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The Relationship Of Midwife’s Motivation And Obediance In Filling Partographs

In Regional General Hospital Of Andi Makkasau Parepare Region On 2018


Background: Partograph is a tool used during the active phase of labor, the main
purpose of partograf is recorded observations and progress of labor to assess
cervical dilation through examination, detect whether the delivery process runs
normally, in order can perform early detection of each possibility of prolonged
labor. Aim: To evaluate the relations of midwife’s Motivation and obediance In
filling Partograph in Regional General Hospital of Andi Makkasau Parepare on
2018. Methods: This study used Analytical Surveys using quantitative methods
with cross sectional design. The population in this study were all midwives on
duty and working in Regional General Hospital of Andi Makkasau Parepare on
2018. The samples in this study were 30 respondents who found during research
from March to September using the sampling technique by Accidental Sampling.
Primary data collections were done through data (questionnaire) and secondary
data. The data were processed using the Statistical Product And Service Solution
(SPSS) 20 and analyzed by univariate and bivariate statistical tests by Fisher
Exact Test and presented in the form of a frequency distribution table.
Results:There is a significant relation of midwife’s Motivation In filling
Partograph in Regional General Hospital of Andi Makkasau Parepare on 2018
(ρ-value =, 005 ˂0,05). There is a significant relation of midwife’s obediance in
filling Partograph in Regional General Hospital of Andi Makkasau Parepare on
2018 (ρ-value =, 030 <0.05). Conclusion: There are significant relations of
midwife’s Motivation and obediance in filling Partograph in Regional General
Hospital of Andi Makkasau Parepare on 2018.

Keywords : Partograph, Motivation and Obediance of Midwives


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