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J. Env. Bio-Sci., 2015: Vol.

29 (2):559-560
(559) ISSN 0973-6913 (Print), ISSN 0976-3384 (On Line)


P. P. Thakur1*, V. S. Pawar1, D. M. Shere1 and S. P. Mehtre2
Department of Food Science & Technology, College of Food Technology, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth,
Parbhani - 431402, India
Department of Genetics & plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani -
431402, India
[Corresponding author E-mail1*:]

Received: 19-06-2015 Accepted: 29-07-2015

Different cultivars of soybean viz green (MAUS-609), black (MAUS-504) and yellow (MAUS-71) obtained from V.N.M.K.V, Parbhani
were analysed for their proximate composition. The physical characteristics were looked into 1000 seed weight, bulk density,
true density and porosity. It was noted that all cultivar varieties were having significant difference in their physico-chemical
composition. 1000 kernel weight was in range 95 to 105, bulk density between 0.70 to 0.74, much differences were noticed
regarding porosity of these cultivars with green variety having highest porosity of 42.85 and black variety having lowest porosity
of 36.39%. Protein content of black variety was higher about 35.02% followed by green 30.61 % and yellow variety with 30.44%.
While fat content of yellow variety was higher followed by black and green. Amount of carbohydrate was high in green variety
(MAUS-609) 36.54% and was lowest in black variety (MAUS-504) .
Soybean (Glycine max) originated in Eastern Asia probably in physicochemical composition of soybean cultivars grown in
north and Central China, is one of the most important legume Maharashtra region.
and oilseed in the world because of it's high nutritive value. It
is a good source of nutrients as it contain around 40% of high
quality protein, 20% oil rich in fatty acids devoid of cholesterol Sampling: Different genotypes of soybean viz green (MAUS-
also contains tremendous amount of calcium, iron and vitamins 609), black (MAUS-504) and yellow (MAUS-71) were obtained
such as niacin, thamin and riboflavin1. Soybean contains from All India Coordinated Research Project on soybean,
phytochemicals also have antioxidant property which reduces Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi vidyapeeth Parbhani. For
risk of atherosclerosis. Protein in soybean have high digestibility compositional analysis selected cultivars of soybean were
and is a complete protein as it contain all essential amino cleaned, sorted and flour was prepared.
acids. Therefore acts as a healthful functional food.
Physical analysis: Physical properties of the selected varieties
Different genotypes of soybean such as Green, Black and
such as color was determined visually, 1000 seed weight
yellow (classified on color of seed coat and characteristics)
by measuring weight of 1000 seeds . Bulk density determined
are cultivated extensively.Green soybean is rich in
by measuring mass and volume, true density by measuring
phytochemicals beneficial to human being and is therefore
increase in volume by predetermined weight of sample by
considered as neutraceutical and functional food crop2. Black
toluene displacement and porosity of the selected varieties
soybean another genotype of soybean is rich in antioxidants
was calculated by using obtained value of bulk density and
and has been used as a health food and herb in China for
true density of the respective varieties.
hundreds of years3. Researchers from Korea considered that
seed coat of Black soybean was a good source of anthocyanin
Proximate analysis: Biochemical components such as
pigment and also referred it as medicinal soybean 4 .
carbohydrate, protein, oil (fat), ash and crude fiber content
Consumption of Black soybean reduces the risk of cancer
affects the nutritional issue and are considered to be important.
and heart diseases. Yellow soybean is widely grown in India
Hence, proximate analysis was carried out on green, black
and is commercially exploited for oil production.
and yellow soybean.
The present work was undertaken to evaluate the Flours of soybean of respective varieties were analysed for
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Tabel-1. Physical property analysis of selected cultivars Tabel-2. Physical property analysis of selected cultivars
of Soybean (Glycine max). of Soybean (Glycine max).

moisture, Crude fat, crude protein, ash and crude fiber by body tissues7. Crude fiber content of all varieties was
methods described in AOAC5. comparable between 2-3.2. Though crude fiber does not
Carbohydrate content of the soybean cultivars was determined contribute nutrients to the body, it adds bulk to food thus
by difference method. facilitating bowel movements (peristalsis) and preventing many
By using following formula gastrointestinal diseases in man as reported7.
%Carbohydrate= 100- [%Moisture+%Protein +%Fat + % Ash
Protein was more in black variety (MAUS-504) about 35.02%
+ % Crude fiber]
while in green and yellow it variety was same. Yellow variety
All the experiments were carried out in triplicates and data obtained
(MAUS-72) revealed high oil content of 20.76% which was
were analysed statistically using analysis of variance and
higher than other two varieties so that this variety can be
differences were assessed for significance of p<0.05 level 6.
exploited commercially for oil extraction. Other two varieties
have oil content between 16 to 19% . Similar composition for
Physical analysis: Analysis of genotypes revealed a significant black variety was reported8. For green variety some workers
difference among the parameters examined .It indicates a reviewed similar proximate composition9. Black soybean
variation in 1000 seed weight such that weight of black (MAUS-504) variety was found to be superior as compared to
seeds(MAUS-504) was the lowest 80.78 and it found to be that of Green(MAUS-609) and yellow variety (MAUS-71).
highest for yellow variety (MAUS-71) 105.64 which reveals that
the seeds of black variety was having less mass and size as
compared to other two varieties. Also bulk density of all the 1. Weigartner, K.E., Singh, S.R., Rachie, K.O., Dashiel, K.E. (1987). In:
three genotypes were comparable to each other in range of Soyabean for the Topics. New York: John Wiley and Sons,149.
0.70 to 0.74, which indicates that if these seeds are to be 2. Beckmann, K. B. and Ames, V. N. (1997).J. Biological.

packed then space required for their packaging, will be same. Chemistry.:19633.
3. Liao, H.F. (2001) Anticancer Drugs 10:841.
The value of true density was highest for green genotype
4. Choung, M.G.(2001) J. Agri. Food Chemi. Dec 49 :5848:51.
(MAUS-609) with highest porosity of 42.85
5. AOAC (1998).In: "Official Methods of Analysis", 16th Ed.,
Proximate analysis: These cultivars had safe level of moisture Association of Official Analysis Chemists, Gaithergurg,
for storage between 6 to 8.The carbohydrate content of green 6. Panse, V.G. and Sukhatme, P.V. (1967). In: Statistical Methods for
(MAUS-609) genotype was found to 36.54% while in yellow Agricultural Workers. Indian Council of Agricultural Research.,

(MAUS-71) and black (MAUS-504) it was 33.89 and 30.95% New Delhi.
7. Gordon, M.W. (1999). In: Perspectives in Nutrition. 4th Edn., Mc
respectively. Higher carbohydrate content indicates higher
Graw Hill., Boston, 728.
calories it provides heat and energy for all metabolic activities
8. Patel, K.D. and Pandya, A.V. (2014) World J.Pharma Res. 3:4272
of body. Earlier workers reported that deficiency of carbohydrate
9. Ponnusha,B.S., Subramaniyam,S., Pasupathi,P., subramaniyam,B. and
can cause the body to divert proteins and body fat to produce
Virumandy,R. (2011) Inter. J. Current Medic. Sci., 1(2): 49.
needed energy, thus leading depletion of protein and fat from

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