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Interview Protocol

Interviewer: Courtney Griffin

Interviewee: Clinical Teacher
Date: 10/15/18
Time: 10-10:40 am

Planning Questions
1. How do you write a typical lesson plan?
My teacher starts with the end in mind; she works backwards. She plans the assessment
first based on the standard that she expects them to learn and then pulls materials to help
with instruction.
2. What types of materials do you need available when you plan lessons?
My teacher uses teacher workbooks, websites, and lesson ideas from different teachers.
However, the materials she uses must be common core aligned.
3. In what ways do you plan to accommodate individual differences in the classroom?
My teacher accommodates individual differences in the classroom based on student level
and achievement. She looks at level and base lessons on needs of that level. She gives
enrichment and assistance based on previous assessment.

Instructional Questions
1. What are some of your instructional challenges as a teacher?
My teacher challenges at meeting needs of ALL students. There is a wide range of
students, some students are ESL and EC.
2. What have been some of your instructional successes as a teacher?
My teacher succeeds at student growth. She encourages students to take ownership of
their work. She shows the students she cares but she reminds them that they are in charge
of their grade and quality of work.
3. What do you consider essential characteristics for successful teaching?
My teacher considers being true to yourself and trust yourself with what you know and
what your students need.
4. How often do your students receive social studies/science instruction?
My teacher teaches every other week with social studies and writing. Ms. Davis teaches
science four/five days a week.
5. Are you satisfied with the amount of time that you currently allot for social
studies/science instruction? Explain.
My teacher is satisfied with the amount of time that she allows for social studies, it
allows time to focus. My other teacher feels there needs to be more time for science. She
does not spend more than 30 minutes on science per day.
6. What social studies and science topics/units will be studied during the second week of my
clinical experience? What are possible goals/objectives I could address for my lessons?
Do you have any instructional resources that would support these goals/objectives?
In social studies, the students will be studying 4.E.1 and 4.G.1. In science, the students
will be studying 4.P.1. I hope to address the development of North Carolina products
while the students are covering 4.G.1 as well as cover static electricity while the students
are learning 4.P.1. My teachers have been incredibly helpful and have provided me with
resources as well as provided examples of activities/lessons I could do with the students.

7. What does reading instruction look like in your classroom (e.g. readers workshop, basals,
etc.)? What reading topics will be studied during the 2 week of my clinical experience?
What are possible goals/objectives I could address for my reading lesson? Do you have
any instructional resources that would support these goals/objectives?
My teacher uses the reading workshop model. She starts by introducing the standard. She
uses NC ready books and teaches through novel studies or North Carolina ready
instructional materials. She uses online resources such as Raz-Kids and does instruction
with whole group, small group or literature circles. During my 2nd week of my clinical
experience, students will be covering R.L.4.2. In my reading lesson, I hope to help
students in understanding how to find the theme in various pieces of writing. My clinical
teacher has provided me with a writing book that align with the standards as a guide.

Classroom Management Questions

1. What motivation tactics do you use to ensure a desire to learn?
My teacher is always encouraging students. She tells the students she believes in them.
The school has a chant called the cardinal pride. She pushes them, if they all make 80%,
they get a reward. She also helps set individual and class goals.
2. Tell me about the classroom community. What are the class rules? How is student
behavior monitored? In what ways is positive behavior reinforced? In what ways are
negative behaviors prevented? Tell me about the consequences for negative behavior.
My teacher has morning meetings every morning as this impacts both social and
emotional aspects of student learning and engagement. She has a quote of the week that
helps them focus on family and promotes taking care of each other. She encourages
students to care for the classroom as if it is their home. She is an advocate for building
culture of respect, teacher and peers and self. She considers her students as family- takes
care of each other and space. She always gives positive affirmations, “___ is following
directions.” Sometimes, she addresses negative behavior and not the actual student. She
makes the students think of actions and redirections. She has a How am I doing chart that
includes a warning, write a reflection, take a time-out in other teacher’s room, calling
home, and writing a referral.
3. Tell me about the pacing of lessons and interaction in the classroom- use of time- and
other aspects of time...wait time, and time using teacher talk and student talk. What
works well with your students?
My teacher sticks to expectations of lessons. She is also flexible; a one-day event may
turn into a two day. She encourages interaction and students being on task, talk to one
another and engage in conversation. She encourages students to try even if they do not
know. She is a stickler for time, they don’t just sit when they finish, students can be
interacting with some type of learning from the time they get there from the time they
leave. She allows wait time to process and gives them a sense of comfort. She tries to cut
back on teacher talk and tries to get right to the point. She believes in allowing students to
engage in academic conversation. The students interact with everything such as
vocabulary words. She believes that if you give students time to talk and have
conversation with them, you can enable a growth mindset.

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