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Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Volume 2017, Article ID 2126310, 5 pages

Case Report
Epidural Anesthesia for Cesarean Section in a Pregnant Woman
with Marfan Syndrome and Dural Ectasia

Franco Pepe,1 Mariagrazia Stracquadanio,2 Francesco De Luca,3 Agata Privitera,3

Elisabetta Sanalitro,4 and Puccio Scarpinati4
U.O.C. Ostetricia e Ginecologia e PS, Ospedale Santo Bambino, Catania, Italy
Istituto di Patologia Ostetrica e Ginecologica, Ospedale Santo Bambino, Catania, Italy
U.O. Cardiologia Pediatrica, Ospedale Santo Bambino, Catania, Italy
Modulo Dipartimentale Anestesia Ostetrica, Ospedale Santo Bambino, Catania, Italy

Correspondence should be addressed to Mariagrazia Stracquadanio;

Received 18 February 2017; Accepted 19 April 2017; Published 22 May 2017

Academic Editor: Michael Geary

Copyright © 2017 Franco Pepe et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Marfan syndrome (MFS) is a genetic disorder of connective tissue, characterized by variable clinical features and multisystem
complications. The anesthetic management during delivery is debated. Regional anesthesia has been used with success during
cesarean delivery, but in some MFS patients there is a probability of erratic and inadequate spread of intrathecal local anesthetics as
a result of dural ectasia. In these cases, epidural anesthesia may be a particularly useful technique during cesarean delivery because
it allows an adequate spread and action of local anesthetic with a controlled onset of anesthesia, analgesia, and sympathetic block
and a low risk of perioperative complications. We report the perioperative management of a patient with MFS and dural ectasia
who successfully underwent cesarean section using epidural technique anesthesia. The previous pregnancy of this woman ended
with cesarean section with a failed spinal anesthesia that was converted to general anesthesia due to unknown dural ectasia at that

1. Introduction responsible for 90% of deaths attributed to MFS [4, 5].

The disease is not associated with a reduction in fertility;
Marfan syndrome (MFS) is an autosomal dominant heredi- in fact it is common to find a pregnant woman with the
tary disorder of connective tissue; its incidence is estimated syndrome. In such a case, it would be appropriate to have
to be around 1 : 5.000, with no differences in gender or ethnic an accurate clinical evaluation before pregnancy, particularly
background. In 90% of cases, it is associated with mutations an echocardiography, to assess the size of the aortic root: a
in the FBN1 gene that encodes fibrillin [1]. The clinical diameter greater than 40 mm puts the patient at risk of its
manifestations of the gene may involve multiple organs with rupture.
various severity, particularly affecting the cardiovascular, As reported in literature, the obstetric management of
skeletal, and ocular systems. The clinical and instrumental women with MFS seems now well coded, with favorable
diagnosis is based on observation of the Ghent criteria, outcome if the aortic root diameter is less than 40 mm. The
proposed in 1996 by De Paepe et al. [2], ranging from the increase in aortic size during pregnancy is not unique in
familiarity to multiorgan involvement and they were recently women with MFS but is known to occur during normal
revised by Loeys et al. in 2010 [3]. Some manifestations healthy pregnancies and with increased severity in women
are evident since childhood (such as ectopia lentis), while with preeclampsia [6].
others were at a later date, such as the lumbosacral dural Some recent guidelines advise women with MFS to avoid
ectasia; the main cause of morbidity and mortality is related pregnancy or, alternatively, undergo surgical ascending aortic
to aortic dilation and acute aortic dissection. Cardiovascular replacement prior to conception, if the aorta measures > 4 cm
manifestations, such as aortic dilatation and dissection, are [7].
2 Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Literature suggests a 1% risk of aortic dissection or signif- two cardiological examinations (at the beginning and near
icant cardiac event in women with an aortic root diameter term), and two maternal echocardiographies (at 22 weeks
of <40 mm [8]. The risk is increased when the aortic root and near term) in order to monitor the aortic root. The fetal
diameter is >40 mm, if there is a rapid increase in aortic growth was regular. At 37 weeks + 3 days, because of the
dimensions or in the context of a family history of dissection occurrence of uterine contractions, the patient was admitted
[9]. to the hospital for cesarean section. Considering the previous
However, the presence of ectasia of the dural sac has bad experience during spinal anesthesia (lack of efficacy with
been considered the major cause of failure of locoregional use of general anesthesia), being aware of the presence of the
anesthesia during cesarean section. The purpose of this ectasia of the dural sac during the preoperative evaluation
study is to present the case of a MFS pregnant woman at of the patient, epidural anesthesia was proposed to perform
term with an extensive dural ectasia who had a successful her second cesarean section. This type of anesthesia allows a
cesarean section with epidural anesthesia during her second better circulation and distribution of the anesthetic, overcom-
pregnancy. ing the problems related to spinal anesthesia in the presence
of dural ectasia. The drugs administered epidurally require
2. Case Report dosages from 5 to 10 times higher and volumes greater than
those calculated for the subarachnoid space. The advantages
F. S. is a 35-year-old, 180 cm tall, 85 Kg patient, suffering from of an epidural block include a lower incidence and severity
MSF with a lumbosacral dural ectasia, who was subjected of maternal hypotension, thanks to the reduced rate of
to a cesarean section at 37 weeks and 3 days of gestation. sympathetic block, a lower risk of headache due to accidental
She reports that the mother was very high and died sud- dural puncture, and the possibility of an accurate control of
denly before the age of 50; her maternal grandfather was level and duration of anesthesia. The patient was informed
particularly high too, and her brother was myopic and had about the type of regional anesthesia chosen and monitored.
severe scoliosis. Medical history was positive for ectopia She was continuously under noninvasive monitoring (ECG,
lentis (diagnosed when she was 6 years old), dorsal scoliosis arterial blood pressure, and oxygen saturation) and she was
(treated with corset from 10 to 14 years of age), and mild premedicated with ranitidine 50 mg and metoclopramide
ectasia of the aortic arch. Previously she underwent right 10 mg in saline solution. She was placed in a sitting position
saphenectomy and right breast fibroadenoma enucleation. and then the locoregional block in epidural anesthesia was
Physical examination showed skeletal abnormalities such as performed by a midline approach with the placement of
high arched palate, opening of the arms greater than height, an epidural catheter, through a 17-gauge Tuohy needle,
pectus carinatum internalized to the right, flat feet, bilateral positioned between L2 and L3. She was given lidocaine
valgus, and arachnodactyly. Striae were evident on the skin of 400 mg (20 ml of 2%) with 1 mEq of sodium bicarbonate
her chest, shoulders, back, and abdomen. On cardiovascular and 50 mcg of fentanyl. The anesthetic block was manifested
examination, a metallic click and systolic murmur were within three minutes without side effects. After 15 minutes,
auscultated with a stethoscope. Heart sounded valid and the cesarean section started, because the sensory block was
rhythmic, with good hemodynamic compensation, and ECG sufficiently high (T4) for cesarean section. The systolic blood
had a normal sinus rhythm and normal track with a medium pressure remained stable (110–125/70 mmHg) for the entire
pulse of 65 beats per minute. The patient was normotensive duration of surgery and the postoperative period. There was
(BP 120/70 mmHg). Echocardiogram showed a mild dilata- no evidence of intraoperative and postoperative complica-
tion of the aortic root (42 mm), normal ventricular function, tions and the patient did not report any pain symptoms.
and a mild mitral valve prolapse without regurgitation. Short-term prophylaxis for infection was administered (3 g
The obstetric history showed an uneventful previous C- ampicillin/sulbactam) after the delivery of the baby as well
section delivery in 2004. She had a spinal block anesthesia as 20 IU of oxytocin. After 30 minutes from the anesthetic
after spinal anesthesia, which was converted into a general block, 1 mg of morphine + 75 mcg of clonidine and 12 mg
one. In the postoperative period, she had a hemorrhage due of naropine were injected in the epidural space through the
to uterine atony treated with oxytocin and prostaglandins and catheter. After an hour from the beginning of the anesthetic
recovery in intensive care. After five days, the patient was block, an ongoing anesthesia with 0,1% naropine, 250 mg
discharged in good medical condition and she was followed at 10 ml/h, was placed in the infusion pump for epidural.
up every 6 months and had a prophylactic therapy with beta- At the end of the surgery, for further analgesia, a 75 mg of
blockers. In 2007, because of a lumbar pain, she performed diclofenac i.m and 0.2 mg of methylergometrine i.m. were
a lumbosacral MRI that showed ectasia of the distal dural administered. The patient was kept under observation for 2
sac with cystic dilatation of some nerve roots. This finding hours and then transferred to the ward. The male newborn
is one of the major diagnostic criteria of MFS. In 2009, she was 3.250 g, and he was extracted after 30 minutes since the
started a second pregnancy and she was under the care of moment epidural catheter was placed and 1 minute after the
the outpatient obstetric clinic of the Santo Bambino Hospital skin incision. The Apgar score in the first minute was 9,
in Catania (Sicily). During her first trimester of pregnancy, and it was 10 after five minutes. The epidural catheter was
the patient was asymptomatic with good cardiovascular removed 12 hours after cesarean section. The postoperative
compensation and she did not take any medication. She course was regular, with her discharge on the fourth day after
has been monthly subjected to obstetric visits; she also had C-section. A 12-day heparin prophylaxis was performed for
three ultrasound scans (one for each trimester of pregnancy), venous thromboembolism prevention. After a follow-up of
Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology 3

five years, we can assert that the patient is in good health and to 92%, probably in relation to the imaging modality used
the aortic root diameter is always 42 mm. in the various studies [19–21]. In a study published in 1999,
out of 83 MFS patients examined by MRI, the dural ectasia
3. Discussion was detected in 92% of cases and in none of the patients in
the control group. However, high prevalence of dural ectasia
MFS is an autosomal dominant disorder of the connective (41%) exits even in patients with MFS without back pain
tissue related to mutation of the gene for fibrillin, a glycopro- [16]. No correlation was found with the presence of aortic
tein that is the major component of extracellular microfibrils, dilatation; therefore, dural ectasia has no predictive value
whose gene maps to chromosome 15. MFS involves different on cardiovascular prognosis in these patients. Regarding
organs and systems with varying severity: for this reason, the clinical expression, dural ectasia is often clinically silent
its diagnosis is mainly clinical and instrumental and, then, or can be occasionally associated with low back pain or
molecular. It is based on the observation of the Ghent criteria lumbosciatica. However, a clear correlation between low back
and revised criteria [10]. pain and dural ectasia has not been demonstrated.
In literature, there are many experiences on the manage- For the best management of labor and delivery of MFS
ment of pregnant women with MS [9–13]. Pregnancy can be patients, it is clear that the primary goal is the reduction of
considered at low risk in the absence of significant aortic cardiovascular stress, and cesarean section is often performed
dilatation and mitral insufficiency. In women with low car- for the prevention of cardiovascular complications. Patients
diac involvement, the risk of aortic dissection, endocarditis, with an aortic root < 4 cm in diameter at the time of delivery
and congestive heart failure in pregnancy is estimated to be have a similar outcome for vaginal and cesarean section
only 1%. The risk is higher during the third trimester of delivery, but cesarean section is preferred in patients with an
pregnancy due to the increase of the hemodynamic stress. aortic root > 4 cm because the risk for cardiac decompen-
During pregnancy and postpartum period, echocardiography sation is extremely high [22]. However, aortic dissection has
should be frequently performed, depending on the extent of been reported even in the absence of preexisting aortic root
the initial dilatation of the aortic root, in order to monitor dilatation [22].
the cardiovascular system and the possible progressive aortic Fluctuation in hemodynamic parameters secondary to
dilatation. pain and anxiety of labor may have negative effects on the
Beta-blockers reduce the risk of aortic dilatation and cardiovascular system; high blood pressure tends to develop
cardiac complications, but they seem to increase the tone and aortic aneurysms due to weakened vascular media in patients
uterine contractility, and they might reduce the flow in the with MFS, and myocardial ischemia and heart failure can
umbilical artery causing low birth weight infants. They were also be caused by an increased myocardial oxygen demand
not used in our pregnant woman. resulting in high blood pressure; thus, the main goal is
The dural ectasia is one of the major criteria for diagnosis to prevent high blood pressure [23]. For all these reasons,
of MFS and it is present in over 2/3 of adults affected cesarean section is frequently planned.
[14–16] and the prevalence of severe (degrees 2 and 3) The type of anesthesia has been discussed too. Gen-
involvement of dura mater was higher in patients harboring eral anesthesia causes blood pressure variations during
premature termination codon mutations compared to those intubation; therefore peripheral anesthesia seems preferable
carrying missense mutations [17]. It is hypothesized that, because of slow onset and gradual progression of epidural
in Marfan’s syndrome, the dura mater is weaker and, as block. Since the spontaneous birth determines increase in
a result, cerebrospinal fluid pulsation eventually leads to blood pressure during contractions, the use of epidural anal-
dural ectasia with gradual bone erosion. The dural ectasia gesia reduces pain, blood pressure, and heart rate. Cesarean
is characterized by a swelling of the dural sac and of the section was performed in our patient because she already had
spinal canal and, sometimes, of the nerve sheaths. Although a cesarean section.
it can occur along the entire channel, the most frequent In some studies, regional anesthesia has been practiced
site is the lumbosacral spine. The most common clinical successfully in MFS patients, both during labor analgesia
symptoms, which can be intensified by the supine position, and during cesarean section. Combined spinal-epidural anes-
are low back pain, headache, asthenia, decreased sensitivity thesia is preferred over general anesthesia for cesarean sec-
below and around the affected section, and, occasionally, tion in patents with MFS because combined spinal-epidural
rectal pain and/or discomfort in the genital area [16, 18]. anesthesia provides excellent hemodynamic stability, and
The extension of the dural expansion is variable; sometimes adequate postoperative pain control may be obtained via
the lesion is confined to focal dilation of the dural coating epidural analgesia. However, many cases of spinal anesthesia
of the nerve roots, near their exit from the spinal column: failure have been reported in Marfan patients, possibly
they are called “radicular cysts.” The chronic dilatation of the due to dural ectasia [24, 25]. Few cases of incorrect or
dural sac can also exert an erosive effect against adjacent bone inadequate spread of intrathecal local anesthetic in patients
structures of the spine. The indirect signs of bone damage can with this syndrome have been described. Lacassie et al.
be observed with radiographic test (Rx) and by examination [26] performed continuous spinal anesthesia in two patients
of Computed Tomography (CT). However, the gold standard with an incrementally increased dose of bupivacaine, but
for the evaluation of dural ectasia is RM, for the quality of they stopped further administration of bupivacaine after
anatomical detail and for its multiplanarity. The prevalence 21 ml for the fear of potential neurological damage. They
of dural ectasia in patients with MS is variable from 63% also reported an irregular distribution of spinal anesthesia
4 Case Reports in Obstetrics and Gynecology

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