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J'ou.r ~~----------

12th April, 1999.

The Worker'~ Solidarity Federation,

P. o. BOX 18825,
Dalbridge, 4014,Durban 1
Republic of South Africa.

Dear Comrades,

Solidarity Greetings from ~geria ~o the ~SF and ~ other. comrad~s in South Africa.
~e are delighted to be able~commun~cate w~th you at th~s part~cul ar moment1.
To begin with, we have just.· received the _position papers and journals you sent
to us recently, and we find them to be very interesting and educative, indeed.
We are planning a series of materials for the journal's African section as soon
as we can get tne go-ahead~~d_nece~sary editional g~eline~. Meanwhile, we
are rather surprised that you did not receive our earlier mail in which we
addressed the issue of the request to have AFRICAN ANARCHISM reprinted in South
Africa. ~ e have no hesitation _ whats~ever in granting you the neces~y rigny~
~e_g_ue sted. _The r~ gh ts- co_v~r the e ~ ~ire Southern and East Africg.n _ Sub~ regions!
rlowever, this_ is _subject to: (i) Relevant copyrigh _t__agknowl ELd ge::~en ts .to - the .-
authors ( ii ) Payment of 15 pe r ce ~t r oyalty ~ 0 tn.e authors OJ.l es.;;;~ S·J l:i .5?9.--:?Y of
th e reprinted book... - --- - - -·--

Coming to my panned trip to South ~frica, l had in fact intended to undertake

the tour in Cctober or Jo vember. It would seem, however, that the auspicious
oc::::1sion of the .::ieptember conference promiset greater 111ilea3e. In the circwn-
st~ce s, ·r am seriously thinking about rescheduling my travel plans to be
able to ?s.rticipate in the forthcoming conference for the exploited ar.d opp res s ed
in Africa. I wouldn!t :·!<now the possibility of the- WSF,in conjuction with the ---
-ot. 1'3r
. JrO!.l.?S a:,d cor.1r:1des 1 assistin.; i11 th e aost of my travel? I would
Very l:JUCh a:: -ore cia ~e it if _J'OU COUld help OUt in this regard •
. - ---- -
During my trip to the United States on a s p eaking tour in ~ovember, 1 had the
opportunity of meeting _E;_!W ~n_bore nz o K.!_oombo_g. 1 autilor of "An3.rd.isu. a . C. L1.e
blQck Revo:u:~o~ " and w~ll known ~ci~ivist ~~d :orwer meruber of t~e ~ldc~
Panther party, as well as some other anti-authoritarian and anarch~st comrades ·
and activists in Atlan~ who muted the idea of a Pan-African ~narchist conferen~e
in South ~frica later this ye;r or early next year. The ideal is to bridg .together
under one ruof ~:hbertarian ~ct-ant·-a!.lt.nor:_ita_r·a.u__3~0.Yp.3 a:.d activi~3 !'~ow the
_<!_ias£.2_~a and ..,frica especi_a.lly.. I gave my tentati11e support, and promised a
detailed response/input aftere I might have received the details in the form of
a compreluillsive nosi tioll paper. The Awareness League has since gi·1en i ~s sur:>.~ort
for s:.<ct-. a cor.fer an ce in principle. I wouldn 1 t know i ~ t;, ,,. "r-on feren,;;e far the
Expl oi..te1 and-- op-reased_in Africa" is the same as that being__plar.ned by tne
cowrad~~_from America? Regar~less, we give it our unqualified backi ng ~r.d
promise~ in fact, to be there in persono

----- ------
,:A'iW,AlRE"u:E''S"S : • ;E ,:A,:P :l :l£
:~~~-~J.J.:K; :· ~. ~ II: ;:·.:· <· ~ ~: ;11:\11\tJ~ ·
····················· ·························· ~Ho(ling a(ojt tlie varuze.r of tfie strugg(e

:tHy intended trip, the way we conceived it, is going to be largely explorato.:::-~ .
It will afford the ~wareness League an hist ori ~ opportuni~y to ~eet and inte~act
' wit h comrades~ activists, farmers, peasants and the working class in South Africa.
/ It will be such a great day f~' the anarchist movement on the continent in
~a rticular to be able to bring together activists from different parts of Africa.

l intend the trip to oe a .:nini-s;::eaking to:.l_r_g.J~-Lti• ,:fr:i-ea "o3.sed O.!!_

toe th ewe of our boo~ 1 _AfRICAN ANkR~~ISM , as well as on the theme of_my forth-
comin~ book-;-MILIT.\RY DICTATORS.iU..P !W__THiLS.TATE JN A.l:o'!<ICA._ Tlie to ur. should 1
- hopefully-; - take--me to DurbanLN-a.tal , _G ap.e-.'l!own._sowe.t.O-all.d._!l_ahannesour ._
I expect also- t o oe able to c;.J.t.her _?._~i';:.onal m.J.terials 3.:l;i li_terature towards
the completion of the book project by t he end of the ye~r.

Moreover , t he tour as well as the conference present an unique and ~ lo~g sought•
after op? ort uni ty to prowote , foster and pee p u strong frateraal ties a ::1 ong
libertarian ana anti - authoritarian groups on t he continen t in general, and between
the Awareness Lea~ue and Anarchist groups in South Africa in particul~r . The
prospects of networking and future areas o~ co-oper.J.tion, one dares say, ar~ =
at tractive indeed . In t he mean tiw ~ 1 let me have our vi~S__Q_l_l _th~ i _ssues_naised
n~rein especiall_y__:s _:_:~ards t ile_ pr_opo_sed tou ~ f!i t the _e~rl_iest opportunity :

~e look forward to hearing from you •


~»-~, ·~---~W.'»N~~,,~~;-.:,,=,~-~~A·it~;;;;;;;~~'d';'~'~';' '~h~~~d'~'b~i:' ;;;d~~~~~:';;t';~'~A~;;;:_,;,;'r~~;;~,;,~c;;~;;;;-~·;iM't;~-h~-·-·.wS,.'.~-~r.~=-~'
P.O.Box 28, Agbani, Enugu State, Nigeria

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