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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan,
based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins and JD
System Reference Document Copyright 2000–2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich baker, Andy
Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
RuneQuest System Reference Document Copyright 2006, Mongoose Publishing; Author Matthew Sprange, based on original material by Greg
Stafford. BloodQuest material by Postmortem Studios (James Desborough) all text designated open content. OGL Horror is copyright 2003 Mongoose
Publishing Limited.


Writing, layout and design: James ‘Grim’ Desborough.

Artwork: James ‘Grim’ Desborough, Gavin Hargest, Darkzel, Brad McDevitt.

“RuneQuest (TM)” and the RuneQuest logo are Trademarks owned by Issaries, Inc. and
are used according to the terms of the RuneQuest logo Licence version 1.0. A copy of
this licence can be obtained from Mongoose Publishing. The mention or reference to
any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright

‘BloodQuest’ is copyright Postmortem Studios 2007

Blood! is copyright Underground Games 1990
Blood!: Second Edition material is copyright Postmortem Studios 2006.
Freakshow is copyright Postmortem Studios 2007.

Bloodworm • The giant worm appears at the
end of the worm’s lifecycle,
bonded out of the smaller worms.
Attributes Random Average
Strength 100+10d10 155 Otherwise the worms infect people
Stamina 100+6d10 133 and alter their behaviour, this
Agility 10 10 infection is detailed below.
Perception 10 10
Intelligence 2d10 11
Pain Threshold 10+10d10 155 • The giant worm has five points
Willpower - -
Luck 50 50 of armour against any and all
Movement - 2/6/13/23 attacks, the small worm has no
Actions - 5 such protection.
Damage Bonus - +1d10
Exert Strength - 55
Hear - Sight- - 0/0/7/7/0 • The giant worm will typically
Smell -Taste - attack groups using its bite
Shock Survival - 115 attacks and individuals by
Toxin Resistance - 120 crushing them with its bulk and
Initiative - -4 then gnawing them. The gnaw
Parry Bonus - -20
Hit Points - 89 attack may only be used after a
Blood Points - 78 successful crush.
Energy Points - 139
Mind Points - -
Hand to Hand - 60 • For every ten hit points that
Melee - - the giant worm inflicts with bite
Thrown - 33
Archaic - - attacks it regains one hit point
Pistol - - and one blood point of its own.
Rifle - -
Heavy - -
• If there are other smaller worms in
Attack Hit Parry Act Dmg Blood Crit the area they can be absorbed into
Bite 60% - 3 2d6+1d10 Blade Bite 1
the giant worm’s bulk, each one
Crush 40% - 1 3d10 Crush Club 2
Gnaw 60% - 5 2d6+1d10 Blade Bite 2 healing it for one hit point and one
blood point.
• The stats above are for the giant
worm. The infectious worms only • The bite of the giant worm has a
need the following statistics – Hit chance of infecting those bitten
Points 3, Movement 1, they can with worm eggs, this is covered
make in Infect attack upon a under the infection rules below.
prone, unconscious or sleeping
target and can bite, once per turn • When a giant worm dies, 1d10
with a skill of 30% doing 1d2 surviving small worms scatter in
damage, Blade, Bite 1. all directions, looking for hosts.

• The giant worm can use its bulk

and speed to hurl cars and heavy
objects around using its Thrown

Fear Effect The military contained the outbreak and
Being infected by the worm radically alters wiped out the infected, covering the whole
a persons behaviour, turning them into incident up with a ‘tragic aircraft crash
a bloodthirsty cannibal but leaving them during manoeuvres’ but the worms still
aware of what they are doing and of their exist in government labs and, perhaps, still
terrible, terrible hunger. The things they’re in some way in Trotsleigh or Braymore.
driven to do have all the usual effects one
would expect upon their psyche as does The worms infect the hose either through
witnessing the aftermath. bites from the mature organism or through
entering the body as worms. They then take
The small worms are, themselves, fairly up residence in the gut and bowel, taking
harmless looking and while gross, aren’t nutrition from their hosts and secreting
any more fear inducing than a leech or hormones and chemicals that alternately
other squirming nasty. When they erupt, create feeding frenzy highs and pleasurable,
mature, from their host, killing them, that’s sleepy lows as a reward for giving in to the
another matter altogether. Seeing someone instincts that they induce.
burst asunder in such a way requires a Will
roll with a penalty of -10% and results in When they have reproduced enough they
the loss of 1d10 Mind Points. The, likely, burst forth from the infected and fuse,
subsequent formation of the giant worm metamorphosis, into a giant worm, a truly
requires another Will roll and results in monstrous and destructive creature that
the loss of 1d6 Mind Points. Realising one can further infect more hosts if it doesn’t
is infected, after having seen the effects on simply kill them.
others, requires the same roll.

People driven mad are likely to develop

phobias of worms, germs, infection and
dirt and compulsions for self harm and

In 1990 an experimental biowarfare
weapon, designated PIN-2, was unleashed
upon the unwitting village of Trotsleigh
from the Loxhead military base in
Braymore forest, deliberately released upon
the village by a lab worker from the base
who was staying in Trotsleigh. The worms
subsequently infected the whole village and
grew and multiplied within them, turning
them into frenzied cannibals until things
finally came to a gruesome head.

Adventure Seeds Infection
• The characters are relatives of Method: Entry of the worm via the mouth
people who died in Trotsleigh, on or anus while the subject is asleep,
the twentieth anniversary of the unconscious or kept prone. A single worm
disaster someone involved in the infects each host.
cover up offers to reveal some Contraction: 95%
worrying information to them, Onset: 24 hours.
not only some hint of the truth Duration: Two weeks, approximate.
about the worms but that they’re Effect: During the night the worm excretes
planning another test with a new chemicals that induce a craving for blood,
variant of the parasite. a hunger for flesh that is nigh insatiable
and other chemicals which increase
• Trotsleigh and its surroundings the Pain Threshold and Strength of the
are now designated as a training infected person by ten each. During the
area for the military. They’re day it releases reward chemicals, making
also a secret Black Operations the infected person dopey, sleepy, relaxed
prison used to hide terrorists and and high, similar to the effects of opiates.
terrorist suspects off the grid so After two weeks the worm has reproduced
that they can be interrogated, within the host and bursts forth, killing the
tortured and experimented upon subject and releasing 1d6 worms, plus one
by scientists and interrogators for every ten, full, hit points the victim has.
based in Loxhead. An investigative A chemical signal from bursting worms
reporter wants to get to the truth induces the same bursting in other mature
behind both stories and has infections and every hundred worms can
planned a break in at the site. form into a giant worm. If there are less
than a hundred the worms disperse,
• Survivors from the original looking for more hosts.
incident, with some immunity, Resistance: -90%
have been hiding out in Braymore
forest for years and have Bite Infection
developed a psychopathic, siege Method: Bite from a giant worm, deliberate
mentality towards outsiders and injection or infection.
the military. They’ve reverted Contraction: 50%
to a primitive, hunter-like state Onset: One week.
but their worm infections make Duration: Two weeks, approximate.
them strong and have given them Effect: As worm-ridden above.
a weapon to use on the world, Resistance: -80%
they’ve started to attack and infect
hikers, wardens and passers by, The worms can be removed surgically, but
trying to build an army of infected it is a very difficult procedure. They can
to attack Loxhead. also be removed by poisoning, but this
carries significant risk to the host.

Bloodworm OGL Disease
Species Traits: Worm Infection
Damage Reduction (Ex): 5/Fire Type: Ingested’ DC 20, Incubation Period:
Consume (Ex): For every ten hit points of 24 hours, Initial Damage: Blood frenzy,
damage it does to living targets with its bite Secondary Damage: (Two weeks) Burst
attacks the giant worm regains a hit point. asunder.
Absorb (Ex): The giant worm can absorb
smaller worms into its bulk, healing/ The Blood Frenzy confers the infected with
gaining a hit point for each one. a lust for blood and raw meat, psychopathy
Infect (Ex): The bite of the giant worm can in regard to other people and a +2 bonus to
infect people with its eggs, rules are given both Strength and Constitution.
for infection below. The Burst Asunder effect causes the
Gnaw (Ex): The giant worm can follow up a person to burst open, spraying forth
slam attack with a grapple on the following 1d10+Constitution bonus mature,
turn, if successful in the grapple the giant infectious worms in all directions and
worm executes its gnaw attack – 3d6 killing the host. A hundred of these worms
– automatically. can form a giant worm.
Blindsight (Ex): The giant worm can ‘sense’
around itself out to a distance of 60 ft. Bite Infection
Type: Injury DC 18, Incubation Period:
Note: These statistics are for the giant 48 hours, Initial Damage: Blood frenzy,
worm, the small worms move slowly, have Secondary Damage: (Two weeks) Burst
a single hit point, a Defense of 12 and can asunder.
bite for a single hit point of damage.

Giant Worm Bloodworm MRQ

CR 8; Huge Ooze; HD 8d10+52; HP 96; Init Characteristics
-2; Spd 35 ft.; Defense 8 (Tough skin +2), STR 8d6 (28)
Touch 6, Flat-Footed 8; BAB +6/+1; Grap CON 5d6 (18)
+19; Full Atk +11, Melee (bite 2d6+9), Melee DEX 2d6 (7)
+6 (slam 2d6+9), Melee – automatic – (gnaw SIZ 4d6+12 (26)
3d6+9); FS 5 ft. bt 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft.; SQ INT 1 (1)
damage reduction, consume, absorb, infect, POW 1d6 (4)
gnaw, blindsight; AL Neutral; SV Fort +6, CHA 1d6 (4)
Ref +2, Will +2; AP 0; Str 28, Dex 7, Con
18, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 0. Banshee Hit Locations
D20 Hit Location AP/HP
Advancement: By size. 1-20 Body 5/44

Immunities: Mind-affecting effects, Weapons

paralysis, stunning, gaze attacks, visual
Type Skill Damage/AP
effects, illusions, other sight effects, critical
Bite 60% 1d10+1d12
hits, flanking and massive damage.
Crush 40% 1d8+1d12
Gnaw 60% 2d6+1d12

Traits Bite Infection
Consume: For every ten hit points of Type: Bite wound
damage it does to living – or once living – Delay: 48 hours
targets with bite or gnaw, the worm regains Potency: 80
a hit point. Full Effect: As with the worm infection given
Absorb: The giant worm can absorb lesser
worms, regaining one hit point for each one
that it absorbs.

Infect: Anyone the worm bites has a chance

of being infected with worm eggs, see below.

Gnaw: The giant worm can follow up a

successful crush attack with a gnaw attack
against the same target on the following

Special Rules
Combat Actions: 2
Strike Rank: 8
Movement: 4m
Traits: Consume, Absorb, Infect, Gnaw.
Power Points: 4
Mind Points: 5
Fatigue Points: 22
Courage: 15
Horror: Being knowingly infects 1d4,
witnessing worms bursting forth 1d10,
witnessing a giant worm 1d4.

Worm Infection
Type: ‘Ingestion’
Delay: 24 hours
Potency: 90
Full Effect: Once the disease takes hold
the subject gains +2 Str and +2 Con and
becomes a psychopathic cannibal during the
night and docile – unless attacked – during
the day. Two weeks after infection they
burst, release 1d6 + abdomen hit points
mature worms. A hundred of these can form
a giant worm. The infected person is killed
when they burst forth.

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