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Quantum Optical Technologies

First exam, Monday the 3rd November 2014


1. A laser generates a Continuous Wave (CW) single-mode coherent beam (λ = 532 nm) with mean power
P = 50 mW. A photodetector measure the energy of the beam integrating the signal during T = 1 ms. The
energy measured fluctuates randomly. The typical deviation (σ) that characterizes the distribution of energy
detected in one millisecond is

1. ∼ 172.4 pJ

2. ∼ 6.8 nJ

3. ∼ 4.3 pJ

4. ∼ 98.3 nJ

2. A CW pump beam (λ = 400 nm) with mean power P = 10 mW is used to generate pairs of photons by
mean of the nonlinear process of Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion (SPDC). The efficiency of the
process is η = 10−13 , and 90% of the times a photon generated is not detected due to the presence of loss in
the channel that the photon traverses. The expected rate of coincidence detections will thus be

1. 2 per second

2. 20 per second

3. 200 per second

4. 2000 per second

3. ALICE can send one of two quantum states, with probability 1/2, to BOB:
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
a 0 ϵ a 0 0
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
ρ1 = ⎝ 0 b 0 ⎠ ρ2 = ⎝ 0 b 0 ⎠ (1)
ϵ∗ 0 c 0 0 c

BOB performs a measurement on the state received and from the data obtained, he makes an educated guess
about what is the state that ALICE have sent to him. What is the minimum average probability of Bob
making an error for any experiment that could possibly be made?

1. Pe = 1 − |ϵ|
' ( )
2. Pe = 12 1 − |ϵ|

3. Pe = 2 (1 − |ϵ|)
* +
4. Pe = 2 1 − |ϵ|2

4. The experimental scheme depicted in the figure was used by Bouwmeester et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 82,
1345, 1999) to generate three-photon GHZ states. It consists of a 50/50 Beam splitter (BS), two polarizing
beam splitter (PBS) where horizontal photons (H) are transmitted and vertical photons (V) are reflected
and one half-wave plate (λ/2) where the transformation
√ √
|H⟩ =⇒ 1/ 2 (|H⟩ + |V ⟩) |V ⟩ =⇒ 1/ 2 (|V ⟩ − |H⟩)

takes place. Let us consider that two pairs of photons are generated in the nonlinear crystal (BBO) in the
same quantum state

|Ψ⟩ = 1/ 2 (|H⟩a |H⟩b + |V ⟩a |V ⟩b ) (2)

Notice that this is not the quantum state considered in the paper mentioned above.

What combination of polarizations of the photons detected IS NOT possible?

1. |H⟩T |V ⟩1 |V ⟩2 |H⟩3

2. |H⟩T |H⟩1 |H⟩2 |V ⟩3

3. |H⟩T |V ⟩1 |H⟩2 |V ⟩3

4. |2H⟩T |H⟩1 |vac⟩2 |H⟩3

5. Two photons enter a 50/50 beam splitter (input ports: 1 and 2; output ports: 3 and 4). The photon in
input port 1 is in the quantum state cos ϕ|H⟩1 + sin ϕ|V ⟩1 , while the photon in the input port 2 is in the
quantum state |V ⟩2 (please see the figure). We designate as P (Hi , Vj ) the probability to measure a horizontal
photon in output port i and a vertical photon in output port j, and P (2Hi ) as the probability to measure
two horizontal photons in output port i. Similarly for other possible combinations. Which of the following
probabilities IS NOT correct?


cos M H 1 " sin M V 1



V 2

1. P (H3 , V3 ) = 0.25 cos2 ϕ

2. P (V3 , V4 ) = 0

3. P (V3 , V3 ) = 0.25 sin2 ϕ

4. P (H3 , V4 ) = 0.25 cos2 ϕ

6. A half-wave plate (HWP) performs the transformation

|H⟩ =⇒ cos 2ϕ|H⟩ + sin 2ϕ|V ⟩

|V ⟩ =⇒ sin 2ϕ|H⟩ − cos 2ϕ|V ⟩

To choose the thickness (d) of the HWP, one has to take into account the operating wavelength (λ) and
the birefringence ∆n = nx − ny of the material that makes the HWP. We design a HWP for the operating
wavelength λ1 = 1500 nm, where ∆n = 0.012. If we want the HWP to perform the same transformation at
λ2 = 1620 nm, the birefringence at the new wavelength should be

1. ∆n = 0.017

2. ∆n = 0.015

3. ∆n = 0.013

4. ∆n = 0.011

7. A single photon is generated in the quantum state
1 * +
|Ψ⟩ = √ c† + d† |vac⟩
where c† = dωf (ω)a†H (ω) describes a photon with horizontal polarization in a mode that is a coherent
superposition of frequencies f , - .
1 (f − f1 )2
f (ω) = exp −
(πB12 )1/4 2B12
and d† = dωg(ω)a†V (ω) represents a photon with vertical polarization in a mode that is a different coherent
superposition of frequencies f , - .
1 (f − f2 )2
g(ω) = exp −
(πB22 )1/4 2B22
Here B1 = B2 = 500 GHz is the bandwidth of the superposition (the same for both modes) and f1 = 200.8
THz and f2 = 200.3 THz are the corresponding central frequencies. If we consider the quantum state in
polarization, its purity P is

1. P = 1

2. P = 0.9

3. P = 0.8

4. P = 0.5

/ 0 1 2
2 π b2
• You might need to make use of this integral: dx exp(−ax + bx) = exp (3)
a 4a
8. Charlie generates a pair of correlated photons in the quantum state
1 1
ρ23 = |H⟩2 |H⟩3 ⟨H|2 ⟨H|3 + |V ⟩2 |V ⟩3 ⟨V |2 ⟨V |3
2 2
and sends one to Alice (photon 2) and the other to Bob (photon 3). Alice already has a photon in the
quantum state
ρ1 = cos2 ϕ|H⟩1 ⟨H|1 + sin2 ϕ|V ⟩1 ⟨V |1

Alice performs a measurement on photons 1 and 2 with a beam splitter, where each photon enters the BS
through a different port. If she measures that there is a photon in each of the output ports of the BS, and
communicate this to Bob, the quantum state of Bob’s photon is

1. ρ3 = cos2 ϕ|H⟩3 ⟨H|3 + sin2 ϕ|V ⟩3 ⟨V |3

2. ρ3 = sin2 ϕ|H⟩3 ⟨H|3 + cos2 ϕ|V ⟩3 ⟨V |3

3. |Ψ⟩3 = cos ϕ|H⟩3 + sin ϕ|V ⟩3

4. |Ψ⟩3 = sin ϕ|H⟩3 + cos ϕ|V ⟩3

9. We generate a GHZ state of the form
|Ψ⟩abc = √ [|H⟩a |V ⟩b |V ⟩c + |V ⟩a |H⟩b |H⟩c ]
Let PXXY (+1, −1, +1) designate the probability that the photon a yields +1 when the basis X is chosen,
that the photon b yields −1 when the basis X is chosen, and the photon c yields +1 when the basis Y is
chosen. This probability is

1. PXXY (+1, −1, +1) = 0

2. PXXY (+1, −1, +1) = 0.125

3. PXXY (+1, −1, +1) = 0.25

4. PXXY (+1, −1, +1) = 0.5

10. We generate a GHZ state of the form

|Ψ⟩abc = √ [|H⟩a |H⟩b |H⟩c + |V ⟩a |V ⟩b |V ⟩c ]
Let us assume that there is an instruction code, created when the photons were generated, that indicates
what will be the result of any possible measurement that can be made of photons a, b and c. The instruction
code is

a b c
X +1 -1 -1
Y +1 +1 -1

Why is this NOT an acceptable instruction code?

1. Because according to the code, if we measure the three photons with the basis XXX, two of the
outcomes will yield −1, and this is not what we measure in the experiment.

2. Because according to the code, if we measure the three photons with the basis YXY, the product of
the three results yields +1, and this is not what we measure in the experiment.

3. Because according to the code, if we measure the three photons with the basis YXX, the product of
the three results yields +1, and this is not what we measure in the experiment.

4. Because according to the code, if we measure the three photons with the basis YYY, the product of
the three results yields −1, and this is not what we measure in the experiment.

11. Let us consider TWO two-photon quantum states in polarization:
1 1 1 1
|Ψ1 ⟩ = √ |H⟩1 |H⟩2 − √ |V ⟩1 |V ⟩2 + √ |H⟩1 |V ⟩2 − √ |V ⟩1 |H⟩2 (4)
4 4 4 4
and ⎛ ⎞
1/4 0 0 1/4
⎜ 0 1/4 1/4 0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
ρ2 = ⎜ ⎟ (5)
⎝ 0 1/4 1/4 0 ⎠
1/4 0 0 1/4
We can say that

1. Both quantum states are entangled.

2. |Ψ1 ⟩ is entangled, but ρ2 is separable.

3. ρ2 is entangled, but |Ψ1 ⟩ is separable.

4. Both states are separable.

12. Let us consider the experimental set-up shown in the figure, used by kim et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 86.
1370, 2001) to perform a full teleportation of the quantum state in polarization of a photon. It consists of two
type I nonlinear crystals, one dichroic mirror (DM), a half-wave plate (HWP) and a polarizing beam splitter
(PBS). It was used to project an arbitrary two-photon state into the Bell states |Φ+ ⟩12 and |Φ− ⟩12 . In this

set-up, if the input state would be |Φ+ ⟩12 , a photon at wavelength λ3 in the quantum state 1/ 2(|V ⟩3 +|H⟩3 )
would be generated and detected in the Single-Photon Counting Module (SPCM) 1. On the other hand, if

the input state would be instead |Φ− ⟩12 , a photon at wavelength λ3 in the quantum state 1/ 2(|V ⟩3 − |H⟩3 )
would be generated and detected in the Single-Photon Counting Module (SPCM) 2. What would happen if
the input state would be
1 1
ρ12 = |H⟩1 |H⟩2 ⟨H|1 ⟨H|2 + |V ⟩1 |V ⟩2 ⟨V |1 ⟨V |2 (6)
2 2

$ H 3 & V3 %

Nonlinear Crystal I Nonlinear Crystal II
H!"H2 → V3 V1 V2 → H3
$ H 3 ' V3 %

O1 ,O2

1. No photons at the wavelength λ3 would be generated, thus SPCMs 1 and 2 would register no photons.

2. On average, half of the times a photon would be detected in SPCM 1, and the other half of the times
in SPCM 2.

3. All photons generated at wavelength λ3 would be detected in SPCM 1.

4. All photons generated at wavelength λ3 would be detected in SPCM 2.

13. The Werner state is a two-photon state that can be written as
1 1
ρ= I + |Ψ− ⟩⟨Ψ− | (7)
8 2
where I is the identity operator and |Ψ− ⟩ is one of the four Bell states. This is an important state because

1. It is a separable state that violates the CHSH Bell’s inequality.

2. If an example of mixed state that violates the CHSH Bell’s inequality.

3. It is an entangled state that does not violate the CHSH Bell’s inequality.

4. It is a mixed state that shows maximal entanglement.

14. Let us consider a bipartite pure state,i.e., ρAB = |ΨAB ⟩⟨ΨAB |, where each photon is described by a
N-dimensional Hilbert space. For instance, N = 2 corresponds to the polarization degree of freedom. For
pure states, we can use the entropy of entanglement as a measure of the degree of entanglement between A
and B. Which of the following statements CANNOT BE TRUE?

1. Using 16 orthogonal spatial modes (N = 16), somebody generated a quantum state with 3.8 ebits of

2. You need at least 1024 orthogonal modes to generate a quantum state with 10 ebits of entanglement.

3. The maximum entanglement that you can generate using two orthogonal polarization and three or-
thogonal spatial modes is 3 ebits of entanglement.

4. With only polarization, the maximum entanglement that you can generate is 1 ebit of entanglement.

15. The quantum state of a single photon can be described by a coherent superposition of two modes
1 * +
|Ψ⟩ = √ c† + d† |vac⟩ (8)
or as an incoherent superposition
1 † 1
ρ= c |vac⟩⟨vac|c + d† |vac⟩⟨vac|d (9)
2 2
Mode c represents a photon with spatial shape given by a Hermite-Gauss mode HG01 , and mode d represents
a photon with spatial shape given by a Hermite-Gauss mode HG10 , where both modes read as

x2 + y 2
HG01 (x, y) = N y exp( )
x2 + y 2
HG10 (x, y) = N x exp( )
N is a normalization constant and w is the beam waist of the HG modes. If we use a CCD camera with
single-photon sensitivity to determine the probability to detect a photon at every spatial location (x, y), we
can say that

1. We cannot distinguish if the quantum state is a coherent or incoherent superposition measuring only
this probability distribution.

2. If we measure a zero probability at (x = w, y = −w), we cannot have the incoherent superposition,

since the incoherent superposition only would yield zero probability at (x = 0, y = 0).

3. The incoherent superposition will give a non-zero probability at (x = 0, y = 0), while the coherent
superposition will give zero probability at (x = 0, y = 0).

4. The modes c and d are orthogonal, therefore |Ψ⟩ is equivalent to a incoherent superposition of modes.

16. Any density matrix ρ can be diagonalized, since it is Hermitian. Consider three density matrix, ρ1 , ρ2
and ρ2 , that correspond to different quantum states of the same system. What of the following statements
is TRUE?

1. If all density matrices commute, I can find a basis where all density matrices are simultaneously

2. If the density matrices do not commute, but all they correspond to pure states, then I can find a basis
where all density matrices are simultaneously diagonal.

3. If all density matrices commute, this means that all three density matrices really describe the same
quantum state.

4. Two density matrices can commute, but never three of them.

17. Charlie wants to distribute a random key to Alice and Bob using the maximally entangled state
|Φ+ ⟩ = √ (|H⟩a |H⟩b + |V ⟩a |V ⟩b ) (10)
Photon a is for Alice, and photon b is for Bob. Eve intercepts and re-sends photon a after making it interact
with her own photon (c). The global state of the three photons is
|Φ+ ⟩ = √ (|H⟩a |H⟩b |x⟩e + |V ⟩a |V ⟩b |y⟩e ) (11)
where |x⟩e = cos ϕ1 |H⟩e +sin ϕ1 |V ⟩e and |y⟩e = cos ϕ2 |H⟩e +sin ϕ2 |V ⟩e . If Alice and Bob measure the degree
of entanglement (concurrence) of their photons, a and b, they will obtain

1. C = | cos(ϕ1 − ϕ2 )|

2. C = cos2 (ϕ1 − ϕ2 )

3. C = sin2 (ϕ1 − ϕ2 )

4. C = | sin(ϕ1 − ϕ2 )|

18. Somebody tells us that the quantum state that characterize a two-photon state in the basis
{HH, HV, V H, V V } can be written as
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
0 0 0 0 1/2 0 0 −i/4
⎜ 0 1/2 3i/4 0 ⎟ ⎜ 0 0 0 0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
ρ1 = ⎜ ⎟ or ρ2 = ⎜ ⎟ (12)
⎝ 0 −3i/4 1/2 0 ⎠ ⎝ 0 0 0 0 ⎠
0 0 0 0 i/4 0 0 1/2

1. He is certainly wrong, because neither ρ1 nor ρ2 are valid density matrices.

2. ρ1 is a valid density matrix, but ρ2 is not.

3. ρ2 is a valid density matrix, but ρ1 is not.

4. Both density matrices are valid.

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