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Academic life or social life?

Nowadays, the way of learning and students' lifestyle are a little different. Most of their
studies aren't serious, and they all often underestimate the subjects that they don't like. Instead of
continuing to learn so that they can conquer it, most of them skip it. If it continues, it means they did
not respect their parents who have worked so hard to pay for their studies.

There are so many factors forcibly prevent them from being serious in learning, including;
 Lack of Education in the Family
 Wrong Association, such as; cultivating free association, consumption of liquor and drugs
 Environmental Influence, including the campus and community environment.
Observing student habits that aren’t good on campus seems necessary, everyone revisits; actually
what he was looking for. Especially if you see the output produced as an educator and consultant.
To be an extraordinary educator, for example, absolutely needed an idealism. The idealism that he
is the spearhead of increasing human resources on the earth where he stands. Furthermore, the
actions should also reflect prospective educators with personality. Let's look at the some of the
bad habits that are entrenched in the campus environment in general at the moment, with the
intention of improving it to good, are as follows;
 Copy and paste when working on a task.
 Cheating on the examination.
 Lazy to go to college.
 The internet, texting, chatting and forgetting to open books.
 Bring a luxurious vehicle for a style so that the campus looks like a car or motorcycle
Moreover, humans as social beings who have reciprocal relationships with the surrounding
condition, both the physical environment, biological environment, and social environment with
each other influence each other. The environment indeed includes all aspects, both material, and
input inside and outside individual humans. Bad environs can affect the good character, but a
good environment may not provide a substitute for a good character.

In the end, the character or personality of a person, besides being determined by their basic
potential, is equally determined by the environment. The environmental factors, both the family and
social environment contribute strongly to the formation, placement of basic potentials owned by
children and in encouraging children's learning. So that a student will be lucky if a good environ
influences him, and vice versa, students will be very disadvantaged if they are associated with bad
environ. Moreover, the college students’ must be accomplished to balance between education and
social life, so that they will become better people.

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