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Toilets are one of the most vital sanitation facilities and toilet cleanliness
can be used as a measure of the quality of sanitation management somewhere.
Public toilet facilities are intended for the general public to visit a place, so users
of public toilets will be very diverse and always change. Therefore, toilets can be
a place or means of spreading disease (Dwipayanti 2008). Bacteria in public
toilets are bacteria that come from soil, water, mouth, urine, dirt and human skin.
The bacteria most commonly found in all places in the toilet are bacteria that are
usually present on human skin (Hendlyana 2013). Based on several surveys the
condition of public toilets in various places is still far from health requirements.
Public toilets are not kept clean so they look very dirty, smelly and not equipped
with adequate sanitation facilities.

According to Pelczar and Chan (1986), E.coli bacteria are the most
widely used as an indicator of sanitation because these bacteria are commensal
bacteria in the human intestine, generally a disease-causing pathogen and
relatively resistant to living in water. E.coli can be transmitted through water
contaminated with feces or urine of people suffering from digestive infections, so
that it can spread to others. E.coli comes out of the body with feces in large
quantities and can last up to several weeks (Widyaningsih 2016). Sealin E coli
bacteria also have Staphylococcus aureus bacteria in the toilet.

Escherichia coli is a normal flora found in the intestine, this bacterium

can be a pathogen when moving host. Places that are often infected clinically are
the urinary tract, bile ducts, and other places in the abdominal cavity. This
bacterium also causes disease by attaching to the intestinal mucosa and producing
enterotoxin and cytosine. The result is mucosal damage, removal of large amounts
of mycus which causes diarrhea. (Nisa 2014).

Staphylococcus aureus is a cause of infectious diseases. Under normal

conditions S. aureus is present in the upper respiratory tract, skin, gastrointestinal
tract and vagina. S. aureus can cause disease in almost all organs and tissues, the
most susceptible to infection is the skin. These bacteria grow easily on inflamed
skin, the skin that experiences injury leads to infection and other purulent
processes (Shulman et al. 1994).

One of the plants that can be used as medicine is cinnamon

(Cinnamomum burmanni). The chemical content of cinnamon includes essential
oils, safrole, cinnamaldehyde, tannin, dammar, calcium oxalate, flavonoids,
triterpenoids, and saponins (Utami 2013). Many essential oils are found in the
cinnamon bark. The highest content in cinnamon bark essential oil is
cinnamaldehyde 60-70%, p-cimene 0.6-1.2%


Creating an agro-industry-based innovation product that is able to

overcome the problem of spreading bacteria in the toilet.


All public toilet users, especially teenagers and adults.



Cinnamon plant plays a vital role as a spice, but its essential oils and
other constituents also have important activities, including antimicrobial,
antifungal, antioxidant, and antidiabetic (Rao 2014). Fei LU et al trying to
mix cynamon oil and clove oil and the results showed that cinnamon was a
promising antibacterial substance for the five bacterial species (Bacillus
subtilis, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia
coli and Salmonella typhimurium).
Piper betle is a glabrous climbing vine belonging to the family
Piperaceae. It is abundantly distributed in many Asian countries. The leaves
have been used in traditional medicine as carminative, stimulant,
antiseptic, antifungal, and antibacterial agent. The volatile oil known as
Betel oil is the chief constituent of the leaves. Piper betle L. can be of great
benefit in treating diseases caused by bacteria and fungi (Adeltrudes et al
2010). Previous studies on the betel leaves, roots and whole extract
(mixture of volatile and non-volatile) of the green variety showed a very
strong antimicrobial activity (Jenie 2001).
In making this antibacterial spray for toilet, we combine three types
of essential oils with the same main function, namely antibacterial, and
rose water as a diluent. Everything we put into the packaging has its own
benefits, and if all of them are combined it will form a product with various


1. Idea Appearance
At this stage, we as students feel quite anxious about dirty toilet
conditions. Maintaining the cleanliness of toilets is not the duty of the janitor, but
the responsibility of all of us. This idea came up when we thought about how
each toilet user could use the toilet without worrying.

2. Screening Ideas
At this stage, we are looking for potential products that come from
commodities around us that are less noticed, so that they have added value.
Another thing that is our consideration is that the capital is not large, so the
product prices can still be reached by the market.

3. Business Analysis
At this stage, we predict the financial impact that uses measurements of
manufacturing costs and sales levels. From the measurement it can find out the
description of the financial impact of other costs such as costs used to buy
materials and transportation costs. Besides that, in terms of sales, we predict an
increase in sales. In the beginning, a relatively inexpensive marketing fee is
needed because we use our social media to promote this product

4. Development
In this development, we began to change from idea to a product that was
considered attractive into a product concept into a real product. We pay
attention to product descriptions, product design, photoshoots, quality
components, distribution of goods, to the target market.

5. Testing
In this method, we first introduce our products to social media, vote
through Instagram related to restlessness and toilet cleaning problems. Our goal
of testing via Instagram is to find out the respondents' interest in our products.

6. Commercialization
In the commercialization stage, the strategy used by us is to use social
media to introduce products, endorse programs, provide attractive promotions
for students, and explain all the advantages of this product. The social media we
use is Instagram and line @.


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