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Use of English B1

Unit No.05 – Lessons 23 – 24 – 25 – 26


I. Complete the following sentences with the corresponding form of the verb to
be. Take in to account the time. Complete las siguientes oraciones con la forma
correspondiente del verbo to be- Tenga en cuenta el tiempo de las oraciones –presente
o pasado)

Example: The teacher was at the airport last night. She is a nice person.

1. Camilo and I __were__________ at the park yesterday.

2. My mom ___was_________ in Cartagena last week.
3. Patty ____was________ at the school today; she ___is_________ tall and
4. _____Were_______ you at the theme park last weekend?
5. They ____were________ not at the office today. I ___was___ alone.
6. The customer service representative ____was____ at the club yesterday, but
he ___is_ there today.
7. The team ____were_______ (not) ready today, they need more time to
8. Congratulations!!! That __was__ a marvelous presentation. The owners
__were__ anxious about the results yesterday afternoon. Now, they ___are_
9. What happen?... You ____are___ sure the customer will accept the conditions.
10. Now what? Sandra and George ___are______ all wet. They can’t take the bus.

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