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Let’s practice for the Vestibular

1. (ITA) The alternative that d) They say this herb ____ cure
correctly fills in gaps I, II e III several diseases but this has
never been proved.
1) He I climb to the top of that e) Now, after your clear
mountain. exposition, I ____ understand
2) II fthe child have the toy? your point.
6. (ITA) Harold _____ swim well
3) She III go now. when he was young.
a) could to c) can
a) cans to – Mays – musts to
e) can to
b) can – May – must
b) didn’t can d) could
c) can to – May – must to
7. (UFPI) It is almost time for my
d) cans – Mays – musts
train. I ____ leave.
e) will can – Will may – will must
a) must
b) can
2. (ITA) Every university ____ in
c) could
some degree keep up with the
d) would
world outside..
e) shall
a) must
b) mustn’t
8. (UFPI) Mark the alternative
c) not must
that corresponds to the meaning
d) must to
of the underlined expression. You
e) mustn’t to
musn’t smoke in the elevator.
3. (FMU) ____ the kids play in this
a) no necessity
room? Yes, but they ____ make too
b) prohibition
much noise.
c) obligation
a) May – should
d) no permission
b) Might – must not
e) possibility
c) Can – mustn’t
d) Could – ought to
9. (UNIP-SP) Tom’s car uses less
e) Would – shouldn’t
gas. He ____ adjusted the
4. (MACKENZIE-SP) In the
sentence, “you may be wrong, but
a) ought to
you may be right” may means:
b) must have
a) possibility
c) needed
b) permission
d) had to
c) ability
d) deduction
10. (UPE) Take your umbrella. It
e) obligation
______ rain later.
5. (CESGRANRIO) In one of the
a) can’t
following sentences we cannot
b) mustn’t
use the verb can, because of the
c) may
meaning. Mark it.
d) could
a) These boys _____ swim well.
e) goes
b) Yes, I ____ see them from here.
c) He has just bought a new car:
11. (FUA-AM) Choose the
he _____ certainly be earning a
alternative that completes,
lot of money.
correctly, the sentences below:
1) _____ I use your pan?
2) We _____ obey the laws of our b) Can, must, must, could, can,
country. can.
3) He _____ speak French and c) Could, can, can, May, must,
English. could.
4) Tim said he ____ lift a big d) May, must, can, could, can,
stone. can.
5) We _____ eat and drink to live. May, could, must, may, must,
6) Accidents _____ happen if
people are careless.

a) May, must, can, could, must,


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