also
disscussion on some complicated calculation needed in the plant, the possibility
ASA of making a specific app

ASA Send TOP 50 alarms & manual how to change Mac Adress

BOMGAR FLSA office Test and manual writing on how to use in the client side.
ASA E-mail sent for real with the site tomorrow
Finding the requested info from various document and sending them by e-mai to
ASA Mr Cassez
XRD Driver Modification to get both results from Pic & Rietveld simulanousely.
ASA Also Work on Data export to Protop

after dedusting CD Device problem not solved. Checking of the system

description file SCSIdisk, CD and Tape drives. No of the usual drive names
dka .. Is shown. Investigation on the shown drives, information on internet.
ASA First diagnostic, SCSI board is do
QCX Server (VMS) does not start. Diagnostic and try to boot on the CD fail. Ask
ASA to dedust the CD drive and call back
TTR shows status not updated. Check Modicon TTR PLC, No comm. Ping to
TTR IP Adress OK. Check visualy the PLC looks OK. After swich off and on the
ASA TTR, Comm back OK

Mr Cassez asks to be supplyed on info on QCX connection to the ABB LIMS at

the site. He will make a presentation on internal Holcim Comfrence. Promise to
ASA supply sth next week

Conf and test of DSL line as suggested by the client to test VPN, without
ASA success. E-mail to the client about the result.

ASA Check and test new spare QCX Server

1- Contact with Pfaff to arrange Pfaff 2007 service visit 2- download and
extraction drivers (mill and press) and send only exe and faceplates. 3- email to
ASA the client with these info including info that we are going to develop new KPI

ASA study the possibility to make some specific complicated calculation with QCX

Help on restoring (after rebuilding the Server) ECS DB Cement Dispatch ECS
ASA Server.
coordination for XRF replacement. Info for normal (not Reiveld) FCaO on the
Discussion for how to build a spare VMS QCX Server. Plan intervention in site to
ASA help on this January 24
e-mail answer/diagnostic about PB of 07/01/08. See Report
ASA PB_Lehavre_080107_diagnostic_email_a_JCF.doc

It looks like one of the disks -mirror- is faulty (led blinking) (E0D76 BP Drive 1),
various check, and info from MBH. The faulty disk has to be changed.
Suggestion to the client to have and extra disk for Backup (image). As the disks
ASA are Hot swap

ASA Trying to configure and establish a VPN connection to the Rochefort site

The client is worry about disk free space on QCX Server, and some strange
application trying to start on the machine. General check done, free space OK,
but it looks that some virus passed there. Even as administrator ther was no
ASA possibility to access the
ASA Infor about prg nbr for the Malvern, the client changed the Eqp to Insitec
ASA Call back for confirmation system is OK

Robolab : Big cup is not moved to the rack, this lock the recipe in the Recv
Station. Stopping the BC driver freeze Eqp Tools. Reboot did not help,
sample stays in RCV,not treated. Err PM, (we find PM service stopped),
ASA clean non finished recipe reboot aga
ASA Info pour des calculs compliqué (Solveur)
Support Site / Client T. Spent FLSA
Support_ID type System Client Country Pers Date Hour (H) eng

Cimar Agadir
S071207FR-ASA01Ass-Tel ECS1059 (italcementi) Morocco AKBOUR 071207 11:00 1 ASA
S071206FR-ASA02Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr TOUPIN 071128 17h ASA
S071206FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Viverge 071206 11h/14h/17h 1.5 ASA

S071205FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 071205+G61

15h/17h 1 ASA

Choupay &
S071205FR-ASA01PMV QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Cailliere 071205 14 ASA
S071204FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Cassez 071204 3 ASA

Choupay &
S071203FR-ASA01PMV QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Cailliere 071203 7 ASA
S071128FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr FAYOLLE 071128 10H 0 ASA

S071126FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX354 Lafarge Contes Fr G. Camous 071126 11H 0.5 ASA

S071125FR-ASA01Ass-Tel ECS1058 (italcementi) Safi Morocco Aroui 071125 14H 0.5 ASA

S071120FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 071120+G61

10h 0.5 ASA

S071107FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX??? Sean-quinn Irland Mcdonald 071107 15h 1 ASA

Choupay &
S071107FR-ASA01PMV QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Cailliere 0709&0 14 ASA

S071106FR-ASA01Investgation QCX??? Sean-quinn Irland 071106 1 ASA

Rohrdorf- Frank
S071105FR-ASA01Remote co;, QCX803 Zement Germany Stocker 071105 10 & 15 3 ASA
Rohrdorf- Frank
S071031FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX803 Zement Germany Stocker 071031 3 ASA
S071024FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr FAYOLLE 071024 9:00 ASA
S071023FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr Legros 071023 20:00 1.5 ASA

Cimar Agadir
S071010FR-ASA01Ass-Tel ECS1059 (italcementi) Morocco Taji 071010 9:00 7 ASA

S071009FR-ASA02Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr y; Menetrier 071009+G61

14:10 0.5 ASA

Cimar Agadir
S071009FR-ASA01Ass-Tel ECS1059 (italcementi) Morocco Taji 071009 9:00 7 ASA

S071008FR-ASA02Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 071008+G61

19:35 0.5 ASA

S071008FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 071008+G61

17:05 0.5 ASA
Mme Sandrine
S070928FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Legros 070928 15:30 1 ASA
S070924FR-ASA01Site Visit QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr & Legros 070924 35 ASA

S070919FR-ASA01Ass-Tel ECS Tereos (Beghin Say) Fr

Abbeville Mr Boucher 070919 0.5 ASA

Choupay &
S070918FR-ASA01Site Visit QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Cailliere 0709&0 7 ASA

L. Casser
S070912FR-ASA01Site Visit QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr y; Menetrier 070912 … 21 ASA
Choupay &
S070910FR-ASA01Site Visit QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Landais 0709&0 7 ASA
Mr Vialle &
S070907FR-ASA01Site Visit QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Landais 070907 7 ASA
Mr Vialle &
S070906FR-ASA01Site Visit QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Landais 070906 7 ASA

Mme Laetitia
S070905FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr Lopez 070905 ASA
P. Viverge
S070904FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr & yannick 070904+G61
… 3 ASA

S070829FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070829+G61

… 2 ASA

S070828FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070828+G61

14:00 2 ASA

S070827FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070827+G61

8:45 0.5 ASA

S070822FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070822+G61

9:30 0.5 ASA
S070810FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070810+G61
9:20 0.5 ASA

S070809FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070809+G61

11:35 0.5 ASA
S070717FR-ASA01Site Visit QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr & Legros 070717 28 ASA

S070716FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Yannick 070716+G61

15:30 0.5 ASA

Vallcarca Ruben
S070709FR-ASA03Ass-Tel QCX1080 UNILAND (Spain) Garcia 070709 13:30 1 ASA

Mr Cassez
S070709FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr & Yannick 070709+G61
15:10 0.5 ASA
G. Garcia &
S070709FR-ASA01PMV QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr Barbier 070709 24 ASA
S070705FR-ASA05Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr FAYOLLE 070705 9:35 0.5 ASA

S070701FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070701+G61

14:10 1 ASA
S070628FR-ASA01Site Visit PLG1292 Smedar Rouen Fr M. Delorme 070628+G61 7 ASA
S070626FR-ASA01Site Visit PLG1292 Smedar Rouen Fr M. Delorme 070626+G61 7 ASA

S070618FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070618+G61

14:10 0.5 ASA

G. Camous
S070611FR-ASA01Site Visit QCX354 Lafarge Contes Fr & J.M Jover 070611 35 ASA

Vallcarca Santi RAYA

S070601FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1080 UNILAND (Spain) & Lucio 070601 14:00 1.5 ASA

LeGros et
S070516FR-ASA06Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr Michelo 070516 20:10 1.5 ASA

S070516FR-ASA05Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr FAYOLLE 070516 16:35 0.5 ASA

S070516FR-ASA04Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Yanick 070516 15:15 0.5 ASA

S070516FR-ASA03Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr FAYOLLE 070516 14:40 0.5 ASA

S070516FR-ASA02Ass-Tel QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Mr Vialle 070516 11:20 0.5 ASA

S070516FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Yanick 070516 9:10 0.5 ASA

S070515FR-ASA02Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Yanick 070515 16:20 1 ASA

S070515FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Yanick 070515 9:15 0.5 ASA

Santi RAYA
Vallcarca & Ruben
S070514FR-ASA03Ass-Tel QCX1080 UNILAND (Spain) Garcia 070514 10:30 2 ASA

S070514FR-ASA03Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P.Legros 070515 19:30 1 ASA

S070514FR-ASA02Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Yanick 070514 14:00 0.5 ASA

S070514FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P.Legros 070514 10:00 0.5 ASA

Onyx /
S070511FR-ASA01Site Visit ECS/PLG1137Sonirval Nevers FR J. Fournier 070511+G61 7 ASA

S070510FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P.Legros 070510 14:00 0.5 ASA

S070424FR-ASA02Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr FAYOLLE 070424 16:45 0.5 ASA

Onyx /
S070424FR-ASA01Ass-Tel ECS/PLG1137Sonirval Nevers FR J. Fournier 070424 15:00 1 ASA

Mr Vialle &
S070420FR-ASA03Site Visit QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Caillere 070420 7 ASA
Mr Vialle &
S070419FR-ASA03Site Visit QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Caillere 070419 7 ASA

S070418FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Da Costa 070418+G61

11:00 0.5 ASA

S070417FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Da Costa 070417+G61

15:00 0.5 ASA
S070416FR-ASA01Site Visit PLG1292 Smedar Rouen Fr M. Delorme 070416+G61 7 ASA

Mr Vialle &
S070330FR-ASA03Site Visit QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Panalytical 070330 7 ASA

Mr Vialle &
S070329FR-ASA03Site Visit QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Panalytical 070329 7 ASA

S070328FR-ASA02Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr FAYOLLE 070328 10:00 0.5 ASA

Mr Vansink
S070323FR-ASA03 QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Panalytical 070323 0.5 ASA
S070322FR-ASA02 PLG1292 Smedar Rouen Fr 070322+G61 1 ASA
S070322FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Yanick 070322+G61
11:50 0.5 ASA
S070314FR-ASA02Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P.Legros 070215 18:00 0 ASA

S070314FR-ASA02 QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr 070215 19:00 0.75 ASA

S070313FR-ASA02Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P.Legros 070213 16:00 0.5 ASA

S070313FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Yanick 070313+G61

9:45 0.5 ASA
S070312FR-ASA03Ass-Tel PLG1292 Smedar Rouen Fr F. Caron 070312+G61
10:30 1.5 ASA

S070312FR-ASA02Ass-Tel ECS1058 (italcementi) Safi Morocco Aroui 070312+G61
16:00 1 ASA

S070312FR-ASA01Adm QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070312+G61

14:00 1.5 ASA

S070306FR-ASA02Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P.Legros 070306+G61

19:00 0.5 ASA

S070306FR-ASA01e-mail ECS1058 (italcementi) Safi Morocco Aroui 070306+G61
8:45 0.5 ASA

S070305FR-ASA05Develop ECS1058 (italcementi) Safi Morocco 070305+G61
17:00 3 ASA
S070305FR-ASA04Ass-Tel QCX1080 Uniland (Spain) Santi RAYA 070305+G61
16:30 0.5 ASA

S070305FR-ASA03Ass-Tel ECS1058 (italcementi) Safi Morocco Aroui 070305+G61
15:45 0.5 ASA

S070305FR-ASA02Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Yanick 070305+G61

14:10 0.5 ASA

S070305FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr J.C. Fayolle 070305+G61

9:50 0.25 ASA

S070301FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070301+G61

10:45 0.25 ASA

S070228FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070228 13:50 0.5 ASA

S070227FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070227 9:50 0.25 ASA

S070227FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070227 9:50 0.5 ASA

S070226FR-ASA03Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070226 15:50 0.5 ASA

S070226FR-ASA02Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070226 13:50 0.25 ASA

S070226FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr G. Garcia 070226 13:45 ASA

S070223FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Legros 070223 9:30 1.5 ASA

S070222FR-ASA02Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Yanick 070222 15:00 0.5 ASA

S070222FR-ASA01TC ECS1058 (italcementi) Safi Morocco Aroui 070222 9:00 0.75 ASA

S070221FR-ASA03Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Yanick 070221 16:00 0.5 ASA

S070221FR-ASA02Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr J.C. Fayolle 070221 11:00 0.5 ASA

S070221FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr G. Garcia 070221 10:00 ASA

S070220FR-ASA03TC QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr 070220 19:00 1.5 ASA

S070220FR-ASA02 QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr 070220 11:00 0.75 ASA

S070220FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr G. Garcia 070220 10:00 0.25 ASA

S070219FR-ASA02Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P.Legros 070219 15:00 0 ASA

S070219FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr J.C. Fayolle 070219 11:00 0.5 ASA

S070216FR-ASA03Ass-Tel ECS1058 (italcementi) Safi Morocco Aroui 070216 14:00 0.75 ASA

S070216FR-ASA02TS QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr 070216 10:00 1 ASA

S070216FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr J.C. Fayolle 070216 10:00 0.25 ASA

S070215FR-ASA02Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P.Legros 070215 16:00 0.5 ASA

S070215FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr J.C. Fayolle 070215 11:00 0.5 ASA
L. Cassez
& I.
S070212FR-ASA02Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr Dacosta 070212 15:00 0.25 ASA
S070212FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P.Legros 070212 17:00 0.5 ASA

S070209FR-ASA02Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070209 17:15 0.25 ASA

S070209FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070209 14:00 0.5 ASA

S070208FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070208 21:30 0.75 ASA

S070207FR-ASA05Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070207 21:30 1 ASA

S070207FR-ASA04Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070207 20:00 1 ASA

S070207FR-ASA03Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070207 18:15 1 ASA

S070207FR-ASA02Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070207 17:00 1 ASA

S070207FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254 Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070207 15:00 1 ASA

S070206FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr G. Garcia 070206 10:00 0.25 ASA
S070201FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P.Legros 070201 17:00 0.25 ASA
Support Description

PB for Output on Siemens PLC MILL6 on one server. Solved

Discussion en vue de l'integration d'une DX Bruker et une pastilleuse Hertzog

_ Analyse perle à partir de QCX, puis transfert ver LIMS etc …

Plus d'info concernant Export vers LIMS ds fic XML items déclarés sous eqp
Offline pour les items calculés niv sup grpEch

PMV 4th & 5th day /5 PMV See Report

_ Traitement du PB broyeur/Press ech e-mail avec Dam, e-mail lient suggestion

de install nv Driver à distance. _
Modif et envoie rapport repception Essai pour facturation

PMV 3rd day /5 PMV See Report

Info sur disponibilité drivers pour les surb/Press Herzog envue nvll install
Declenchement d'un Bip Sonore à chaque alarme. Comment l'empêcher. Info

UAC n'est pas appliqué sur certain operateurs sur un seul serveur. Solution
donnée Synchronisation du Serveur (OK)

Information concernant l'export des résultats analyse Manu vers LIMS ABB

Discussion with DAM, he does not remember about the Bug Fix, but suggested
to contact HM who has treated the PB for other plant. Contact Mr Macdonald,
discuss about the PB, there is other pb when modifing the Proportionner config
the system is freezing !! .for the request for tablet started from CNV In to the
XRF, and avoiding flipper. this is not easy may be we have to change the PLC
prg for the conveyor (sensor ?) and robot teatching etc ..., so finaly for the client
is not so urgent, the most important is the smpno.

PMV 1st & 2nd day /5 PMV See Report

PB and request with QCX, smpno is > 1000000, it dsp ****, it was handeled by
coes. Discuss with JAT, it looks that the pb happens some where else, it is not
cleaus about Bug fix e-mail to SAAB,

PcAnywhere throug Modem, diagnostic more than 100 A-point with Alg 3, no
deadband (c3)? Alot of alrm IO Q buffer full. Show how to modify, re-connection
in the afternone alrm disappear. But still event pb. E-mail to HW
Problem with too many commandes to the PLC, and Eventlist. Send e-mail with
small manual Howto for A-Point Config with alg3, const 3 and 5
Discussion du problème arrivé la veille
plusieurs Pb de blocage du système, non traitement de certain échantillon,
cartouche reste dans la station etc. .. Après un reboot un éch. est traité, le 2eme
reste dans la station sans traitement. Débouchage Manu, et renvoie, nettoyage
de la station et du capteur présence cartouche. PB résolu.

Missed points in exported DB

Par moment BLX ne calcule pas les consignes. Ceci est dû au prélèvement
effectué avant l'analyse du précédent

Faceplates for Micon

Suite au changement des adresses IP, Pb au niveau d'un poste client.
Resolution OK

Suite au changement des adresses IP, Pb au niveau de interlock entre le robot

et le TTR. L'adresse référence du TTR dans l'API n'a pas été modifié.
Certain résultats Dx ne sont pas transférés vers QIMS. L'export n'était pas
configuré. Configuration et test OK

Voir Rapport d'intevention

Pb sur la façon d'ouverture de session windows. Info, donnée PB résolu.

3- pb pastilleuse2 See Report Pb resolu

PMV See Site report

3- pb pastilleuse2 diagnostic, test et mise en place d'une solution,

1- DecServer config et test 2- Ndivers creation points et config pour export
vers protop 3- pb pastilleuse2 diagnostic
1- DecServer config et test 2- Ndivers creation points et config pour export
vers protop 3- pb pastilleuse2 diagnostic

discussion et envoie de documents pour effectuer des backups images sur

disque et cassettes.

gestion des problèmes restant coté pfaff, divers contacts et info …

Problème avec le panel. Traitement contact Pfaff pour l'envoie d'un nouveau
panel. Panel arrivé à l'usine en fin de semaine
Problème avec le panel de la station d'emission cru EF. Le pannel est HS.
Divers contacts pour regler le PB, CCD etc…

Impossible de faire fonctionner les applications QCX sur le poste client. Le Poste
est en mode maintenance. Redémmarage du poste en mode marche. OK

Info pour configuration et envoie valeur C3S (Cru EF) vers la salle de contrôle)
Perte de communication avec la FX, passtille arrive à l'extremité du convoyeur
mais l'analyse ne demarre pas. Le probleme se situe au niveau de l'UAI. Après
redemarrage du PC et de l'application SuperQ le problème est résolu
Suite à un Pb de collusion entre Robot et le TTR la pince, dereglage de
présence godet. Info forunie.

Voir Rapport d'intevention

Comment envoyer les résultats d'analyse au système de CC

Pb, since Friday night the XRF in error. There was no possibility for the client to
bring it to Ready. E-mail recieved with some trace, showing that superQ answer
the Open Lisit request by status=fatal. After investigation batch QCX_LIST
uncoverable problem in superQ. after creation of a new batch QCX_LIST1, list
status is OK

BLX la valeur C3S affiché sur le synop. Est differente de celle analysée. Le pb
est dû a une mauvaise association dans "Export points"

3.5 jours durant la visite une intervention uregente à Vallcarca en Espagne

Pb de copie d'un resultat vers Apoint. L'association n'était pas effectuée.
Les analyses sur FX ne sont pas executé. L'échantillon arrive au bout du
convoyeur, l'analyse ne démarre pas. Le PB était au niveau du port échatillon
qui n'était logiquement pas defini (cup 37) au niveau de superQ

PMV on ECS VMS system + PLG PB solving

PLG Installation of ECS7.7 & PLG7.5 + pb solving

Questions conernant la liaison avec XRF suite crash du disque du PC SuperQ,
et la ré-installation.

Visite annulelle dans le cadre du contrat de maintenance

new feeder connected on Mill 3 & Mill 4. setpoint is 0 for this new feeder on mill 4
only. Investigation and test etcc . Pb solved.

Pb au niveau de la station de reception, le dosage ne démarre pas. Après

deblocage de la station remise ne état le pB persiste. Après re-boot OK.
Suite des Investigations pour pb affichage etat Malvern sur les synoptiques pas
de résultat

Le PB de l'insitec reste pour une partie des recettes auto (ciment instantanné)
Investigation pour pb affichage etat Malvern sur les synoptiques
after a PB not related to QCX, one of SGP editing has been locked. Check if it is
not locked by another terminal.
check for the Insitec Problem. When removing output eqp. The recipe is working.
Now it has to be test in automatic to confirm.

after some modification done the sample is transported to the Insitec but the
analysis do not start. Diagnostic, demand to send HC and trance. From the trace
we see Output eqp is defined. E-mail to try without Outout eqp.

How to associate Insitec results to Acx Items. Answer given to the client.
Various PB Solving & info

Problem with the Malvern, Eqp looks OK but all samples go the the Buffer rack.
Divers diagnostic, finaly the eqp was in passif mode. Still in the mimic's after
stopping and starting the malvern driver the status in the mimic' is "Driver
Stopped" even though the driver is working OK. People in the plant will call back
thursday to make a diagnostic.

1- Question on the possibility to remove "backgound test" in the insitec. No it is

not possible, this demands Driver modification ask HOeB. 2- How to start
dedusting during powering material by the robot in Mill & Press and not after
(chack this with CCD)
demande d'info,& discussion. We will find a solution even if we have to change
tis driver

diagnotic on Comm pb. Solving alarm printer pb, Modif Rep, Log Horizon …
QIMS Pb transfert of valproc results before Pntacq, then the results can not be
stored by PCC

Some results are not transfered to CCR. Problem is when sample (for a specific
SG) is taken before last sample analyzed, result will not be transfered

diagnostic with alarme printer

1- Test Error Handeling, 2- Old Bug correction on the cubix Dirver Sample
accepted even if Analysis failed. 3-AUS use one SGP for several source
sampling on Raw Mill. 4- Backup to the Spare Disk.

QCX Implementation of Error Handeling for Cubix

Info how to implement new calibrated program on XRD.

Operator samples do not start, from T-Input. Reset Eqp

PLG Hotfixes installation & test + Report correction

1- Check with Mr Vialle the Error list sent by Panalytical, to select the relevent for
QCX error handeling. 2- New menu for Invalid Raw sample, just go to Clean

UAI Interface for Cubix had some problems. Panalystical Instaalled new UAI,
which also handle errors as UAI has been tested OK,
improbvement for file trasfert for Rietveld (modification in FLSA side delay befor
transfering file)

Some sample are not sampled automaticaly. The problem is one of sending
station is stopped. PS Cut, so the PLC is spending too much time trying to get
info from there, then the command take sample (keep 1 some seconds and back
to 0) is not seen by the PLC. suggest to PS On that station

Several phone call and discussion for common visite to site to solve alarm
reporting from cubix to QCX

Discussion with PHL about the site visite next week , and the solution …
Problem ON Dosing and AUS, sample is sent back to the sending station, and
returned immediately back to the Lab !!!, the client has made some modification
on the PLC prg. !! It must be this modification who cause the Problem
call for confirmation about QIMS . Not checked yet
Test on Laptop for modification Sampling Time is OK. Transfert through XML has
to be checked on the client system.
Questions on Transfert on QIMS. The Possibility to change Sampling Time.
Information Given, But we have to check if it works and trasfert will be done
through XML files
Problem on Balance status intermedite even if we reset …investigation suggest
Reset all RCV POS.
contact the client and discuss the situation. E-mail to confirm our intervention
W13 and then w19 for new version of PLG. E-mail to KIK …

the client tried the solution sent at march 06, it worked for Apoints but the file
crush when processing Bpoint. I have to restore client DB and check.

VPN client config, and VNC install to connect remotely to the site. No success,
access denied. The client at the plant will investicate with it's IT;

QIMS Pb, some of XRF Items are not reported any more to UNILAB. After
cheking XML file Info from QCX are correct, but as chanal names have been
changed by the Client from SuperQ, the references to these new names have
not been linked to UNILAB ones. solution in client side

E-mail the solution for Operator action. To the client with Explanation HowTo

Operator action Problem.Develop, and test of Macro VB to change all relevent

Events type to "Log Event, do not announce"

Unlock Robolab, XRF Stat Problem.

Operator action Problem. PHL Confirm that we must change the Log Events on
all points to 1. Call to the client to tell we are going to send a small VB program
to change the necessary.

1- Client has created Bpoints to make ON/Off portion for some Eqp in the
automatic samples. It does not work. The problem wes in the Button references
in OPS. 2- Robot supply cup 2 times to the Balance then Collusion. Suggest
temporary solution, in the robot program, put a waiting time (4 sec) in the
Buffer Rack physicaly empty but, it looks as it is seen as occupied by robolab,
lock situation. After resetting all position it is OK. We have to check the driver,
some positions may be not released by robolab ?
new Recipe made is stopped after the Mill ? The configuration was with
accept/manual. Info about sample staying in the XRD Rack.

the doses for 2nd and 3rd Cup has got less material than the first, the dosing is
then rejected. Idiscussion about that, and how to increase the # of doses.
Finaly the client solve the networking problem and get connected to the Malvern.
The Sub-sample for Malvern is not created. The reason is the signal is Off
(Bpoint) signaling we want (or not) a Malvern Portion.
Malvern comm is OK but unable to start any recipe to Malvern. Several
investigation. Check if from automatic samples is OK. Finaly success. Info on
how to set number of doses
Client manage to Ping succefully, but still no comm with Malvern PC. Still we
have network PB. We are not able to access any directory, etc .. Client will check
with its IT
The Malvern was not used for more than 1 month. The client have some trouble
to make it working. No net access any more to the Malvern PC (no answer to
xrd Pb. Is solved by rebooting the XRD PC. Info if it is possible to get Kilocounts
from XRF results.
problems on transfer new Sgp to QIMS. Conf reports packages for transfer to
Again info on alarm transfert, and one of the feeder rate are transfered on Kg/h,
Info given on how to to get them on t/h

Operator action PB. Client Checked the conf. It is OK. He sent also the Prodb
files. Contact PHL to see the possibility of handling the PB by FLSA-H throug him
as he is French speaking. PHL find that more than 1600 operator actions are in
the event file. Call and Send e-mail to the client telling that PHL will contact
them ...

Info on how to transfer Alarms to from QCX to WinCC (Client Control system)
Info on modification of the Mills and Press PLCs from S5 to S7, questions about

xrd Pb. Sensor checked PB persiste. It may be time out pb. In the exchange
between QCX Driver and the eqp. As comm goes throuh files, Reboot the XRD
PC and see if not Deeper investigation needed. It may be necessary to move to
Modification of PntACQ Driver according to DaM indication. Compilation and test
. The modified driver is sent by e-mail to the client
Time evaluation of driver modification (VMS) for a new Malvern Eqp. Check of
Malvern specification and the existing driver

Some of XRD starts but just (sec before) the Eqp is delared in Fault by QCX.
Even though the analysis finish correcltely. Suggest to check the sensor.
Discussion on the QIMS Problem.
Informations on complex formula. Screen HC of some examples made and sent
by e-mail.

Some of Operator actions are not reported in event system.This has been
treated by one of our colleague in Nov2006 but forgten by him !. Call PHL for
support, he suggests to check system config. Screen HC of the Conf to check
made and sent by e-mail to the client

Reproducing PntACQ proplem on system on Laptop , Bug report and call to

DaM. Temporary solution may be made in the PntACQ Driver. The client is
informed by e-mail that problem is under treatement solution will be found soon

Informations and trouble shouting on formulas and export Results

Information and diagnostic on with PntACQ Driver Program name not registerd
so it causes Pb to export to QIMS

Informations and trouble shouting on formulas and export Results

C3A & IS are not calculated correctely. Formula of C3A is correct but the item
was not associated to the correct formula. IS we did not find the reason (IS not
solved yet)
Information on QIMS
Robot fail to take some samples on the XRD conveyor. Solution Conveyor has
to be fixed correctely and/or Re-teach Robot position
AUS Sample Taken sent to Lab but not registerd and not treated by QCX. Signal
Sample taken not sent at time to QCX then Timeout. Solution (Increase timeout
from 45s to 240s)

Trouble shouting Robolab + Info

Trouble shouting Robolab + Info

Trouble shouting Robolab + Info

Trouble shouting Robolab + Info

Trouble shouting Robolab + Info

Trouble shouting Robolab + Info

Info on Robolab menu
Information on Active Samples
Supp T.
ort Syste Site / Client Spent FLSA Time/
Support_ID type m Client Country Pers Date Hour (H) eng type

S070207FR-ASA04Ass-Tel QCX1254Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070207 20:00 1 ASA Night

S070207FR-ASA05Ass-Tel QCX1254Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070207 21:30 1 ASA Night

S070208FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070208 21:30 0.75 ASA Night

LeGros et
S070516FR-ASA06Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr Michelo 070516 20:10 1.5 ASA Night

S070809FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070809+G61

11:35 0.5 ASA Holiday

S070810FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070810+G61

9:20 0.5 ASA Holiday

S070822FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX1254Holcim Rochefort Fr P. Viverge 070822+G61

9:30 0.5 ASA Holiday

S071023FR-ASA01Ass-Tel QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr Legros 071023 20:00 1.5 ASA Night
(italcem Safi
S071125FR-ASA01Ass-Tel ECS1058 enti) Morocco Aroui 071125 14H 0.5 ASA Holiday
Support Description

Trouble shouting Robolab + Info

Trouble shouting Robolab + Info

Trouble shouting Robolab + Info

Pb au niveau de la station de reception, le dosage ne démarre pas. Après deblocage de la station

remise ne état le pB persiste. Après re-boot OK.

Suite à un Pb de collusion entre Robot et le TTR la pince, dereglage de présence godet. Info forunie.
Perte de communication avec la FX, passtille arrive à l'extremité du convoyeur mais l'analyse ne
demarre pas. Le probleme se situe au niveau de l'UAI. Après redemarrage du PC et de l'application
SuperQ le problème est résolu

Info pour configuration et envoie valeur C3S (Cru EF) vers la salle de contrôle)

plusieurs Pb de blocage du système, non traitement de certain échantillon, cartouche reste dans la
station etc. .. Après un reboot un éch. est traité, le 2eme reste dans la station sans traitement.
Débouchage Manu, et renvoie, nettoyage de la station et du capteur présence cartouche. PB résolu.

UAC n'est pas appliqué sur certain operateurs sur un seul serveur. Solution donnée Synchronisation du
Serveur (OK)
S080724FR-ASA01 QCX354 Lafarge Contes Fr G. Camous 080724

Site Visit
S080722FR-ASA01 QCX354 Lafarge Contes Fr G. Camous 080722

Site Visit
S080715FR-ASA01 QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P.Legros 080715

S080713FR-ASA01 QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P. Legros 080713 Sunday

Remote conn/BOMGAR
S080711FR-ASA01 QCX354 Lafarge Contes Fr G. Camous 080711

S080702FR-ASA01 QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P. Legros 080702

Site Visit
S080623FR-ASA01 QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Caillière 080623
S080606FR-ASA03 QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P. Legros 080606
Site Visit
S080605FR-ASA01 QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Legros 080605

S080604FR-ASA01 QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Legros 080604
S080408FR-ASA01 QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Eric Landais 080408

Remote conn
S080321FR-ASA01 QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr pin 080321

Site Visit
S080319FR-ASA01 QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr pin 080319

Site Visit
S080317FR-ASA01 QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Choupay 080317

Site Visit
S080305FR-ASA01 QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Landais 080305
S080303FR-ASA01 QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr FAYOLLE 080303

S080227FR-ASA01 QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr FAYOLLE 080227

Site Visit
S080212FR-ASA01 QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr ais 080212

S080201FR-ASA01 QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr P. Legros 080201
Site Visit
S080124FR-ASA01 QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Mr Landais 080124

S080117FR-ASA03 QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr FAYOLLE 080117

S080117FR-ASA01 QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Mme Choupay 080117

S080116FR-ASA03 QCX427 Lafarge SPLC Fr Mr Landais 080116

S080116FR-ASA02 QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr FAYOLLE 080116

S080109FR-ASA01 QCX360 Lafarge PLN Fr G. Garcia 080109

S080107FR-ASA02 QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr FAYOLLE 080104
S080107FR-ASA01 QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr FAYOLLE 080104

S080104FR-ASA01 QCX782 Lafarge Le havre Fr FAYOLLE 080104
diagnostic et info
pour résoudre
1- pb
Pfmanu à
Unilab. 2-
10h&15h&16h 1 ASA lecteur Cassette
Résolution PB
11 ASA Drivers FX

diagnostic pour
le problème
Robot survenu le
c'était un PB de
12 ASA sycronisation.

g of the Robot
14H00&20H 2.5 ASA Problem
of the XRF new
7 ASA driver

Info, Clincker
result has not
been transmited
to CCR. The
reason is a
sample have
been taken befor
last clinker
18H00 0.5 ASA sample analyzed

Test to
happening June
4. usage of 4
portion per
sample. In the
begining of the
afternoon the PB
happened. DB
put back,
to a avoid 4
8 ASA portions use
The operators
says that some
time when
changing sample
taking frequency
it is not
respected by the
Explanation may
be for a given
sample we have
to change the
frequency for all
sample group
(product) of the
sampler and not
anly the current
19H00 0.5 ASA one.
predoses it is the
autorized by
robolab. it has
never used
befor, it is similar
to a problem
with no of
machines per
menu. Solution :
2- we put back
the disk but with
the DB
from one month
ago, OK. 3- the
samples (72)
made during last
24 hours were
rejected by
QIMS (the have
SID aleready
given last
month), so we
generated the
thiere XML file
the SID will be
manualy then
they will be
accepted by
UNILAB, a test
has been made
with one sample
it worked. 4-
Export of results
S,Na & K to
&OH36 this was
a request from
Mr Gautier. 5- a
backup image
has been made
8 ASA also DT1

PB on the
predoser. Since
the morining one
machine, does
not dose some
or all the portion.
Check of the
comM, events
etc.. After reboot
the PB remain.
intervention the
to do the
11h et 14h 0.5 ASA following day.
PB en Result
transfer to
QIMS on some
of SGP. This
was due to
changes on
XRF1 and XRF2
for (tablet and
Explanation on
where to
9h:15 1 ASA change config.

Test of the
Through the
secure server in
10h:30 0.5 ASA using BOMGAR

1- Discussion
on spec for
Feeder acsh
based on
calculation. 2-
Discussion on
how to improve
the diagnostic
when pb in the
Recv Station 3-
B-Points for Eqp
availability as
part of new
7 ASA reports

Work with
analysis time,
sampling handle
7 ASA in the changer

Transfert PB
between XRD
Sgp Data and
7 ASA Protop. Solved
JCF suggests a
meeting in site to
discuss the
calculation. We
agree for
19/3/08 in the
10h:00 ASA morning

Discussion on
happend on
RCV & Balance
and TTR. What
is the possibility
to intreuce more
info in the OPS
RCV etc to help
for diagnostic.
Also disscussion
on some
needed in the
plant, the
possibility of
making a
16h:20 0.5 ASA application.

XRD Driver
Modification to
get both results
from Pic &
Also Work on
Data export to
7 ASA Protop

TTR shows
status not
updated. Check
Modicon TTR
PLC, No comm.
Ping to TTR IP
Adress OK.
Check visualy
the PLC looks
OK. After swich
off and on the
TTR, Comm
16h:20 0.5 ASA back OK
Check and test
new spare QCX
7 ASA Server

study the
possibility to
make some
calculation with
18:15 0.5 ASA QCX

coordination for
Info for normal
(not Reiveld)
FCaO on the

Discussion for
how to build a
spare VMS QCX
Server. Plan
intervention in
site to help on
0 ASA this January 24

c about PB of
07/01/08. See
19:00 1 ASA oc

Infor about prg

nbr for the
Malvern, the
client changed
the Eqp to
10:30 0.5 ASA Insitec
Call back for
21:45 0 ASA system is OK
Robolab : Big
cup is not
moved to the
rack, this lock
the recipe in
the Recv
Stopping the
BC driver
freeze Eqp
Tools. Reboot
did not help,
sample stays in
treated. Err PM,
(we find PM
stopped), clean
non finished
recipe reboot
18:00 2 ASA again, OK

Info pour des

11:00 0.5 ASA (Solveur)

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