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Book Review

What Is Mathematics, Really?

Reviewed by Ed Dubinsky

What Is Mathematics, Really? historically evolved,

Reuben Hersh and intelligible only in
Oxford University Press, 1999 a social context.”
ISBN 0-19513-087-1 Hersh describes some
Softcover, 368 pages, $16.95 of the standard issues
of philosophy of
The title of this book refers to the classic What Is mathematics, such as
Mathematics? by Richard Courant and Herbert Rob- existence of finite and
bins, a work to which Hersh reacts as do I, with “won- infinite mathematical
der and delight.” Courant and Robbins approach entities, intuition,
the question by showing us, in exquisite exposition, proof, and truth, and
a great deal of the content of mathematics. Hersh tries to show that his
deals with it by exploring the nature of mathemat- philosophy deals with
ics—where it comes from, what it is, really. In ap- these issues better
pealing to the philosophy of mathematics for this ex- than do the philoso-
phies he rejects. Al-
ploration, Hersh makes two important points. First,
though I found the
as one way of answering the question of Courant
book very interesting and informative in many
and Robbins, philosophy must be more than an at-
ways, I am not sure Hersh succeeds in making his
tempt to establish a foundation for mathematics.
case for his humanist philosophy.
Second, perhaps more than for most subjects, the
purveyors of mathematics must be major players Part One
in the development of its philosophy. The opening gambit of the book is presented as both
In this lively and pleasant-to-read philosophical “a worked exercise in Pólya’s heuristic” and “an in-
work, a serious and accomplished mathematician quiry into mathematical existence.” The problem is
explores somewhat deeply, and rejects, what he to count the various parts of a 4-dimensional cube
considers to be the three main streams of mathe- and reflect on what kind of sense the calculations
matical philosophy: Platonism, formalism, and in- could make. In true pólyaesque spirit, Hersh switches
tuitionism or constructivism.1 As an alternative he immediately to the 3-cube and counts its vertices,
offers what he calls “humanism”, the notion that edges, and faces. He does the same for the 2-cube and
“mathematics must be understood as a human ac- the 1-cube. The three sets of formulas show a clear
tivity, a social phenomenon, part of human culture, pattern that is easily generalized to four dimensions.
This leads to a list of questions about the existence
of a 4-cube. If it exists, where is it? If it does not ex-
Ed Dubinsky is professor of mathematics at Georgia State
University. His e-mail address is
ist, how could we obtain such detailed information
1Unfortunately, the word “constructivism” is used in both
about it? What about a 3-cube? Does it exist in ordi-
nary space, given that we can’t produce a perfect 3-
philosophy of mathematics and the psychology of math-
ematics with two very different meanings. To avoid con-
cube as a physical object? A little bit later, Hersh
fusion, and because I happen to accept much of con- uses possible answers to these questions to help ex-
structivism in its psychological sense, I prefer to use the plain various philosophies of mathematics, includ-
term “intuitionism” in the philosophical context. ing his own humanism.


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After this introductory example, Hersh turns to natural numbers are not given by God (at least not
the main point of the book, which is to explain why before the age of seven for most children in West-
he rejects the three mainstream philosophies— ern culture), but are constructed in an individual’s
Platonism, formalism, and intuitionism—as inad- mind by coordinating the concepts of set inclusion
equate for a philosophy of mathematics and why and ordering.
he believes his humanism is superior. Along the A Humanist Philosophy of Mathematics
way he considers a number of generally accepted As an alternative to the mainstream philosophies
properties of mathematics and tries to “debunk” of mathematics which he rejects, Hersh offers a hu-
them. manist or sociohistorical point of view. He says:
Mainstream Philosophies of Mathematics “There’s no need to look for a hidden meaning or
Platonism, as Hersh explains it, is the idea that definition of mathematics beyond its social-his-
“mathematical entities exist outside space and toric-cultural meaning.” In other words, one an-
time, outside thought and matter, in an abstract swers the big questions by looking at what is and
realm independent of any consciousness, individ- has been done in the society of mathematicians and
ual or social.” In my opinion it is impossible for by people dealing with mathematical situations in
anyone who has actually done mathematics—from everyday life. Thus, to the standard kinds of exis-
the student trying to find the answer to the odd- tence discussed by philosophers, the mental and
numbered problems to the researcher trying to the physical, Hersh adds a third, the social. To il-
prove a theorem or find a counterexample—to lustrate his view and compare it with other philoso-
avoid the feeling of trying to find something that phies, Hersh considers a pair of examples: the
is “out there”, that has an existence independent meaning of the concept of “two” and a return to
of what anyone might be thinking or doing. When the issue of existence of the 4-cube.
engaging in such activity, a Platonist view is almost According to Hersh a key to understanding the
a requirement. As Hersh points out, this does not concept of “two” is to see that the word is used both
mean that Platonism is adequate as a philosophy as an adjective and as a noun. It is an adjective that
of mathematics. Indeed, Hersh rejects it as such represents a process (counting). If one looks at what
for several reasons: it does not relate to material people do, Hersh argues, then the set of counting
reality or make contact with flesh-and-blood math- numbers is actually finite, because no one can
ematicians; it violates the empiricism of modern count to, say, 1010 , and so that is not a counting
science; and it insists on acceptance of a “strange number. On the other hand, “two” is also a noun.
parallel existence of two realities—physical and In Hersh’s philosophy the existence of the object
mathematical,” but does not explain how the two to which this noun refers comes from a social
interact. process of disconnecting “from ‘real objects’, to
Formalism, according to Hersh, says that math- exist as shared concepts in the minds/brains of
ematics is an otherwise meaningless game played people who know elementary arithmetic.”
by explicit but arbitrary rules. Hersh’s objections This does not seem to me to be very different
to formalism are more serious than are his con- from the empiricist view that, as an object, “two”
cerns about Platonism. He argues that the rules are represents what is common in all situations in
not arbitrary, but rather are “historically deter- which there are two (the adjective here) objects.
mined by the workings of society that evolve under This view is opposed to the constructivist, or Pi-
pressure of the inner workings and interactions of agetian, view that the object “two” is constructed
social groups, and the physiological and biologi- using a mechanism called reflective abstraction ap-
cal environment of earth.” Moreover, he asserts that plied to those situations. In both cases there is in-
this is not how mathematics is actually done, that dividual mental activity as well as social interac-
“the notion of strictly following rules without any tion, and one can focus on either. But in my view
need for judgment is a fiction” and that it is “mis- the more important distinction is between think-
leading to apply it to real life.” ing of abstraction as extraction of common features
Intuitionism accepts the set of natural num- versus thinking of it as construction of meaning.
bers as the fundamental datum of mathematics One reason I find it hard to accept Hersh’s version
from which all meaningful mathematics must be of humanism is its focus on social issues as op-
obtained through a process of finite construction posed to the struggle of an individual to make
that does not make use of the law of the excluded sense out of her or his experiences.
middle. In objecting to this particular philosophy, The example of the 4-cube can be used to il-
Hersh adopts the anthropological point of view that lustrate some differences between various philoso-
the intuition of the natural numbers is simply not phies. Hersh points out that for the Platonist the
universal. His view is supported by the research of 4-cube exists as a “transcendental, immaterial, in-
Piaget, who established that children construct in human abstraction,” and our ideas about it are
their minds a conception of the natural numbers representations of this ideal; for the intuitionist as
based on their experiences and certain modes of well as for the formalist, there is no real 4-cube,
thinking. For Piaget, as opposed to Kronecker, the but only a representation “without a represented”;


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and for the humanist the 4-cube exists “at the so- sults. According to Hersh, mainstream philoso-
cial-cultural-historic level, in the shared con- phy relates only to the front, whereas humanism
sciousness of people…as a kind of shared thought insists that we focus on the back. When he does
or idea.” look to the rear, Hersh finds that mathematics is
As a constructivist (in the sense of Piaget, not not infallible, because mathematicians make mis-
Brouwer/Bishop) I cannot resist suggesting an- takes. Indeed, he points out that some proofs are
other possibility. Using our senses, we experience so long and complex that it is not clear that any-
certain phenomena that lead us to imagine (that one can say for sure that they are correct.
is, make certain mental constructions of) what we Humanism also argues that mathematics is not
call squares and cubes. In trying to understand unique, because in many mathematical situations
these phenomena and mental images, we can apply mathematicians do not understand each other and
a mathematical formalism to define a (unit) n- it does happen that different mathematicans can
cube as a subset of Rn , consist- develop different approaches to
ing of all n-tuples, each of whose study the same phenomena. Eu-
components are either 0 or 1.
Each individual n-tuple is a ver-
…to the clid’s proofs are incomplete, peo-
ple cannot fathom his axioms,
tex; pairs of n-tuples differing in standard and there are alternatives to Eu-
exactly one component are clidean geometry, so “mathe-
edges; quadruples of n-tuples kinds of matics does not contain truths
with all but two components about the universe that are clear
fixed are faces; and so on. existence and indubitable.” Hersh claims
One might object that this is that formalism does not describe
a formal, not constructive, point discussed by where a mathematical result
of view. I would argue, however, comes from, because, he asserts,
that what is formal here is
philosophers, the mathematician always
Hersh’s formulation in which a
4-cube is obtained purely by
the mental “knows” the result before he or
she writes down a formal proof.
using an arithmetic pattern to and the
obtain formulas analogous to Intuition
those in lower dimensions. In physical, An important issue that every
the analysis I propose, the indi- philosophy of mathematics has
vidual is going back and forth Hersh adds a to consider is mathematical in-
between mental constructions tuition, and here Hersh provides
of points, lines, edges, etc., and third, the some interesting insights. For the
the sets of n-tuples of 0’s and
1’s. The combination of mental
social. Platonist, intuition is the mech-
anism for accessing the postu-
constructions and formal ex- lated ideal world, for connecting
pressions is what the individual human awareness with mathe-
uses to give meaning to the ab- matical reality. How is intuition
stract concept of an n-cube. I would agree with acquired or developed? Why does it vary from in-
Hersh that it is a shared conceptualization in the dividual to individual? Does it directly perceive an
sense that these mental activities generally take ideal reality, as our eyes perceive visible reality?
place in a social context and emerging ideas are Hersh criticizes the mathematical Platonist for not
certainly negotiated, but in my view it is the men- even trying to answer such questions.
tal constructions of individuals, not their social in- For the intuitionist, the source of the natural
teractions, that is the basic mechanism through numbers (from which all mathematics is supposed
which the n-cube comes to exist. to originate) is intuition. But, Hersh argues, this
Infallibility and Other Conventional Wisdom view violates historical, pedagogical, and anthro-
about Mathematics pological experience. As I indicated above, this
Whether one agrees with it or not, however, the real “innate intuition” appears to be unavailable to
test for the humanist philosophy, or any philoso- Western children until a certain age and does not
phy for that matter, is its ability to serve as a tool appear at all in certain cultures. Again the criticism
for investigating important questions. In Chap- is that the intuitionists do not deal with such ques-
ters 3 and 4, Hersh tries to use it as a basis for in- tions.
vestigating, and rejecting, a number of commonly For the formalist, intuition is the source of the
held ideas about mathematics. correct theorems for which formal proofs are de-
Hersh suggests that mathematics has a “front”, vised. Hersh suggests, somewhat sarcastically, that
which consists of polished results that we show to according to formalism “Cauchy knew Cauchy’s in-
the world (including our students) and a “back”, tegral theorem, even though…he didn’t know the
which consists of what we do to obtain those re- meaning of any term in the theorem. He didn’t


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know what is a complex number, what is an and the only way of dealing with it is by approxi-
integral, what is a curve; yet he found the complex mation through truncation. But here is something
number represented by the integral over this one can store in a computer:
curve!” This is unsatisfactory for Hersh because of
x := func(n); $ n is a nonnega-
its variance with the experience, for example, of tive integer
so many mathematicians who make conjectures
they can’t prove. if exists i in [0..n] | n=2**i
For the humanist, mathematics is the study of then return “1”; else return “0”;
mental objects with reproducible properties, and end;
intuition is the faculty by which we consider or ex-
amine these internal, mental objects. Intuition is end;
the effect in the mind/brain of, at very early stages,
manipulating concrete objects; at a later stage, of This is a program that produces, given n, the nth
making marks on paper; and still later, manipu- digit in the decimal expansion of the number in
lating mental images, doing problems, and dis- question. Moreover, if after writing this program
covering things for ourselves. Thus, according to one gives the instruction
Hersh, in the humanist viewpoint intuition consists
in the mental representations of mathematical ob- “0.”+%+[x(i) : i in [0..100]];
jects acquired through repeated experiences. These one gets the computer to print x correct up to 100
representations and the ideas we have about them places. Thus this program gives the computer the
are checked by interaction with teachers, fellow stu- capacity for calculating x correctly to any number
dents, and mathematical colleagues. Thus, intuition of decimal places.
is a set of shared concepts, what Hersh calls “mu-
I would argue that in this way one can store quite
tually congruent mental representations.”
a few irrational numbers in a computer. Of course,
The Existence of Infinite Objects one can store only some in this way (perhaps all
For me, philosophy of mathematics becomes in- those which intuitionists accept as numbers), but
teresting and important when it tries to explain the the mind can do better; I wonder what implications
most essential aspects of mathematical experi- such a point of view would have for Hersh’s no-
ence. Intuition is certainly one of these. Infinity is tions of infinity. I am disappointed that Hersh ap-
another. Unfortunately, I find Hersh’s treatment of pears to be satisfied with an almost superficial
this important topic somewhat superficial, occa- analysis of such questions.
sionally naive, and overall unsatisfactory. Of course, Implications for Education
as Hersh points out, infinity is different from phys- The book contains a number of instances of care-
ical reality and comes out of our heads. But the lessness. One of particular interest to me is the
brain, he tells us, is a finite object and cannot con- promise in the preface that there is a discussion
tain anything infinite. Here we have a contradic- of teaching in Chapter 1. I could not find it. The
tion that surely must be dealt with, but Hersh preface also claims that this book can “assist ed-
gives us only: “It’s not the infinite that our ucation reform by helping mathematics teachers
minds/brains generate, but notions of the infinite.” and educators understand what mathematics is.”
I am not sure what the difference is between “the However, Hersh supplies few details about how the
infinite” and “notions of the infinite,” but I am ideas in the book apply to education. As nearly as
sure that I do not feel very enlightened by this ex- I can tell, his main comments on this topic don’t
planation. He returns to infinity several times come until the end of the book, in Chapter 13,
throughout the book, but, unfortunately, he es- where Hersh devotes about a page to assertions
about education that are not very convincing. We
chews analysis in favor of “sound bites”, such as
read, for example, that “if other factors are com-
“Euclid had finite line segments, never an infinite
patible, adoption by teachers of a humanist phi-
line,” “‘Infinite’ isn’t a number,” and “The biggest
losophy could benefit mathematics education.”
computer ever built doesn’t have space for even
This may well be, but I could not find even an at-
one infinite non-terminating nonrepeating deci-
tempt to justify this claim, much less anything
mal number.” that warrants the comment that follows: “It’s not
Let me consider the last comment for an alter- unexpected that a philosophy [Hersh’s humanist
native way of trying to go more deeply into the mat- philosophy] epistemologically superior is educa-
ter. Hersh would argue that one could not store the tionally superior.”
following number, for example, in a computer: I cannot judge if the contents of the 237 pages
preceding this assertion warrant the claim of epis-
x = 0.1101000100000001000000000000 temological superiority. I can say, however, that
000100 . . . , there is little or nothing written here that gives


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Hersh the right to make his educational assertion. This point of view held, with dissenters of
It appears to be an example, depressingly common, course, until about the end of the eighteenth cen-
of a mathematician expressing an opinion about tury, when two things started happening. First,
education and thinking that the fact that he or she the development of alternatives to Euclidean geom-
has this view means that it has been established etry cast doubt on the eternal truth status of one
for all. We are trying in mathematics education to of the main pillars of mathematics. Second, some
develop better standards of discourse. mathematicians and scientists did not believe in
the existence of God, and others who did wanted
Part Two to think of mathematics as independent of any di-
For any mathematician just beginning to be seri- vine intervention. This removed one of the main
ously interested in the philosophy of mathemat- arguments in support of Platonism. So where does
ics, Hersh performs a great service in the second mathematics come from if not from the mind of
part of this book. He gives us a capsule account, God? The answer, many thought, was in the logi-
ranging from a few sentences to a few pages, of cal foundations of the subject. For others, it was
the philosophical thinking of nearly fifty individ- in formalism; for still others, intuitionism. For
uals, from Aristotle to Wittgenstein. It is an in- Hersh these philosophical alternatives fail to deal
valuable introduction, and I recommend it to any satisfactorily with the main questions of philoso-
mathematician for her or his first reading in the phy of mathematics, and this is what brings him
philosophy of mathematics. It is particularly help- to the humanist point of view.
ful because it is written from the point of view of
a mathematician. The work of Orestes and the
Scholastics is omitted, but this may be because I think this book is very valuable for its sketch of
a number of philosophical ideas relating to math-
Hersh is focusing on the analysis strand of
ematics and its introduction to Hersh’s humanist
mathematics and so is less interested in the arith-
philosophy of mathematics. As a (psychological)
metic/number theory/algebra line of development.
constructivist, I am disappointed that Hersh says
Hersh pays greater attention to the work of Pi-
so little about a set of ideas that has been receiv-
aget than do most who write about the philosophy
ing a great deal of attention in recent years. But
of mathematics. He acknowledges the tremendous
my most serious criticism is that, in spite of a
impact of Piaget’s writings on cognitive psychol-
great deal of “table talk” about his social-historic-
ogy. He seems to feel that Piaget’s notions of stages
humanist approach, Hersh does not use it very
are based on maturation rather than cognitive de-
much—or, in my opinion, very effectively—to at-
velopment and so misunderstands its role in ed-
tack the great problems of the philosophy of math-
ucation. I heartily agree with Hersh’s focus on Pi- ematics. His analyses and criticisms of other
aget’s epistemology, but I am disappointed that he philosophies are very useful, but they don’t rely
rejects the book Piaget wrote with Beth on this topic on the humanist point of view and could easily have
because of his disagreement with the philosophi- been made without it. As just one important ex-
cal position taken in the first half of the book. What ample, consider a major criticism that Hersh makes
Hersh misses is that this first half, on foundations of Platonism. He points out that it posits an ideal
of mathematics, was written by Beth. The second world independent of human thought or activity
half was written by Piaget and is a wonderful ac- but tells us nothing about the mechanisms by
count of his epistemology. In it he considers in which humans can interact with that world. True
some depth all of the questions Hersh is interested enough, but Piaget already applied his construc-
in and more. It would have been very helpful to read tivist viewpoint to make this same criticism thirty-
Hersh’s view of this thinking. five years ago. This reader is left wondering what
Philosophy and Theology new results in the philosophy of mathematics can
In this 150-page outline of 3,000 years of philo- be obtained from Hersh’s humanist approach.
sophical thinking, does Hersh tell a coherent story?
I think that he does, and it goes something like this.
For almost all of this period, mathematics was in-
timately connected, as was all scientific thinking,
with theology. Most of the objections to Platonism
can be dealt with by thinking of its ideal world as
residing in the mind of God. Thus, mathematics ex-
ists as the thought of God, and therefore any
knowledge of it provides eternal truths about the
universe. Imagine the glory of a mathematician
whose discovery of a nontrivial theorem provides
an insight into the thinking of an eternal, all-pow-
erful, all-knowing deity.


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