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CO SCI 243 Programming Project # 1 (100 points)

Your goal is to implement an application that allows employees of a coffee shop to place a customer order.
Your application should:
• get customer information including name, telephone number and address (one field for each).
• ask for the method of payment: Visa, MasterCard, or cash.
• ask for customer credit card number if he/she selects Visa or MasterCard.
• have four drink types (Coffee for $2.89, Espresso for $3.23, Cappuccino for $3.75, and Hot chocolate
for $2.25) and five accessories (Coffee mug $16.97, Coffee press $22.90, Coffee scoop $6.05, Coffee
grinder $24.99, Coffee mug warmer $10.99). All prices are for one order. Drink types and accessories
prices are shown on the screen next to each item (see list of menus below). The total price should
include tax at the rate of 10.25%. Assume the customers could place one order at a time. Selecting one
drink type will deselect the previous type. Accessories are optional. Selecting same accessory multiple
times does not add to number of accessory. Clear option clears all selected accessories.
• Gifts - select 2 accessories: Free cup of coffee; select 3 accessories: Free mug; select 4 or more
accessories: $5.00 gift card. Note: Maximum one gift per order; Customer may not pick a desired gift.
• calculate the total price when the user selects "Display Order Confirmation".
When the user selects the “Display Order Confirmation” option:
• if the input is complete, your application must generate an order confirmation shown below.
• if the input is incomplete, your application must generate one message, listing all the fields requiring
The user should be able to input data in any order.

Use functions (call-by-value only). Do not use global variables. Do not use arrays.
Make sure to test your program completely before submission. Do not forget to add comments.
Submit your well-documented C++ program via Canvas.

The order confirmation should look like this:

You have placed an order for
Cappuccino ($33.33)
With the following options:
Coffee press ($2.22)
Coffee scoop ($3.33)

Total price: $88.88

Congratulations. You will get the following free gift with your order:
Free cup of coffee

Sold to: John Doe

Telephone: 12345
Address: 123 Nice St.
Paid by: Visa number 998877

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1. Input Customer Information

2. Main Selection
3. Options
4. Payment Method
5. Display Order Confirmation
6. Exit
1. Name
2. Phone Number
3. Address
4. Main Menu
1. A ($44.44)
2. B ($33.33)
3. C ($22.22)
4. D ($11.11)
5. Main Menu
1. aa ($1.11)
2. bb ($3.33)
3. cc ($4.44)
4. dd ($5.55)
5. ee ($6.66)
6. Clear all options
7. Main Menu
1. Visa
2. MasterCard
3. Cash
4. Main Menu

Note: The prices in the menu are not accurate. Use the prices in the project description.

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