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The Hypodermic Needle Theory:

This theory involves the idea of how the mass media 'injects' thoughts and
values into a passive audience to change their opinion or influence them. This
demonstrates the power of media and its ability to control, advertising can be
manipulative such as propaganda, using aspirational models and associating
products with something popular or a lifestyle that's desirable.

Uses and
Gratifications Theory:
This involves an active audience and is based on how they react or respond to
the media.
 Inform/Educate – audiences may enjoy learning about something they are interested
in (documentaries like Blue Planet, medical /police dramas where you learn about
the job) as well as being told about important information (the news).
 Entertainment- This is a huge aspect of why people watch shows, people may enjoy
the thrill of a horror genre, laughing at comedy, watching exciting action and much
more. (Sherlock, Total Wipe-out, The Island with Bear Grylls, I’m a Celebrity Get Me
Out of Here)
Identify- People might identify with people with specific lifestyles or professions

which the audience enjoys watching because they can relate to it. This could also
Reception Theory:
include role models. (EastEnders, Sherlock, Luther, Maniac, Spiderman)
Where the media texts are encoded
 Integration/social by theThis
interaction- creators and the
is where then audience feel involved in a
decoded bycommunity
an active audience. The audience may decode
where they feel they are watching it withit in one
others. They discuss the
of three ways; Dominant, Negotiated and Oppositional. This is
progression of it together which makes the show more interactive and engaging.
based on the idea that
(Doctor Who,people react/respond
Stranger Things) in different ways due
to the influence of their cultural background.
 Escapism- Where the audience watch something to escape into another world and
Dominant: put
often respond positively
in someone andshoes.
else’s in the way
This the
links with entertainment
creators want people to.
as they enjoy to be engaged in the atmosphere and story of what they Identify/Entertainment/
are less(Fantasy,
decisive Adventure,
with a moreSci-fi)
open and accepting
Interaction/Entertainment interaction
opinion. They will usually agree with something to an extent but
have something they prefer or don’t like about it.
Oppositional: When the audience understands what the main
opinion would be but chooses to oppose it. They are completely
against what the media show, and don’t have an accepting mind
Entertainment/Social interaction Identify/Escapism
Escapism/ Entertainment interaction/ Escapism

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