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Practical No: 1 Enrolment No :

Practical Problem 1. Create an Android application called MyGallery, which displays

mobile and laptop model images in Gallery view.

2. Create an App called BMIITSlideShow, which displays image of

BMIIT gate, classes, staff room, laboratory using ImageSwitcher and
application should have two captions called Next and Previous for
navigation between images. User should be able to give rating on
click of Rate us and also acknowledge user by message on screen
based on given rating.
Number of stars should be 5.
Rating criteria:
0 to 1.25 Poor Red
1.26 to 2.5 Adequate Yellow
2.6 to 3.75 Good Green
3.76 to 5 Outstanding Blue

Sample message :
Rating - 2.10 --- You rated us Good

3. Create an application that should display collection of images in

GridView based on current progress of SeekBar.
0 to 25 Fruits
26 to 50 Vegetables
51 to 75 Flowers
76 to 100 Animals

4. Create an Android app which having an edittext called “URL

Name”, a button called Search, and a WebView. On click of Search
button, entered URL should open in WebView.

5. Create an application that should be able to find entered query

from ListView. Sample data given below:
Objective(s) To understand GUI elements.
Pre-requisite Activity, Intent, GUI elements
Duration for completion 10 hours
PEO(s) to be achieved PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and technologies to
solve industry problems.
PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as
necessary for software development
CO(s) to be achieved CO2: understand various application designing elements
Solution must contain Layout file, Activity file, Manifest file
Nature of submission Handwritten
References for solving the WM#3 Page No: 106 – 109, 116 - 123
problem WM#1, Page No:69 - 73
WM#5, Page No:243 - 249
WM#5, Page No:219 - 234
RM#10, Page No:360 - 370
Post Laboratory 1. Differentiate Gallery and ImageSwitcher.
questions 2. Define relation between ArrayAdapter and ArrayList.
3. Write use of filter().
4.How to track progress of SeekBar?
5. Which property is used to set rating bar as non-
changeable by the user?
6. Differentiate setInAnimation() and setOutAnimation().
7. What is difference between columnWidth and

Desired objective(s) satisfied? Verified by

Use of each Widgets

Knowledge of Widget's Properties

Practical No: 2 Enrolment No :
Practical Problem
1. Create an application that should draw smiley face using various draw methods on click of
Face caption, should draw star on center of screen on click of Star caption, and display text with
various font styles on click of Text caption.

2. Create an application that should display various shapes in center of the screen using
ShapeDrawable on selection of shape name in drop down menu.
3. Create MyGaana application that should have basic functionalities to play, pause and stop
song and also it indicates current duration of song.
Sample screen is given below:

4. Create an application that allows to play and capture a video.

Objective(s) To understand concept of Graphics and Animation.
Pre-requisite Activity, Intent, GUI elements, Graphics, Animation
Duration for completion 5 hours
PEO(s) to be achieved PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and technologies to
solve industry problems.
PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as
necessary for software development
CO(s) to be achieved CO4: Understand the concept of graphics and motion control.
Solution must contain Layout file, Activity file, Manifest file
Nature of submission Handwritten
References for solving the LS#9 Page No: 205 – 210
problem LS#9 Page No: 210 – 212
LS#9 Page No: 212 – 214
LS#9 Page No: 214 – 221
LS#9 Page No: 221 – 230
RM#15 Page No: 623 - 632
RM#15 Page No: 640 - 643
RM#15 Page No: 646 - 653
Post Laboratory questions 1. Define use of Canvas and Paint.
2. Write a snippet code to draw straight line on screen.
3. Define use of setIntinsicHeight()
4. Define Typeface.
5. Write use of setDataSource().
6. Which permission is required to record an audio?

Desired objective(s) satisfied? Verified by

Use of Paint, Canvas, View
Use of ShapeDrawble

Use of XML Resource

Use of Intent

Use of MediaPlayer

Practical No: 3 Enrolment No :
Practical Problem
1 Create a Login application that having fields Email ID,
Password and Remember me and Login button. On click of
Login button open next activity with welcome message and
if Remember me option is checked than store values in

2 Develop a Daily Diary application for Android device. Where

user can add his daily activities which include date, time,
and task description. After saving tasks user should navigate
to another activity that display list of all task dates. On click
of any date task detail of that date should be display to next
activity. If no task found related to that date then display
appropriate Toast message.

3 Develop an Android application which takes inputs from

user and on click of “save” button writes contents into file.
(Save file in an application memory)

4 Create an Android application which reads contact name

from phone, and display contact name to List View. On long
press of any of the list item a context menu shall be display
having an option called “Send SMS”. On click of “Send SMS”
option, an inbuilt messaging application should be open
with an appropriate data. (I.e. pass the phone number of
selected contact to messaging application)
(Note: Make the use of content provider).

Objective(s) To understand use of data persistence methods.

Pre-requisite Activity, Layout, Intent, GUI elements, SQLite, SharedPreferences,
File System, Content Provider.
Duration for completion 8 Hours
PEO(s) to be achieved PEO2: To provide quality practical skill of tools and technologies to
solve industry problems.
PO(s) to be achieved PO6: Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern tools as
necessary for software development
CO(s) to be achieved CO3: Understand various techniques to managing data
Solution must contain Layout file, Activity file, Manifest file
Nature of submission Handwritten
References for solving the WM#6 Page No: 251 - 259
problem WM#6 Page No: 273 - 285
WM#6 Page No: 263 – 271
WM#7 Page No: 293 - 302
Post Laboratory 1. Which are the methods of SQLiteOpenHelper class?
questions 2. Why URI class is used with Content Provider?
3. Write the path where SharedPreference file gets saved.
4. Write permission for accessing External Storage.
5. Write the use of flush(), close(), write() methods.
Desired objective(s) satisfied? Verified by
Knowledge of database operations

Knowledge of Content Provider

Use of File System

Use of SharedPreference


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