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Drug Drug Action Uses Common Side Effects Nursing Interventions


Opioid Narcotic Bind with the opiate Relieve Resp. depression; N&V; Ck order date (self-
Analgesic receptors in the CNS moderate to Constipation; Urinary terminating drug); Ck
to alter the severe pain retention; Dizziness, sedation resp-withhold if < 10; 
Controlled perception of and and drowsiness. S.R.; Monitor output;
substance response to pain Assist with amb;
Can lead to dependency Measures to prevent
constipation; Evaluate
Nonsteroidal Inhibits prostaglandin Control mild to Hypersensitivities (rashes, Adm. with full glass of
Anti-inflammatory synthesis so that moderate pain asthma); GI irritation; Inhibits H2O or food; Upright for
drugs pain arising from and platelet aggregation 15-30 min p taking drug;
(NSAIDS) stimulation of inflammation (prolonging bleeding) Watch for bleeding
peripheral nerve (tarry stools, bruising);
endings is lessened. don’t crush or chew
enteric-coated forms;
Evaluate effectiveness
Anti-infectives Bactericidal--Kill Treat bacterial Allergic reactions: [rashes, Ck. order date (self-
(Antimicrobials or bacteria by blocking infections urticaria (hives), anaphylaxis]; terminating drug); Take
Antibiotic) cell wall synthesis; Superinfections; Nephro- around the clock;
Bacteriostatic-- toxicity; GI distress Assess for allergic
Inhibits growth of reactions; Ck. for signs
susceptible of Superinfection (black
pathogenic bacteria (Note: can  effects of furry tongue, vaginal
(halts bacterial contraceptives) itching, diarrhea); Adm.
reproduction) 1 hr ac or 2 hrs pc or
with food
Drug Drug Action Uses Common Side Effects Nursing Interventions

Antiemetics Act on the Prevent Drowsiness; Dry mouth Assist with amb; S.R.;
chemoreceptor nausea and oral hygiene; Ice chips;
trigger zone (CTZ) vomiting Give deep IM in large
within the vomiting muscle mass
Antacids Neutralize Treat Non-systemic antacids: Shake liquid well &
hydrochloric acid symptoms of Constipation; diarrhea follow with small sip
secreted by the acid reflux or Systemic: electrolyte H2O; Chew tablets
stomach heartburn imbalances thoroughly and follow
(indigestion) with ½ glass H2O; Adm.
1 and 3 hr pc and at hs;
separate antacids &
other oral meds by at
least 1 hr.
Antihypertensives Lower B/P---- Treat high Hypotension; Changes in Take med q day; Don’t
different types of blood pressure pulse; Impotence skip doses; Don’t stop
antihypertensives abruptly; Take B/P
have different before adm (withhold &
mechanisms of notify Dr. if B/P 90/60);
action Wt. reduction;  Na
intake; change positions
slowly; Avoid hot baths
Drug Drug Action Uses Common Side Effects Nursing Interventions

Diuretics Increase sodium Treat hyper- Electrolyte imbalances; Prior to adm. ck. B/P &
chloride (NaCl) tension or hypotension electrolyte levels
excretion causing edema (anorexia, muscle
H2O excretion associated with weakness); Adm in AM
leading to diuresis CHF or other (before 2PM); I&O;
causes Daily wts.; Ck for signs
of dehydration (turgor,
dry mucous
Laxatives Promote bowel Treat Diarrhea; abd cramps Adm with full glass of
evacuation. constipation or H2O; Don’t chew or
--Different types of cleanse bowel crush enteric coated
laxatives have prior to surgery tablets; Adm at bedtime;
different or dx. tests  fiber in diet; Fluids
mechanism of  exercise
Bronchodilators Relax smooth Treatment of CNS stimulation Ck. B/P & P prior to
muscle in the bronchoconstri (nervousness, tremors); adm; Monitor resp.
bronchioles ction (Asthma, palpitations; tachycardia
Classification Drug Action Uses Common Side Effects Nursing Interventions

Sedative / Produce Provide Sedation; dizziness; ataxia Assist with amb;  S.R.;
Hypnotics generalized CNS sedation prior Watch for abuse; Don’t
depression to procedures stop abruptly
and manages
Antipyretics Lowers temp. by Reduce fever GI irritation; bleeding; Monitor temp; give with
affecting Toxicity esp. with salicylates full glass of H2O; Don’t
thermoregulation (aspirin): Tinnitus (ringing in chew or crush enteric
mechanism in the the ears coated tablets
hypothalamus (similar to NSAIDS) (same as NSAIDS)

Self-Terminating Drug Time Limits at SCRMC

Drug Classification Time Limit

Antibiotics 10 Days
Anticoagulants 5 Days
Steroids 10 Days
Schedule II---Parenteral 5 Days
Schedule III-V ----Oral 10 Days

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