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How to Memorize Vocabulary

In Language Teaching and Learning




A little of problems in this paper

 Students are poor in vocabulary to write something in essay. According to Simpson

and Randall (2000) “Few would argue that college students need an extensive,

expressive vocabulary in order to write essays, research papers and make oral

presentations in class”.

 Students are little of strategy to develop their vocabulary. According to Stahl and

Nagy (2006) “Proposed that a comprehensive vocabulary program includes learning

the meanings of individual words, extensively reading rich texts, and developing the

student’s ability to learn new words independently. And than, according to Herman

and Dole, 1988; Nagy and Anderson, 1984) “Designing such a program requires

multiple strategies because both indirect instruction and direct instruction are

important to a student’s vocabulary growth”.

In this paper, the matter will discuss about how to memorize vocabulary

 There are five points how to memorize vocabulary

 Every points explain to memorize vocabulary

In this paper, I take the topic how to memorize vocabulary because

 The students enrich their vocabulary through learning how to memorize vocabulary.

 The students are adding their strategy in learning vocabulary.

How to memorize vocabulary

There are five points how to memorize vocabulary

 Integrate the new words into your environment. Post sticky notes or hang large blank

pieces of paper in places you frequent, like the bathroom or kitchen. Add new words

and their definitions to the hanging paper as you encounter them. That way you’ll find

yourself frequently encountering them as you go about your day.

 Make the new words part of your life. Writing new words into sentences that are

relevant to your own life can help you build strong and relevant associations.

 For example, if you want to learn to use the word “azure,” a term for a deep blue

color, write it into several sentences that relate to your current situation or

surroundings: “My new shampoo bottle is a striking azure color” or “the sky this

summer has been a particularly vivid azure.”

 Practice with flashcards. One of the most time-honored techniques, flashcards remain

a simple but powerful tool for vocabulary practice. Write down each new word you

learn on the front of a small note card or piece of paper, then write its definition on

the back. Run through the flashcards several times each day, trying to remember the

word’s definition before checking on the back.

 Test yourself. Giving yourself frequent vocabulary tests will help you work on words

that pose a particular challenge. It’s theory Enrichhir Son Vocabulaire.

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