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Assignment 3

Department of Electrical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay


August 2018

Q-1: 20-points
It’s a rainy day and you want to securely receive a file (like a movie) from your friend living
in a different hostel about 2km away. You realize that setting up a line-of-sight optical link is
the fastest way to transfer this data for which you build an optical receiver circuit as shown
in Fig. 1. Unfortunately, just before you start transferring the file, a narrow opening in the
clouds causes sunlight to hit your photo-detector with 1100W/m2 intensity.
Use details provided in Tab. 1 and determine how long it takes to receive a 3GB file such
that each bit is received with 26dB SNR at Vout (peak/rms-noise: µ/σ).

Sensitivity 0.3A/W
Active Area 4mm2
Junction Capacitance 10pF
Voltage Gain (A0 ) 20
Input referred noise negligible
Bandwidth Infinite
Temperature 298K
Boltzmann Constant 1.38×10−23 J/K
Electron Charge 1.6×10−19 C
Circuit Components
RF 500Ω
Other information
Light attenuation in rain 10dB/km
Transmit power 5mW
Transmit encoding On-Off keying

Table 1: Details for Question 1



+ Vout

Figure 1: Schematic

Q-2: 10-points
You are given the output (in Volts)of a delta-sigma modulator with following specifications:

1. Single bit quantizer

2. Clock frequency = 640kHz (FCLK )

3. Oversampling ratio = 32 (FCLK /(2*Bandwidth))

Download the data file from Moodle (DataVec_<filenumber>.mat format) with <filenum-
ber> corresponding to last digit of your roll number. This data file contains modulator
output samples in a vector “DataVec". Submit a matlab function SNR_Calculator.m to
calculate signal power, SNR, SNDR and signal frequency:

[SignalPower, SignalFrequency, SNR, SNDR] = SNR_Calculator(DataVect)

Make sure the function also plots the power spectral density (PSD) of DataVect on log-log
scale including axis labels and units.

Q-3: 10-points
Suppose that you design an electronic "food tasting sensor array" (like human tongue) having
N independent sensors (like taste buds) for sensing a flavor and let vi be output voltage of

each sensor. Unfortunately, the integrated noise power of each sensor σi2 (units V 2 ) is too
high to give a good estimate of the flavor.
Therefore, you decide to combine the outputs from these sensors using weights αi ≥ 0 to
improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), (or taste quality) of vout as follows:
vout = αi vi

such that
αi = 1

Now, what should be the value of each αi (in terms of vi ’s and σi ’s) so that SNR of vout
is maximum?

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