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After researcher collects data from the results of the research which obtained from the interviews ,

observation and documentation, then the researcher will conduct data analysis to explain further
more from the research.

In accordance with the analysis of the data chosen by the researcher, the researcher uses a
qualitative descriptive analysis (exposure) by analyzing the data that researchers have collected from
interviews, observation and documentation as long as the researcher conducts research with the
institution. The data obtained and presented will be analyzed by researchers in accordance with the
results of the study which refers to the problem of study. Below are the results of the researchers'
analysis, they are:

A. Implementation of Islamic Religious Education at Pesantren (Boarding School) of Rakyat Al-

Amin Sumberpucung Malang
Education is a learning process that is carried out systematically by educators to students in
terms of guiding, directing and advancing the physical and spiritual growth of students to
become better persons (Insanul karim). As stated in the Law on the National Education
System in Article 1 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 20 of 2003, explained that
Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the
learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the
spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the
skills needed himself, society, nation and the State

Ki Hajar Dewantara, the pioneer of Indonesian education, stated that education means the
effort to promote the growth of moral values (Nature character), intellect, and the child’s
develops life of one and the other children in order to advance the perfection of life, namely
the life and livelihood of children that is taught are in harmony.

In the discussion of the research on the Implementation of Islamic Religious Education in Enhancing
students’ religious culture in the Al-Amin People's Islamic Boarding School, there was a good,
systematic and conditional teaching and learning activity in Islamic Education. Because in the Al-
Amin People's Islamic Boarding School, the application of Islamic religious education in creating and
improving the students’ religious culture is not only carried out and focused just in the classroom but
the learning process is synergy with the natural and social environment.

B. The Supportive and Hindering Factors in Implemantating Islamic Education to Establish

students’ religious culture

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