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Name:___________________ A Day:
B Day:
Block:___________________ Parent Signature: ___________________

Map Project: Making a Map of your Very Own Country

Have you ever wished you could design the place you live? This is your chance! Now that you know all about maps and
the basic map components, it is time to try your hand at cartography. For this social studies project, you will create a
detailed map of your very own imaginary country. Take time to be creative!

Max Points
Map Component Points Earned
Map Layout
Your map should be flat and your final product must meet the following requirements:
 Flat maps: Must be created on a piece of typing paper or construction paper (size 8 ½ X 11).

Map Essentials
 Each map must have an eight point labeled compass rose, labeled correctly.
 A legend / key for all symbols used on the map. Symbols should be created to
show all 10 of your geographic features and any other items you want to label
on your map. The symbols and landforms must be used correctly on your map
and each symbol should have a label. Example = MOUNTAINS
 Identify the Capital City with *=capital city 25
 Make sure to include labeled lines for the Equator and the Prime Meridian.
 Title of the country you have designed
 Clear Label Names for all land and water forms with creative names.
Example: Bulldog Peninsula, Mustang Lake, Capital City.

Geographic Features
Label at least 10 Geographic Features and use them correctly on the map.
 Four are required: peninsula, mountain, plain, and island
 Choose at least six of the following: ocean, glacier, steppe, archipelago, sea, cape,
bay, valley, desert, gulf, canyon, volcano, lake, rivers, harbor, oasis, prairie, cliff, 30
plateau, mesa, marsh, strait, or fjord
 Make sure to name all geographic features! Ex: Bulldog Mountain, AG Peninsula, etc.
 Extra Credit for any extra geographic features over 10 that you use correctly. You may get up to 5
extra credit points. Must have them on your legend, labeled, used correctly, and definitions on the
back.- you will receive 1 extra credit pt. for each additional one.( Max. of 5 extra land/water forms.)
 Written Definitions for all 10 or more of your geographic features on back of map.
 Written Paragraph on your City: Place a star on your map to indicate the location of your
capital city. On the back of the map, with your definitions, write one paragraph explaining
why you chose to place your city in its particular location. Think about its location. Is it near 30
any special resources or routes of transportation? Is it in an area where crops could grow to
support a population? How does the climate effect life in your city? Use clear evidence to
support why you chose this location for your city.
Quality: Map should be neat, colorful, creative, and original.
Total Points 100
Extra Credit 5
Looking for Extra Credit? You may get up to 5 extra credit points by doing additional geographic
features and definitions. For each additional feature used, labeled, and defined correctly you will receive
1 extra credit point. ( Maximum of 5 extra land or water forms.)

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