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Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional


21st Century Socialism, “Revolutionary Brotherhood” 1

The President of the Government of Bolivarian Unity of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez Frias, proposed to
Companion President Daniel Ortega Saavedra the project of 21st Century Socialism “Revolutionary
Brotherhood”. This is a Latin American program for the sustainability of 21st Century Socialism –
Nicaraguan Chapter. This program the Nicaraguan Revolutionaries, true sons of Sandino, have
denominated the “Second Sandinista Revolution”. From Bolivar to Sandino. We have proudly approved
this and presented it at a private meeting with Commander Hugo Chavez, in Managua. This meeting
was held in the secretariat of the FSLN, in the month of January of 2009.

On that occasion we were addressed by a very enthusiastic and optimistic Commander Chavez, who
explained to his companion Daniel Ortega that similar projects were already being implemented in the
rest of the countries befriended by the ALBA, albeit with their own characteristics. Among those are
Honduras, Ecuador, Bolivia, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Sponsored politically and
economically by Venezuela. He insisted that the financing would be assumed entirely by the brother
nation of Venezuela with a participation of 1,000 million dollars a year per country.

The ALBA countries that are promoting the project are: Ecuador, Bolivia, Honduras, Nicaragua, Cuba
and Venezuela. Subsequently other candidates will be incorporated, specifically: Dominican Republic
and El Salvador.

Among the guiding principles of the Project Revolutionary Brotherhood, is the indispensable need to
maintain control of the governments of the aforementioned countries and extend it for 15 years, at a
minimum, with the continuation of the power of the revolutionary leaders Manuel Zelaya, Daniel
Ortega, Evo Morales, Rafael Correa, Raul Castro and Hugo Chavez. In Nicaragua and Honduras, where to
date the revolutionary succession of the current presidents is not secured, there should start an
immediate and uninterrupted campaign beginning with the next Sandinista Congress to take place in
October of 2009. In the case of Honduras we will work for the re-election of Zelaya in November 2009.

Translated by Joel Hirst. I apologize for the very rough translation, I tried to stay as true as possible to the original which was itself very poorly
Nicaragua Chapter

“Second Sandinista Revolution”

A group of valuable Sandinista cadres, coordinated by the companion Rosario Murillo, have adjusted this
revolutionary initiative of the people to the concrete realities of the free Nicaragua of Sandino. Now we
have a tool, a plan which at the same time is a guide to action. We have agreed that we will make it
known to our members in the next Sandinista Congress. We are sure that the same will be enriched and
we will all implement in according to our Sandinista mystique in a deliberate fashion.

The new strategic lines of action are defined as the recuperation of the revolutionary rights that have
been lost.

To implement them we require a new Political Constitution. In which shall be reformed all the powers
of the state, seizing the quotas of power from the liberals, that way we will forever end the blackmail
and our adversaries won’t be able to recuperate power within the next 15 years.

It is important to gain followers in the Armed Forces who support the Sandinistas and make them
understand that in this way they are assuring and protecting the interests of the people and their
investments and interests between revolutionary Sandinista brothers.

These reforms will guarantee the necessary transformations in the political, economic, social, cultural
and even religious areas. Reaching both the city and the field, principally in possession of education,
health, popular housing, agriculture and other key emblematic programs, like the Citizen’s Power, and
the resurgence of the cooperatives and the re-conversion of the police and the Army.

Principle Areas of Focus

1) Conduct within the mark of 21st Century Socialism and the Bolivarian Alliance for the people’s of
our America, ALBA, the popular conflict against the oligarchs and imperialism. Minimize the
figures of the United States and the Europe, emphasizing Venezuelan solidarity and the
leadership of Commander Hugo Chavez.
2) Establish the Citizen Power as the central figure of leadership and revolutionary organization,
which will substitute the historic “National Board” of the old FSLN. Restructure the party with
new leadership where Commander Daniel Ortega and the Citizen Power will be the symbol par
excellence of the Second Sandinista Revolution.
3) Transform the institutions of the state into inexpugnable bastions of Sandinistas; carry this out
as secretly as possible, including the Armed Forces, Police and Army linking themselves directly
with the party and the organizations of the Citizen Power. Quickly there has to be felt again
among the people the “Armed Forces of the Citizen Power”. For this implement revolutionary
outreach nationally with joint participation between members, military and police together with
the people.
4) Break the link that exists between members of the Armed Forces with the “right” and teach
them new revolutionary concepts, with support and from our Venezuelan and Cuban brothers.
5) Deepen the weakness and division of the political opposition, taking advantage of their
weaknesses, and by the means and methods necessary monopolize the National Assembly, the
Supreme Court of Justice and the Supreme Electoral Council.
6) Promote a tactical alliance with businesses, concentrating our effort in giving political “alms”
which provide them certain minimum spaces in which they can be allies and not enemies of
FSLN. Concentrating on characteristics of personal leaders to gain their support of our system.
7) Recuperate the Sandinista Citizenship, which in the neo-liberal governments has left defeated,
lost, demoralized, demobilized or deserted, making them protagonists of their new Sandinista
Revolution and beneficiaries of the partisan governmental policies.
8) Recuperate at all cost the spaces lost in the arena of the media, investing human and economic
resources until we totally dominate this arena which is strategic for our fight. Revert the
tendencies against Sandinismo, taking the media war to the heart of the Nicaraguan society.

Actions to guarantee the Popular Revolutionary Power

Assure that we do not hand over power until at least three consecutive terms of Sandinismo. That is to
say after 15 years of revolutionary government.

Obtain the constitutional reforms that change the political panorama based upon essential supports:

1) Hegemonize and control the powers of the state and the institutions considered key:
a. Control the National Assembly
b. Control the Supreme Court of Justice
c. Control the Supreme Electoral Council
d. Obtain support from the police and the army
e. Not challenge the private sector
2) Recuperate the revolutionary rights lost, upon which are dependent the popular support and
a. Political
b. Economic
c. Social
d. Educational/Cultural
e. Religious
3) Approve laws which totally modify the national policies and which reject the model of savage
a. Economic
b. Health
c. Education
d. Governance
e. Agrarian
f. Social
4) Recuperate the Sandinista Citizenship:
In this activity rests participation and popular mobilization, concentrating fundamentally in the
most vulnerable and marginalized sectors of the country. Equally, we must wrest members
from all the other political parties. In record time we must be the strongest and largest party.
Our companions in the Councils on Citizen Power will be the preferred and trusted interlocutors
of the party of government, who we must support in all moments and with all available

We must guarantee the consolidation of 2 million Sandinista party members before the next
elections in 2011. This support will be sufficient to guarantee victory.

Activities to carry out

• Restructuring and organizing the party communally with the CPC down to the local level
• Updating our statistics
• Printing ID cards
• Activate the organic life of the party, everybody in the field, nobody should stay at home
• Prize and stimulate our affiliates with jobs in government, such as municipalities
• Carry out constant political and popular activities
• Maintain active the Electoral Commandos to be able to utilize them as support for any
5) Strengthen our position against the official Catholic church

Highlighting the figure of Cardinal Miguel Obando y Bravo, as a symbol of our alliance with the
church that supports the Government of Reconciliation, Peace and National Unity.
At this moment it is essential the support of members of the National Convergence and some
sectors of the opposition but currently allies: Nicaraguan Resistance, Evangelical Pastors, people
who are not motivated and notable figures, among others.
6) Highlight the achievements of the emblematic programs of the administration of Daniel Ortega,
such as Hunger zero, houses for the people, roads for the people, zero usury, the productive
bonus, literacy, etc.
7) Creation of the block “Sandino Vive”

Conformed with loyal companions, to confront and oppose whatever armed group which is
supported by the right, especiall by Monsenor Abelardo Mata.
8) Impede the unity of the so-called “Democratic Forces”

Negotiate and torpedo whenever possible with the liberal leaders to keep the image of the pact
alive, which can be a cornerstone to deepen its contradictions and divisions.
9) Keep compartmentalized and secret our plans within the partisisan and governmental discipline
10) In the case of an external intervention from the United States.
If it becomes necessary we can convoke and establish the participation of “Patriotic Citizens” to
defend our sovereignty, pulling in members of the ALBA.

Managua, Nicaragua

Secretariat Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional

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