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Dear BI 319-2 students:

Here are the remaining class notes from 1 Timothy chapter 3 that you will need to study for the midterm exam. I have added some explanation to help
you understand them. 

An e-mail to direct your studies for the midterm in general will follow within a week.  

IV. The Solemn Charge of Church Offices   (3:14-16)

           A.Paul’s accountability for the church (3:14)

                              1). Paul’s indebtedness to Christ (1 Cor. 15:9-10)

                                               **This was more than just a sense of unworthiness due to general sin; He felt
especially unworthy of his calling specifically because he actually at one time had PERSECUTED Christ’s
precious church.     

                              2). Set apart by Christ to guard her purity & sacred honor (2 Cor. 11:2-3)

                              3). He was aware of his personal responsibility to insure it (1 Tim. 3:14  cf. 2 Cor. 11:28b)

B. Timothy’s accountability for the church (3:15)

1). “to behave”-- A steward’s conduct honor code                                          
2). “house OF GOD”        “church OF THE LIVING GOD”

                                               -- Timothy in Ephesus was in charge ofGod’s possession, not his own

V. The Church’s Solemn Identity (3:15-16)

               A.“house” – God’s dwelling place

               B.“church” – God’s “called-out” ones

1.“pillar” – architecturally styled support  
**The church has a great practical function to hold forth the word of life, but
she is also beautiful in her purity, thus the “pillar” imagery is used.

                              2.“ground” – structural mainstay                 

**She carries out her duties while standing on top of the sure foundation of
Jesus Christ.

3. “of the truth” – fortified showcase of God’s Word

              4. “mystery of godliness” – fearful, awe-inspiring reality  

                               a.The Church upholds and lives out the TRUTH of Christ by seeking to show the same
witness in the world that He did and then to be rewarded with Him forever.   
Jesus Christ was¿

                                                1). God seen in flesh,       *God should also be seen in us by the way we live

                                                2).sinless,                             *We should also strive for purity

                                              3). aspectacle for angels, *They watch and learn from us as well

                                              4). Savior of mankind,       *We too bear witness of salvation in Him

                                              5). Heir of creation             * We are joint-heirs with Christ.

                              b. By following His footsteps, the Church now lives out BOTH Hishumility and reward. 

Have a great weekend!

-Mr. Richards

[This is relating to BI 319-2 I and II Timothy and Titus]

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