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FINDING THE MAIN IDEA B) We will be able to talk to these mechanical helpers and
they will be able to respond in kind.
1. Juan loves to play games. His favorite game is chess be- C) They will look and behave much like real humans.
cause it requires a great deal of thought. Juan also likes to D) Amazingly, the robots of the future will be able to learn
play less demanding board games that are based mostly from experience.
on luck. He prefers Monopoly because it requires luck and E) They will be smart, strong and untring workers.
skill. If he’s alone, Juan likes to play action video games as
long as they aren’t too violent. SCIENCE NEWS

What is the main idea of this paragraph? Do you want to keep up with the latest research and
discoveries in science? There are many good websites that
A) Juan dislikes violence. you can visit to make that easy.
B) Juan likes to think. One great site is called Science News for Kids. This site
C) Juan enjoys Monopoly. reports science news covering a wide range of subjects.
The articles are written with the interests and educational
D) Juan enjoys playing games.
experience of younger readers in mind, but adults will find
E) Juan is very lucky.
this site suitable for them as well.

2. Maria is watching too much television. A toddler shouldn’t Another wonderful site, one that I check out every day, is
be spending hours staring blankly at a screen. Worse yet, called Science Daily. The site is constantly updated with
some of her wild behavior has been inspired by those aw- news, often about exciting findings that change how we
ful cartoons she watches. We need to spend more time look at the world and the universe. Whether it’s newly
reading books with her and pull the plug on the TV! unearthed discoveries about creatures that have been ex-
tinct for millions of years or the latest advances in cures for
What is the main idea of this paragraph? human diseases, you’ll find it at Science Daily.

A) Watching a lot of television isn’t good for Maria. These sites post stories as they become news and also ar-
chive all the past articles. That way you can enter a search
B) Books are good.
term and find articles on just about anything related to
C) All cartoons are bad.
science that they’ve ever published.
D) Some cartoons are bad for Maria.
E) Maria has bad behavior.
4. The author believes that adults ................................

3. Someday we will all have robots that will be our personal A) won’t understand a site for kids.
servants. They will look and behave much like real hu- B) will find Science News for Kids useful.
mans. We will be able to talk to these mechanical helpers C) don’t like science as much as kids.
and they will be able to respond in kind. Amazingly, the D) prefer other website.
robots of the future will be able to learn from experience. E) aren't interested in science
They will be smart, strong, and untiring workers whose
only goal will be to make our lives easier. 5. What does “daily” mean?

What sentence from the paragraph expresses the main A) never at night
idea? B) only for scientists
C) every day
A) Someday we will all have robots that will be our perso- D) sometimel
nal servants. E) weekly

Academia ADUNI

6. What does “unearthed” mean in the paragraph? probably goes on to ........................

A) dug up A) say why vitamin C is also important

B) from another planet B) explain why you should brush your teeth after eating
C) shot into space beetles
D) something unknown C) give some examples of foods that are rich in vitamin D
E) from no where D) say which diseases might be prevented by vitamin D
E) explain how we have to exposed to sunlight
7. What does “archive” mean?
5. Which statement is false?
A) a nest in a boat
B) read carefully A) Some foods contain vitamin D.
C) keep in a safe place B) Our bodies can use sunlight to make vitamin D.
D) a discovery C) Some people don’t have to get vitamin D from food.
E) human diseases D) Vitamin D is essential for humans.
E) When our skin is exposed to sunlight, our bodies can

Scientists have known for a long time that vitamin D is

essential for humans. If children have a vitamin D or cal- From far out in space, Earth looks like a blue ball. Since
cium deficiency, they can develop rickets, a softening of water covers three - fourths of the Earth’s surface, blue is
the bones. New studies are showing that people of all ages the color we see most. The continents look brown, like
need vitamin D to help them fight off diseases by keeping small islands floating in the huge, blue sea. White clouds
their immune systems strong. wrap around the Earth like a light blanket. The Earth is sha-
Our bodies can make vitamin D when our skin is exposed ped like a sphere, or a ball. It is 25,000 miles around! It
to sunlight. However, it’s best to eat a diet that is rich in the would take more than a year to walk around the whole
vitamin. planet. A spaceship can fly around the widest part of the
sphere in only 90 minutes.
1. The main idea of this paragraph 1 is that vitamin D
.................. Even though spaceships have traveled to the Moon, peo-
ple cannot visit the Moon without special suits. The Moon
A) is found in milk has no air or water. Plants and animals can’t live there
B) has been studied by scientists either. Astronauts first landed on the Moon in 1969. After
C) is no secret that, there were six more trips to the Moon. They brought
D) is important for good health back Moon rocks, which scientists are still studying. There
E) is good only for children are holes, or craters, all over the Moon’s surface. Scientists
believe that meteorites smashed into the Moon millions of
2. If something is essential, it is .......................... years ago and formed the craters.

A) harmful The Sun is the closest star to Earth. A star is a hot ball of
B) expensive burning gas. The Sun looks very big because it is so close.
C) dreadful But the Sun is just a medium - sized star. Billions of far -
D) needed away stars are much bigger than our Sun. The burning
E) deficiency gases from the Sun are so hot that they warm the Earth
from 93 million miles away! Even though the Sun is always
3. When you have a deficiency of something, you ............. glowing, the night here on Earth is dark. That’s because the
Earth rotates, or turns around, every 24 hours. During the
A) have all you need day, the Earth faces the Sun. Then we see light. During the
B) do not have enough night, the Earth turns away from the Sun. Then it faces the
C) look like an onion darkness of space.
D) are rich Each day we learn more about the Earth, the Moon, and
E) fight off diseases the Sun.
4. The remainder of the last paragraph that is incomplete 6. What is the main idea of the article?

A) Plants and animals can’t live on the Moon. C) broke
B) Without the Sun we would have no heat or light. D) stopped
C) We know a lot about the Earth, Moon and Sun, but there E) crushed
is still more to learn.
D) From outer space, the Earth looks tiny, even though it is 9. What causes daylight on Earth?
thousands of miles around.
E) The Sun is a medium - sized star.
A) The full Moon causes daylight.
7. Why is blue the color we see most when looking at Earth B) Daylight is caused by Earth facing away from the Sun.
from outer space? C) The heat of the Sun’s rays causes daylight.
D) Daylight is caused by the Earth facing toward the Sun.
A) Because most of the Earth is covered in land. E) The burning gases from the Moon cause daylight.
B) Because the Sun’s rays make the Earth look blue.
C) Because most of the Earth is covered in water. 10. Which of the following sentence best describe the Sun?
D) Because clouds wrap around the Earth.
E) Because the Earth’s shape is like a sphere. A) The Sun looks small because it is so far from Earth.
B) The Sun is a ball of burning gases that gives the Earth
8. What does formed mean? heat and light.
C) The Sun is a smaller star.
A) hit D) The Sun is not as hot as it looks.
B) made E) The Earth turns around the Sun every 24 hours.

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