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MedSci Midterm Practice Respiration MCQ

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1. a What is produced when the electrons leave the electron 7. b A stronger oxidizing agent exhibits ___________.
transport chain and bind to the final electron acceptor for a. lower electron affinity
the chain? b. greater electron affinity
a. water c. greater oxygen-binding ability
b. O2 d. lower oxygen-binding ability
c. CO2 e. homologous electron affinity
d. CO
8. c ___________ exhibit lower electron affinity.
e. a and b
a. Strong oxidizing agents
2. e How is the energy used to make ATP via the electron b. Strong elucidating agents
transport chain generated? c. Strong reducing agents
a. The energy from electrons bound to reduced coenzymes d. Weak reducing agents
is used to create a steep electrochemical gradient. e. Weak eliminating agents
b. Electrons bound to NADH are used to generate a H+ ion
9. e Which of the following is a correct example of an
gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane.
oxidizing and reducing agent couple?
c. Electrons bound to FADH2 are used to generate a
a. strong reducing agent and weak oxidizing agent
proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane.
b. weak reducing agent and strong oxidizing agent
d. Electrons bound to NADH are used to generate a proton
c. weak reducing agent and weak oxidizing agent
gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane.
d. strong reducing agent and strong oxidizing agent
e. all of the above
e. a and b
3. d What is the name of the process by which the electron
10. b Spontaneous oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions are
transport chain generates the electrochemical gradient that
accompanied by ________.
drives ATP production in the mitochondrion?
a. a gain of heat energy
a. osmosis
b. a loss of free energy
b. diffusion
c. a gain of free energy
c. facilitated diffusion
d. a loss of heat energy
d. chemiosmosis
e. a gain of heat loss
e. frusion
11. a The direct formation of ATP by the transfer of a phosphate
4. d What is the name of the process that results in the
group from a donor molecule to ADP is called ________.
production of ATP from ADP and a phosphate group as
a. substrate-level phosphorylation
electrons pass down the electron transport chain?
b. oxidative phosphorylation
a. ATP osmosis
c. cyclic photophosphorylation
b. dentition
d. noncyclic photophosphorylation
c. ADP hydrolysis
e. indigenous phosphorylation
d. oxidative phosphorylations
e. ATP hydrolysis 12. c Which enzyme of the Krebs (TCA) cycle is different from
the others with respect to its location and where is it
5. b On average, how many ATPs would be made if 4 NADH
and 6 FADH2 molecules donated their high-energy
a. succinate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial matrix
electrons to the mitochondrial electron transport chain?
b. malate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial matrix
a. 10
c. succinate dehydrogenase, inner mitochondrial
b. 24
c. 12
d. malate dehydrogenase, inner mitochondrial membrane
d. 30
e. succinate dehydrogenase, intermembrane space
e. 20
13. a What type of electron carrier has a prosthetic group
6. c How do mitochondria generate and store the energy used
derived from vitamin B2?
to produce most of the ATP made during aerobic
a. flavoproteins
b. cytochromes
a. by producing heat
c. copper atom containing carriers
b. by generating a heat gradient
d. ubiquinone
c. by generating an ionic (electrochemical) gradient
e. iron-sulfur proteins
d. by generating a Cl- ion gradient
e. c and d
14. b What type of electron carrier has a heme group similar to 19. c You are trying to figure out an electron transport pathway
that of myoglobin? including the following electron transport molecules: B, K,
a. flavoproteins T Q and X. You do so by employing inhibitors for various
b. cytochromes steps in the process. When you do, you get the following
c. copper atom containing carriers results:
d. ubiquinone Inhibitor Electron Transport Molecules Trapped in
e. iron-sulfur proteins Reduced Form
Ticin Q& K
15. c What is another name from for fully reduced ubiquinone?
Digitin K
a. ubiquinone
Estin T, K, Q & B
b. ubisemiquinone
Lucin Q, K & T
c. ubiquinol
d. ubiquinde
What is the order of the molecules (the pathway) in the
e. ubiquinate
electron transport chain suggested by the above data
16. e What is the final electron acceptor in the electron from the most reduced to the least reduced molecule?
transport chain? a. K —> T —> B —> Q —> X
a. water b. K —> X —> B —> Q —> T
b. carbon dioxide c. K —> Q —> T —> B —> X
c. carbon monoxide d. X —> B —> T —> Q —> K
d. hydrogen e. T —> B —> K —> Q —> X
e. oxygen
20. c Why must the process by which cytochrome oxidase
17. a What is formed when electrons reach the bottom of the works be efficient?
mitochondrial electron transport chain and bind to the a. If it is not, mitochondria will shrink.
final electron acceptor? b. If it is not, mitochondria will swell and burst.
a. water c. The process deals with very dangerous substances,
b. carbon dioxide which, if released, could damage virtually every cell
c. carbon monoxide macromolecule.
d. hydrogen d. If it does not the mitochondria could denature.
e. oxygen e. all of the above
18. c How do many potent respiratory poisons exert their 21. b What is unusual about the way that H+ ions are
effect? transported across the inner mitochondrial membrane as
a. They break down oxygen. compared to the movement of other ions like Na+ and Cl-
b. They bind to electrons. ions?
c. They bind to the cytochrome oxidase catalytic site. a. Na+ and Cl- ions must traverse the full distance, but H+
d. They bind to oxygen. ions materialize on the other side of the membrane.
e. They denature the inner mitochondrial membrane. b. Na+ and Cl- ions must traverse the full distance, but H+
ions can hop through a channel by exchanging
themselves with other protons found along the pathway.
c. Na+ and Cl- ions can hop through a channel by
exchanging themselves with other similar ions found
along the pathway, but H+ ions must traverse the full
d. Na+ and Cl- ions must traverse the full distance, but H+
ions must only go halfway.
e. Na+ and Cl- ions must traverse the full distance, but H+
ions must change into neutrons first
22. d Electrochemical gradients have both a(n) _________ and a(n)
___________ component.
a. concentration, acidic
b. acidic, electrical
c. concentration, basic
d. concentration, electrical
e. acidic, basic
23. a What tool have scientists used to monitor the 29. a What is thought to be the purpose of uncoupling proteins
transmembrane voltage across the inner mitochondrial in humans?
membrane? a. They are thought to play a key role in determining a
a. positively charged lipid soluble dyes person's basal metabolic rate.
b. negatively charged lipid soluble dyes b. They allow muscles to contract more efficiently.
c. very tiny pH meters c. They make muscle tissue red.
d. neutral lipid soluble dyes d. They function as a source of heat production.
e. all of the above e. They lower body temperature.
24. e If you were studying aerobic respiration and wished to 30. d When F1 inner membrane spheres were first isolated, what
uncouple glucose oxidation and ADP phosphorylation unusual trait did they have?
how would you do it? a. They changed shape repeatedly.
a. use PNP b. They behaved like an ATPase.
b. use NPP c. They hydrolyzed ATP.
c. use DNP d. b and c
d. use 2,4-dinitrophenol e. a and b
e. c and d
31. c The F0 base of ATP synthase serves as a(n) ______.
25. e How does DNP inhibit the formation of ATP? a. enzyme that synthesizes ATP
a. It makes the inner mitochondrial membrane permeable b. enzyme that hydrolyzes ATP
to protons, allowing them to move down their gradient. c. a channel that conducts protons from the
b. It dissipates the electrochemical gradient that drives intermembrane space back to the matrix.
ATP production. d. a channel that conducts protons from the matrix back
c. It combines with protons and carries them across the to the intermembrane space
membrane since it is lipid soluble. e. proton pump
d. It dissipates the inner mitochondrial membrane.
32. e What happens if submitochondrial particles containing
e. a, b and c
ATP synthase are treated with urea?
26. a Why did DNP kill patients who took the drug to help them a. The F0 portions of the enzyme are removed.
lose weight? b. The F1 spheres are removed.
a. It caused the patients to oxidize their fat stores in a vain c. The submitochondrial particle membranes maintain a
attempt to maintain normal ATP levels. steeper proton gradient.
b. It blocked hemoglobin. d. The submitochondrial particle membranes are unable
c. It caused an infection. to maintain a proton gradient.
d. It caused total paralysis. e. b and d
e. It prevented the patients from breathing.
33. e The energy released by proton movement through ATP
27. e The inner mitochondrial membrane of some cells contains synthase ___________.
proteins that act as natural or endogenous uncouplers. a. directly phosphorylates ADP to ATP
These proteins are called __________. b. increases the binding affinity of the active site for the
a. uncouplins ATP product
b. uncouplases c. directly phosphorylates ATP to ADP
c. uncoupling proteins d. decreases the binding affinity of the active site for the
d. UCPs ATP product
e. c and d e. b and c
28. c What is the purpose of uncoupling proteins in mammalian 34. c The energy expended during the formation of ATP by ATP
brown adipose tissue? synthase is required to _______.
a. They give the tissue its color. a. attach the phosphate group to ADP
b. They help the tissue expand and contract when needed. b. attach the phosphate group to ATP
c. They function as a source of heat production. c. release the tightly bound ATP from the ATP synthase
d. They allow the production of a larger number of ATPs catalytic site
per glucose. d. attach the tightly bound ATP to the ATP synthase
e. They allow muscles to contract more efficiently. catalytic site
e. move protons against their gradient
35. c How many catalytic sites does ATP synthase possess?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 6
e. 4
36. e The three catalytic sites of ATP synthase ___________.
a. have different substrate binding affinities
b. have different product binding affinities
c. at any one time are present in different conformations
d. pass sequentially through their three different conformations
e. all of the above
37. a The O conformation of ATP synthase catalytic sites ________.
a. has a very low affinity for nucleotides
b. has a very low affinity for carbohydrates
c. has a very low affinity for proteins
d. binds ATP, ADP and inorganic phosphate groups tightly
e. loosely binds ADP and inorganic phosphate groups
38. e The L conformation of ATP synthase catalytic sites ________.
a. has a very low affinity for nucleotides
b. loosely binds AMP and inorganic phosphate groups
c. has a very low affinity for proteins
d. binds ATP, ADP and inorganic phosphate groups tightly
e. loosely binds ADP and inorganic phosphate groups
39. c It has been shown that one part of ATP synthase rotates relative to another part of the enzyme. This phenomenon is referred to as
a. turning catalysis
b. revolutionary catalysis
c. rotational catalysis
d. rotatalysis
e. revolalysis
40. a What drives the rotation of the F1 head of ATP synthase?
a. proton movement from intermembrane space to the matrix
b. proton movement from the matrix to the intermembrane space
c. ATP hydrolysis
d. ATP condensation
e. a and c

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