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Module Title: School Placement 3

LESSON PLAN (2017-2018)

Topic: 2nd year MTW Plastic and Other materials
Student Name: Matthew Kelly (G00330853)
Date: 15th of January 2018
Duration of Lesson: 40 minute


The main aims of this lesson are to:

 Reinforce the previous classes learnings on plastics

 Identify the process of bending and modeling plastic

 Experiment with plastics and how it bends under heat

 Identify the environmental issues with plastic


Learning Outcomes (LOs) Assessment of LOs

At the end of this lesson the students will be (Note: each LO has an assessment. Include a variety
enabled to… of types.)
 List and explain the processes that need to be  List the processes
used for working with plastic  Explanation of work
 Illustrated drawings
 Describe the process of bending plastic under  Explanation of work
heat  Higher and lower order questions
 Student demo
 List the environmental issues with plastic  List the issues
 Explanation of why these are issues
 Identify the advantages and disadvantage of  Homework
other materials in MTW  List of the advantages and disadvantages
 Explanation of work
Module Title: School Placement 3




0-3mins  Teacher opens door  Students take their seat

 Teacher take the attendance  Get resources ready take out
 Get resources ready for class books, copy’s & homework
ready for inspection
3-10mins  Teacher will set the aims and  Detail key words into copy L
learning outcome for the class  Engage with homework review O
 Display key words for the class by answering questions N
 Teacher will recap on previous  Take note of the aims and
class. Questions higher and learning outcomes CL
lower order  Student review previous class
 What are thermosetting and  We completed thermosetting O
thermoplastic? and thermoplastics?
 Why do we use plastic for x and  Example of Plastic in the
not use wood or metal? world.
 What are the difference in the  Name different types of
different types of plastic? plastic

10-15mins  Questions students thinking on  List the environmental issues O

environmental issues with Plastic CL
 Who does this effect?  Take not of the factor of ET
 Can we have alternatives? environmental impact MA
 What if we were to use L
renewable materials?
 Illustrates through PowerPoint
environmental issues with
15-20mins  Discussion with students on  Describe the process of working O
working with plastic with plastic CL
 Why do we use heat?  Heat bends plastic material!
 Will the plastic always reform
 When heated can be formed
when heated?
 What if we used the Tenon into new shapes!
saw to cut plastic? Any better  Describe the cutting of plastic
 How would we go about
joining two pieces of plastic?
 Identify the correct
procedures when working
with plastic
20-27mins  Show video on working with  Watch video on the board. O
plastic Identify certain aspect of the CL
 Pause video and question then process
show the process happening  Here we see the process of
 What can we see happening? molding plastic
Module Title: School Placement 3

 Do you think we could do this  Thermosetting plastic being

in the class? used
 What if we were to use a  Discuss the advantages and O
thermoplastic here? disadvantages of plastic,
 Why do we use plastic so much weight up if it’s a viable
in everyday life? product
 Teacher sets students into  Work in groups to find out why O
pairs, to think why plastic is so is plastic viable CL
viable (3/4minutes)  Mass production MA
 Objects able to be hollow
 Cheap
 When recycles can be reused
 durability

27-33mins  Discussion of other materials  List and discuss where they find O
used in MTW other materials found in MTW CL
 Glass  Glass-window & mirrors
 Leather foam  Leather-seats & straps
 Textiles  Textiles-Cushions & seats
 Rope  Rope-Cords and handles
 Question student on their uses 4. Identify themselves with the
of material in certain areas different materials in MTW
 Do we have to use glass in
windows why not clear
 Why not just have foam seats?
 What if we used timber instead
of a rope? What difference
would it have?
 Show students example of the
 State the advantages and
disadvantage of these

33-37mins  Explain homework  Write homework into their L

 Examine the learning targets journal CL
and aims  Identify the completion of the O
 Invite any questions or queries learning targets and aims
 Collect exit slip  We have completed issues
with plastic by completing dis
& advantages of plastic and
environmental impact
 We learn about forming plastic
through the video and
discussion in the class
Module Title: School Placement 3

 Ask any additional questions or

queries in relation to class work
or home
 Complete exit slip
37-40mins  Examine students desks and  Clean tidy desk
floor area  Exit classroom

L= Literacy, N= Numeracy, O= Oracy, G= Graphicacy, SEN= Special Educational Needs, MA=
Mixed Ability, CL= Cooperative Learning, GI = Gender Inclusion, MI = Multicultural
Inclusion, ET = Educational Technology, and C&I= Creativity and Innovation.


PowerPoint with plastics

PowerPoint with aims and learning targets

Video on working with plastics

Exit cards

Wood materials Technology Book

6. POST LESSON CRITICAL REFLECTION (bullet points- 3-5 points)

 Strengths
 Resources used in the class
 Demonstrations
 Relation to real life

 Challenges
 Time management
 Creativity of the class

 Suggestions for Improvement

 Have an more interactive class
 Get student more involved

 Notes for the Preparation of the Next Lesson

 Next chapter
 Homework Q 1-7

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