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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: ____________________________________

Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Group Size: Date of Lesson:

Lesson Content
What Standards (national or MAFS.1.OA.2.4- Understand subtraction as an unknown-addend problem. For example, subtract 10 – 8 by
state) relate to this lesson? finding the number that makes 10 when added to 8.
(You should include ALL applicable
standards. Rarely do teachers use
just one: they’d never get through
them all.)
Essential Understanding  How can we find the missing addend to solve a subtraction problem?
(What is the big idea or essential
question that you want students to
come away with? In other words,
what, aside from the standard and
our objective, will students
understand when they finish this
Objectives- What are you  Students will be able to determine the missing addend to an addition
(Student-centered: What will
problem with 90% accuracy in order to solve a subtraction problem by
students know and be able to do playing a flip or flop mathematics game.
after this lesson? Include the
ABCD’s of objectives: action,
behavior, condition, and degree of
mastery, i.e., "C: Given a sentence
written in the past or present tense,
A: the student B: will be able to re-
write the sentence in future tense
D: with no errors in tense or tense
contradiction (i.e., I will see her
Note: Degree of mastery does not
need to be a percentage.)
Rationale  Students need to understand that for every addition problem, there is a
Address the following questions:
 Why are you teaching this
subtraction problem. For example, 8+3=11 or 3+8=11 can be changed into
objective? 11-3=8 or 11-8=3.
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: ____________________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Group Size: Date of Lesson:

 Where does this lesson fit  Once students understand this concept, it is easier for them to solve for
within a larger plan?
 Why are you teaching it this
missing addends.
way?  I am teaching it in this way because it is engaging, and students enjoy
 Why is it important for explaining how they know they are correct.
students to learn this concept?
Evaluation Plan- How will you  I will know that students have mastered this objective if they can correctly
know students have mastered
your objectives?
find their partner that matches their number sentence.
Address the following:  I will also know if students have mastered their objective if they receive a
 What formative evidence will check or check plus on their worksheet.
you use to document student
learning during this lesson?
 What summative evidence will
you collect, either during this
lesson or in upcoming lessons?
What Content Knowledge is  Number sense
necessary for a teacher to teach
 Addends and Sum definition
this material?
What background knowledge is  Number sense
necessary for a student to  Know how to add by counting up
successfully meet these  Know how to subtract by counting down
objectives?  Know what an addend is
 Know what the sum is
What misconceptions might Students believe that when creating a subtraction sentence they must use the addends. For example,
students have about this content? 5+2=7 they would write 5-2=3. They do not understand that they need to use the same three numbers.
Lesson Implementation
Teaching Methods Guided release.
(What teaching method(s) will you
use during this lesson? Examples
include guided release, 5 Es, direct
instruction, lecture, demonstration,
partner word, etc.)
Step-by-Step Plan Who is
(What exactly do you plan to do in responsibl 1. Here is where I will remind students what we have been learning in math. “Who
teaching this lesson? Be thorough. e (Teacher remembers what we have been working on in Math?” I will take a few and then
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: ____________________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Group Size: Date of Lesson:

Act as if you needed a substitute to or comment as accordingly. I will then remind students that we are working on
carry out the lesson for you.) Students)? addition and subtraction and finding missing addends. “Who remember’s what an
Where applicable, be sure to addend is?” I will take a few responses and reiterate that addends are the two
address the following: Teacher numbers we add together.
 What Higher Order Thinking 2. “Today we are going to play a game. But in order to do so, you need to listen very
(H.O.T.) questions will you ask? carefully at the directions. The game we are playing is call Flip or Flop. You will
 How will materials be each get a card. Some of you will get an addition problem, putting together, or a
distributed? subtraction problem, taking away. You will need to find your partner.”
 Who will work together in 3. I will show students an example. “If your card says, “6+9=15”, who knows what
groups and how will you their partners card would say?” I would take a few and reiterate, “The partners
determine the grouping? card will be 15-9=6." I will ask students if there is another way to write this. The
 How will students transition Student answers I should get are 15-6=9.
between activities? 4. I will have students stand behind their desks. I will then pass out cards. I will
 What will you as the teacher do? remind students of the expectations. “When finding your partner, you are holding
 What will the students do? your card high for everyone to see. You will walk around the classroom looking
 What student data will be for your partner. When you have your partner, you will go sit on the carpet. “
collected during each phase? Teacher 5. Once all students have found their partner, we will let everyone share their
 What are other adults in the findings. I will call on every student to introduce their partner, state their fact, and
room doing? How are they then have their partner state their fact.
supporting students’ learning? 6. At the end we will review how we knew we were correct.
 What model of co-teaching are I will do these 2 more times and then move on to the work sheet, where students will
you using? Student work independently to assess their knowledge.
1. The worksheet will involve students using dice to get two numbers. Students must
use those two numbers to make a number sentence. Using the addends and the
sum of their first number sentence, students must then make a subtraction
What will you do if… …a student struggles with the content?
If a student struggles with this content, I will support their learning by asking probing questions
while they are trying to find their partner that will allow them to think through what their
partners card should look like.
What will you do if… …a student masters the content quickly?
If a student masters this content quickly, I will have the student work on addition and subtraction
flash cards.
Meeting your students’ needs as If applicable, how does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural backgrounds of your
people and as learners students?
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: ____________________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Group Size: Date of Lesson:

If applicable, how does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community?

How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional challenge during this lesson

For students that need additional challenge during this lesson, I will give them a card that has three
numbers on it and have them create both number sentences on their own.

How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional language support?

For students who need additional support, I will pull them aside when they are working on their
worksheet and work with them in either a small group or one-on-one.
Accommodations (If needed) M.M- Requires one-on-one instruction. Work is done with the teacher.
(What students need specific I.S- Requires repeated directions.
accommodation? List individual
students (initials), and then explain
the accommodation(s) you will
implement for these unique
Materials  Number sentence cards- for students to find their partners in the Flip or Flop game.
(What materials will you use? Why  Worksheet- To assess students individual learning. (Worksheet is below)
did you choose these materials?  Dice
Include any resources you used.
This can also include people!)
USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: ____________________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Group Size: Date of Lesson:

Roll 1: Roll 2: Addition sentence: Subtraction sentence:

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Name: ____________________________________
Grade Level Being Taught: Subject/Content: Group Size: Date of Lesson:

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