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‘SIGNO DEL COMPAS EJERCICIO RITMICO Sur cor RHYTHMIC DESIGN of Nor. 1 end 2 Se cee, a Paces 5 ae > sain aut tA MERA Dene taoe ERR LEP Nomad dd ddd, [edd dle... Upper 4 omc hero dco a sere icant Mitamantie, a ee pl flan i Pie ea half note ¢ = 2 counts Primera Leccion | ire. Garth tale 2 2a, inuerd Lsoed aC. Garcia Do ques pren- | © C ten. go Scale yon | der, 4 Part of 1 2 know. Repito Las Notas (1 Repeat the Notes) Up And Down (Arriba, Abajo) a = = Eu wr B 2 Do Re Do Re | Do Bo lap- py as can be. Up _and down we trav - el, io f f. = = 11674 so + EJERCICIO RITMICO RUYTHMIC DESIGN of No.3 add 1294 Palmetea en cad nots Clap hands for each note. md dd Count Pes Dos Notas Nuevas Two New Notes Letra—C. Garefa te bs cn Bos nod = ca | mania ot Wanye them please for 7 You have learned two | new notes here, "S- Baile de Notas Dancing Notes + Ga awe E t = a ig * SiS p Mi Re =| Do Mi pic E the oe jr Bai - ln mis no Lit - te notes of 1674

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