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Roll No. Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University Mid Semester Examination’ September’ 2014 B. Tech -Petroleum Engineering Semester - 11 Au/10/2014 Course Name : Thermodynamics of Reservoir Fluids i 2 hours Course Code: PE203 Max, Marks: 50 Instructions: 1. Do not write anything other than your roll number on question paper. 2. Assume suitable data wherever essential and mention it clearly. 3. Answer Q. No. 1 (compulsory ~ 20 marks) and any 2 (2x15=30 marks) from the rest 4. Use and mark properly in the figures of the figure sheet for answering relevant question, Write your roll ‘number on the figure sheet and attach it with your answer script Q.No. I, Answer the following (any four): 4x5=20 () The division of dry gas and wet gas is indicative of system composition of the reservoir fluid — explain the statement with the help of phase envelope in P-T diagram. (ii) Draw and label the phase envelope for gas-cap gas and oil rim of a saturated petroleum reservoir in same P-T diagram and justify your answer. ii) Oil formation volume is generally less for black oil compared to volatile oil ~ Justify the statement. (iv) Petroleum fluids are complex mixture of hydrocarbon, heteroatom and metal compounds and ‘may present in different state as gas, liquid and solid Justify the statement. (¥) Loci of critical points as well as the shape of phase envelopes in P-T space for different proportions of components in binary mixtures are different ~ explain with proper justification Q.No.2. (a) The phase envelopes of two natural reservoir fluids are described by the diagram in Figure 1 (Figure sheet). Describe the phase behavior of the fluids along the pressure decline path (1 2) during production, Comment on the type of hydrocarbon reservoir for both the cases. (b) Compare the following: 44-8 (i Flash liberation and differential liberation method for PVT study (ii) Gas-reservoir and gas-condensate reservoir Q.No. 3. (@) Reservoir fluid samples are collected during various condition (well condition), different time (reservoir life-time) as well as from different location (from subsurface to surface facilities) for proper planning of hydrocarbon exploration and production activities — justify the statement with proper explanation. a (b) Write notes on: 444-4 (@ Pressure-volume relations of hydrocarbon fluids i) Near critical hydrocarbon fluid reservoirs Page 1of & Q.No.4, (@) Figure 2 (Figure sheet) represents an isobaric temary diagram of hydrocarbon mixture with component 1 being the most volatile, 2 intermediate voiatile and 3 least volatile. Label different regions within the diagram. Comment on the present state of the compositions marked HC1, HC2 and HC3 in the diagram. How the phase diagram will change with increasing and decreasing pressure? 7 (b) Critically discuss on the relationship between the following: 4+4=8 (@ Viscosity, density and API gravity of reservoir fluids (ii) Type of reservoir fluids, gas-liquid ratio (GLR) and C7. components Page 2 0f 4 SPT, PDPU Roto. B.TECH (Petroleum Engineering) Il, Mid-Semester, Session 2014-15 Course (Code): Thermodynamics of Reservoir Fluids(PE203) Date: Figure Sheet 110.2014 crea pie auido a Reservoir 1 Reservoir 2 Figure 1 Page 3 of 4

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