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1. Ginger rostou 8k
2. Dubai sunrise 10k
3. Lime grass 9.900k
4. Strawberry squash 13.300
5. Blue ocean 15.000 k
6. Green lychee squash 20.600
7. Strawberry fizz 13.900
8. Strawberry blackberry mint friter 15.900
9. Sweet red squash 15k
10. Lemon and lime squash 17k
11.Lime mocktail 22k
12.Punch mojito 22k
13.Red blue mocktail 10k
14.Sweet daiquiri 15k
15.Melon mojito 10k
16.Blood sunshine 12k
17.Orange in red 11k
18.Kiwi punch soda 16k
19.Virgin mojito 12k
20.Virgin cucumber 10k
21.Virgin mojito 7k
22.Choco blend 10k
23.Chrocing dragon fruit 12k
24.Lime mojito 8k
25.Chocolate milkshake 15k
26.Galaxy mocktail 17k
27.Fruit on the cloud 20k
28.Red flavour 15k
31.Island ice tea 12k
32.Blue red mocktail 15k
33.Lecy blue ocean 12k
34.Melo tropical 15k
35.Melon squash mocktail 20k
36.Bloody loud dragon 15k
37.Blue ocean 12k
38.Chocolate and cookies milkshake 15k
39.Sunrise mocktail 20k
40.Sweet and sour angelic lemon 15k
41.Rainbow happies 9.7k
42.Red lime squash 12.100k
45.Strawberry spritzer 20.163k
46.Milkshake cookies and cream 53.291k
47.Tropical summer 18k
48.Ginger in blue 20k
49.Lime squash 10k
50.Tropica strawberry mojito 13k
51.Red dragon mocktail 15k
52.Pink banana smoothies 22k
53.Cucumber fizz 12k
54.Nebula mojito 16k
55.Blue to tanggo 28k
56.Youwish fantasi 22k
57.Rootbeer float 11.5k
58.Manggo jus 14.5k
59.Lime squash 10k
60.Orange squash 15k
61.Lychee sunrise mock 12k
62.Mango sunset mocktail 10k
63.Blue miami 14.4k
64.Choco blaze 20.1k
65.Honeymoon mocktail 12.5k
66.Sparkling blue eye 10k
67.Blue sunrise mocktail 13.2k
68.Summer sunset mocktail 16k
69.Red chrystal 12k
70.Lemon mocktail 10k
71.Red blue mocktail 15k
72.Sunset chrystal mocktail 18k
73.Red fizz 10.4k
74.Ranger blue 10.8k
75.Day orange squash 10k
76.Blue sunset 9.7k
77.Cassanova 14k
78.Blue sunrise 10k

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