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Budi Halomoan Siregar, S.Pd.,M.Sc

By :
Khalishah Qatrunnada (4163312013)
Bilingual Mathematics Education 2016


Alhamdulilah, praise and gratitude I pray the presence of Allah SWT, because thanks
to His grace and grace, I can complete proyek task course “Linear Progamming” by lecturer
Budi Halomoan Siregar, S.Pd.,M.Sc, I hope with the existence of this proyek can be useful to
add insight and our knowledge of Graphical Method
But I realize that this proyek is far from perfection. Therefore, I strongly expect
constructive advice and criticism from readers for the perfection of this task. Before I also
apologize if there are mistakes - words that are less amused readers heart. Finally I say thank
you, hopefully can be useful and can increase knowledge for readers.

Medan, October 19th 2018


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PREFACE ............................................................................................................................................. i

TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................................................... ii

CHAPTER I ........................................................................................................................................ 1

PRELIMINARY ................................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 BACKGROUND........................................................................................................ 1
1.2 PURPOSE .................................................................................................................. 1
CHAPTER II ....................................................................................................................................... 2

DISCUSSION ...................................................................................................................................... 2

2.1 GENERAL PROBLEM IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING .................................... 2

2.2 SOME EXCEPTIONAL CASES IN GRAPHICAL METHOD ......................... 10
A. Alternative Optimal Solution ................................................................................. 10
B. Infeasible (or non-existing) Solution...................................................................... 19
C. Unbounded Solution................................................................................................ 25

Page | ii


Linear programming in general is one technique for completing special
operations research to solve optimization problems (maximizing or minimizing) but
only limited to problems that can be converted into linear functions. In particular, linear
program problems are a matter of determining the amount of each variable value so that
the value of a linear objective or objective function becomes optimum (maximizing or
minimizing) by observing the existing constraints, namely constraints that must be
expressed in the form of linear inequalities. In this paper will discuss the graphical
methods contained in linear programs. Graph method is one method that can be used to
solve linear programming problems. Graph method is also used to solve optimization
problems in linear programs. This method uses a graphical approach in decision
making, where all constraint functions are made in one part of the image and then the
optimum decision is taken.

To train students' skills in making problems
To students model questions and solve problems using graphical methods
To help solve the problem with Autograph, Tora, LiPS, and Lingo

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I. Example From Book

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II. The Other Question
Suatu perusahaan Sun Flower merupakan sebuah perusahaan tas. Perusahaan
ini menghasilkan dua produksi. Produksi pertama yaitu Mini Backpack dan
produksi yang kedua yaitu Cross Body Backpack. Proses produksi yang di
lakukan untuk setiap produk sama, karena keduanya membutuhkan jam kerja
dibagian jahit dan kemasan. Setiap produk Mini Backpack membutuhkan 6 jam
kerja di bagian penjahitan dan 3 jam kerja dibagian kemasan. Untuk setiap Cross
Body Backpack membutuhkan 5 jam kerja pada bagian penjahitan dan 1 jam
kerja pada bagian kemasan. Periode waktu produksi saat ini telah tersedia 240
jam waktu di bagian perakitan dan 100 jam pada bagian kemasan. Setiap Mini
Backpack menghasilkan keuntungan Rp 8.000.000 dan setiap Cross Body
Backpack berwarna menghasilkan keuntungan Rp 6.000.000. berapakah
keuntungan maksimum yang dicapai oleh perusahaan Sun Flower dengan
menggunakan metode grafik.

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Departemen Backpac Cross Bag (y) Periode produksi
(x) (z)
Mini Backpack (A) 6 3 240
Cross Body Backpack (B) 5 1 100
Profit per unit (C) 8 6 -

Maksimum z = 8x + 6y (dalam 1.000.000)

Kendala 6x + 3y ≤ 240
5x + y ≤ 100

Using Autograph

Gambar 2.b.1. Daerah solusi setelah kendala 1 dan 2 diplot

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Using Lingo

Gambar 2.b.2. Penyelesaian dengan menggunakan LINGO

Using LiPS

The steps are as follows:

1. Open the LiPS Software and the display appears as shown below

2. Click File >> New and then click Tabel (if you want make text, you can
choose text model)

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3. And then the dialog box appears as shown below. Than change the number of
variable, number of constraint, number of objective, and the optimization
direction. After that click ok

4. The display appears below, then fill in the constraint and variable fields
available in the box

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5. Click Run and the the result appears

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Using Tora

The steps are as follows:

1) Open TORA Software

2) Click ‘Click Here’ to make the software, and the choose Linear Proggaming

3) After that the dialog box appears, change the ‘N’ and ‘D’. Then click ‘Go to
Input Screen’

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4) Write the title, number of variable, number of constraint, then enter

5) Input the data on the table, and them click solve menu

6) You can choose what do you want to solve

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7) The result appear as shown below


a) Alternative Optimal Solution
b) Infeasible (or non-existing) Solution
c) Unbounded Solution
A. Alternative Optimal Solution
I. Example From Book

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II. The Other Question
Sebuah toko bunga Flower Days menjual bunga melati dan bunga mawar, setiap
pembelian 50 bunga melati dan 60 bunga mawar harus membayar Rp 600.000.
Untuk pembelian 5 bunga melati dan 10 bunga mawar dengan harga Rp 80.000.
Keuntungan yang di peroleh toko tersebut yaitu Rp 200.000 untuk bunga mawar
dan untuk bunga melati adalah Rp 400.000. Toko tersebut hanya menjual 30
bunga mawar dan 30 bunga melati untuk per-harinya. Menggunakan LP, Indah
dapat memutuskan bagaimana mengalokasikan sumber daya yang terbatas
untuk memaksimalkan keuntungan.
Maximum z = 20x + 40y
Kendala 50x + 60y ≤ 600
5x + 10y ≤ 80
y ≤ 30
x ≤ 30
x, y ≥ 0

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Using Autograph

Using Lingo

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Using LiPS

The steps are as follows:

1. Open the LiPS Software and the display appears as shown below

2. Click File >> New and then click Tabel (if you want make text, you can
choose text model)

3. And then the dialog box appears as shown below. Than change the number of
variable, number of constraint, number of objective, and the optimization
direction. After that click ok

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4. The display appears below, then fill in the constraint and variable fields
available in the box

5. The result appear as shown below

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Using Tora

The steps are as follows:

1) Open TORA Software

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2) Click ‘Click Here’ to make the software, and the choose Linear Proggaming

3) After that the dialog box appears, change the ‘N’ and ‘D’. Then click ‘Go to
Input Screen’

4) Write the title, number of variable, number of constraint, then enter

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5) Input the data on the table, and them click solve menu

6) You can choose what do you want to solve

7) The result appear as shown below

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B. Infeasible (or non-existing) Solution
I. Example From Book

II. The Other Question

Perusahaan manufaktur membuat dua model A dan B dari suatu produk. Setiap
bagian Model A membutuhkan 1 jam kerja untuk fabrikasi dan 1 jam kerja
untuk finishing. Setiap bagian Model B membutuhkan 2 jam kerja untuk
fabrikasi dan 1 jam kerja untuk finishing. Untuk fabrikasi dan finishing,
maksimal jam kerja yang tersedia adalah 3 jam dan 11 masing-masing.
Perusahaan memperoleh laba Rp100.000 pada setiap bagian dari model A dan
Rp 500.000 pada setiap bagian Model B. Berapa banyak potongan Model A dan
Model B yang harus diproduksi per minggu untuk merealisasikan laba
maksimum? Berapa keuntungan maksimum per minggu?
Maksimum z = x + 5y (dalam 100.000)
Kendala x + 2y ≤ 3
x + y ≥ 11

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Using Autograph

Gambar 2.1.B. Penyelesaian dengan mengunakan autograph

Using Lingo

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Using LiPS
The steps are as follows:

1. Open the LiPS Software and the display appears as shown below

2. Click File >> New and then click Tabel (if you want make text, you can
choose text model)

3. And then the dialog box appears as shown below. Than change the number of
variable, number of constraint, number of objective, and the optimization
direction. After that click ok

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4. The display appears below, then fill in the constraint and variable fields
available in the box

5. The result appear as shown below

Using Tora
The steps are as follows:

1) Open TORA Software

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2) Click ‘Click Here’ to make the software, and the choose Linear Proggaming

3) After that the dialog box appears, change the ‘N’ and ‘D’. Then click ‘Go to
Input Screen’

4) Write the title, number of variable, number of constraint, then enter

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5) Input the data on the table, and them click solve menu

6) You can choose what do you want to solve

7) The result appear as shown below

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C. Unbounded Solution
I. Exmple From Book

II. The Other Question

Seorang ahli gizi ingin mencampur dua jenis makanan sedemikian rupa sehingga
kandungan vitamin dari campuran mengandung setidaknya 5 unit vitamin A dan 4
unit vitamin C. Makanan 'I' mengandung 3 unit / kg vitamin A dan 1 unit / kg
vitamin C. Makanan 'II' mengandung 4 unit / kg vitamin A dan 2 unit / kg vitamin
C. Harganya Rs 60 per kg untuk membeli Makanan 'I' dan Rs 30 per kg untuk
membeli Makanan 'II'. Rumuskan masalah ini sebagai masalah pemrograman linier
dan tentukan solusi yang tedapat pada masalah ini

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Maksimum z = 60x + 30y
Kendala 3x – y ≥ 5
4x + y ≥ 4

Using Autograph

Using Lingo

Page | 26
Using LiPS

The steps are as follows:

1. Open the LiPS Software and the display appears as shown below

2. Click File >> New and then click Tabel (if you want make text, you can
choose text model)

3. And then the dialog box appears as shown below. Than change the number of
variable, number of constraint, number of objective, and the optimization
direction. After that click ok

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4. The display appears below, then fill in the constraint and variable fields
available in the box

5. The result appear as shown below

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Using Tora
The steps are as follows:

1) Open TORA Software

2) Click ‘Click Here’ to make the software, and the choose Linear Proggaming

3) After that the dialog box appears, change the ‘N’ and ‘D’. Then click ‘Go to
Input Screen’

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4) Write the title, number of variable, number of constraint, then enter

5) Input the data on the table, and them click solve menu

6) You can choose what do you want to solve

7) The result appear as shown below

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Yang,Xin-She (2008). Introduction To Mathematics Optimization From Linear

Programming.Cambrige: UK
Lewis, Chatherine (2008). Linear Programming: Theory and Aplication.

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