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Russian mobilization Balkan War World War one

Looking at the map you can see that the The importance of the Balkans lay in the Russian
Balkans are right next to the Dardanelles, geographic location of the peninsula. It
the straits that give access to the black
sea. Russia needed to maintain influence
was situated at the crossroads of three
major empires.
there in order to ensure traffic through
those straits. It even had access to several important
waterways. Because of this the Balkans
Also, at least in its own estimation Russia
had been a gateway between East and
was in danger of becoming a
West for centuries.
laughingstock in European politics

Russia didn’t have a port at warm water.

That’s because Russian ports usually
freeze during the winter. That’s one of
the reasons why Russia wanted to have
the Balkans

This brochure is about World

War one from Russian
Its history of prior weakness meant that
perspective. Enjoy reading!
Russia’s foreign policy makers feared
that without some decisive action, Russia
wouldn’t be taken seriously anymore.
Made by: Carmen, Daniël,
Derek, Gido, Indy, Jasmijn,
Lena, Mayke, Nanette, Selina
and Lisa.
Russia and Serbia Germany’s moves Conclusion
against Russia
The direct cause of the war was the before just blaming Russia. Is that before that there are to different opinions or
assassination on Fran Ferdinand. A group the great war even started, Germany was different ideas. But that doesn’t mean
of Serbian men decided to kill the prince on edge with France because of the that one of them is right, and the other
of Austria-Hungary. Archduke Franz Franco-German war which happened 43 one is wrong. When you disagree with
Ferdinand, heir to the Austria-Hungarian the other, you will see the other as a bad
years ago. Germany won that war and
Empire was shot to death along with his person. But in their eyes, you are the
ever since, France wanted revenge. person who is wrong. A war is never just
wife by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo,
someone’s fault but always consists of a
Bosnia series of events that lead to a particular
The Russian government considered outcome.
Russia decided to come in and help
Germany to be the main threat to its
Serbia. There ain’t no good guys there ain’t no
territory. This was reinforced by Germany's
bad guys, there’s only you and me, and
decision to form the Triple Alliance
we just disagree.

Russia wasn’t the one with the intentions

to go to war.

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