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Hari Selasa Tarikh 2nd January 2018 Kelas 1 Ikhlas

Masa 12.30-1.30 pm
Tema Saya Murid Tahun 1
Tajuk Pengurusan Kebersihan Kelas & Suai Kenal
Objektif Pada akhir PdPc, murid dapat:


Aktiviti 1. Guru mengambil kehadiran murid di dalam kelas.

2. Murid diminta untuk membuat pembersihan kelas.
3. Guru memperkenalkan nama dengan menulis nama pada

papan tulis.
4. Guru dan murid-murid memperkenalkan diri seorang demi

5. Murid menulis nama pada kad manila.
EMK Bahasa, nilai murni
Nilai Keyakinan diri, kerjasama
BBB Kad manila, pen marker
Refleksi Kelebihan


Hari Selasa Tarikh 2nd January 2018 Kelas 1 Dedikasi

Masa 2.00-3.00 pm
Tema Saya Murid Tahun 1
Tajuk Sekolah Saya
Objektif Pada akhir PdPc, murid dapat:

Aktiviti 1. Guru menerangkan objektif pembelajaran kepada murid.

2. Murid diminta untuk berbaris.
3. Guru mengiringi murid membuat lawatan dan sesi berkenalan

dengan Pusat Sumber Sekolah.

4. Murid diminta mengenal nama pentadbir sekolah dengan

bimbingan guru.
5. Murid diminta mengenali pelbagai infrastruktur di sekolah

dengan bimbingan guru.

6. Murid juga dipinta mengenal pentadbir sekolah.
EMK Bahasa, nilai murni
Nilai Keyakinan diri, kerjasama
BBB Kad manila, pen marker
Refleksi Kelebihan


Day Selasa Date 2nd January 2018 Class 1 B/D

Time 4.20-5.20 pm
Theme Saya Murid Tahun 1
Topic Phonics Year 1
Learning By the end of the lessons,


Activities 1. Pupils sing “Good Afternoon” song.

2. Teacher asks the pupils to introduce themselves.
3. Teacher shows video of Phonics song and asks pupils to

4. Teacher guides pupils how to write small letters.
5. Then, pupils focus on s,a,t,p letters.
6. Pupils listen to the teacher instruction and write s,a,t,p in

correct order. (*worksheet)

Teaching Aids Mp3 song, mini speaker
Reflection Strengths


Hari Rabu Tarikh 3rd January 2018 Kelas 1C

Masa 1.30-2.00 pm
Tema Saya Murid Tahun 1
Tajuk Lagu Patriotik
Objektif Pada akhir PdPc, murid dapat:


Aktiviti 1. Guru mengiringi murid menyanyikan lagu ‘Negaraku’

2. Murid diperkenalkan bendera Malaysia.
3. Guru menerangkan bendera Malaysia.
4. Murid mewarnakan bendera Jalur Gemilang.

EMK Bahasa, nilai murni

Nilai Patriotisme
BBB Bendera Malaysia, pensel warna
Refleksi Kelebihan

Hari Rabu Tarikh 3rd January 2018 Kelas 1B/D

Masa 3.30-3.50 pm
Tema Saya Murid Tahun 1
Tajuk Keluarga Saya
Objektif Pada akhir PdPc, murid dapat:


Aktiviti 1. Guru mengiringi murid menyanyikan lagu ‘Sayang Ibu’.

2. Murid menceritakan tentang diri sendiri, tempat tinggal,

kenderaan ke sekolah dan keluarga.

3. Murid bercerita tentang orang yang paling mereka sayangi.
4. Murid melukis orang yang paling disayangi dalam buku

EMK Bahasa, nilai murni
Nilai Kasih Sayang
BBB Kertas A4
Refleksi Kelebihan

Day 2 Year 1I
Subject English Language Module Listening
Theme World of self, family &friends Date 3rd January 2018
Topic Phonics Time 2.00-3.00 pm
Skills Content Standard Learning Standard
Main: 1.1 Main: 1.1.1
Complementary: 3.1 Complementary: 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3
Objectives By the end of the lessons,

Activities Pre-lesson:
1. Pupils are guided to sing the Phonics song with gestures while
doing a recap on s,a,t,p.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils listen to the sounds and watch the gestures.
2. Pupils are guided to listen and say out the words by using the
suitable blending technique.
3. Pupils listen to sounds and colour the correct phoneme.
Pupils match the pictures to the correct words using the
matching mat.
Materials Phonics Song, Year 1 Phonics Module, flashcards,
CCE Knowledge acquisition, multiple intelligences
Classroom Listening worksheet
Day 2 Year 1D
Subject English Language Module Listening
Theme World of self, family &friends Date 3rd January 2018
Topic Phonics Time 4.50-5.50 pm
Skills Content Standard Learning Standard
Main: 1.1 Main: 1.1.1
Complementary: 3.1 Complementary: 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3
Objectives By the end of the lessons,

Activities Pre-lesson:
1. Pupils are guided to sing the Phonics song with gestures while
doing a recap on s,a,t,p.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils listen to the sounds and watch the gestures.
2. Pupils are guided to listen and say out the words by using the
suitable blending technique.
3. Pupils listen to sounds and colour the correct phoneme.
Pupils match the pictures to the correct words using the
matching mat.
Materials Phonics Song, Year 1 Phonics Module, flashcards,
CCE Knowledge acquisition, multiple intelligences
Classroom Listening worksheet
Day 3 Year 1I
Subject English Language Module Listening
Theme World of self, family &friends Date 4th January 2018
Topic Phonics Time 2.00-3.00 pm
Skills Content Standard Learning Standard
Main: 1.1 Main: 1.1.1
Complementary: 3.1 Complementary: 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3
Objectives By the end of the lessons,

Activities Pre-lesson:
1. Pupils are guided to sing the Phonics song with gestures while
doing a recap on i, m, n, d.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils listen to the sounds and watch the gestures.
2. Pupils are guided to listen and say out the words by using the
suitable blending technique.
3. Pupils listen to sounds and colour the correct phoneme.
Pupils match the pictures to the correct words using the
matching mat.
Materials Phonics Song, Year 1 Phonics Module, flashcards,
CCE Knowledge acquisition, multiple intelligences
Classroom Listening worksheet
Day 3 Year 1D
Subject English Language Module Listening
Theme World of self, family &friends Date 4th January 2018
Topic Phonics Time 3.20-4.20 pm
Skills Content Standard Learning Standard
Main: 1.1 Main: 1.1.1
Complementary: 3.1 Complementary: 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3
Objectives By the end of the lessons,

Activities Pre-lesson:
1. Pupils are guided to sing the Phonics song with gestures while
doing a recap on i, m, n, d.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils listen to the sounds and watch the gestures.
2. Pupils are guided to listen and say out the words by using the
suitable blending technique.
3. Pupils listen to sounds and colour the correct phoneme.
Pupils match the pictures to the correct words using the
matching mat.
Materials Phonics Song, Year 1 Phonics Module, flashcards,
CCE Knowledge acquisition, multiple intelligences
Classroom Listening worksheet
Hari Khamis Tarikh 4th January 2018 Kelas 1A

Masa 2.30-3.00 pm
Tema Saya Murid Tahun 1
Tajuk Melukis Corak
Objektif Pada akhir PdPc, murid dapat:


Aktiviti 1. Murid diminta menggunakan buku garis tiga.

2. Guru membimbing murid melukis corak dengan pensel warna.
3. Murid melukis corak pada buku garis tiga.
4. Guru menayangkan hasil kerja murid.

EMK Bahasa, nilai murni

Nilai Kerajinan, berdikari
BBB Buku garis tiga, pensel warna
Refleksi Kelebihan

Day 4 Year 1I
Subject English Language Module Listening
Theme World of self, family &friends Date 5th January 2018
Topic Phonics Time 2.00-3.00 pm
Skills Content Standard Learning Standard
Main: 1.1 Main: 1.1.1
Complementary: 3.1 Complementary: 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3
Objectives By the end of the lessons,

Activities Pre-lesson:
1. Pupils are guided to sing the Phonics song with gestures while
doing a recap on all the sounds they have learned this week.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils are given a board game and Tarsia Puzzle to arrange in
their respective groups.
2. Pupils are guided to say out the words.
3. Pupils cut, paste & write the correct words.
Pupils recap the gestures of phonemes they have learned while
singing the Phonics Song.
Materials Phonics Song, Year 1 Phonics Module, flashcards,
CCE Knowledge acquisition, multiple intelligences
Classroom Listening worksheet
Day 4 Year 1D
Subject English Language Module Listening
Theme World of self, family &friends Date 5th January 2018
Topic Phonics Time 1.00-2.00 pm
Skills Content Standard Learning Standard
Main: 1.1 Main: 1.1.1
Complementary: 3.1 Complementary: 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3
Objectives By the end of the lessons,

Activities Pre-lesson:
1. Pupils are guided to sing the Phonics song with gestures while
doing a recap on all the sounds they have learned this week.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils are given a board game and Tarsia Puzzle to arrange in
their respective groups.
2. Pupils are guided to say out the words.
3. Pupils cut, paste & write the correct words.
Pupils recap the gestures of phonemes they have learned while
singing the Phonics Song.
Materials Phonics Song, Year 1 Phonics Module, flashcards,
CCE Knowledge acquisition, multiple intelligences
Classroom Listening worksheet
Hari Jumaat Tarikh 5th January 2018 Kelas 1A

Masa 3.20-4.20 pm
Tema Saya Murid Tahun 1
Tajuk Saya Murid Baru
Objektif Pada akhir PdPc, murid dapat:


Aktiviti 1. Murid dibimbing menyanyikan Lagu ‘Bangun Pagi’.

2. Murid memperkenalkan nama seorang demi seorang.
3. Guru membimbing murid menulis nama sendiri dengan betul.
4. Murid membuat latihan menulis nama sendiri.

EMK Bahasa, nilai murni

Nilai Kerajinan, keyakinan
BBB Buku garis tiga, pensel warna
Refleksi Kelebihan


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