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Arts Integration Brainstorming Session

Arts Integration: An approach to teaching in which students construct and demonstrate

understanding through an art form.
Students engage in a creative process which connects an art form and another subject area,
meeting evolving objectives in both.

Empathize: To imaginatively understand another’s thoughts and emotions.

 Example: Design and wear period costumes related to an artist’s life and times. Describe
what that person may have been like and how they may have lived.
 Write letters from the point of view of a character in an artwork.

Standard-based learning:
 4th grade library media standard:
o 6.0 Appreciate Literature and Life-long Learning: Students will be able to
demonstrate an appreciation of literature and multimedia as a reflection of
human experience and use the inquiry process for life-long learning. (AASL 21st 4)
 4th grade theatre standard
o I:3-5:1: Through collective inquiry, advance original ideas of plot in a
drama/theatrical work using a character’s given circumstances, objective, and
inner thoughts.

4th grade Greek Mythology

Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of literature through dramatizing the
human experience.
 6.0 Appreciate Literature and Life-long Learning: Students will be able to demonstrate
an appreciation of literature and multimedia as a reflection of human experience and
use the inquiry process for life-long learning. (AASL 21st 4)

Students will be able to use collective inquiry to empathize with characters.

 I:3-5:1: Through collective inquiry, advance original ideas of plot in a drama/theatrical
work using a character’s given circumstances, objective, and inner thoughts.

Learning Goal:
The learning goal is that students are able to further develop an understanding of literature
and Greek Mythology through theatrical creativity. Throughout this lesson, we will have
students research a God or Goddess, giving them the necessary background information.
Assessment Plan [Brainstorm]
Preassessment: Determine what students know about Greek gods
 Brainstorm as a class on the board
o Mind map
o Tables for categorizing information
Formative Assessment: Strategies to assess learning throughout lesson
 Check students are gathering background information
 Have students work on Padlet to gather information about a variety of Gods/Goddesses
 Create space for students to start empathizing with characters

Summative Assessment: Determining students’ understanding of both standards

 Students will present a dramatization of their character using only movement and facial
expression. Other than presenting the God/Goddess name, they will not speak or
explain until after their dramatization.

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