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Describing the Medial Longitudinal Arch Using Footprint Indices and a Clinical Grading System
Robin M. Queen, Nathan A. Mall, W. Mack Hardaker and James A. Nunley
Foot Ankle Int 2007 28: 456
DOI: 10.3113/FAI.2007.0456

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Copyright © 2007 by the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, Inc.
DOI: 10.3113/FAI.2007.0456

Describing the Medial Longitudinal Arch Using Footprint Indices and a Clinical
Grading System

Robin M. Queen, Ph.D.; Nathan A. Mall, M.D.; W. Mack Hardaker, B.S.; James A. Nunley, II, M.D.
Durham, N.C.


Background: The current literature is not clear regarding the Lower extremity injuries can be caused by many mech-
best method of determining medial longitudinal arch (MLA) anisms, including trauma and degeneration. In many cases,
height. Differences in MLA height can significantly alter lower individuals are more susceptible to injury because of predis-
extremity biomechanics; therefore, an accurate and repro- posing factors such as genetics, bony anatomy, or altered
ducible assessment of arch height is essential for clinical eval-
lower extremity mechanics. These factors can lead to
uation and future research. The goal of this project was to
abnormal stresses being placed on the skeletal system, which
determine the reliability of common arch height measurement
can result in injuries. It is widely believed that the height of
techniques. Methods: Foot length, truncated foot length, navic-
the medial longitudinal arch of the foot is a predisposing
ular height, dorsal height, and footprint indices were obtained
from healthy volunteers using a mirrored foot photograph
factor to injuries in the lower extremity.3,8,10,12,17,18 Indi-
box (MFPB). Between-rater and between-day reliability was viduals with both pes cavus and pes planus feet have been
determined using the interclass correlation coefficient, and the identified as having a predisposition for the development
Pearson correlation coefficient was used to determine if any of of stress fractures in the foot and lower leg.3,8,10,12,17,18
the footprint parameters correlated with navicular height or Previous literature has indicated that foot type can be both
normalized navicular height. Results: The most reliable foot- protective against stress fractures as well as a predisposing
print measurement was the footprint index, followed by the factor based on the location of the fracture.4,7,16 Some of the
Staheli index, Chippaux-Smirak Index, arch index, truncated discrepancy related to the role of arch height as a predis-
arch index, and arch length index. The correlation of footprint posing factor for injury could possibly be explained by the
measurements to normalized navicular height ranged from wide variations in the methods that were used to measure the
0.585 to 0.648. Conclusions: Historically, the height of the navic- height of the arch and or the determination of foot type as
ular is considered to be the best approximation of MLA height. pes planus, pes cavus, or normal in these research studies.
The results of this study indicate that the footprint indices are In addition, inconsistencies in measurement techniques for
highly correlated with navicular height, indicating that both determining foot type make it difficult to compare research
navicular height measurements and footprint measurements studies that examine different injuries and foot pathologies.
are valid measures of MLA height. Multiple methods exist for Previous research projects have used many different tech-
measuring the height of the MLA; therefore, it is important to niques to define foot types as cavus, planus, or normal;
develop a standard set of measurements to be used when foot
these techniques include radiographs, ultrasound, footprint
type is used as a variable in research studies or when making a
measurements, measurement of bony landmarks, and clin-
clinical diagnosis.
ical assessments.4,6,7,13,16 Arch height has been defined as
the highest point on the soft-tissue margin of the medial
Key Words: Arch Height; Clinical Assessment; Foot Print longitudinal arch.6 Based on this definition of arch height,
Index; Foot Type
poor correlation existed between footprint parameters and
Corresponding Author: arch height. However, if a bony landmark, such as the
Robin M. Queen, Ph.D. height of the navicular, was used to define arch height, then
102 Finch Yeager Building footprint measurements could demonstrate improved corre-
DUMC 3435
lations with arch height. While multiple studies have been
Durham, NC 27710
Email: published examining different methods of characterizing foot
For information on prices and availability of reprints, call 410-494-4994 X226 morphology, few compare one type of measurement, such as

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Foot & Ankle International/Vol. 28, No. 4/April 2007 MEDIAL LONGITUDINAL ARCH 457

footprint measurements, to other methods such as navicular

height or other linear measurements of the foot. The lack
of comparison between different measurement types causes
difficulty in comparing different research study designs. By
gaining an understanding of how different measurement tech-
niques are related, it should be easier to compare research
studies that use different techniques. In addition, this under-
standing will aid clinicians in comparing their clinical assess-
ments and measurements to those reported in the literature.
Therefore, the purposes of this study were (1) to inves-
tigate the inter-rater and between-day reliability of seven
commonly used footprint measurements (arch angle, foot-
print index, arch index, arch length index, truncated arch
index, Staheli index, and Chippaux-Smirak index)16 and
(2) to gain an understanding of how these footprint measure-
ments correlated with navicular height and normalized navic-
ular height (navicular height divided by foot length) as a Fig. 1: Setup for the mirrored foot photo box, demonstrating the positioning
of the mirrors to obtain a plantar view of the foot.
measurement of the height of the medial longitudinal arch in
a normal, healthy adult population.
Footprint parameter data collection
MATERIALS AND METHODS The height, weight, and age of each participant was
recorded and 10% of the participant’s weight was determined
Participants and used throughout all of the data collection sessions. The
participant was then asked to place one foot on a scale until
Thirty healthy participants with no history of pain (15
the scale read 10% of his or her weight and the other foot
women and 15 men) were recruited from the university
was fully on the ground. Therefore, participants were tested
community. The mean age of the subjects was 24.8 ± 2.1
in a 90% weightbearing stance, which was used to simulate
years, and average weight was 161.60 ± 35.83 pounds.
the single-leg stance phase of gait. Participants were standing
Before participation in the study, each participant signed a
with a level pelvis throughout testing, which was monitored
consent from, which was approved by the university’s insti-
by one of the testers. While in the 90% weightbearing stance
tutional review board. Each participant was tested bilaterally
the navicular and head of the first metatarsal were palpated,
resulting in a total of 60 feet used for analysis. Participants
and the skin was marked with a washable marker, then
were included in the study if they had no history of lower
the procedure was repeated for the contralateral foot. The
extremity injuries within the past 6 months and no history
scale was then moved to the table directly adjacent to the
of foot or ankle surgery. They also were excluded from the
MFPB (Figure 1).11 The participant placed one foot on the
study if they had any foot abnormalities.
plexiglass base of the MFPB and the other foot on the
scale (Figure 2)11 then adjusted his or her weight until he
Equipment or she was in a 90% weightbearing stance, with level hips,
The footprint parameters that were measured during this at which time a digital photograph was taken from the medial
study were obtained from digital photographs that were taken direction and the procedure was repeated on the contralateral
using the mirrored foot photo box (MFPB). The MFPB was foot. Once the first examiner (NAM) completed measuring
constructed using a sturdy metal frame, with a standing both feet, the marks were removed and the second examiner
plate made of plexiglass (Figure 1). The plexiglass plate (WMH) repeated the entire process. Participants returned for
contained 1-inch square blocks that were used to calibrate a second day of testing approximately 1-week after the first
the pixel dimensions from the digital photograph. In addition test and the exact same procedure was completed.
to the plexiglass plate, the MFPB contained three mirrors.
The position of these mirrors was altered to enhance the Data Processing
view of the inferior, anterior, and posterior portions of Each of the photographs was saved on a personal
the foot (Figure 1). The camera and tripod positions were computer, where the SigmaScan Pro software was used to
predetermined and marked to standardize the multiple views measure several variables. From the medial view of the foot
of the foot. Once the digital images were recorded, they photo, foot length was measured as the distance from the
were transferred to a personal computer where they were most posterior aspect of the calcaneus to the end of the
analyzed using the SigmaScan Pro software (Systat Software longest toe, truncated foot length was measured from the
Inc, Richmond, CA). most posterior aspect of the calcaneus to the mark on the head

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458 QUEEN ET AL. Foot & Ankle International/Vol. 28, No. 4/April 2007

Fig. 2: The mirrored foot photo box during data collection. It allows anterior, posterior, medial, and inferior views of the foot.

of the first metatarsal, and the navicular height was measured index, the noncontact area was defined as the area between
from the floor to the mark that was placed on the navicular the medial borderline of the footprint and medial footprint
during palpation. The between-rater and within-rater relia- outline, while the contact area was the area of the foot
bility and validity to radiographic measurements for these without the toes (Figure 4, B).6,15 The arch index is the ratio
variables have previously been reported.11 From the plantar of the area of the middle third of the toeless footprint to the
view of the photo, the following footprint calculations were entire area of the toeless footprint (Figure 4, C).1,2,6,15 The
obtained: arch angle, footprint index, arch index, arch length arch length index is the ratio of the length of the medial
index, truncated arch index, Staheli index, and Chippaux- borderline between the most medial points of the metatarsal
Smirak index (Figure 3). Each of these measurements has and heel regions and the arch length, when arch length is
been previously described in the literature.1,2,6,15 defined as the length of the outline of the medial longitudinal
The arch angle is the angle between the medial borderline arch between the metatarsals and the heel (Figure 4, D).6,15
of the footprint and the line connecting the most medial point The truncated arch index is the ratio of the arch area to the
of the metatarsal region of the footprint and the point where truncated footprint area, when the truncated footprint area
the slope of the inner segment of the longitudinal arch first is defined as the contact area of the footprint between the
touches the metatarsal outline of the arch (Figure 4, A).6,15 metatarsals and the heel (Figure 4, E).6,15
The footprint index is the ratio of the noncontact area to The Staheli Index and Chippaux-Smirak Index were deter-
the contact area of the toeless footprint. For the footprint mined by drawing three lines: one at the minimal distance
of the midfoot region, one at the maximal distance of the
forefoot area, and one at the maximal distance of the rear-
foot region (Figure 4, F).15 The Staheli index is the ratio of
the minimal distance in the midfoot region to the maximal
distance in the rearfoot region.16 The Chippaux-Smirak index
is the minimal distance in the midfoot region divided by the
maximal distance in the forefoot area.15

Data and Statistical Analysis

The mean and standard deviation (SD) for both raters for
each of the footprint parameters as well as the navicular
height and normalized navicular height were determined.
Intertester reliability was determined using the intraclass
correlation coefficient (ICC) (2, k) model and intratester
Fig. 3: Plantar view of the foot from the mirrored foot photograph box. reliability was evaluated using the ICC (2,1) model. Pearson

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Fig. 4: A, Arch angle. B, Footprint index. C, Arch index. D, Arch length index. E, Truncated arch index. F, Staheli index and Chippaux-Smirak index.

correlation coefficients were obtained for navicular height between the independent variables (footprint parameters),
and normalized navicular height relative to each of the seven regression diagnostics were completed and the variance
footprint indices. An alpha level of 0.05 was used for the one- inflation factor (VIF) as well as the tolerance were examined.
tailed test of significance. In addition, a regression analysis If the VIF is greater than 10 and the tolerance value is less
was preformed to determine which of the footprint variables than 0.1, the indication is that multicolinearity exists and one
best predicted navicular height and therefore the height of or more of the variables are related to the others. Following
the medial longitudinal arch. To control for multicolinearity the initial regression analysis, variables that demonstrated

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460 QUEEN ET AL. Foot & Ankle International/Vol. 28, No. 4/April 2007

multicolinearity were systematically removed from the model DISCUSSION

and the analysis was repeated until multicolinearity was no
longer present in the regression model. The purposes of this study were to investigate the inter-
rater and between-day reliability of footprint measurements
and to gain an understanding of how footprint measure-
RESULTS ments correlated with navicular height and normalized
navicular height (navicular height divided by foot length).
The mean and standard deviation for the seven footprint All of the footprint measurements demonstrated accept-
able inter-rater reliability, while the arch angle and the
measurements and the two linear measurements are shown
arch length index were the only variables that did not
in Table 1. All of the linear measurements (navicular height
demonstrate acceptable between-day reliability. In contrast
and foot length) obtained from the MFPB demonstrated
to previous studies, we found that the inter-rater reliability
good inter-rater and between-day reliability.11 Footprint
was greater than the between-day reliability for each of the
measurements obtained from the MFPB also demonstrated
footprint measurements.5,9,18 One major difference between
excellent reliability. Inter-rater reliability ranged from 0.807
the current study and previously reported studies was the
to 0.970, with the arch angle being the least reliable. The
time between repeated measurements. Previous studies have
most reliable footprint measurement was the footprint index
repeated the measurements either directly after the initial
(0.970), followed by the Staheli index (0.963), Chippaux-
measurement or within 2 days.10,14,18 In contrast, the current
Smirak index (0.961), arch index (0.957), truncated arch study requested that participants return 1 week to 10 days
index (0.933), and arch length index (0.818) (Table 2). after their initial measurement. While it is doubtful that
Similar to the linear measurements, the inter-rater reliability the internal anatomy of the participant changed in this time
for the footprint measurements were higher than between-day period, perhaps the pelvic alignment of the patient while he
reliability. The between-day reliabilities ranged from 0.638 or she was standing on the MFPB was different between the
to 0.924; however, all of the variables except the arch length two testing days, which could account for changes in the
index (0.755) and arch angle (0.638) were greater than 0.890 footprint measurements. In addition, changes to the plantar
(Table 2). aspect of the foot such as callus growth could conceivably
Significant correlations existed between the linear mea- alter the footprint measurements, potentially explaining the
surements (navicular height and normalized navicular height) difference in the between-day reliability. Both the inter-rater
and the footprint measurements. The most significant corre- and between-day reliability of the footprint measurements
lations between the linear measurements and the footprint that were assessed during this study were good and, therefore,
measurements involved the normalized navicular height. The could be used in the future as one method for determining
highest correlations existed between the normalized navicular footprint measurements and could be compared from one
height (NH/FL) and the arch length index (ALI), followed by investigation to another.
NH/FL and Chippaux-Smirak index (CSI) (Table 3). Based All of the correlations between navicular height and the
on the regression analysis and controlling for multicolin- footprint measurements were statistically significant (p <
earity, the only footprint measurements that are unrelated 0.05). The same was true for the correlations between
and can be used as predictors of navicular height are arch the footprint measurements and the normalized navicular
angle, footprint index, and arch length index. However, these height.11 The navicular height was most highly corre-
three variables only explain 29% of the variance. lated with the arch angle (r = 0.517) and had the lowest

Table 1: Mean and standard deviation (SD) for both raters for the seven footprint parameters and
the linear measurements

Measurement Mean rater 1 SD rater 1 Mean rater 2 SD rater 2

Foot length (mm) 253.55 19.23 252.41 18.61
Navicular height (mm) 36.61 6.54 36.61 6.98
Arch angle (degree) 56.69 11.65 48.08 9.81
Footprint index 0.384 0.137 0.376 0.137
Arch index 0.212 0.071 0.206 0.069
Arch length index 0.741 0.083 0.760 0.078
Truncated arch index 0.608 0.245 0.521 0.208
Staheli index 0.422 0.247 0.410 0.237
Chippaux-Smirak index 0.271 0.153 0.273 0.155

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Table 2: Between-day and inter-rater reliability of the footprint measurements

Between-day reliability Inter-rater reliability

Arch angle+ 0.6377 0.8072
Footprint index∗,+ 0.9068 0.9701
Arch index∗,+ 0.9235 0.9565
Arch length index+ 0.7552 0.8177
Truncated arch index∗,+ 0.8909 0.9328
Staheli index∗+ 0.9142 0.9626
Chippaux-Smirak index∗,+ 0.9139 0.9609

∗ Indicates good intrarater reliability (ICC value of 0.800 or greater); + Indicates good interrater reliability
(ICC value of 0.800 or greater).

Table 3: Correlation between the anthropometric variables and footprint measurements


NH 0.517 0.438 −0.423 −0.488 0.402 −0.469 −0.498
NH/FL 0.627 0.604 −0.609 −0.648 0.585 −0.619 −0.645

NH, navicular height; NH/FL, navicular height divided by foot length; AA, arch angle; FPI, footprint index; AI, arch index; ALI, arch length index; TAI,
truncated arch index; SI, Staheli index; CSI, Chippaux-Smirak index.

correlation with the arch index (r = −0.423) (Table 3). In a In this study the footprint measurements correlated only
previous study, the use of a MFPB to measure bony anatomy slightly with actual navicular height, which indicates that
of the foot was validated to a radiographic image, indicating perhaps the footprint of a subject is dependent on factors
that the navicular height and normalized navicular height other than arch height, such as rearfoot angle. Therefore,
used in this study are reflective of the bony anatomy of when discussing foot morphology, whether for a clinical
the foot.11 Based on the results of this study, it does not diagnosis, assessment of injury risk factors, or for research
appear that footprint measurements are well correlated with studies that use arch height as a variable, it appears that
navicular height, which often is considered to be a good a standardized scale of navicular height or normalized
measure of arch height and therefore foot morphology. In navicular height would be the most appropriate method of
addition, this study demonstrated that footprint parameters assessing foot morphology. A standardized method would
cannot be used to predict navicular height and therefore allow for improved collaboration between physicians and
the height of the medial longitudinal arch. Shiang et al.15 researchers and would help further elucidate the effects
reported similar correlations between navicular height and of arch height on risk factors for various injuries and
the footprint measurements. They reported slightly better pathologic conditions of the foot, ankle, lower extremity, and
correlations between arch height and footprint index (0.547), axial spine. In addition, a standardized method of assessing
truncated arch index (0.653), and arch index (−0.728) when arch height would allow easier comparison to previously
compared to the current study.15 In addition to examining the published literature. Future work in this area needs to be
correlation between navicular height and the different foot- pursued to determine the most reliable and potentially the
print measurements, the current study examined the correla- most effective method of measuring and reporting arch
tion between the footprint measurements and the normalized height and foot morphology, either with a combination of
navicular height. The normalized navicular height demon- measurements or through a combination of measurements
strated improved correlation with the footprint measurements and clinical assessment.
(range: r = 0.585 to r = 0.648). Based on this increase in
correlation, it appears that examining the normalized navic- REFERENCES
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