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The Relationship Between History Of Sectio Cesarea And Multiparities With

Placenta Previa Incidences In Rsud Andi Makkasau Parepare On 2018

Background:Placenta previa is a condition which the placenta is lying abnormal

on the lower uterine segment that partially or completely covers the opening of
the birth canal for the baby (os internum), placenta previa means "placenta in
front" (previa = forward) means the placenta is more "front "rather than fetal
going out, its incidence is about 3-6 per 1000 pregnancies. Aim : To evaluate the
Relationships between history of section Caesarea and Multiparities with
Placenta Previa incidences in Regional General Hospital of Andi Makkasau
Parepare on 2018. Methods: This study used Analytical Surveys using
quantitative methods with cross sectional design. The population in this study
were all pregnant women who had placenta previa and had been diagnosed by a
physician during examination using ultrasound in Regional General Hospital of
Andi Makkasau Parepare on 2018. The samples in this study were 20 pregnant
women using sampling technique by accidental sampling, The collections of data
were done through primary data (questionnaires) and secondary data. The data
were processed using the Statistical Product And Service Solution (SPSS) 20 and
analyzed by univariate and bivariate statistical test by Fisher Exact Test and
presented in the form of a frequency distribution table. Results: There is a
significant relation between history of section Caesarea with Placenta Previa
incidences (ρ-value =, 042 ˂0,05). There is a significant relation between
multiparities with Placenta Previa incidences (ρ-value = .001 <0.05).
Conclusion: There are significant relations between history of Section Caesarea
and Multiparities with Placenta Previa incidences in Regional General Hospital
of Andi Makkasau Parepare on 2018.

Keywords: Placenta Previa, History of Sectio Caesarea and Multiparities


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