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SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

A Microlite20 Role-Playing Game set in the world of Guillermo Del Toro's Pacific Rim

Welcome to the PPDC

The world as we knew it changed seven years ago. That was when the Trespasser appeared.
August 10th, 2013, we thought it was just a 7.1 earthquake off the coast of San Francisco. It wasn't. That
was it walking. The first Kaiju, Trespasser, walked right up to San Francisco and we couldn't do
anything about it. We tried. We fought it, but it didn't fall until six days, 30 miles, three cities and three
nuclear warheads later.
Too bad it wasn't the last one. It wasn't until the fourth Kaiju appeared that we began to start
making weapons that could take care of them without having to wipe a chunk of our planet off the map.
We took it down with the first Jaeger, Brawler Yukon, in Vancouver, Canada. It was close, but it
worked. Soon we started building more of them. Later came the best place to put them – the
The Pan Pacific Defense Corp was formed by the nations of the Pacific Ocean to not only
organize the Jaegers and their pilots, but also to built the best bases to protect the people and deploy the
Jaegers – the Shatterdomes. Placed at strategic locations throughout the Pacific coastlines, they are
there to house the Jaegers and protect the world – each has a hangar large enough to launch at least ten
Jaegers, and the larger domes such as Hong Kong or Los Angeles can launch thirty from one hangar.
And each is staffed by a large variety of personnel.
You exist as a member of the PPDC. What kind of member you are is up to the path that lead
you here.

Building your character

All characters in Shatterdome have four stats – Fitness, Agility, Mind and Charisma. To generate these
stats, roll 4d6 and add up the three highest results. Do this four times, so you will have four values.
Then put them where you wish to put them. After this, add 1 to any one stat.
Every stat also has a Stat Bonus. This is equal to the (Stat-10)/2, rounded down.
Next come your derived Stats -
HP is equal to 6 + your STR modifier. Each level after first, add 1d6+STR mod again.
AC is equal to 10 + your DEX modifier. Rangers add +2 plus an additional +1 for every even
numbered level to their AC, while Scientists and Engineers add +1 plus an additional +1 for every three
levels in those classes they possess.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Every character has a class in Shatterdome. The classes are Commander, Engineer, Ranger and
Scientist. Most people are only going to have one class – however some will want to multiclass.
Every time a character levels up, they may take a level in whatever class they wish – assuming it makes
sense for them to have taken a level in that class, subject to GM approval. However, a few things must
be kept in mind with multiclassing. A class's specialty skills are only improved for levels in that class.
So a level 5 Engineer/Level 2 Ranger would have a Communication skill of +6 (+5 for Engineer level,
+1 from Ranger level), a Drift skill of +5 (+2 from Engineer levels, +1 from Drift Training and +2 from
Ranger level), a Knowledge skill of +3 (+2 from Engineer levels, and +1 from Ranger levels), a
Physical skill of +4 (+2 from Engineer levels, +2 from Ranger levels), and a Technology skill of +8 (+5
for Engineer level, +2 from Technically Inclined, +1 from Ranger level).

Every character gains two talents at 1st level and a new talent at every level after that, no matter what
classes they have. However, whatever class they take at that level allows them to take talents from that
class – so if Ranger Jon Jafari took a level in Engineer when he reached 5th level, he could pick any
Universal or Engineer talent. If he instead took a level in Ranger, he could pick any Ranger or
Universal talent. There are also Background talents, special Universal talents that can only be taken at
1st level. Universal talents and background talents are listed after the classes. Talents that are dependent
on level for abilities are based off of the class they were taken in – so if Ranger Jafari took Negotiator
as an Engineer talent, he counts his bonuses based off of his Engineer level, not his Ranger or Scientist

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim


Tendo Choi, an Engineer

Engineers are both the ones who know how to work on a Jaeger and how to help guide them.
• Skill Training – Engineers add their Engineer level to their Technology and Communication
skill ranks, and ½ their level to all other skills.
• Technically Inclined – Engineers gain a +1 bonus to their Technology skill rolls, and an
additional +1 for every three levels they possess.
• Jaeger Technician – They can organize a repair or upgrade effort on a Jaeger with a successful
Technology Challenge – the amount of successes needed equal to either 1 for every 10 kHP the
Jaeger took (for a repair) or 1 for every 5 Upgrade points being added (for an upgrade).
• Engineer Talents -
◦ Administrative – You're used to command situations, or at least command of a small part of
the greater whole. You're at your best when helping other people work together towards a
common goal. You gain a +1 to Communications and Subterfuge rolls. When lead engineer
on a project, may make a Mind+Communication check to give all subordinates a +1 bonus
to all rolls related to that project for 1 hour.
◦ Air Support – An Engineer with this ability can use a Technology Challenge to pilot a
remote drone, to be able to assist the Jaeger pilots with finding a Kaiju. An Engineer with
this ability gives the Pilots of the Jaeger a +1 bonus to Initiative. He can attempt a
Knowledge Challenge to increase the bonus by +1 for every success – but a failure could
mean that the Jaeger suffers a -1 Initiative for each failed roll.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

◦ Amateur Psychologist – You specialize in dealing with Jager crews, and do your best work
staring at instruments, analyzing their data, and then relaying that to other people. Your
actual people skills are none too shabby either. +2 to Communications rolls, and Jager
pilots that they are in contact with automatically gain a +2 to all rolls to recover from failed
drifting, or saves to get out of chasing the rabbit.
◦ Combat Tactician – You're used to analyzing combat situations and using for analysis to
help the people in the field. Alternately, even without ranger training, sometimes you may
be a good candidate for co-pilot. You gain a +1 to all Charisma-based rolls. Once per round,
when in contact with Jaeger pilots, may make a Mind+Communication check to give one
Jaeger a +2 to Attack rolls or AC. The bonus lasts until the Engineer's next turn.
◦ Crisis Management – You're at your best when everything else is at its worst. Really, you
find things kind of boring when it all goes according to plan. When in contact with a Jaeger
that is at half or less of its kHP, you may make a Mind+Communications roll vs. DC 15 to
give that Jaeger a +1 to all rolls, or alternately, roll the same check vs. DC 25 to allow the
Jaeger to halve any penalties due to damage, conditions, Kaiju abilities, etc. for one round.
"Don't worry, Redflag Horowitz, here's how you compensate for that torn off arm..." -
Engineer Barry Kramer
◦ Ex-Pilot – Requires: Combat Tactician You know the ins and outs of piloting a Jaeger,
because you used to do it. This gives you a knack for helping pilots out that others may lack.
You gain a +1 to Charisma rolls that involve Rangers (that stacks with Combat Tactician's
bonus), and if you succeed at that Talent's Mind+Communications roll, the Jaeger may
apply the bonus to both Attack rolls and AC, instead of only one.
If you also have the Organizer talent, you may raise the DC by 5 to give the bonuses to an
additional Jaeger.
◦ Human Radar – You just have a sense for things. Instruments can lie, your gut doesn't. The
GM should allow you a Mind check for observation to get a gut feeling of something about
to happen vs. a difficulty ranging from 10-20 depending on the situation. If this check is
passed, you may either give yourself a +2 bonus to initiative rolls and retain your full dodge
bonus when surprised – or may pass these benefits on to one other person (or Jaeger in the
field) by passing a DC 15 Charisma+Communications check.
◦ In House Psychologist – Requirement: Amatuer Psychologist. An Engineer can use a
Communication roll to help any pilot who is having a hard time with a fight or The Drift. If
their Communication roll goes past the save DC of the Ranger's Will Save, the Rangers gain
a +2 bonus, plus an additional +1 for each additional success – this is an Endless Challenge.
◦ IT Agent – An Engineer with this ability can help override a Jaeger if the engineer is in a
control room, being able to turn off certain systems or take care of minor things – for
example, setting a Plasma Caster to load with a successful Technology Challenge, the
amount of successes equal 1 per 10 Kilometers the Jaeger is from the Shatterdome.
◦ Jerry-Rig – The pilots are in trouble, but they have on their side someone who can adjust
the reactor of a Jaeger at the last moment. On his turn as a full-round action, the engineer
can attempt a MIND+Knowledge challenge against 15 + the amount of Energy Points the
Jaeger is under its maximum. Each success gives the Jaeger back 1 Energy Point, but any
failures will reduce the total to 0. For example, Engineer Hirouki makes a check for Havoc
Luna's reactor. Havoc Luna has normally 20 Energy Points, but its down to 3. Hirouki

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

makes a check against DC 32 (15 + 20 – 3). He managed to make three checks and then
stops – the extra three points are all they need, and he'd rather not risk a failure and lose all
his hard work.
◦ Mechanical Specialist – You're one of the cogs that makes the machine go. You know how
to get things done, and fast, when it comes to mankind's high tech toys. You gain a +2 to
Technology rolls. When attempting to repair a Jaeger, weapon systems or other high
technology items, they may make a roll against difficulty 10. For every 5 point increment
they succeed by (i.e. 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, etc.) they may reduce the necessary time for
repairs by 1 hour. This may not lower repair time below half.
◦ Organizer – Requirement: Combat Tactician. An engineer with this ability can keep track
of Multiple Jaegers, allowing him to react the multiple sets of pilots. Instead of only being
able to focus on one set of pilots per turn if they have an issue outside his turn, he gains 1
free Standard action to aid another Jaeger. He can take this ability multiple times.
◦ Research Engineer – You specialize in everything that makes Jaegers tick. You may not
have the wide-ranging science background of some other specialists, but when it comes to
Jaegers, you can innovate, as well as build and repair. You gain a +1 to Technology rolls and
Knowledge rolls regarding Jaegers. They may research upgrades to Jagers as if they were a
scientist of half your Engineer level, and this stacks with Scientist levels for this purpose.
◦ Structural Engineer – While mostly applied to buildings, foundations and structure are
critical to jagers too. Some of the innards may be beyond you, but you know your skeletons
and armor. You gain a +2 to Knowledge and Technology checks dealing with these systems,
including repairs of armor or structural problems – and a +4 bonus when attempting to add
upgrades such as additional armor, lightweight armor, etc.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim


Sasha and Aleksis Kaidonovsky, Rangers and pilots of Cherno Alpha

Rangers are the ace pilots of the Jaegers.
• Skill Training – Rangers add their Ranger level to their Physical and Drift ranks and ½ their
Ranger level on all other skills.
• Drift Training – Rangers gain a +1 bonus to their Drift rolls, plus an additional +1 for every
three levels they possess.
• Military Training – They are also extensively trained in combat, gaining a +1 bonus to all
attack and damage rolls, which increases by +1 for every 5 levels that the Ranger possesses.
• Drifted Military Training – In a Jaeger, the Rangers may add their bonuses from Military
Training together if they are united in the drift – their damage bonus for the Jaeger's attacks
becomes +1k damage for each attack.
• Ranger Talents -
◦ Bear Hug – Requires: Grappler Beyond holding an opponent still for your other attacks,
your grapples themselves inflict damage. Each round you successfully maintain a grapple,
or when you successfully escape one, you inflict 1kd6 on your opponent, in addition to any
other damage from attacks.
◦ Brawler – You're used to solving problems with your fists, and everyone else can tell. You
gain a +1 to Physical checks and Charisma checks involving Intimidation. In combat, you
may take a -1 to Attack rolls to add a +2 to Damage, plus an additional -1 bonus for another
+2 Damage bonus for every five levels of Ranger they possess. If they pilots both have this

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

trait, they can use it with Synchronized attacks.

◦ Coordination – You have a knack for teamwork. Whether in or out of a Jaeger, you take
naturally to flanking maneuvers, distractions and synchronized attacks. You gain a +1 bonus
to all Communication rolls and on any roll involving teamwork. Additionally, when
determining Drift bonus, if you rolled a 20 or higher, treat your result as if you had another
+1 bonus.
◦ Defensive Focus – You've taken to heart that the best offense is a good defense. You might
not get in quite as many shots as the other guy, but you also don't take as many. You may
take a -2 to all attack rolls in order to add your Mind bonus to your AC for a round.
◦ Drift Gifted – Whether its because you're preternaturally calm, have studied
compartmentalization, have a psychology degree, or you're just that task-oriented, you are
easy to drift with, and have a gift for helping people get along in general. You gain a +1
bonus to Drift rolls and Communications rolls involving diplomacy. You always contribute
an additional +2 to Drift Bonus, regardless of rolls, provided the drift was successful at all.
◦ Efficient Piloting – You can attempt a Synchronized Drift check against DC 15 to increase
the amount of Energy Points you regenerate by 1. If your co-pilot also has this ability, it
goes up to 3.
◦ Field-Commander – You're used to taking command in the field, and even in the midst of
Jager vs. Kaiju battles, you can keep track of your allies, your air support, and all your
assets. You gain a +1 bonus to all Charisma-based checks. By issuing orders or otherwise
attempting to assist others (flanking positions, covering fire, shouting warnings, etc.) you
may take a -1 to all actions for a round to give someone else a +2 bonus to one action during
their turn.
◦ Grappler – You excel at grappling, and in a Jaeger, can occasionally even compete with
Kaiju at what they typically do best. You gain a +2 to rolls involving initiating a grapple or
escaping, and a +1 to attack rolls against a grappled enemy with any systems that can be
applied in that situation.
◦ Gunner – You put the range in Ranger. Your specialty is in weapon systems, both in and out
of a Jaeger. You gain a +2 to Technology rolls due to your specialization with Weapon
Systems. You gain a +1 to Attack rolls with all ranged weapon systems, and can add 10 feet
to the range increment of a ranged weapon, or 100 meters to the range increment of a
Jaeger's ranged weapons. If both pilots have this ability, they can apply the bonuses to
Synchronized attacks together.
◦ Improved Defensive Focus – Requires: Defensive Focus For every attack, there is a parry:
for every hold, a counter: etc, etc, etc. You may put everything into defending yourself
instead of attacking. You may trade a normal attack for a chance to parry. If you can make
multiple attacks for any reason, any attacks take an additional -2 penalty. However, once per
round, you may attempt to parry or dodge an opponent's attack entirely. Roll an attack roll
with a +4 bonus – if this roll succeeds, the opponent's attack misses. In the case of piloting a
Jaeger, the other co-pilot may attack normally, but you sacrifice your turn to defend.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

◦ Martial Artist – You are disciplined in both mind and body. You have a +1 bonus to
Physical, and +1 to Drift rolls once the initial Neural Handshake roll is passed. You may use
your Jaeger's Dexterity in place of Strength for Attack rolls, but still use Strength to
determine damage bonus. If both pilots have this ability, they gain a +1k bonus to damage
on Synchronized melee attacks.
◦ Rapid Assault – Whether its because you were trained in two-weapon fighting, or just have
a quick reflex for these things, you have a knack for getting extra attacks in at the expense
of precision. By taking a -2 penalty to all Attack rolls, you may make an additional melee
attack in a round.
◦ Throw – Requires: Grappler Whether you know some aikido, or you know some pro
wrestling, you specialize in moving opponents to places they don't want to go at high
speeds. Once you have successfully grappled an opponent, you may make an additional
grappling check in a later round to throw the opponent. If this check succeeds, the opponent
is prone, and will likely need to spend a move action standing up, and they take 2kd6
damage from the throw – in addition to any damage the GM adds from whatever they
landed on.
◦ Weapon Focus – Requires: Gunner You /really/ know your wave laser... or reactor cannon,
or whatever. When using the specific ranged weapon tied to this ability, you gain an
additional +1 to hit and +2 to damage.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim


Dr. Newton Geiszler, a scientist

Scientists are the smartest people in the room, hands down. If you need to know something about the
world and don't need spiritual guidance, a scientist may be your best bet.
• Skill Training – Scientists may add their level to their Knowledge and Technology ranks, and
½ their level to all other skills.
• Well Educated – Scientists have a +1 bonus on Knowledge rolls, and this bonus increases by 1
for every three levels of Scientist they possess.
• Kaiju Biologist – Scientists are able to make a Knowledge roll about any Kaiju to try to
attempt to decipher its abilities and weak points, if any. How they will get this information to
the pilots is another matter. If the scientist is piloting the Jaeger, he can attempt this check in the
cockpit with a -2 penalty.
• Jaeger Physicist – They also research the upgrades for Jaegers, allowing them to attempt to
develop new equipment for the machines with a proper Knowledge challenge once per month.
With this, the Scientist's player should speak with the GM to see what might be a good upgrade,
and if there are enough upgrade points to do so.
• Scientist Talents -
◦ Chemist – Kaiju and Jaegers have a lot more in common than most people think, and a lot
of it comes down to this. You're equally adept at working on new, more efficient power
methods or joint lubricants as you are analyzing the latest Kaiju venom. You gain a +2 to
Knowledge and Technology rolls involving chemical processes, regardless of the

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

◦ Doctor – Other people keep the machines running. You keep the people running and in top
shape. You have a +1 bonus to Knowledge checks involving Medicine and healthcare, and
to Communication rolls. So long as they're under your treatment, other people's injuries heal
at double the normal rate. Additionally, you gain a +4 bonus to Knowledge rolls to analyze
and counteract problems directly associated with Kaiju biology, such as toxins, acid burns,
etc. - both after the encounter, and for helping pilots deal with them on the spot.
◦ Fiction-Style Chaos Mathematician – Requires: Mathematician You gain +1 Mind. Also,
when rolling for the Mathematician talent, you gain a +2 to the roll, and, regardless, may
apply the results 1 additional time per game session. However, you must re-roll your first
natural 20 of each game session.
◦ Field Scientist – It's not enough to know, you have to experience. Whip and fedora not
included. You have a +1 bonus to Physical and Subterfuge skills. If you attempt to do
something without considering all possibly safety precautions, or just that you maybe
should have thought about a bit more first, you gain a +2 to AC and any saves brought about
by your own risk taking.
◦ Highly Paid Consultant – You're here because you know everything about one thing. No,
everything. It doesn't matter that that thing only comes up so often. Someone thought they
needed it, and here you are. Choose one niche specialty of a Knowledge skill. (i.e.
Knowledge: Kaiju is too broad. But Knowledge: Different Varieties and traits of Kaiju
droppings is perfectly fitting). You gain a +8 bonus to rolls when your obscure specialty
comes up.
◦ Jaeger Systems Specialist – You understand the whys and hows of the giant machines
better than even their own pilots. You have a +1 to Technology and Drift rolls. Provided you
have a lab and a budget, when you succeed on your innovations check in a given month,
you may also give a Jaeger you're working on 1 additional upgrade point. (i.e. after 5
months of successes, a Jaeger could gain upgraded armor or speed with 5 points, etc.).
◦ Kaiju Junkie – You know the ins and outs of Kaiju as well as anyone. You have a +1 bonus
to all Mind-related checks that involve Kaiju, including Knowledge checks, or
Communications checks to relay information about them, Technology checks as to what
works best against a known Kaiju, etc. Weapon systems you design deal an additional 2
points of damage against any Kaiju similar to those you have previously studied.
◦ Mathematician – You study odds, and tend to draw a lot of really long equations that no
one else understands. However, occasionally, your commentary hits on something practical
and useful to someone else, which can lead to knowing the right thing to do at the right
time. Sometimes you just annoy people telling them the odds, though. At the beginning of
each session, you may roll Mind+Knowlege, DC 15. For every 5 point increment of success
(roll of 15-19 = 1, 20-24 = 2, etc.) - once per session, you may allow yourself, or someone
you have been in direct contact with to re-roll a single die roll after its been rolled. The
person rolling must accept the result of the second die, even if its worse.
◦ Military Sciences – You know the history of warfare, and how to apply everything from
Sun Tzu to last year's Kaiju battle analysis to the situations of today. You gain a +1 bonus to
Communications and Subterfuge skills. If you devise and successfully communicate a plan

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

of attack, (a skill challenge requiring both a successful Mind+Knowledge (speciality Kaiju

or other applicable enemy) and a Charisma+Communications check per Jaeger) then as long
as everyone involved is following the plan, you may give a number of people up to your
Charisma bonus a +1 bonus on all actions involved in carrying out the plan.
◦ Research Assistant – You don't make the things that make the world safe. Instead, you
make the people who do so do it better. Whenever another scientist makes a Knowledge or
Technology check when you're assisting, you may make the same check first. If you
succeed, they gain an additional +2 bonus to their roll.
◦ Rocket Scientist - Aside from occasionally being able to say "Why yes, yes I am.", you
specialize in making mechanical things go. and go fast. You gain a +2 to Knowledge and
Technology checks that involve propulsion, rocket boosters, rocket propelled fists or
punches, etc.
◦ Weapons Designer – Your field is the design and manufacture of weapon systems. You gain
a +2 to Knowledge and Technology checks required in analyzing, designing, building or
repairing weapon systems of all kinds. Special: If you have levels in both Scientist and
Engineer, you can take this as a talent for either class.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Universal Talents
These talents can be taken by anyone, no matter what class they take that level.
• Academecian (Background) – You come from a college background, and it shows. You have a
+2 bonus to all Knowledge checks in two areas of your choice (ie. Biology, chemistry,
literature, film, U.S. History). You also know two other languages.
• Athletic – You have a +1 bonus to Physical checks, and an extra +1 for every three levels of the
class you took this talent as part of.
• Brawler – Requires: Military Training or Scrapper Any unarmed attack you make or Fist
attack you make in a Jaeger are treated as Brutal. If they are already Brutal, add one step to that
• Clergy (Background) – You come from a religious background – perhaps you were a monk, or
a priest, or perhaps even an army chaplain. Whatever the case, you are able to help people with
spiritual quandaries. You have a +1 bonus on Communication checks, and a +2 bonus on the
Will saves to avoid or stop chasing the RABIT.
• Construction Worker (Background) – You like to work with your hands – you just focus that
work less on cabinets and the Wall of Life, and now more on bringing the hurt to those Kaijus.
You have a +1 bonus on Physical checks, and a +2 bonus on Knowledge checks when it comes
to architecture or building things.
• Covert Intelligence (Background) – You used to work for a certain sort of Organization –
something like MI-6, the CIA, the FBI, something before K-Day. You gain a +1 bonus to MIND
rolls to notice something. You also are able to make a CHA+Subterfuge roll to try to uncover
the truth when it is being hidden (things like lies, surprise birthday parties, hidden Kaiju-part
smuggling rings, etc.) You also have a +1 dodge bonus to AC, as does any Jaeger you are
• Dishonest – You have a +1 bonus to Subterfuge checks, and an extra +1 for every three levels
of the class you took this talent as part of.
• Drift Compatible – For this talent, pick a specific individual. Despite all odds, you and this
other person are drift compatible, to an extent that baffles experts – you at least break 95%
compatibility more than you should. You and this other person gain a +5 bonus on all Drift rolls
when drifting with each other – they must take this talent as well, with you.
• Drift Talented – You gain a +1 bonus to all Drift checks, and on a first drift with a new [artner,
you only take a -5 penalty instead of a -10.
• Drift Training – You gain a +1 bonus to your Drift rolls, plus an additional +1 for every three
levels you possess. You cannot take this ability as a ranger talent – rangers get this as a class
• Extra Skill Training – This talent can only be chosen once per class. You add the level of the
class you took this talent as part of to any one skill of your choice that you currently only gain
½ your class level in. This skill is chosen when this talent is chosen, and cannot be changed

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

after wards. The new bonus supercedes the old bonus – they do not stack. So a Ranger taking
this talent could choose Communication, Knowledge, Subterfuge or Technology, but not Drift
or Physical skills.
• Field Mechanic – You have a +3 bonus on Technology checks to repair issues with Technology
outside of having the proper tools – activating a manual override on a Jaeger, hotwiring a car,
jerry rigging a motherboard to the wrong type of RAM, etc.
• Field Medic – You have a +3 bonus to Knowledge checks to patch up wounds and fix up
people who have suffered wounds when you aren't in a hospital environment. This will help
with things like setting a broken leg with a t-shirt and a tire iron to creating a makeshift
• Firearm Training – You have a +1 bonus on all attack rolls with firearms, and add 10 meters to
all human sized firearm's range when you wield them and 1000 meters to Jaeger sized firearm's
range when you are piloting the Jaeger.
• Gamer (Background) - You played way too many video games – but those gave you a knack
for problem solving and quick reactions. When making a MIND roll to notice something, you
gain a +2 bonus. Also, your Jaeger's initiative and your own initiative go up by +1.
• Hobbyist – You gain a +3 bonus on any Knowledge check involving your hobby, and a +1
bonus on Communication to anyone who shares that hobby. For some, its a sport, for others
comic books, and for some its a passion for Kaiju/Jaeger battle stats. Some weird individuals
even like table-top role-playing games. You can take this talent multiple times – each time,
you've found a new hobby.
• Inspiring Speech – One who takes this talent can make an inspiring speech as a
Communication challenge before a battle involving at least four individuals. Anyone who hears
this speech, if it is successful, are inspired to fight harder and stronger, gaining a +1 morale
bonus to attack and damage rolls. This talent can be taken multiple times – its effects stack.
• Linguist – You know how to talk to people – lots of different people. You gain three new
languages. This talent can be taken multiple times.
• Mighty Strike - Requires: Military Training or Scrapper On the first attack on your turn, if it
is part of a full attack, you may add the damage dice of the attack to the attack's damage – so if
an attack deals 1d6 damage, if it is part of a full attack, the first attack deals 1d6 plus an
additional 1d6. This extra die is not affected by multipliers, like a critical hit.
• Military (Background) - You trained, and trained hard, as a military man even before joining
the PPDC. You have a +2 bonus to Communicate with other people with a military background,
and a +1 bonus to attack rolls when making a full attack.
• Military Training – You are extensively trained in combat, gaining a +1 bonus to all attack and
damage rolls, which increases by +1 for every 5 levels that you possess. Rangers cannot gain
this as a ranger talent – they have it as a class feature.
• Negotiator – You have a +1 bonus to Communication checks, and an extra +1 for every three
levels of the class you took this talent as part of.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

• Scrapper – Your attacks are a little dirty, but you don't mind fighting dirty. When you have
combat advantage on an opponent, due to flanking, a surprise round, a feint or any other reason,
you add +1d6 precision damage to the attack. In a Jaeger, this is +1kd6.
• Smuggler (Background) - You aren't from the nicest background – but you know how to find
things. You start with a +2 bonus to all Subterfuge checks.
• Supply Officer – You have a knack for getting what's needed – ideally so long as no one asks
how or where. You gain a +1 to Communications and Subterfuge. Additionally, you may make a
Cha+Subterfuge check vs. a difficulty set by the GM any time something is needed – just the
right spare part, bits of Kaiju liver, etc., to know just the place to go and to have some idea what
it might cost you to get it.
• Technically Inclined – You gain a +1 bonus to their Technology skill rolls, and an additional
+1 for every three levels you possess. Engineers cannot take this as an Engineer talent – they
get it as a class feature.
• Well Educated – You have a +1 bonus on Knowledge rolls, and this bonus increases by 1 for
every three levels they possess. Scientists cannot choose this as a scientist talent – they already
gain it as a class feature.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

There are six skills in Shatterdome that a character can train in. Each skill is equal to ½ the character's
level, unless their class says otherwise. In addition, all characters have 4 points they can spend to
increase their skills at 1st level – the player cannot spend more than 2 of these initial points on any one
skill. They also gain 1 additional point at 2nd level and every 4 levels there after to increase a skill.
Your character's class and background will further modify skill rolls. Skills are very important in
Shatterdome – they are how Challenges are made, and Challenges are very important when Drifting
with someone.
You will normally be told to roll a STAT+ a skill for a skill roll. Use the modifier of the particular stat
and add it to the skill bonus, then those to the result of a 1d20 roll. Something to keep in mind wen
piloting a Jaeger though – a call for FIT, AGI, MIND or CHA requires the pilot's stats, and STR or
DEX requires the Jaeger's stats to be used. For example, if Coyote Tango is trying to shove a falling
building off of itself, the pilots would use their own Physical skill, but the Jaeger's STR score.

The Skills

Communication is their ability to converse with other people, using diplomacy and tact to do things like
gather information, talk down a pilot who's having an episode, or trying to disarm a fight in the mess
Drift is the skill of syncing up your mind with another person, assuming you are drift compatible with
them. To drift with an individual, both participants must make a DC 15 Drift + Charisma check to set
up an Initial Drift – more of this is explained below in Drifting.
Knowledge is the skill of knowing things about things, such as kaiju biology, information systems, the
Dewey Decimal system, geography and other such topics. This is also the skill that allows you to craft
things that aren't covered by technology, such as a new bookshelf from Ikea or a water purification
system if you get stranded in the Mexican desert, for a few examples.
Physical is a skill of physical training. Outside of a Jaeger, its used for things like climbing, jumping
and long distance running. In a Jaeger, it allows the pilots to transfer complicated maneuvers to their
giant robotic body.
Subterfuge is the skill of lying and cheating... and that's not necessarily a bad thing. Smugglers, thieves
and politicians all excel at subterfuge.
Technology is the skill used to repair, build and modify technological systems, be they the comm relays
in a Shatterdome, the Jaegers themselves, or the blu-ray player that Private Jensen bought from that guy
on a street corner and no, Jensen, I don't know why it's having smoke pour out of it maybe if you
bought things at a store like a regular person this wouldn't happen and I wouldn't be in your room at
three in the god damned morning!

Skill Challenges
Some skill checks take more than one success to be successful – very complex things, like trying to
recalibrate a Pulse Cannon to shoot Sonic damage instead of Electric or trying to crack the security
codes of a smuggler who has stolen data on the Shatterdone to sell to Kaiju cultists? Those can be a
little trickier.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

A GM will set a DC for a Challenge's multiple steps – maybe a Challenge takes one
MIND+Technology roll, one AGI+Technology roll and another MIND+Technology roll in that order.
Each challenge also has a certain number of sucesses for it to work – normally, it's done after a number
of failures equal to half the number of checks, rounded up. Also, each failure normally raises all the
subsequent DCs for the following checks by +2.
An Endless Challenge is rarer than other Challenges, but it can still come up. An Endless Challenge
ends in one of two ways – the person initiating the challenge calls it over, and counts up what his or her
number of sucesses means, or they roll a failure. Some Endless Challenges cut their effect in half if a
failure is rolled – others negate any effect that would have happened.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Every time someone pilots a Jaeger, they must first enter the Drift with their partner. A single person
who can pilot a Jaeger is incredibly rare – only two people have ever done it for more than a minute
without having a seizure, and for both of those people it was because their partners were forcefully
pulled out of the drift.
When the pilots enter the Jaeger's Comm Pod, they make a Drift+CHA check to resist being pulled
fully into the Neural Handshake. Each makes their check – a result of 15 or better passes for each of
them, assuming they are fully compatible. Typically people need to have complimentary personalities
or a strong interpersonal bond to be fully compatible.
Once they are bridged, they can augment each other's abilities during a Skill Challenge while in the
Jaeger – all skill rolls and attack rolls are done by the partner on that hemisphere for the roll, but for
rolls that require synchronicity, they must roll together. They can take half of each of their skill
modifiers (rounded down) and add them together. They also gain a +1 bonus for every 5 points above
15 the lower of their two Drift rolls was – this is the Drift bonus.
Example: Private Jafari and Private Hansen are piloting Redflag Horowitz and attempting a rocket
jump over the Kaiju known as Naitaka. Jafari has a +4 to Physical and a Hansen has a +9. For their
Drift checks, Jafari rolled a 27 and Hansen a 23. They have a +1 Drift bonus, and their combined
Physical is +6, giving their combined Physical check bonus a +7.

A failed drift can be retried as a full-round action. A natural 1 on a drift roll, however, is another matter.

On a natural 1, the pilots must both make a Mind Save to avoid “chasing the RABIT.” (Rapid Access
Brain Impulse Triggers) The DC of this save is 20 – on a failed save, they are thrust into a bad memory,
unable to get out – but possibly making the Jaeger do things they do not intend for it to (such as being
about to let loose a plasma shot in the Shatterdome). They can attempt to make another save each turn –
and their partner, if they are not chasing themselves, can attempt a DC 25 Drift+CHA check to try to
give their partner a +4 bonus to their save.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Drift Modifiers Table

Circumstances of the Drift Drift Check Modifier
First time ever drifting -15
First time drifting with someone -10
Doesn't know the person well -10
Casually knows the person (Went to high school -5
with, casual neighbors)
Knows the person well (old classmates or +0
coworkers, trained together)
Intimate knowledge of the person (siblings, +5
spouses, long time lovers, best friends)
Identical persons (twins or triplets, stacks with +5
siblings bonus)
Has drifted with that person at least six times in +10

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

It is first suggested that a Jaeger be built by co-pilots.
Unlike with creating a character, Jaegers are built on templates. The players who are going to be teams
might want to pick a template to build off of, or the GM might pick a few to place in the Shatterdome
they'll be working out of.
If you can't afford everything you want for your concept, do not worry – your GM might award your
Jaeger upgrades based on the funding your Marshal gets from the PPDC after a victory or two. Your
Jaeger is no Cherno Alpha or Gipsy Danger... but that doesn't mean it won't eventually get there.
Jaeger and Kaiju work on a much larger scale than other things – they do not use dice for their attacks,
they use kdice. All damage and HP for a kaiju or a Jaeger is measured in KHP – to translate KHP to HP,
multiply the KHP by 1000!
So a Jaeger punching a Kaiju deals 1kd6+Str mod damage (the damage is all measured in KHP, so
1kd6+1 rolling a natural 3 is 4 kdamage, not 3001 damage).
The other thing you'll notice is that Jaegers have EP – Energy Points. Energy points are spent to use the
various abilities of a Jaeger. These are regenned in battle on the beginning of the Jaeger's turn, at a rate
based on the Reactor core, plus the average of the pilot's MIND mods (plus any drift bonuses they may
have). Some pilots can recover more points based on their abilities – also, scientists and engineers can
modify the Jaeger's reactor core in various ways to help the pilots do what they need to do.
A few terms are used below.

Brutal attacks allow you to reroll any roll of a 1 until it is not a 1 – so a Brutal 2d6 has a minimum
damage of 4. An attack that is Very Brutal rerolls all 1s and 2s – two applications of Brutal makes a
Very Brutal weapon. Any additional applications of Brutal simply add +1 damage if the Highest result
on a die occurs. So adding brutal 5 times to 2d6 would mean you reroll any results of 1 or 2, and add 3
to any results of 6.
Exploding damage is damage where if the damage die shows the maximum result, you add another die
of that type to the damage. So on a roll of 2d6 and the dice come up a 4 and a 6, that becomes 10+
another 1d6. Exploding damage keeps going as long as the maximum result is rolled. Exploding attacks
tend to use up a lot of energy at once.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Base Jaegers

Mark I Jaeger

Examples: Coyote Tango (pictured above), Brawler Yukon

Base Stats
Amazing Size Mecha
SPEED – 500 Meters

KHP – 10
EP – 10
EP Regen – 1
AC – 10
Missiles – 1d4 concussion damage, 12 missile magazine, 2km range.
Two Fists – 1kd6 damage each

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Power Source: Nuclear Reactor

Starting Upgrade Points – 125

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Mark I Jaeger – T-90 Series

Examples: Cherno Alpha (Pictured above)

Base Stats
Amazing Size Mecha
SPEED – 100 Meters (includes penalties from Improved Armor)

KHP – 32
EP – 20
EP Regen – 2
AC – 16 (includes 6 points of Improved Armor)
Fist – 1kd6+3 damage
Power Source: Nuclear Reactor (Efficient x2, Improved x1)
Starting Upgrade Points – 60

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Mark II Jaeger

Examples: Wolf Queen, Redflag Horowitz (pictured above), Eden Assassin

Base Stats
Amazing Size Mecha
SPEED – 500 Meters

KHP – 30
EP – 20
EP Regen – 1
AC – 13 (Includes 2 points Improved Armor)
Fist – 1kd6 damage
Power Source: Improved x1 Nuclear Reactor
Starting Upgrade Points – 100

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Mark III Jaeger

Examples: Gipsy Danger (Pictured above), Shameless Fox

Base Stats
Amazing Size Mecha
SPEED – 700 Meters

KHP – 10
EP – 10
EP Regen – 3
AC – 11 (Includes 1 point of Improved Armor already)
Fist – 1kd6+1 damage
Power Source: Nuclear Reactor (Efficient Reactor x2)
Starting Upgrade Points – 70

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Mark IV Jaeger

Examples: Crimson Typhoon (pictured above), Nova Hyperion

Base Stats
Amazing Size Mecha

SPEED – 500 Meters

KHP – 10
EP – 20
EP Regen – 3
AC – 10
Fists – 1kd6 damage

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Power Source: Darkmatter Reactor

Starting Upgrade Points – 90

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Jaeger Upgrades

Burst Stabilizers (5)

Each time you add this upgrade, it adds a +1 bonus to Phys+DEX checks for the Jaeger to maneuver in
a city. It also adds a +1 bonus to attack rolls when charging with the Jaeger.

Carbon Nanotube Thermal System (10)

This upgrade can only be added to a melee weapon – it adds 2kd6 fire damage to the weapon's damage
and cauterizes the wounds on the way out. Heating up the weapons costs 1 EP per weapon per use of
this ability – this ability can be added onto a single weapon multiple times.

Chain Sword (10)

Your Jaeger has a Chain sword. This deals 1kd8 damage in melee range. You can take this ability once
for each arm of your Jaeger, to be less like Shameless Fox and more like Gipsy Danger. This weapon is
not suggested in populated areas – it has no natural way to cauterize without a Tesla Cell, Carbon
Nanotubes or some other addition, and therefor can easily spread Kaiju Blue.

Chemical Binding Foam (10)

This upgrade adds a ranged weapon to your Jaeger that creates a sort of polycarbonate foam to try to
restrain a Kaiju – ultimately, the Kaiju will eventually break out (with a Phys+STR check versus your
own Synchronized Tech+STR check) but it might give your Jaeger a few rounds to hack away at the
Kaiju. If this ability is bought again, it adds a +5 bonus to the Tech+STR check.

Coolant Infused Weapon System (10)

This upgrade can be added to any ranged missile based weapon (ie. A missile system or a railgun, but
not a plasma based ranged weapon). The ammunition in question deals an extra 2kd6 cold damage on a
successful hit. Adding the coolant to a weapon costs 1 EP per use of this ability. This ability can be
taken multiple times to increase the damage.

Darkmatter Reactor (15)

This reactor core is much safer than the standard nuclear reactors that Jaegers run on – there is no
radiation to leak out (though the heat coming off of it will still cook a man alive), and it doesn't explode
if the Jaeger is too badly damaged. It also allows for backup systems to reroute any available escape
systems, allowing the pilots at least an hour to escape, assuming their Conn Pod hasn't been destroyed.
However, being a digital based system, the Jaeger is still susceptible to EMP attacks, unlike it's nuclear
brethren. If you have a Darkmatter Reactor all Pulse weapons gain a +1k bonus to damage.

Dazing Attack (5)

This ability grants an extra attack to your Jaeger that creates a flash of light and sound that dazes and

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

blinds a Kaiju, giving it a -1 penalty on all rolls (except damage rolls) for one round. This ability can be
taken multiple times – each time, it gives your Jaeger another use of the attack. The Kaiju may attempt
a DEX+Phys roll to avoid it, versus your a Synchronized Phys+MIND roll. This ability costs 1 EP to
use. If your Jaeger is equipped with at least 2 Tesla Cells, your Synchronized MIND+Phys roll gains a
+10 bonus, plus an additional +5 for every additional Tesla Cell. You must activate each Tesla Cell with
1 EP to gain this bonus.

Efficient Reactor (5)

Your reactor is able to get up and running again even better than before – your Jaeger's Energy
Regeneration goes up by 1.

Escape Pod (15)

This adds two escape pods to your Jaeger, allowing you and your co-pilot to escape a desperate
situation, such as being stuck inside a sinking Jaeger after fighting an ocean-dwelling Kaiju.

Extra Ammunition (5)

Add half the amount of base ammunition to your ranged weapons that require ammunition (ie. Missiles
normally gives 12 missiles, and so Extra Ammunition would add 6 more missiles to your Jaeger's

Extra Attack (10)

Your Jaeger has an extra melee attack that deals 1kd6 damage – it is most often a fist or hammer of
some kind.

Foot Spikes (10)

Your Jaeger can root itself to the ground, giving it a +4 bonus against being bull-rushed or tripped by a
Kaiju when implanted in the ground.

Gauss Cannon (25)

An experimental weapon, it has enough ammunition for four shots in the base model. The Gauss
Cannon can deal 1kd8 damage at a range of 3km. Unlike the Railgun, which fires multiple smaller
rounds roughly the size of sedans, the Gauss Cannon fires slightly larger bullets using a different
acceleration method, allowing for the longer distance. You can spend 2 EP when firing the Gauss Rifle
to either double the range, 2 EP to make the weapon Brutal or spend 8 EP to let the damage Explode.
Any or all of these can be done at the same time.
Many Gauss Cannons are attached to Tesla Cells.

Improved Armor (5)

Your Jaeger gains a +1 Armor bonus to AC. This ability can be taken multiple times. If this ability is
bought above 4 times, your Jaeger takes a hit to speed of 100 meters per point of AC bonus.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Improved Damage (10)

This upgrade increases the damage of one of your Jaeger's attacks by one kDice size (from 1kd4 to
1kd6, 1kd6 to 1kd8, 1kd8 to 1kd10, 1kd10 to 1kd12, 1kd12 to 3kd6, 3kd6+ add 1kd6). A variety of
Jaegers have modifications like this – Cherno Alpha has this on it's fists with the “Roll of Nickels”
device, for example, or Crimson Typhoon's rotating claws.

Improved Flexibility (10)

Increase the Dexterity of the Jaeger by 2. This also increases the Dexterity Bonus by 1 (which is added
to AC and ranged attack bonus for your Jaeger). This can be accomplished a variety of ways, such as
custom steel polycarbonate cable systems, or a Liquid OS system, like the 28-GO system in Crimson

Improved Range (10)

Increase the range of a ranged weapon by half of it's original range – so a missile system with
Improved Range can fire at up to 3km instead of 2km, or a Gauss Cannon with 4.5km instead of 3km.

Improved Reactor (10)

Your Jaeger's reactor is a model or two up from the last one – maybe you went from a Single Core Arc
7 Reactor to a Dual Cor Arc 9 Reactor, or from an Edison Supercell Chamber to an XIG model.
Whatever the change was, your reactor now increases your Max Energy Points by 10.

Improved Speed (5)

Your Jaeger moves 100 meters faster. This ability can be taken multiple times.
Lightweight Armor (20) – Your Jaeger's Improved Armor feature doesn't cause a Speed penalty.

Improved Strength (10)

Increase the Strength of your Jaeger by 2, which in turn increases your Jaeger's Strength Bonus by 1.
This means you increase the damage dealt by your melee attacks by +1k, give a +1 bonus to melee
attack rolls, and a +1 bonus to kHP (plus an additional +1 per use of the Improved Toughness upgrade).
This upgrade is typically accomplished by making stronger servos and motors to run the Jaeger –
Cherno Alpha is a prime example of what using the best strength motors can do.

Improved Toughness (5)

This adds (1d10+Jaeger's Strength Modifier) to your Jaeger's kHP each time you buy it.

Improved Visual System (10)

Either through a series of cameras (such as Crimson Typhoon has), an all around cockpit (such as Wolf
Queen) or an Amber Platinum Multi-Layered Visor (like Striker Eureka), your Jaeger has a better
chance at spotting a Kaiju and may even have an advantage over those with camouflage techniques
(such as Crabcat). Every point placed into this grants your Jaeger a +1 bonus to Intiative and a +1
bonus to AC.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Jump Rockets (10)

Your Jaeger is able to use jump rockets for Burst combat. Your Jaeger deals an extra 2kd6 damage at
the end of a successful charge. When your Jaeger charges, its speed is doubled.

Magnetic Acceleration Turbine, Melee (15)

This upgrade can be added to any melee weapon. It grants the weapon a +1 bonus to the attack, as the
speed of the weapon increases the impact of the connection. For 2 EP, the next attack with the melee
weapon is considered Brutal.

Magnetic Acceleration Turbine, Ranged (15)

This upgrade can be added to any projectile weapon that is not Explosive, Pulse or Plasma based. It
allows the weapon to deal damage again the next turn – however, these weapons can lead to the spread
of Kaiju Blue, so use in populated areas is discouraged. Turning on this Turbine costs 1 EP per round.
If instead you spend 6 EP, you can use it all on one shot to become Exploding damage – this use of the
upgrade can be attached to Explosive and Plasma based weapons, though it still cannot be attached to
Pulse weapons.

Missiles (5)
Your jaeger gains a small cache of missiles. They can fire up to 6 in a battle, and each one deals 1kd4
concussion damage at a range of up to 2km. Missiles cost 1 EP to fire.

Missiles, Ballistic (25)

This is an alternative Missiles system, and includes the base Missiles upgrade with it. However, as a
Synchronized Full Round attack, the Jaeger can fire its entire cache of missiles at once, adding the
damage of each successful attack together before damage is calculated (so if three missiles hit, instead
of dealing 1kd4 concussion damage three times, it deals 3kd4 concussion damage). Ballistic missiles
cost 5 EP to fire the cache, or 1 EP to fire one at a time.

Plasma Caster (20)

This adds a ranged attack to your Jaeger called a Plasma Caster. This attack deals 1kd8 plasma damage
at a range of 300 meters. It takes one standard action to load before firing, and after six shots it is
unavailable to two rounds as it recharges the Plasma Cells. As a Synchronized Attack, one could also
unload all the remaining shots in one full-round action, allowing the damage from all the attacks that
hit to count as one attack's damage (helping to bypass damage reduction). A Plasma Caster costs 2 EP
to load.

Pneumatic Piston Weapon (10)

This upgrade adds a special pneumatic piston to any melee attack, allowing it to deal an extra 1kd6
concussion damage to the attack. It costs 1 EP to activate the Piston. For 2 EP, the attack becomes

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Pulse Cannon (20)

This adds a ranged attack to your Jaeger called a Pulse Cannon. This attack deals 1kd6 electricity
damage at a range of 500 meters. It takes one full round action to charge, and allows for six shots
before needing to be recharged (which takes another full-round action). As a Synchronized Attack, one
could also unload all the remaining shots in one full-round action, allowing the damage from all the
attacks that hit to count as one attack's damage (helping to bypass damage reduction). Charging the
Pulse Cannon costs 2 EP – if instead you spend 5 EP, every shot is considered Brutal.

Rail Gun (25)

The Railgun is an experimental weapon for Jaegers still, but it can be deadly. It has enough ammunition
for four shots. It can deal 4kd4 damage at a range of up to 500m, or 2kd4 damage up to 1km away. If
the damage is improved on this weapon, it instead gains another 1kd4 damage. One Jaeger to
successfully use a Rail Gun to help down a Kaiju was Wolf Queen against Crabcat. For 2 EP, the
damage from a Rail Gun becomes Brutal – for 10 EP, it becomes Exploding damage.

Reactor Cannon (40)

You can unload the payload of your reactor in a burst of energy from the best of your Jaeger (though
some, like the T-90 style Jaegers, unload from the head) as a Synchronized attack. This attack is
somewhat draining on the Jaeger, but deals 6kd8 damage of a type based on the reactor of the Jaeger –
fire if its nuclear, electricity for a Supercell chamber or a Darkmatter reactor. After using this ability,
your Jaeger takes a -1 penalty on all attack, damage and Phys rolls for 1d4+1 rounds – this ability
cannot be used again until after the penalty has been negated. Using this ability costs half the remaining
EP your Jaeger has and shuts off your Regen next round. However, for every 5 EP spent in this fashion,
it deals an additional 1kd8 damage. If at least 25 EP was spent, the damage is Brutal. If at least 50 EP
was spent, it becomes Brutal and Exploding. You must spend at least 5 EP for this ability to work.

Rocket Punch (10)

Your Jaeger has elbow rockets. With a Synchronized attack that takes a full-round action, the rocket
will fire, adding 2kd6 damage to your Jaeger's Fist attack. It costs 2 EP to activate. If you spend 8 EP, it
becomes Exploding damage.

Supercell Chamber (20)

This reactor core is much safer than the standard nuclear reactors or dark matter reactors that other
Jaegers run on – there is no radiation to leak out, it doesn't overheat, and it doesn't explode if the Jaeger
is too badly damaged. It also allows for backup systems to reroute any available escape systems,
allowing the pilots at least an hour to escape, assuming their Conn Pod hasn't been destroyed. However,
being a digital based system, the Jaeger is still susceptible to EMP attacks, unlike it's nuclear brethren.
If you have a Supercell Chamber, any Plasma weapons or weapons with a Thermal System included get
a +1k to damage.

Tesla Cells (10)

This upgrade adds 2kd6 electricity damage to one of your Jaeger's attacks. If used on fists, they become

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Tesla Fists, a sword becomes a Tesla Sword, etc. Each cell costs 1 EP to activate for a round, and take 1
round to recharge afterwards.

Triple Pons Drift System (20)

Your Jaeger now takes three people to drift to pilot it – however, this has the added advantage of giving
your Jaeger three turns, and using three people for the synchronization of your Jaeger. You can also add
extra weapon systems to the Jaeger, as it now can support an additional arm – so for example, adding
another Chain Sword with a Carbon Nanotube Thermal System for three burning blades to attack a
Kaiju with. The Mark IV Crimson Typhoon uses such a system, but the PPDC has been researching
ways to install it into older Mark Jaegers to try to help new pilots who arise with Triple Drift

Versatile Coolant System (15)

With this upgrade, a Jaeger can release its coolant in a super-chilled blast at the Kaiju, dealing
2kd8+STR mod cold damage to the creature as a ranged attack within 500m. This ability can also be
used while being grappled or grappling a Kaiju. After this ability runs out of uses, the Jaeger takes an
extra 5k points of damage from all fire damage. This upgrade can be taken multiple times – each time it
grants another use of this ability.

Wave Laser (20)

Your Jaeger has a weapon called a wave laser, which can be used both as a scanner to find hidden Kaiju
with a Tech+MIND roll against the Kaiju's AC, or it can be used to deal 2kd8 fire damage to a Kaiju.
The beam can be held as a Synchronized attack. If the Challenge succeeds, the weapon deals an extra
1kd8 fire damage. Redflag Horrowitz at Los Angeles Dome is equipped with a Wave Laser. This
ability costs 3 EP to use. For 7 EP, the damage becomes Brutal.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Other Vehicles
Not everyone gets to pilot a Jaeger, and not everyone can stay in the Shatterdome. Sometimes they
need to get dirty themselves. For that, other vehicles come in handy.

Land Vehicles

Wealth required – 20
This is your average car. It can reach about 60 MPH (roughly 150 meters per round). A car has 1kHP
but on a Critical Hit on the car, it has a 5% chance of exploding, destroying the car and dealing 6d6 fire
damage to all within the vehicle. If an attack deals at least 10 points of damage, the car no longer
provides full cover to the occupants – only 75% cover to the passengers and 50% cover to the driver. A
car has enough room for three people and two packs each.
For a fancier car, add +2 for each stage to the wealth – 20 represents a used car that's not too fancy.
Meanwhile, for 22 without any other mods, you're looking more at a brand new car with a good air
conditioning system, while a 26 would be closer to a nice Cadillac or a Mercedes. There are other
modifiers that can change a car.
Pick-Up Truck/SUV – Worth +2 Wealth over a normal car, it can hold about 6 people and two packs
each, or 8 people and one pack each.
Motorcycle – This is worth the same as a car, but the speed is faster (200 meters per round) and can
only carry 1 person and two packs, or maybe two people and one pack.
Bus – Worth +4 Wealth, this can hold 20 people and three packs each.
Improved Engine – Worth +2 Wealth for each addition, up to a +8. Each step adds +50 meters per round
to the speed.
Armor – Worth +2 Wealth. The car ignores the first 5 points of damage from each attack, including for
ruining cover. This can be taken up to 4 times, which would let the car ignore the first 20 points of
damage and raise the amount of damage from one attack to break cover be 30 points.
Sealed – Worth +2 Wealth. The car can ignore things like low air pressure or some water pressure
(bottom of a normal lake, but not the ocean near the rift for example). For another +2 wealth, it can be
sealed against poisonous gasses and extreme temperature. Another +2 wealth (so a total of +6 wealth)
can make it able to exist in space or be immune to radiation.
Amphibious – Worth +2 wealth. The car is also a boat.
Submersible – Worth +2 wealth. Requires amphibious, and it won't be much good without one or two
ranks in sealed.
Weapons – You must add the cost of the weapon -5 in question to the car. See below in Weapons and
Equipment. So a car with Automatic Machine guns on it would have an additional cost of 12, 14 if they

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

are able to be hidden in the car James Bond style.

Planes and Helicopters

Planes in Shatterdome are done in an abstract – build them like cars, but add +4 to their cost. For
helicopters, add +2 for the ability to just hover.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Weapons and Equipment

The humans in the world of Pacific Rim have their own equipment to deal with problems like
criminals, smugglers, thugs, and other problems – or sometimes for when they have to do something
really stupid. Below are a few different types of equipment they may have.

Wealth is treated in an abstract in Shatterdome – all characters will have a Wealth score (most members
of the PPDC will have a wealth of 5 to start, unless they have a trait that says otherwise). To buy an
item, you must make a Wealth roll equal to or greater than the cost of the item. If you roll lower, you
can still get the item by taking a -1 Wealth penalty until you level up.

Ammunition – For most weapons in Shatterdome, we will use an abstract – if the GM says they have
“pistol ammunition” it will work for any pistol, “rifle ammunition” for any rifle, etc. Ammunition
normally costs 10 Wealth, and they have enough for three battles plus two rounds with the one roll (so
with one box of ammo, after three full battles, in the fourth battle on the second round you use the gun,
you run out of ammo).
Armor - Armor gives your character a bonus to AC – the two most common types your characters will
wear are bullet-proof vests or Drivesuits. Anyone has access to a Drivesuit when in a Jaeger or if they
are a pilot – it increases their AC by 6, and reduces any damage they take by 2. A bullet proof vest
increases armor by 4, and reduces damage by 1 except on Critical Hits.
Firearms – Firearms are somewhat super abstracted here. A handgun/pistol, for its basic form, deals
1d8 damage, while a rifle deals 2d6 damage. Pistols tend to have 12 rounds in them before they need to
be reloaded – a rifle only has 5. It takes a full round action to reload. A pistol has a range of 100 meters,
and a rifle of 300 meters. A pistol and a rifle each cost 15 Wealth. Firearms have Upgrades.
Alternative Ammunition Type – Change the damage the weapon deals to an energy (acid, cold,
concussion, electricity, fire) or make it so the bullets are non-lethal or cause a sleep effect (which only
applies on Collossal or smaller enemies, not Amazing sized ones like Kaiju). This adds 2 to the cost.
Autofire – Increase the clip size of the weapon by five times the amount, and make it so it fires
five bullets as attacks as a full-round action against one target. This adds 2 to the cost.
Big Weapon – Increase the damage one step (1d8 to 1d10, 1d10 to 2d6, 2d6 to 3d6, etc). Can
only be taken once. This adds 2 to the cost.
Concealable – The weapon can be concealed. If you make an AGI+Subterfuge roll to hide the
weapon, add 5 to the result. This is opposed by a MIND+Subterfuge roll. This adds 2 to the cost. It can
be taken multiple times.
Disguised – Object is disguised as something innocuous--a lipstick taser, for example. A MIND
+ Subterfuge or MIND+Knowledge check vs DC 20 will reveal the object's true purpose. No skill
check is required to do this if the object is seen in use. This adds 2 to the cost.
Scope – Your firearm has a scope, giving it a +1 bonus to attack rolls. It also doubles the range.
This adds +2 to the cost.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Silencer – Your firearm has a suppressor, making it's shots somewhat quieter. This is only
quieter for the first few rounds. While it is silenced, you will only take a -10 on any Subterfuge rolls to
stay hidden after firing the gun, instead of a -20.
Mundane Stuff – This includes regular things like a rope, bubble gum, a flashlight or a car charger for a car.
These items can easily be bought for 2 Wealth, and really a roll is only needed if its an item of dire importance or
your GM is a bit of a jerk.
Skill Kits – Skill kits help you do the job you need done for what you're doing. Each kit is useful for a different
kind of job. Each kit has a Wealth of 5, but you can also get a Masterwork kit for 10. Having a kit raises a related
skill check by 2. Having a masterwork kit raises the skill check by 3. Some sample kits are below.
Detective Kit
Diagnostics Kit
Legitimate Locksmith Kit
Medical Kit – A somewhat more specialized first aid kit, this helps with treating wounds on the battlefield.
Sports Kit – This kit includes a jersey, the proper attire, and equipment to play a sport. The pilots of
Crimson Typhoon, the Wen Triplets, had their own Basketball kit to play in between battles.
Technology Repair Kit

Techy Stuff – This is a catch all for really advanced phones, tablets, laptops, computers, and the like. On
average, assume that a really good technical item is going to be somewhere between a Wealth of 10 and 20.
This isn't for normal cell phones or those cheapo Polaroid tablets that for some reason crash every time you try
to load the third world on Angry Birds: Jaeger Birds – instead this is more for the guy who has a custom
computer rig set up to run full scale Kaiju vs Jaeger simulations (and maybe the Elder Scrolls V on Ultra), the
super awesome smartphone with gigs and gigs of memory, the tablet that can use satellite communications even
when the wireless in the Shatterdome is down, etc.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

The kaiju are the ultimate threat to humanity, large silicon based creatures from another world. They
enter our reality by a portal in the Pacific Ocean near a faultline. We call it the Breach. Near the Breach
we've set up Watchtowers, special ships that launch helicopters and help submarines in watching the
Rift for new kaiju (though the Watchtowers weren't set up until 2016, three years into the war).
The kaiju come in a large amount of varieties. They are detailed below. And if you are not the GM of
this game, please jump past this section. Just go. Leave. Get outta here.

Much like a Jaeger, Kaiju have STRENGTH and DEXTERITY instead of FITNESS and AGILITY.
Also, all of their physical stats and damage are measured in kStats, instead of normal values.
All Kaiju have STRENGTH, DEXTERITY, MIND and CHARISMA. A kaiju has two brains, but since
they belong to the same kaiju, it does not get to make synchronized attacks.

Kaiju have different body types, detailed below. Also, remember – Kaiju are stronger than Jaeger on
average, slightly, except for Category I Kaiju. They tend to be slightly weaker than a Jaeger – just weak
enough to lull the pilots into a false sense of bravado.
Kaiju also have Natural Attacks. These are considered Primary or Secondary, and some Primary
Natural Attacks are considered Heavy. A Primary natural attack deals extra damage equal to its Strength
modifier. A Secondary natural attack adds half the kaiju's Strength modifier as extra damage. A Heavy
natural attack adds one and a half times the Strength modifier as extra damage. As a full attack, the
Kaiju can attack with one Primary natural weapon, and then all its Secondary attacks. However, the
Secondary attacks all take a -5 penalty to the attack roll when used in this fashion.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Base Kaiju Stats

Common Bipedal Kaiju

Examples: Scunner, Knifehead (pictured above)

Base Stats
Amazing Size Kaiju
MIND – 8
SPEED – 500 Meters Land, 2000 Meters Swim
KHP – 11
EP – 10

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

EP Regen – 1
AC – 10
Four Claws – 1kd4 damage each
Bite – 1kd6+1 damage
Tail Slam – 1kd8+1 damage
Special Qualities
Kaiju Blue – When reduced to at least ½ its maximum KHP, this kaiju releases a toxic checmical called
Kaiju Blue. This affects organic life that comes in contact with it, injests it, or inhales the fumes as a
poison. The DC to resist it is DC 16.
Starting Evolution Points – 100 for a Category I, plus 100 for each additional Category

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Arthropodial Kaiju

Examples: Onibaba
Base Stats
Amazing Size Kaiju
MIND – 8
SPEED – 200 Meters Land, 1600 Meters Swim
KHP – 12
EP – 10
EP Regen – 1
AC – 16

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Two Claws – 1kd8+2 damage each
Special Qualities
Kaiju Blue – When reduced to at least ½ its maximum KHP, this kaiju releases a toxic checmical called
Kaiju Blue. This affects organic life that comes in contact with it, injests it, or inhales the fumes as a
poison. The DC to resist it is DC 17.
Starting Evolution Points – 80 for a Category I, plus 100 for each additional Category

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Streamlined Bipedal Kaiju

Examples: Karloff, Mutavore (Pictured Above)

Base Stats
Amazing Size Kaiju
MIND – 8
SPEED – 700 Meters Land, 2000 Meters Swim
KHP – 11
EP – 10
EP Regen – 2
AC – 11

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Four Claws – 1kd6 damage each

Bite – 1kd4 damage
Special Qualities
Kaiju Blue – When reduced to at least ½ its maximum KHP, this kaiju releases a toxic checmical called
Kaiju Blue. This affects organic life that comes in contact with it, injests it, or inhales the fumes as a
poison. The DC to resist it is DC 16.
Starting Evolution Points – 50 for a Category I, plus 100 for each additional Category

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Bestial Kaiju

Examples: Leatherback
Base Stats
Amazing Size Kaiju
MIND – 8
SPEED – 600 Meters Land, 2000 Meters Swim
KHP – 12
EP – 10
EP Regen – 1
AC – 13
Two Fists – 1kd8 damage each

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Bite – 1kd6 damage

Special Qualities
Kaiju Blue – When reduced to at least ½ its maximum KHP, this kaiju releases a toxic checmical called
Kaiju Blue. This affects organic life that comes in contact with it, injests it, or inhales the fumes as a
poison. The DC to resist it is DC 17.
Starting Evolution Points – 50 for a Category I, plus 100 for each additional Category

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Saurian Kaiju

Examples: Otachi, Raiju (Pictured above)

Base Stats
Amazing Size Kaiju
MIND – 8
SPEED – 500 Meters Land, 2000 Meters Swim
KHP – 12
EP – 20
EP Regen – 4

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

AC – 11
Two Claws – 1kd6 damage each
Bite – 1kd8+1 damage
Tail Slam – 1kd8+1 damage
Special Qualities
Kaiju Blue – When reduced to at least ½ its maximum KHP, this kaiju releases a toxic checmical called
Kaiju Blue. This affects organic life that comes in contact with it, injests it, or inhales the fumes as a
poison. The DC to resist it is DC 16.
Starting Evolution Points – 40 for a Category I, plus 100 for each additional Category

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Kaiju Evolutions

Acidic Bile (20)

The kaiju has a ranged attack, an acidic spittle that not only dissolves what it hits, but also spreads
Kaiju Blue in its path. This attack deals 1kd8 acid damage at a range of 300 meters. It takes one full-
round action to use, and takes 1d4+1 turns after usng it for it to refill its acid sack. Acidic bile costs 2
EP to use.

Adhesive Slime (10)

This evolution adds a ranged biological weapon to the kaiju that creates a thick, viscous mucus to
ensnare prey or Jaegers, that then hardens with contact with nitrogen – ultimately, a Jaeger could
eventually break out (with a Synchronized Tech+STR check versus the Kaiju's own Phys+STR check)
but it might give the Kaiju a few rounds to hack away at the Jaeger, or to go after humans caught inside
ensnared buildings. If this ability is bought again, it adds a +5 bonus to the Phys+STR check to ensnare

Claws (20)
This evolution adds two Claw attacks to the kaiju that deal 1kd6 damage as a secondary natural attack.

Compression Claw (20)

This adds a ranged attack to a Kaiju with a claw attack, changing it into a special claw not unlike that
of a pistol shrimp that closes and collapses a bubble of air so quickly that it creates a small burst of
plasma. This attack deals 1kd6 fire damage in a 300 meter line. It takes one full round action to ready
and fire. Using the claw in this fashion costs 2 EP, or for 5 EP it can fire a shot at a single target as a
ranged attack that deals Brutal fire damage instead.

Electric Organ (10)

This evolution adds 2kd6 electricity damage to one of the kaiju's attacks. Each organ costs 1 EP to
activate for a round, and take 1 round to recharge afterwards.

Electric Organ, Greater (40)

This evolution gives the Kaiju the ability to create a blast centered on itself that deals 3kd6 electricity
damage to all creatures caught in a 200 meter radius of when it activates. However, the real risk runs
with the aftereffect – a massive EMP that shuts down all electronics in a 4000 meter radius. An
engineer can attempt a MIND+Knowledge check followed by a AGI+Technology check as a Challenge
to avoid it sutting down the machine he is using. If he succeeds, the machine regains power in 1 round.
If not, the machine regains power in 2 hours. The DC of these saves are equal to 16 + the Kaiju's STR
modifier. Using this organ costs 10 EP to use, and takes 2d6+1 rounds to recharge. This ability can only
be taken once, and requires at least one Electric Organ evolution before it can be taken.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

False Vitals (10)

The kaiju has some sort of system to protect its vitals, such as a stomach pouch or a false head. This
gives the kaiju a 25% chance to make a critical hit into a normal hit.

High Metabolism (5)

The kaiju's metabloism allows it to recover from fatigue quicker, increasing its Energy Regeneration by
1 point.

Horns (10)
The kaiju has horns, giving it a gore attack as a Primary natural attack, or a Heavy Natural attack at the
end of a charge. Either form deals 1kd8 damage. This can also be used for giant piercers, like
Knifehead's eponymous head.

Hyper-Acute Vision (10)

Every point placed into this grants the Kaiju a +1 bonus to Initiative and a +1 bonus to AC. This can be
done with eyes more akin to an eagles or a lions, or perhaps more sensitive like a peacock mantis
shrimp's eyes.

Hyper-Vibrational Muscles (20)

This evolution is two fold. The first part adds onto a melee attack – it adds 2kd6 fire damage to the
attack's damage. Heating up the attacks costs 1 EP per attack per use of this ability – this ability can be
added onto a single attack multiple times. For 7 EP, instead an aura of heat can come off of the kaiju,
causing everything within 100 meters of the kaiju to take 1kd6 fire damage per amount of times this
ability has been taken. Each additional time the kaiju has this ability, its range extends by 100 meters,
but for every 100 meters out, it does down by 1kd6 fire damage. So for example, if the kaiju Zhuyin
had 3 Hyper-Vibrational Muscles, it would deal 3kd6 to all enemies within 100 metes, 2kd6 to all
enemies within 200 meters and 1kd6 to all enemies within 300 meters. These do not stack. If the Kaiju
is bloodied, the aura deals double damage but then burns up all the Kaiju Blue in the area, and the
Kaiju stops bleeding out Kaiju Blue again until it is slain.

Improved Damage (10)

This evolution increases the damage of one of the Kaiju's attacks by one kDice size (from 1kd4 to
1kd6, 1kd6 to 1kd8, 1kd8 to 1kd10, 1kd10 to 1kd12, 1kd12 to 3kd6, 3kd6+ add 1kd6). This can be
done in ways such as Karloff's enlarged claws, Knifehead's single giant nose horn, or Leatherback's
carapace covered fists.

Improved Flexibility (10)

Increase the Dexterity of the Kaiju by 2. This also increases the Dexterity Bonus by 1 (which is added
to AC and ranged attack bonus for the Kaiju). The Kaiju's bone structure helps in this regard.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Improved Natural Armor (10)

The kaiju gains a +1 Natural Armor bonus to AC. This ability can be taken multiple times.

Improved Speed (5)

The Kaiju moves 100 meters faster in one movement type. This ability can be taken multiple times.
This cannot add Flying speed to a Kaiju without Wings.

Improved Strength (10)

Increase the Strength of the Kaiju by 2, which in turn increases the Kaiju's Strength Bonus by 1. This
means it increases the damage dealt by its melee attacks by +1k, gives a +1 bonus to melee attack rolls,
a +1 to the save DC for the Kaiju's Kaiju Blue effect, and a +1 bonus to kHP (plus an additional +1 per
use of the Improved Toughness evolution). This evolution is typically associated with thicker muscle
fibers or more complex muscle systems – one look at Leatherback or Mutavore means a little extra
strenght goes a long way.

Improved Toughness (5)

This adds (1d10+Kaiju's Strength Modifier) to the Kaiju's kHP for each time ithe Kaiju buys it.

Locking Muscle (15)

Similar to the arm muscles of a peacock mantis shrimp or the jaw musculature of a grasshopper nymph,
the kaiju has on one of it's melee attacks a locking muscle that lets the muscle tense up more than it
could naturally. This evolution grants the attack a +1 bonus to the attack, as the speed of the attack
increases the impact of the connection. For 2 EP, the next attack with the melee attack is considered

Strengthened Launching Muscles (30)

This evolution can be added to any projectile natural attack the kaiju possesses, such as an acidic spit or
quill launching. Improved tension in the musculature of the launching mechanism improves the aim
and distance of the attack. It adds +1 to damage and +500 meters to the range of the attack. In addition,
for 4 more EP, the attack can become Brutal. For 8 more EP, the attack can become Exploding. For 15
EP, it becomes Brutal and Exploding. For every 5 extra EP spent on a Brutal attack with this upgrade,
add another step of Brutal.

Wings (20)
The kaiju has been grafted a large pair of wings, allowing it a flight speed of 200 meters.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Pneumatic Piston Weapon (10)

This upgrade adds a special pneumatic piston to any melee attack, allowing it to deal an extra 1kd6
concussion damage to the attack. It costs 1 EP to activate the Piston. For 2 EP, the attack becomes

Rocket Punch (10)

Your Jaeger has elbow rockets. With a Synchronized attack that takes a full-round action, the rocket
will fire, adding 2kd6 damage to your Jaeger's Fist attack. It costs 2 EP to activate. If you spend 8 EP, it
becomes Exploding damage.

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Combat in Shatterdome typically involves two types – human sized fights and fights with Kaiju.

Normal Combat
1. Roll Initiative for yourself – the GM will roll for enemies. Initiative is DEX + 1d20, unless your
character has an ability that says otherwise.
2. Highest initiative goes first, then it goes down in order.

On your turn you have

1. A standard action, normally used for attacks.
2. A move action, normally used to move up to your speed
3. A minor action, normally used for small things or reactions.
You can always trade an action for the next step down – so instead of a Standard you can take two
Moves, or instead of a Standard or a Move you can take extra Minors.
If you use all three actions at once, this is a Full-Round Action.

Attacks -
Roll an Attack Roll against the opponent's Armor Class. Ties go to the attacker.
Attack rolls are 1d20+Level, plus any other bonuses that may be applicable. Melee attacks add your
FITNESS modifier, while ranged attacks add your AGILITY modifier.
If the attack hits, roll the damage of the attack. Typically, unarmed attacks are 1d4, one handed melee
weapons (like a knife) are 1d6, middle sized melee weapons are 1d8 (like a baseball bat) and big melee
weapons are 2d6 (like a sledgehammer). Then add your FITNESS modifier for melee attacks and
thrown weapons, and any other modifiers you may have.
If you roll a 20 on the die, it is an automatic hit, and you may roll to see if you land a critcal hit. If the
second roll also hits, roll the damage dice and add the maximum amount those dice could roll – so if
you would roll 1d8, instead on a critical hit roll 1d8+8.

If you ever take more than twice your FITNESS score in damage from one hit, roll a FIT+Phys roll
against the amount of damage you took. If you roll higher than the amount of damage, you just take the
damage. If you roll under the amount of damage by 5 or less points, you are Staggered (-2 to attacks
and damage rolls for 1 round). If you miss it by more than 5, your character is DEAD.
If your character drops to 0 Hit Points, they are Unconscious. If they have less than their Fitness score
in negative hit points, they are Dead.
Amazing Combat -
This works much like combat for normal combat, except – each Kaiju has two initiatives, and each

SHATTERDOME: Role-Playing in the world of Pacific Rim

Jaeger has two initiatives.

To do a Synchronized attack, the pilots of the Jaeger must be willing to give up the higher initiative of
their two turns that round, and then use a Drift check to make sure they are still in sync before doing
the attack. On a Synchronized attack, they may both roll their attack and damage rolls, and choose the
favorable result.
Also, Jaegers and Kaiju measure things in kHP – 1 kHP is worth 1000 HP. Remember that.


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