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"Yes it's a crappy week to discern economic news BUT stocks ended today pretty ugly against what is

supposed to be a strong jobs number. The reason: still lots of skepticism that trumps tax cuts and
deregulation will trump the possibly dire economic impact of his trade war Opinion | For Whom the
Trump Trolls The reason this tweet is so patently dumb is because if should prevail outbid for assets over
i look really smart -- I was first to report the Comcast pending bid if won in the TWX case Call me that to
my face -- if not just stay in your moms basement dummy no one cares what you think in fact I'll join the
rest of the world and forget u exist the second after I mute you LOL! Career moment: my ugly mug in
Times Square thanks michael you're the best ! My ugly mug proudly featured in Times Square How does
it feel to have my attorney saving all your trolling tweets at me? Aren't u glad u decided to harass me?
See you soon! My producer broke the DOJ story but like every young reporter she has her moments; she
approached a women who was walking w someone who turned out to be Candace Bergen and confused
her w the CEO of they both responded w a simple ""WTF"" Live from moms basement. No surprise every
time i read the comments to one of my posts im reminded as to why im against the death penalty: too
many people really are pretty dumb and they cant be entrusted with responsibility to decide whether
someone should receive capital punishment yeah im an idiot but the guy u love said this: ""u have
different names u can say ‘England’ u can say ‘UK’ u can say ‘United Kingdom’ so many different u know
you have you have so many different names Great Britain. Which do u prefer? Great Britain? you
understand what Im saying?” . writes a smart, nuanced column on the political forces that have
undermined the US-European relationship and how Trump merely put the icing on the cake of its
collapse: The Murder-Suicide of the West Ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen trolls President Trump's
servile support of Putin - NY Daily News Dumb and ignorant of facts are words that come to mind when I
read something like this. Trump says something dumb and all the constitutional checks on his power not
to mention the 4 per GDP economy is supposed to go away in a blink of the eye from morons who live in
their moms basement i actually told jack dorsey at a private meeting that he should force people to pay
a nominal fee w a credit card. it wld automatically cut many trolls who wld be afraid to release so
personal info. he said they thought about it but decided against the move for various reasons. No but I
am contractually obligated to mute people who fail my dumb ass test and you're on the verge of failure.
my advice use the google and look up what I've said on the issue Thanks for making this easy dumb ass
periodically i check the stock prices of $hlf and $fnma. my goal: to make the trolls (who shorted the
former and went long the latter) a little crazy before their lunch of mom-made hot pockets by reminding
them they are still losing their lunch money! Free speech allows all the morons to troll in twitter which is
far worse than the allegedly fake news media but it's the law as enshrined by the constitution so get
used to trolling and the allegedly fake news media as described by the man once known as ""John
Miller"" It's funny what happens after I hit the mute button on a troll: literally a second later I join the
rest of the world and I forget he exists! legitimate concern; both parties now controlled by the extremes.
people forget that bill clinton and newt gingrich compromised and got stuff done. but the extremes of
either party will never find common ground Trolls are so dumb -- they actually think you can't discern
wealth from a tax return by backing out sources of income etc but ya got to love them for their comedic
value and as a commentary on the US education system or lack there of Steve I love when punks call me
a punk from the safety of their moms basement Tell mom I said hello sweetie you will never get to
having 8 followers w dumb comments like this one your dad should act like an adult and not a social
media troll and i wouldnt have had to delete his comments but nice try trying to make this into a first
amendment issue. i give you a ""A"" effort and an ""F"" for results huge evidence here that every piece
of biz in ny is controlled by the mob! $HLF short thesis was absurd from day 1-the company might be a
piece of crap & it was still absurd for so many reasons twitters character limit doesnt do it justice.
more absurd was the endless hyping of the thesis by morons who to this day troll ppl who call their
stupidty this is a pretty dumb idea on a number of levels, but it confirms one scary thing about our
president: trump is often influenced by the last person who said something nice about him tweeting
dumb things at me and then getting muted is dumb guy exposes his motivation for doing something
dumb like this (and getting himself in trouble): He is long $TSLA see you in court pal! because this isnt an
""innocent"" parody account this is an account that uses my name and likeness to troll and harass. if
thats petty so be it yep thats why i called it out for trolling ppl using my name how much of your moms
retirement money have you lost this month?\sdont knock it--he's making money while youre losing your
mom's, dude Shares of $TSLA rebound in part on my report the electric car company is looking to retain
bankers including more on this at 345pm on (my condolences to all those short sellers working hard and
losing money today from their moms basement) $TSLA lots of jealousy emanating from moms'
basements all across America after my latest report will have more at 345pm $TSLA its great being hated
by the $TSLA longs one minute and hated by the shorts the next, but its proof that there are many from
each camp who lose money trading from their moms basement i love reading the little twitter bios of
my trolls. one billed himself as a ""value oriented guy"" does that mean he shops at Walmart? When the
highlight of your day is moms freshly baked hot pockets for lunch you come up w stuff like this Bigger
question for this guy: how long before he gets the old Twitter TOS boot and is forced to troll people on
snap chat? Remember it's only your moms retirement money that you're gonna lose today! Do you live
in your moms basement? simple question This is what happens when you're middle age live w your
mom and suffering from exposure to hot pockets A voice of reason let's see if these words of wisdom
make it into moms basements all over America ! i know this might touch a nerve w this guy, but how
much of his mom's retirement money do you think he lost today on $TSLA? im actually loving the beat:
its giving me a whole new set of lying slandering trolls to sue! $TSLA no musk did ok the media hates
trump, but most of his problems are self inflicted (ie the dumb stormy daniels pay off and a lot more)
with that i want a show of hands: who thought it would be a good idea that donald trump should be
president? More on bid to go private and why is sitting it out at least for now on in moments $TSLA
Good point but who knows lots of dumb money out there I agree w much of short thesis basing it on a
possible action is risky--lots of dumb money out there. he just needs indications and intent to defraud is
weakened. One other thing: the financial world is bigger than twitter trolls who are short a stock I agree
w much of the short thesis on (numbers just aren't adding up) but the weirdo nasty twitter trolls who
hate if you don't spend every working hour pissing on the stock have me rooting for to make it! I'll just
call you a fraud you troll Wondering if your clients know about your trolling activities I can inform them
if you like This is true -I put jim Chanos in this category but look at his twitter feed and look at the feeds
of the hanger on trolls who have no real money and just lash out and create false narratives about their
position in order to add a buck to their short. they ruin any logical debate Your ""trading floor is your
moms basement now get my coffee before I mute you and join the rest of the world and forget you exist
My mom was among the first tenants in these projects and my cousin grew up here so I know this place
well. don't remember it being this wild Musk believes short sellers hacked into and inserted malware
into his robots. Maybe I was wrong and not all the $TSLA shorts live in their moms basement it wasnt
mean to be a purely solemn moment--it was meant to celebrate what john mccain was for and what he
fought against. her words were directed at the latter you dont have to be a partisan to recognize this is
one of the all-time dumbest statements coming for any pol anywhere. “He’s not a war hero,” said Trump
of Mccain. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.” based on
my reporting, i believe and are making good faith efforts on trolls and in terms of making sure
conservatives have a voice good for you for putting the trolls in their place: Playboy model fling denies
boozing with Ben Affleck via ""in the future people will short stocks without trolling"" -- Nostradamus
for the record--i cover these stories straight. i would say this: if the $TSLA short thesis is as sound as you
guys say it is, there is NO REASON for the excessive trolling. its as if you guys are desperate every time
someone posts a moderately positive piece about the co $TSLAQ father meet son who in his twitter
profile says he is the chief innovation officer of maybe i'll take a closer look at this firm given his way
with words (see trolling tweets below) as my mom would say (and your dad will say) watch your
language! i couldnt care less about the trolls of $TSLAQ i know and respect chanos, loeb and einhorn ill
put a call into him tomorrow for a story about his co's chief innovation officer's innovative way of
trolling on twitter Dumb because it's not my job to pick a side and they look desperate the ""kid"" billed
himself as the chief innovation officer of a pretty big company as he was trolling best way to describe
$tsla long-short battle is to sift through the twitter comments: a mass of threats, misinformation, and
nasty trolling. yes, it's free speech, but its really crappy free speech. and im sure some well meaning
people are getting screwed in the process all the points i made when i broke the SEC investigation story.
i would add one thing: $TSLA will live or die on whether can financially deliver. no SEC charge, or short-
seller trolling can change this basic fact also best way to sniff out a short troll--ask him how many people
work at his ""firm"" LOL! ill use this guy as a $TSLA short troll test case--can u tell me how many people
work at your ""firm'? HA! The media I know covers this stuff like baseball--tesla will win some and lose
some there's no amount of short trolling that can change the cos trajectory if fact short trolling just
diminishes the short argument Scoop -- i went to the best journalism school in the country which is why
I laugh every time you troll me! Remember if I mute u I'll join the rest of the world and forget u exist! Pls
retweet that to your three followers ha! best thing covering is just how much pain you can cause the
annoying short/long trolls just being fair and balanced. dopes you see touting on twitter are truly losers-
they have no money so they have to cover their positions anytime the stock moves and it drives them
nuts! Trump blasts book’s claims that he called Sessions ‘a dumb southerner’ ive never seen anyone as
irrelevant as you blow a chance to converse w someone as relevant as me because he cant stop trolling.
remember if i mute you i join the rest of the world and forget you exist i bet this guy is the toughest
dude on his trading desk, which consists of a computer and a desk in his mom's basement Lots of $TSLA
shorting activity emanating from moms basements all across America this morning! I hear they're
munching on hot pockets at this guys trading desk in his moms basement! Maybe but you need a job to
move out of your moms basement Self described ""cannibis entrepreneur"" here AKA ""I smoke pot in
my moms basement apartment""LOL! Two or three trolls not really people thinking of you and your
moms investment into $TSLA its great getting trolled by particularly now that the are 0-2 LOL! Problem
is there are fewer jobs. Take trading: I would say 90per of the people on twitter who call themselves
""traders"" work from their moms basement because they can't get a Wall Street job My favorite troll
comment always comes from a trading desk in moms basement like this one he was smoking pot on a
podcast #reallydumb stay in your lane bro--your mom needs you to clean your room! wow you can
download photos from moms basement youre really smart bro! will do and tell your mom i said hello i
know shes worried about what your doing in her account all day is it older than the basement apartment
in your mom's home that you call a ""trading desk""? LOL! yep ""diamom"" this dude definitely isnt
trading stocks from his moms basement. great points here $TSLA i dont think so hes been itching to fire
people in and around this investigation almost from the moment it started It actually does matter
because tweeting dumb stuff ruins his cause reading what this dope calls research and you know he is
living in a very large glass house owned by his mom, of course my old man used to ""dunk"" just about
everything (including doughnuts) in his coffee. but then again, he pronounced ""oil"" as ""earl"" and
""toilet"" as ""terlet"" actually i think its three guys in the same basement apartment on long island not
sure whose mom owns the house LOL! memo to troll: ill be on in a few mins. tune in! pretty certain this
guy operates 30 pet-themed fake named MAGA troll accounts, of course, from his moms basement Ok
you're using your law degree as a twitter troll good luck w that dummy Show me your law degree and
tell me who you are and I might just might take you more seriously than the typical twitter troll Troll
named PTR quick questions? do you have a lawyer? do you know what libel and slander is? are you
prepared to get sued for libel and slander that will result in a significant monetary settlement? your
family might want to know! cant wait to see what a troll like you looks like in court; also cant wait to
subpoena your emails--gonna be fun! note to troll: when you sign my sizable pay check you can tell me
what to do this was a kind of a dumb over-reaction to one of my tweets about fights during my youth.
BUT it might more appropriately apply to apply to and his security clearance re if these are indeed the
standards $TSLA this guy refers to himself as an ""ancient skateboarder."" all the people in his
neighborhood refer to him as ""the middle-aged dude who lives in his mom's basement"" Here's a
problem for dems -- they were counting on trump hating soccer momish GOP women for a blue wave
during the midterms. polls showing that the left attacks on Kavanaugh has energized GOP women for
the Republicans because they think the attacks are unfair its great that $TSLA trolls both long and short
have so much time on their hands to troll reporters who publish stuff they dont like but ive noticed that
their trolling activity is usually the most frenetic right before their moms lunch of hot pockets is served
Pretty clear from Sunday talk shows is that post Kavanaugh, the momentum has shifted pretty intensely
to the GOP. The consensus at least for now is that GOP keeps Senate maybe even picks up a seat.
Dems... Will have some news on $TSLA coming up on maybe the trolls on the long and short side of the
trade will both hate it and puke out their hot pocket lunches. ask me if I care! tell me what i means to
have an etrade account and invest your moms $40k--always wanted to know how the other 99per lived
LOL! its nice your mom pays for cable so you can watch bbg i think you should keep in that when youre
losing all your moms money on your $TSLA bet there are literally 500 stocks in the S&P you can lose
money on so DIVERSIFY! LOL Fake academic asks twitter trolls if he should follow me #sad SCOOP:
Sources say ""Q"" is code for multiple day traders living w their mom going broke shorting a stock (story
developing) Good point here I know Chanos and Einhorn and respect their opinion EXCEPT $TSLAQ is
more like a trolling community with insignificant mkt impact but lots of noise on social media trolling of
$TSLAQ crowd actually had the opposite effect on me. forced me to dive deeper on what created &
appreciate his achievement. that doesnt mean i will ignore his abhorrent behavior or the bear case but
those dopes were so excessive it made me doubt their case common sense theory: the battle between
the long and short thesis on $TSLA will not be won by twitter trolls fighting trolls is part of my job Every
time some clown w 36 followers and a photo of his rear end trolls me I hit the mute button toilets are
flushing in mom's basement apartments all over America as the $TSLA short trolls (affectionately known
as $TSLAQ) get royally flushed. that said, the short thesis is far from dead even as the co touts near
profitability. we will discuss w at 3 Chanos has the intestinal fortitude to hold his position but Most of
these $TSLAQ trolls don't have enough money to maintain this trade My semi regular reminder that all
utterly failed to shoot down my ackman-biden argument story and they look dumb in their attempt. If
you think about it s public attacks on Powell have basically guaranteed a December rate hike at a time
when the impact of his trade policies has begun to impact corporate earns. Aka pretty dumb Look at
what I missed putting down twitter during lunch -- a bunch of nobody reporters and trolls engaging in a
debate over my use of the word ""scoop"" i have literally never heard of you until now and i will literally
forget you exist the minute this dumb ""scoop"" conversation is over literally SCOOP: FinTwit trolls
wants me to stop tweeting about $TSLA. i would tell him to hold his breath waiting for that to happen
but i also would be committing assisted suicide i think they troll too much; i agree w much of the short
thesis but these guys are idiots"

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