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Neuropsychological Assessment

of Patients with Epilepsy 1

William B. Barr

functional strengths and weaknesses, and tracking

Introduction the effects of various treatments.
The goal of this chapter is to introduce the
Neuropsychological assessment provides essen- reader to many of the general issues relevant to
tial and unique information for diagnosing and neuropsychology as it applies to assessment of
managing patients with epilepsy. While the goal patients with epilepsy. It will begin with a brief
of most medical and neurological approaches is review of epilepsy and seizures and will continue
naturally to cease or reduce seizures, the symp- with a description of neuropsychological assess-
toms most commonly associated with epilepsy, ment of general adult patients (ages, 20–55) who
neuropsychology focuses more on understanding are evaluated in a medical or neurological setting.
and measuring disorders of cognition and behav- Chapters focusing on neuropsychological assess-
ior associated with epilepsy and using this infor- ment of patients from other age groups and those
mation to aid in diagnosis and treatment evaluated in a surgical and other settings will fol-
planning. low in this volume.
Neuropsychology provides, in many ways, the
most comprehensive approach to evaluating the
patient with epilepsy by allowing the clinician to Background
integrate medical, developmental, and social fac-
tors in coming to an understanding of how these Seizures and Epilepsy
factors influence cognitive and behavioral func-
tioning. With its occurrence in an estimated 1 % Epilepsy is a condition defined by both a combi-
of the population, epilepsy is a relatively com- nation of recurrent seizures and alterations in
mon disorder that is seen on a frequent basis by behavior (Engel & Pedley, 2008). It is important
most neuropsychologists in practice settings. to establish a basic understanding of epilepsy and
Clinical neuropsychologists also play important the seizures characterizing the disorder. Epilepsy
roles in epilepsy specialty centers by providing is a heterogeneous condition characterized by
information that is useful for diagnosis, outlining multiple seizure types. It is quite prevalent, with
statistics indicating that its occurrence is as com-
mon as breast cancer and other medical condi-
W.B. Barr, Ph.D., A.B.P.P. (*) tions receiving much more publicity. Among
Dept. Neurosurgery, New York University School
neurological conditions, it is more prevalent
of Medicine, 223 East 34th Street, New York,
NY, 10016, USA multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, cerebral
e-mail: palsy, and Parkinson’s disease combined. Public

W.B. Barr and C. Morrison (eds.), Handbook on the Neuropsychology of Epilepsy, 1

Clinical Handbooks in Neuropsychology, DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-92826-5_1,
© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
2 W.B. Barr

understanding of epilepsy remains poor despite Our understanding of epilepsy and seizures is
its prevalence. Much of this is the result of con- forever changing, due to ongoing developments in
tinuing stigma associated with epilepsy, dating science and technology. The International League
back to centuries old misconceptions about asso- Against Epilepsy (ILAE) is a multidisciplinary
ciations between seizures and supernatural phe- group of health care professionals that has been
nomena, including demonic possession. Medical responsible for providing some standardization to
professionals and patient advocacy groups have the terms that are used across the world for charac-
worked hard together to remove much of the terizing seizures and various epilepsy syndromes.
stigma associated with epilepsy. In the year 2010, the ILAE provided an important
The diagnosis of epilepsy is based on clinical update and revision to the concepts and terminol-
criteria, including the presence of recurring sei- ogy used for classification of seizures and epilep-
zures, with the neurophysiological basis of the sei- sies (Berg et al., 2010). A listing of the revised
zures confirmed through neurodiagnostic testing. classification of seizures is provided in Table 1.1.
Electroencephalography (EEG) is generally con- In the 2010 ILAE classification, one finds the
sidered the “gold standard” for diagnosing epi- well-known distinction between generalized sei-
lepsy. Neurologists trained in EEG are able to zures and focal seizures, differing in the charac-
identify the presence of epilepsy through analysis teristics of their underlying seizure networks,
of characteristic waveforms associated with sei- which are known to be bilaterally distributed in
zures. Information from the EEG can also be useful the case of generalized seizures and more local-
in localizing the onset of the seizures. Additional ized in focal seizures. Generalized seizures can
information is often provided through structural include tonic–clonic seizures, which is the most
brain imaging using computed tomographic (CT) obvious and dramatic symptom of epilepsy, in
or magnetic resonance (MR) technology, with the addition to more subtle types of generalized
latter known as providing the most detailed infor- seizures such as absence attacks and myoclonic
mation regarding neuroanatomic abnormalities seizures, which are seen mostly in childhood
associated with seizures. Functional brain imaging epilepsy syndromes.
with single photon emission computed tomogra- Terms such as “simple” and “complex” partial
phy (SPECT), positron emission tomography seizures have been dropped from the new classi-
(PET), or functional MRI (fMRI) can also provide
useful information regarding reductions in local-
Table 1.1 Classification of seizures—ILAE revised
ized blood flow and/or metabolism associated with (2010)
the location of the seizure focus. Interested readers
Generalized seizures
can go to Chaps. 7 and 8 for more information
Tonic–clonic (in any combination)
about those modalities.
It is important to remember, however, that epi-
lepsy is defined as a condition by its recurring sei- Atypical
zures. There are a number of situations, such as in Absence with special features
acute drug intoxication or CNS infection, where Myoclonic absence
one might develop a single seizure, but not have Eyelid myoclonia
epilepsy. Seizures in patients with epilepsy may Myoclonic
manifest in various forms. The terms used to Myoclonic
describe different types of seizures can be confus- Myoclonic atonic
ing at times, given the fact that many patients and Myoclonic tonic
even some health care professionals persist in using Clonic
outdated terms such as petit mal or grand mal to Tonic
describe variants of seizure activity. Use of these Atonic
older terms obscures many of the important etio- Focal seizures
logic, symptomatic, and neuroanatomic character- Unknown
Epileptic spasms
istics of seizures and should be avoided altogether.
1 Neuropsychological Assessment of Patients with Epilepsy 3

fication as a result of common misuse or mis- might experience changes in consciousness

understanding of those terms. The current accompanied by behaviors that seem out of their
classification makes much less specification control. These behavioral “automatisms” have
regarding focal seizures, placing more emphasis formed the basis of much debate on the role of
on describing these seizures based on features consciousness in behavior, both from a medical
that are most useful for a given purpose. The and legal perspective. Table 1.2 includes a sum-
symptomatic characteristics of focal seizures are mary of terms that are now used to describe the
varied and reflect functional characteristics asso- range of impairment associated with focal sei-
ciated with the brain region from which they zures. Neuropsychologists are urged to become
originate. For this reason, neuropsychologists familiar with the terminology from this table as a
and other professionals interested in the study of starting point for providing a full clinical descrip-
behavior have shown a marked interest in focal tion of the phenomena reported by their patients.
epilepsy and its tendency to provide a “window”
into underlying brain mechanisms.
Focal seizures often begin with an aura, which Epilepsy Syndromes
commonly reflects the anatomic origin of the
initial site of abnormal brain activity. Seizures In the past, clinicians evaluating and treating
originating in temporal or limbic zones will often patients with epilepsy focused primarily on seizure
be preceded by onset of a visceral feeling or types and EEG abnormalities when classifying vari-
behavioral manifestations involving cognition or ous forms of epilepsy. With technological develop-
emotion. For example, seizures originating from ments in brain imaging and molecular genetics,
the hippocampus are commonly characterized by clinicians now focus more on characterizing epi-
mnestic changes, such as the well-known déjà vu lepsy syndromes, which now extend beyond the
phenomenon whereas those involving the amyg- disorder’s electroclinical characteristics. A listing of
dala might have more of an affective component, the syndrome recognized by the ILAE is provided
such as the subjective feeling of fear. Auras ema- in Table 1.3. Neuropsychologists working with epi-
nating from more posterior brain regions might lepsy patients are encouraged to be well acquainted
involve somatosensory or visual changes associ- with these syndromes.
ated with parietal or occipital regions respec-
tively. Details regarding these auras provide
valuable information about the localization of the
Table 1.2 Descriptors of focal seizures according to
seizure onset in addition to helpful clues about
degree of impairment during seizure—ILAE Revised
the nature of the functional impairment that (2010)
might exist when the individual is not having
Without impairment of consciousness or awareness with
seizures. observable motor or autonomic components. This
The evolution of focal seizures can be varied in roughly corresponds to the concept of “simple partial
nature, with the variability reflecting the track of seizure.” “Focal motor” and “autonomic” are terms that
abnormal electrical activity through a complex may adequately convey this concept depending on the
seizure manifestations.
neural network involving subcortical and cortical
Involving subjective sensory or psychic phenomena only.
brain regions. Some seizures will not evolve This corresponds to the concept of an aura, a term
beyond the level of the aura, which makes them endorsed in the 2001 Glossary.
brief and simple in their characteristics. Other With impairment of consciousness or awareness. This
focal seizures will spread into a generalized roughly corresponds to the concept of complex partial
seizure. “Dyscognitive” is a term that has been proposed
tonic–clonic convulsion. In between these for this concept.
extremes, seizures will involve varying changes in Evolving to a bilateral, convulsive seizure (involving
consciousness, which are often difficult to charac- tonic, clonic, or tonic and clonic components). This
terize. In some cases, individuals are totally aware expression replaces the term “secondarily generalized
of their surroundings. In other cases, individuals seizure.”
4 W.B. Barr

Table 1.3 Electroclinical syndromes and other Table 1.3 (continued)

epilepsies—ILAE Revised (2010)
Electroclinical syndromes arranged by age at onset
Electroclinical syndromes arranged by age at onset Hemiconvulsion–hemiplegia–epilepsy
Neonatal period Epilepsies that do not fit into any of these diagnostic
Benign familial neonatal epilepsy (BFNE) categories can be distinguished first on the basis of the
Early myoclonic encephalopathy (EME) presence or absence of a known structural or metabolic
Ohtahara syndrome condition (presumed cause) and then on the basis of the
primary mode of seizure onset (generalized vs. focal)
Epilepsies attributed to and organized by structural-
Epilepsy of infancy with migrating focal seizures
metabolic causes
West syndrome
Malformations of cortical development
Myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (MEI) (hemimegalencephaly, heterotopias, etc.)
Benign infantile epilepsy Neurocutaneous syndromes (tuberous sclerosis
Benign familial infantile epilepsy complex, Sturge–Weber, etc.)
Dravet syndrome Tumor
Myoclonic encephalopathy in nonprogressive disorders Infection
Childhood Trauma
Febrile seizures plus (FS+) (can start in infancy) Angioma
Panayiotopoulos syndrome Perinatal insults
Epilepsy with myoclonic atonic (previously astatic) Stroke
seizures Etc.
Benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (BECTS) Epilepsies of unknown cause
Autosomal-dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy Conditions with epileptic seizures that are traditionally
(ADNFLE) not diagnosed as a form of epilepsy per se
Late onset childhood occipital epilepsy (Gastaut type) Benign neonatal seizures (BNS)
Epilepsy with myoclonic absences Febrile seizures (FS)
Lennox–Gastaut syndrome
Epileptic encephalopathy with continuous spike-and-
wave during sleep (CSWS)
Landau–Kleffner syndrome (LKS) A full discussion of the pediatric epilepsy syn-
Childhood absence epilepsy (CAE) dromes is beyond the scope of the current discus-
Adolescence—Adult sion. Excellent reviews of this material are
Juvenile absence epilepsy (JAE) provided in Chaps. 2 and 12. However, from the
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) perspective of a neuropsychologist working with
Epilepsy with generalized tonic–clonic seizures alone adults with epilepsy, it is important to remember
Progressive myoclonus epilepsies (PME) that many forms of the disorder are developmen-
Autosomal dominant epilepsy with auditory features
tal in nature, meaning that patients seen as adults
Other familial temporal lobe epilepsies
might have experienced one of these develop-
Less specific age relationship mental syndromes during childhood. This is par-
Familial focal epilepsy with variable foci (childhood to ticularly true for adults with focal epilepsy
adult) beginning in childhood secondary to perinatal
Reflex epilepsies stroke, brain tumor, traumatic brain injury, or any
Distinctive constellations one of a number of causes of localized brain dis-
Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal turbance. It is important to recognize that
sclerosis (MTLE with HS) cognitive deficits in these early onset cases will
Rasmussen syndrome
appear different from those in cases where sei-
Gelastic seizures with hypothalamic hamartoma
zures develop in adulthood. In other cases, epi-
(continued) lepsy syndromes resulting from genetic or
1 Neuropsychological Assessment of Patients with Epilepsy 5

metabolic causes will be exhibited in adults as lobe epilepsy (P. D. Williamson et al., 1993), is
causes of intellectual disability. It is clear that the often seen in individuals with a history of febrile
scope of the neuropsychological evaluation will convulsions, auras of a visceral nature, and sei-
be affected by specific characteristics and needs zures beginning in the first decade of life.
of the patient. Hippocampal sclerosis, a condition characterized
Most pediatric epilepsy syndromes character- by gliosis and atrophy of the hippocampus, is the
ized by the presence of absence or myoclonic sei- most common pathological feature. Patients with
zures do not extend into the adult years. There temporal lobe seizures originating from a more
are, however, some important exceptions. lateral neocortical onset often have auras involv-
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) is a form of ing illusory auditory or visual phenomena in
epilepsy developing in adolescence or early addition to more complex behavioral automa-
adulthood characterized by bilateral repetitive tisms (Pacia et al., 1996). The cause of epilepsy
myoclonic jerks occurring predominately in the in these cases is varied with etiologies ranging
upper extremities. These are, in many cases, from brain tumors, cortical dysplasia, to head
accompanied by generalized tonic–clonic sei- trauma.
zures and possibly absence attacks. While the From a neuropsychological standpoint,
condition is considered a form of generalized patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy are
epilepsy, neuropsychological studies find that known to have intact intelligence with particular
affected patients exhibit a pattern of neuropsy- deficits in word finding and memory retention
chological test performance characterized by (B. P. Hermann, Seidenberg, Schoenfeld, &
intellectual functioning within the average range Davies, 1997). Memory deficits in these patients
and deficits in executive functions including are believed to result from a primary disruption
planning, concept formation, and verbal fluency of consolidation processes secondary to the hip-
(Piazzini, Turner, Vignoli, Canger, & Canevini, pocampal pathology. These patients are thought
2008). More generalized patterns of neuropsy- to differ on a neuropsychological basis from
chological dysfunction have been identified in patients with lateral temporal lobe seizures, who
patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy are thought to exhibit more difficulty with mem-
(Shehata & Bateh Ael, 2009). There is now inter- ory encoding in addition to a more pronounced
est in determining whether there are, in fact, impairment in naming skills (Hamberger, Seidel,
structural brain abnormalities in patients with Goodman, Perrine, & McKhann, 2003).
generalized epilepsies that might provide an Frontal lobe epilepsy is the second most fre-
explanation as to why some forms, such as JME, quently observed form of focal epilepsy. Seizures
show more localized patterns of neuropsycho- in patients with frontal lobe seizures include a
logical dysfunction. combination of unusual movements and/or vocal-
Neuropsychologists working with epilepsy izations often accompanied by abnormal motor
patients should become very familiar with focal activity (Patrikelis, Angelakis, & Gatzonis,
epilepsy syndromes as these are seen in more 2009). Like temporal lobe epilepsy, one encoun-
than half (60 %) of patients with epilepsy and are ters seizures manifested specifically by changes
those most often referred for assessment of cog- in awareness or consciousness, previously
nitive functioning. Temporal lobe epilepsy is the referred to as complex partial seizures.
most well known and frequent of the focal epi- Differentiating patients with frontal lobe epilepsy
lepsy syndromes, occurring in approximately from those with temporal lobe epilepsy based on
70–90 %. Most of these patients demonstrate an neuropsychological testing has proven more dif-
onset of seizures emanating from the medial tem- ficult than what was suggested by the early litera-
poral lobe region, involving structures such as the ture (Barr & Goldberg, 2003; B. P. Hermann,
hippocampus and amygdala. This form of the Wyler, & Richey, 1988; Milner, 1964). However,
disorder, often referred to as mesial temporal there is now published evidence indicating that
6 W.B. Barr

patients with frontal lobe epilepsy exhibit more irritability, they also have a simultaneous effect on
impairment in motor programming and deficits neuronal excitability, which has the potential to
on tests of response inhibition (Helmstaedter, reduce cognitive efficiency. Many of the most
Gleibner, Zentner, & Elger, 1998). commonly used AEDs, their indications, and their
Seizure localization in posterior cortical effects on cognition are listed in Table 1.4. There
regions is much less common than those originat- is an interesting history to some of the older drugs,
ing from the temporal and frontal lobes. Given where their effectiveness for reducing seizures
the infrequency of the posterior cortical epilep- was identified “accidentally” in laboratory studies
sies they are often lumped into a general classifi- with animal models. While these drugs are known
cation of “extratemporal seizures.” Seizures to be effective in treating multiple types of sei-
originating from the occipital lobe are character- zures in humans, they are also known to have sig-
ized by visual auras, eye blinking, alterations in nificant effects on cognition, which was not a
consciousness, and motor phenomena (Jobst focus of study when the use of these drugs was
et al., 2010). Those with an onset in the parietal first initiated. As a result, many of the newer
lobe are often accompanied by somatosensory AEDs were developed with the goal of modulat-
phenomena but little else that is specific to a dis- ing alternative neuronal mechanisms with the ulti-
ruption of that part of the brain (P. D. Williamson mate goal of improving seizure reduction with
et al., 1992). Deficits in attention and processing minimal effects on cognition.
speed are seen in some patients with occipital Many patients require treatment with more
lobe seizures, but neuropsychological evidence than one AED to achieve adequate seizure con-
of disruption of higher or visuoperceptual or lan- trol. Clinicians prescribing these medications
guage functions associated with focal seizures must consider the balance between the need to
originating from the posterior cortex is mixed minimize seizure recurrence and the desire to
(Guerrini et al., 1997). reduce side effects as polypharmacy is the num-
It is important to remember that focal epilepsy ber one treatment factor known to affect cogni-
can be the result of any one of a number of differ- tive functioning (Loring, Marino, & Meador,
ent pathological processes. Brain tumor is the 2007). Surprisingly little is known about the pro-
second most frequent cause of seizures. Stroke is file of cognitive side effects associated with spe-
another common cause of epilepsy with seizures cific AEDs. Most of this is the result of the
known to develop at a higher rate following
embolic events and from cerebrovascular events
Table 1.4 Cognitive side effects of antiepileptic drugs
involving the middle cerebral artery. While neu- (AEDs)
ropsychological profiles in patients with seizures
Epilepsy type Cognitive effects
resulting from one of these conditions are clearly
Older AEDs
influenced by lesion location, one must also con-
Phenobarbital Generalized, focal Significant
sider the influence of seizure variables, medica-
Phenytoin Focal, generalized Moderate
tion effects, and other medical and emotional Carbamazepine Focal Moderate
characteristics of the patient (Morrison & Sodium valproate Generalized, focal Moderate
Nakhutina, 2007). Newer AEDs
Felbatol Focal Mild
Lamotrigine Generalized, focal Mild
Treatment of Epilepsy Vigabatrin Focal, generalized Mild
Gabapentin Focal Mild
Nearly every patient with an established diagnosis Topiramate Focal, generalized Moderate
of epilepsy will undergo some form of medication Tiagabine Focal Mild
management with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Oxcarbazepine Focal, generalized Mild
While these drugs are known to be effective in Zonisamide Focal Mild
reducing seizures through effects on neuronal Levetiracetam Focal, generalized Mild
1 Neuropsychological Assessment of Patients with Epilepsy 7

multitude of methodological challenges one emphasize that, based on results of experimental

faces when attempting to conduct controlled studies, the AED effects on cognition are known to
studies on AEDs in patient samples (Kwan & be minimal. The clinician should also inform them
Brodie, 2001). Some of this has been the result of that the initial cause of the epilepsy and the ongo-
a failure of neuropsychology, as a field, to agree ing effects of seizures are likely to be exerting an
upon a set of measures to evaluate cognitive effect on their cognition and that their subjective
functions in randomized controlled drug trials, sense of attention or memory disturbance is not
much in the manner that the Alzheimer’s Disease likely to be caused solely by the drugs they are tak-
Assessment Scale – cognitive subscale (ADAS- ing. They also need to be reminded that while the
Cog) is used in Alzheimer’s disease studies drugs are known to have some side effects, these
(Mohs et al., 1997). are likely to be minimal in comparison to the
What is known from existing research is that decline in cognitive functioning that would poten-
the newer drugs have less severe side effects than tially result if one were to discontinue medication
the older drugs. It is generally known that pheno- management altogether, which would lead to
barbital is the drug with the most potent cognitive uncontrolled seizures in many patients taking
side effects. Based on the older literature, it has AEDs and the possibility of a steady decline in
generally been assumed that other drugs, such as cognitive functioning.
phenytoin and carbamazepine, have more moder- While most patients with epilepsy achieve ade-
ate level effects on attention, processing speed, quate seizure control with AED treatment, there
and memory retrieval. At one point, investigators remain a substantial number who become “drug-
were arguing whether these drugs’ influence on resistant,” which is defined as a failure following
processing speed was the primary result of atten- an appropriate trial of two (or more) appropriately
tional or motoric factors (Dodrill, 1975, 1992; used medications. It is now estimated that 30–40 %
Trimble & Thompson, 1983). of patients will eventually become refractory to
Findings on newer AEDs have shown more treatment, defined by medical terms (Kwan,
generalized effects on cognitive functioning. Schachter, & Brodie, 2011). One must also con-
Many note that some drugs, such as lamotrigine, sider a number of other factors when determining
have only minor CNS side effects in addition to whether an individual has reached a treatment
some “alerting” properties associated with bene- refractory state. One of these involves whether the
ficial effects on mood (Kwan & Brodie, 2001; patient has “socially disabling” seizures, which are
Loring et al., 2007). Topiramate, an extremely seizures that reach a point where they have a
effective antiepileptic agent, is the one among the marked detrimental effect on one’s lifestyle. It is
newer drugs that stands out as having differential important to recognize that some patients, possi-
effects than the other newer drugs. Patients tak- bly in the context of intellectual disability, can tol-
ing this drug have been described as having more erate the occurrence of daily seizures, if they are
effects on cognition than other drugs with addi- residing in a safe and supportive environment.
tional effects reported on executive functions and Other patients, such as those working in profes-
language skills including naming and verbal flu- sional roles or with family responsibilities, might
ency. It has been demonstrated that these effects not be able to tolerate one seizure per year without
can be reduced with careful titration and minimal sustaining a substantial disruption on their lives. It
dosing, when possible (Loring, Williamson, is important to realize that cognitive functioning,
Meador, Wiegand, & Hulihan, 2011). as assessed through neuropsychological testing,
In practice, neuropsychologists need to recog- can provide significant information in helping to
nize that patients with epilepsy will require vari- determine whether patients are achieving optimal
able levels and types of medications to control their treatment of their seizures.
seizures. Some patients tend to report more cogni- There are a number of alternatives to drug
tive side effects than others. In counseling patients treatment for epilepsy, although most are used in
receiving medication management, one should combination with drugs in the majority of cases.
8 W.B. Barr

Surgery is the most well known of these associate neuropsychologists with assessment
treatments, with results demonstrating that sig- services, the role they play in specialized epi-
nificant relief from seizures can be obtained in lepsy centers often extends far beyond testing. As
approximately 70 % of patients undergoing sur- found in many clinical settings, neuropsycholo-
gical resection of the epileptic focus (Wiebe, gists are valued for their ability to integrate infor-
Blume, Girvin, Eliasziw, & Effectiveness and mation obtained through various sources. As a
Efficiency of Surgery for Temporal Lobe Epilepsy result, they are often the only clinicians present
Study Group, 2001). However, it is recognized on the team who are in a position to provide a
that there is risk to decline in verbal memory and comprehensive and balanced description of the
naming following these procedures, with greater patient based on their medical, cognitive,
levels of impairment observed in those undergo- emotional, and psychosocial characteristics.
ing left side surgery (Sherman et al., 2011). More Neuropsychologists are also able to provide valu-
details about the neuropsychological aspects of able input to the treatment team by taking into
epilepsy surgery can be found in Chap. 4. Vagal account unique characteristics of the patient’s
nerve stimulation is another one of the other social and cultural background when making
available nondrug treatments involving surgical clinical recommendations.
placement of a programmable pulse generator in There are numerous reasons to conduct a neu-
the patient’s chest. While the efficacy of this ropsychological assessment on a patient with epi-
treatment is considered somewhat modest, there lepsy. Some of these recommended by the NAEC
have been some suggestions that it has less of an are listed in Table 1.5. While most attention is
effect on cognitive functioning with possible typically based on assessment for epilepsy sur-
improvement seen in some patients. Information gery (see Chap. 4), there are many other questions
about cognitive functions associated with some that can be addressed by performing neuropsy-
of the newer epilepsy treatments such as electri- chological testing on a patient with epilepsy.
cal or pharmacological stimulation is currently Neuropsychological assessment is often
limited. requested in situations when there is a need to
know a patient’s particular strengths and weak-
nesses. This knowledge will be put to use in dif-
Neuropsychological Assessment ferent ways depending on the patient’s age and
the context of their daily activities. For example,
Clinical neuropsychologists are considered a student in college might need this information
essential members of the interdisciplinary teams to receive academic accommodations while
found at most epilepsy centers. In fact, guidelines another patient might benefit from receiving
established by the National Association of
Epilepsy Centers consider doctoral level neuro- Table 1.5 Guidelines for neuropsychological services:
psychologist among the staff members recom- National Association of Epilepsy Centers (NAEC, 2010)
mended for staffing at all Level 3 and 4 epilepsy 1. Comprehensive neuropsychological test batteries for:
specialty centers (NAEC Guidelines, 2010). The (a) Evaluation of cerebral dysfunction for vocational
guidelines encourage neuropsychologists work- and rehabilitative services.
ing in these settings to have postdoctoral training (b) Localization of cerebral dysfunction in evaluation
in neuropsychology with specific experience in for epilepsy surgery.
using neuropsychological tests for evaluation of (c) Basic assessment of characterological and
psychopathological issues.
epilepsy surgery along with a background in
2. An established referral arrangement for
interpreting results of intracarotid amobarbital comprehensive management of psychogenic
procedures (Wada Tests). nonepileptic events.
Neuropsychologists play a number of impor- 3. Clinical psychological services for assessment and
tant roles in an epilepsy center by virtue of the basic treatment of emotional disorders associated with
unique training they have received. While many chronic epilepsy.
1 Neuropsychological Assessment of Patients with Epilepsy 9

information from testing to guide vocational that will either be confirmed or disconfirmed
planning. Other patients complaining of cogni- through the results of formal testing. In a patient
tive difficulties will appear for testing with the with epilepsy, the clinical interview provides an
goal of verifying whether their subjective sense occasion for the neuropsychologist to pose ques-
of memory or concentration impairment is “real” tions directly to the patient regarding the charac-
and finding if there is a way that something can teristics of their seizures in addition to how the
be done to reduce it. seizures affect their cognitive and behavioral
Evaluations by neuropsychologists are also functioning.
commonly obtained when the treatment team Before considering the elements of a clinical
desires input on cognition to help in making a dif- interview with an epilepsy patient, it is useful to
ferential diagnosis. This information might come present a model for understanding how epilepsy
in handy when there is a need to determine affects behavior and cognition. In a comprehen-
whether a geriatric patient’s reported memory dis- sive review published in 1984, Bruce Hermann
turbance is related more to the influence of ongo- and Steven Whitman provided a model for under-
ing seizures or to the effects of an underlying standing epilepsy’s effects on behavior and per-
neurodegenerative process such as Alzheimer’s sonality, which can be adapted easily to explain
disease. In other cases, testing can be useful in cognitive factors (B. P. Hermann & Whitman,
monitoring effects of nonsurgical treatments such 1984). The model conceptualizes behavior in
as the side effects of medications. patients with epilepsy as influenced by various
While neuropsychological assessment of a effects, beginning with brain-related factors, such
patient with epilepsy generally focuses on evalu- as the initial cause of the epilepsy or the effects of
ation of cognitive functions it is important to rec- seizures. Secondly, one must consider treatment
ognize that clinicians working in epilepsy centers effects, particularly the influence of AEDs and
also play a role in addressing mental health surgery. Lastly, one needs to acknowledge that
issues. As listed in Table 1.5, neuropsychologists various “non-brain” variables will affect behav-
often play a significant role in evaluating and ior, including social variables and the effects of
treating patients with psychological nonepileptic mood. Figure 1.1 provides a depiction of the rela-
seizures (PNES) and other types of psychiatric tive contributions of these various factors.
disorders. Details regarding these types of evalu- Characterizing the effects of these three variables
ations are provided in Chaps. 9 and 11. on cognition can be very helpful to clinicians
when attempting to integrate information rele-
vant to the assessment and when providing feed-
Clinical Interview back to patients regarding the effects of the
epilepsy on their attention and memory
Many consider the neuropsychologist’s clinical functioning.
interview to be the most important component of When beginning the interview, the
the assessment process. In many cases, it is the neuropsychologist should start with a description
opportunity for the clinician to obtain a direct of the nature and purposes of the testing. The
description of symptoms and important historical examinee must have the ability to provide
elements while observing the patient’s behavior informed consent to proceed with the evaluation,
in an open-ended condition. The Russian neuro- consistent with the ethical principles of the
psychologist, A.R. Luria, emphasized the “pre- American Psychological Association (APA,
liminary conversation” as the point where the 2002). During this point of the evaluation pro-
clinician develops initial theories about the cess, the examiner should be in a position to
patient and his or her condition that will guide the address any questions the patient might have
choice of assessment procedures (Luria, 1966). about the testing or their condition and life in
The interview often serves as the time when the general. It is also important to inform the patient
clinician arrives at a set of relevant hypotheses that a report will be prepared and will be sent to
10 W.B. Barr

Fig. 1.1 Factors contribut-

ing to cognitive and
behavioral impairment in
epilepsy (from Kwan &
Brodie, 2001. Reproduced
with permission)

the referring party. One might also ask whether assessment (Thompson & Corcoran, 1992).
the report should be sent to any other parties and However, the clinician should always remember
what arrangements will be made to provide direct that patients and referral sources are not psychol-
feedback to the patient regarding the final results. ogists and, as a result of a lack of knowledge, may
The information-gathering portion of the inter- refer to cognitive difficulties more generally as
view should begin with the patient’s subjective memory difficulties in cases when attention or
description of their symptoms and how the symp- executive functions are the actual domains that
toms affect their daily lives. Based on research are affected. One will encounter many cases
findings, we know that approximately 70 % of where a patient with epilepsy will complain of
patients with epilepsy experience a subjective dis- memory difficulties and it is discovered that their
turbance of memory, making this the most com- major problem is more consistent with impair-
mon cause for a referral for neuropsychological ment in executive functions such as organization
1 Neuropsychological Assessment of Patients with Epilepsy 11

or planning. A guided description of the patient’s have on neuropsychological test performance.

symptoms and the context in which they arise will From a neuropsychological perspective it is impor-
provide the neuropsychologist with valuable tant to estimate the age of onset of the epilepsy, as
insights into the presenting problem. it is known that an onset of seizures early in life
After coming to an understanding of the will have a more generalized and detrimental
patient’s cognitive complaints it is important to effect on test performance (Dikmen, Matthews, &
turn to their seizure history. To begin with, it is Harley, 1975; Elger, Helmstaedter, & Kurthen,
important to have a good idea of when the sei- 2004). In terms of seizure type, it is clear that gen-
zures began. While this might be assumed to be eralized tonic–clonic seizures provide a greater
when the patient first came to medical attention, impact on neuropsychological functioning than
that is not likely to be the exact point when the other types of focal seizures (Dodrill, 1986). It is
seizures first appeared. Many patients will also important to determine whether the patient
describe unusual experiences occurring during has ever experienced status epilepticus, a condi-
their lifetime that, in retrospect, were likely to tion characterized by prolonged or clustered sei-
have been the effects of focal seizures, long zures, which is known to provide a significant
before they received medical treatment. It also long-term disruption to memory and other func-
helps to differentiate when in life the patient tions in some patients (Dodrill & Wilensky, 1990).
developed habitual seizures, as opposed to other Patients often have a difficult time quantifying
types of seizures that had appeared at some point the frequency and severity of their seizures.
during their lifetime. In this context, it is impor- While many are asked to keep a diary on their
tant, for example, to determine whether a patient seizure activity, these are often found to be inac-
ever experienced a febrile seizure during infancy curate as a result of the fact that some patients are
or early childhood (<3 years), which is known to not aware that a seizure has occurred and, with-
be a strong risk factor for mesial temporal epi- out the help of a reliable collateral informant,
lepsy in a patient presenting later in life with a might not be able to specify how many seizures
history of focal seizures. they are having with any acceptable degree of
At some point, the interview will turn to the reliability. While it is clear that having frequent
patient’s own description of their seizures. It is seizures is not good for one’s cognitive function-
often useful to obtain these descriptions in spite ing, it is not totally clear how “seizure burden,” a
of the fact that the medical record might contain concept designed to capture a combination of sei-
detailed information on their seizure history. As zure type and frequency, affects performance on
in other contexts, it is often good to go back to the neuropsychological testing. Further research on
original source for a full description. Coming to this topic is clearly needed.
an understanding of the patient’s subjective A good clinical interview will also address the
account of the seizure, as opposed to what others etiology of the epilepsy, as this is likely to have a
have told them, will help the interviewer deter- major impact on neuropsychological functioning,
mine to what degree consciousness is affected independent of the effects of seizures. This should
during the seizure and whether there are any spe- start with a detailed neurodevelopmental history,
cific subjective phenomena that might provide beginning with details on the patient’s birth and
clues to localization. Negative information, such early maturation. This will include information
as the patient claiming to be totally amnestic for regarding the age at which the patient began walk-
the seizures, can also be extremely helpful, as it ing and talking. One will also want to learn details
has been shown that those who are amnestic for of the patient’s school history and whether there
seizure activity are more likely to experience was any evidence of learning disability (LD) or
bitemporal abnormalities on EEG (Palmini, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Gloor, & Jones-Gotman, 1992). identified by parents, school, or medical person-
A number of studies over the past 40 years have nel. Information regarding the patient’s favorite
examined the effects that various seizure variables subjects in school, or those subjects they disliked
12 W.B. Barr

immensely, has the potential of providing valuable the patient is taking any other medications for
input to cognitive deficits that might have origi- other physical illnesses or ailments with a poten-
nated in childhood. It is also important to learn tial for similar side effects. The interviewer
about the patient’s social development, in terms of should be aware if there is a family history of epi-
their ability to establish friendships and peer rela- lepsy or any other types of family based neuro-
tionships. One might also ask if they remember logical or neuropsychiatric disorders. As with
being bullied or excluded from activities as a result any evaluation, the clinician should determine
of their seizures. whether there is any history of alcohol or drug
In patients with a history of focal seizures, it is abuse.
important to obtain medical information on the Patients with epilepsy are known to have a
causative factor, as this will also have a likely higher rate of mental illness than the general pop-
impact on neuropsychological functioning. In ulation. This topic is covered in detail in Chap. 9.
those patients with a history of brain tumor, one It is estimated that approximately 30 % of patients
should understand when symptoms of the tumor with epilepsy will encounter depression at some
first appeared and whether that coincided with point in their lives (Kanner, 2013). A substantial
the onset of epilepsy. One must also know the number of patients with epilepsy also experience
pathological type and grade of the tumor in addi- anxiety disorders. Clinicians should ask whether
tion to whether any surgery has been performed. the patient has ever been under any form of psy-
In cases of traumatic brain injury (TBI), it is nec- chological or psychiatric treatment. The neuro-
essary to gain information on the nature of the psychologist will need to conduct a detailed
initial injury, including whether there was a loss assessment of mood disorder symptoms during
of consciousness, post-traumatic amnesia, or the clinical interview and should be in a position
coma. One must come to an understanding of the to refer for psychiatric treatment, if indicated.
overall severity of the injury, as it is clear that While seen more rarely, one should also be on the
epilepsy will occur much more frequently fol- lookout for the presence of psychotic symptoms,
lowing a severe level of TBI as opposed to mild either emerging in the context of seizure clusters
TBI (Lowenstein, 2009). Neuropsychologists or occurring totally independent of seizure
will also need to obtain details regarding illness activity.
and onset of seizures in patients with epilepsies It is helpful to learn details about the patient’s
resulting from infectious and other medical social background. One might ask questions on
causes. where they were born and raised. At this point,
One must always remember that a patient with one can get information about the family back-
epilepsy is first and foremost a person living their ground, including the number of siblings. It is
life who will face the same medical, psycho- often helpful to know details about family mem-
logical, and social factors that affect all other bers and their educational and occupational
individuals undergoing a neuropsychological backgrounds. As a result of the condition and its
evaluation. The clinician must be in a position to effects on cognition and education, some patients
determine whether there are any ongoing medical with epilepsy may be prone to feeling as if they
factors, such as hypertension, hypercholesterol- have achieved less than others in their family,
emia, diabetes, or cardiac abnormalities that which can have an effect on them from a psycho-
might affect the patient’s neuropsychological social perspective.
functioning. One must know whether the patient It is very important for the neuropsychologist
has undergone any type of surgical procedure, to have a full understanding of the patient’s cul-
whether or not it is related to treatment for epi- tural background before proceeding with the
lepsy. It is important to have information on the evaluation. One must know first whether English
full regimen of medications the patient is taking. is the patient’s native language. The vast majority
While the cognitive side effects of AEDs are of neuropsychological tests used in North
reviewed above, one must also determine whether America are developed and normed in English.
1 Neuropsychological Assessment of Patients with Epilepsy 13

When planning the evaluation, it is important to rather broad and encompasses test selection,
understand whether or not the patient can com- interpretation of the data, and integrating the
plete the testing with the use of standard instru- findings with clinical information obtained from
ments, or whether testing in their native language other sources. One must not confuse the assess-
will be required. More detailed discussion of this ment process with that of test administration,
issue is provided in Chap. 14. Secondly, it is which is clearly an important component of the
known that patients’ and families’ understanding overall assessment process, but requires less
and perception of illness and seizures varies extensive training with heavy reliance on proce-
widely among cultures. Neuropsychologists, by dural guidelines provided in test manuals.
virtue of their specialized training, are in a posi- It is recognized that professional preparation
tion to recognize many of these factors and inte- for practice in neuropsychological assessment
grate them into their evaluation and interpretation requires extensive coursework and clinical train-
of the test findings. ing in neuropsychology and knowledge about
Turning back to the patient, it is helpful to learn epilepsy syndromes and effects of seizures and
details about their educational history. One will treatments on cognitive functions. In terms of
also want to obtain a detailed occupational history education and training, this typically requires a
with emphasis on how seizures and cognitive doctoral degree in professional psychology (e.g.,
effects were expressed during the course of the Ph.D. or Psy.D.), clinical training in generic clin-
individual’s employment and how employers, ical psychology, and 2 years of postdoctoral
supervisors, and coworkers reacted to these issues. training in clinical neuropsychology.
It is often helpful to break down the patient’s Practice in clinical neuropsychology requires
workday and activities to determine if any work- a professional license in psychology, consistent
place accommodations are warranted if supported with local state or provincial laws. The scope of
by the neuropsychological test findings. knowledge and skills required for effective prac-
Finally, one will want to know details about tice in clinical neuropsychology, with its focus on
the patient’s home and social life. Asking about the study of the science of psychology, statistical
who is living with the patient in their current methods, and psychometrics, is distinctly differ-
home environment is a good way to address rela- ent from the education and training obtained in
tionship issues without any ties to traditional val- receipt of a typical medical degree or in other
ues. It is important to understand the quality of health care fields, which do not include a compa-
relationships and how these individuals react and rable level of education in any of these topics. It
support the patient in terms of their epilepsy. At is becoming more and more common for clinical
this point, one might also obtain information neuropsychologists to obtain board certification
about the patient’s interests and their daily activi- (e.g., ABCN) to formally document their training
ties. One might also query on how seizures and/ and proficiency. Commensurate with the medical
or cognitive issues affect their ability to perform model and the expectations made of our physi-
and enjoy these activities. cian colleagues, obtaining board certification is
highly recommended for those planning to work
in comprehensive epilepsy centers.
Neuropsychological Testing Results from professional surveys indicate that
over 50 % of neuropsychologists utilize ancillary
Background on Testing staff, such as graduate school trainees or techni-
While the specific roles that clinical neuropsy- cians, to administer neuropsychological tests
chologists will play in each epilepsy center might under their direct supervision (Sweet, Meyer,
vary, their responsibilities will almost always Nelson, & Moberg, 2011). Results of a survey
include neuropsychological assessment as a pri- conducted on neuropsychologists practicing specifi-
mary function. It is important to remember that cally in epilepsy centers indicate that 63 % employ
the process of neuropsychological assessment is technicians to assist with test administration
14 W.B. Barr

(Djordjevic & Jones-Gotman, 2011). The process can be identified in adults with epilepsy with
is analogous to that of a radiologist who interprets duration of illness appearing to be the most reli-
images produced from the work of a technician able predictor of its occurrence (Seidenberg,
rather than obtaining the images directly. The pro- Pulsipher, & Hermann, 2007). More detailed
fessional component lies in the interpretation and information about this issue can be found in
communication of the results, rather than from Chap. 3. Scores from neuropsychological testing
collecting the data. This practice, when used by naturally provide the optimal data for addressing
neuropsychologists, is recognized legislatively in this issue. Empirical documentation of cognitive
nearly every state and is reimbursed by third-party decline can be provided by demonstrating a sta-
payers across the country including the Centers tistically rare discrepancy between current test
for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) with performance and measures used to estimate
specific Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) expected “premorbid” levels of functioning or
codes (e.g., CPT code 96119). Interested readers through demonstrating on repeat testing that the
can obtain further details about the use of techni- interval change in test scores exceeds what is
cians in neuropsychological testing through pub- expected by “chance” or as a result of “practice
lished statements provided by professional effects.” Clinicians using neuropsychological
organizations including Division 40 of the APA tests to address these questions must therefore be
(APA Division 40, 1991), the National Academy adept at using psychometric principles for inter-
of Neuropsychology [NAN, (Puente, Adams, preting base rates of discrepancy between test
Barr, Bush, & N. P. P. Committee, 2006)], and the scores and formal statistical methods for assess-
American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology ing changes in test scores over time.
(AACN, 1999). Based on contents of the clinical descriptive
Neuropsychological tests provide an empiri- literature, we are well aware that patients with
cally based method for evaluating and measuring epilepsy can exhibit “normal” levels of intellec-
cognition and behavior. Successful use of these tual functioning while experiencing specific defi-
tests requires adherence to standardized admin- cits in cognitive areas such as attention, executive
istration guidelines and the proper use of psy- functions, and/or memory. However, identifying
chometric and normative principles when specific weaknesses in cognitive functioning in a
interpreting the results. The guidelines for neu- valid and reliable manner through neuropsycho-
ropsychological services provided in Table 1.5 logical testing can be a challenge to even the
above include general reasons for administering most seasoned clinical neuropsychologist. When
test batteries. However, from a purely empirical using a comprehensive battery of tests, one must
basis, the information provided by standardized be very careful to avoid making a Type I statistical
testing is most useful in advising the treatment error resulting from erroneously identifying a
team regarding three basic questions: (1) has deficit based on what might be statistically
there been a general decline in the patient’s level “chance” findings. The field of neuropsychology
of intellectual functioning, (2) are there weak- has been paying more attention to this issue in
nesses or impairments in specific aspects of cog- recent years with an increasing number of pub-
nitive functioning, and (3) has there been a lished papers demonstrating the frequency of
relevant and identifiable change in performance “abnormal” test scores found in healthy control
or functioning on testing performed between samples who have completed neuropsychologi-
Time 1 and Time 2? cal testing (Binder, Iverson, & Brooks, 2009;
Clinicians treating patients with epilepsy are Schretlen, Testa, Winicki, Pearlson, & Gordon,
very interested in knowing whether a given 2008). Neuropsychologists working in epilepsy
patient is experiencing any form of cognitive centers must be aware of these base rates of abnor-
decline that can be attributed to the epilepsy or mal test findings and exercise care when reviewing
seizures. Results from longitudinal studies indi- a sheet of scores from a neuropsychological test
cate that a progressive pattern of cognitive decline battery by making sure that a sufficient number of
1 Neuropsychological Assessment of Patients with Epilepsy 15

scores are in the abnormal range and that the hybrid approach to assessment is now used by the
pattern of abnormal scores fit some reasonable majority of practicing neuropsychologists, char-
conception of an identifiable cognitive deficit. acterized by what is termed as a flexible battery
One of the most powerful uses of neuropsy- of tests, chosen for use with specific patient
chological testing is to identify the presence of groups. This approach is based on the use of a
cognitive changes over time. Making inferences core battery of tests with various patient groups
from changes in test scores obtained over two or supplemented by adding or subtracting certain
more evaluations provides information that is tests from the battery depending on characteris-
useful for measuring treatment effects from tics and needs of the patient. This is the approach
medication and/or surgery and, as discussed recommended for use when evaluating patients
above, can be helpful in identifying changes with epilepsy.
associated with a pattern of cognitive decline. A neuropsychological test battery for epi-
Neuropsychologists working in the field of epi- lepsy, based significantly on use of measures
lepsy have been at the forefront of developing from the HRNB, was developed by Carl Dodrill
empirical methods for assessing interval change. in the 1980s (Dodrill, 1978). However, based on
Valuable information from a pioneering set of results from experimental studies on cognition in
studies performed in the 1990s has been used to epilepsy, most clinicians evaluating patients with
determine “normal” patterns of change over time epilepsy using a flexible battery of tests for assess-
in samples of epilepsy patients using a variety of ment of adults are encouraged to include measures
different tests (Chelune, Naugle, Luders, & of general intelligence, attention, executive func-
Awad, 1991; B. P. Hermann et al., 1996). Data tions, language, and memory. There is currently
from these studies, combined with empirical no universally accepted battery of tests. Common
methods for assessing change, such as the reli- with traditions in neuropsychology, individuals
able change index (RCI) and standardized from various centers tend to use tests that are
regression-based (SRB) methods, have provided most familiar to them based on a number of
the field with a statistically rigorous methodol- scientific and nonscientific factors including the
ogy for assessing change associated with drug preference of their clinical supervisors. This has
treatment, surgery, and other factors (Barr, 2002). led to differences in test usage based on the
Neuropsychologists are encouraged to use this regional location of the epilepsy center. There are
information when assessing changes in their efforts in the field of neuropsychology to phase
patients. out the tendency to choose tests based on comfort
level in favor of selecting a set of measures that
Neuropsychological Test Battery has been validated for clinical decision-making
There is no universally accepted approach to con- through empirical research (Chelune, 2010).
ducting a neuropsychological assessment in epi- Clinicians aiming to develop a clinical test bat-
lepsy patients or in those with any other clinical tery are often informed by learning which tests
condition. Over the years, methodological are used by their colleagues. Several surveys of
approaches to neuropsychological testing have fluc- neuropsychological test usage among clinicians
tuated between an emphasis on purely empirical or have been published (Rabin, Barr, & Burton,
quantitative methods, such as that which is charac- 2005), including some conducted on neuropsy-
terized by use of a fixed-standardized approach chologists working in specialized epilepsy cen-
such as the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological ters. Djordjevic and Jones-Gotman (2011)
Test Battery (HRNB) (Reitan & Wolfson, 1985) conducted a recent survey from 75 respondents
and an emphasis on purely flexible approach working in epilepsy centers spanning across 17
using clinical or qualitative methods, such as countries, with the majority (65 %) of them from
what might be found using the Boston Process North America. The results of the survey are listed
Approach (Kaplan, 1988) to assessment. in Table 1.6. The findings demonstrate that, on
However, according to recent surveys, a more average, the duration of neuropsychological
16 W.B. Barr

Table 1.6 Summary of survey of neuropsychological The lack of a standardized battery of neuro-
test usage among neuropsychologists working in special-
psychological tests has posed a problem for epi-
ized epilepsy centers (Djordjevic & Jones-Gotman, 2011)
lepsy investigators attempting to conduct
Domain Many use large-scale multicenter investigations of cogni-
Most use (>50 %) (20–50 %)
tion or medication side effects. Recent recom-
Intelligence WAIS/WASI
Attention WAIS Digit Span Letter-Number
mendations for a standardized set of tests have
Sequencing been made by a subcommittee of the National
WAIS Digit WMS Spatial Span Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Symbol (NINDS) of the Common Data Elements (CDE)
Trail making Test Project in Epilepsy (Loring, Lowenstein, et al.,
Executive WCST Stroop 2011). The aim of this group was to produce a
Letter Fluency battery of tests that would enable some form of
standardized data collection to facilitate direct
Category Fluency
comparisons across studies and to enable data
Motor Grooved Pegboard Finger Tapping
pooling in NINDS-funded studies. The commit-
Motor Strength
Language Boston Naming Token Test
tee chose tests with the goal of capturing relevant
Test areas of cognitive functioning across a variety of
WAIS Vocabulary WRAT epilepsy syndromes. Tests were more likely to be
Visuospatial WAIS Block Judgment of Line included if there was evidence of widespread use
Design Orientation in epilepsy studies and if the test is in the public
WAIS Picture Facial Recognition domain. A listing of the recommended CDE bat-
Completion Test
tery is provided in Table 1.7.
Rey Complex
Figure Copy There is surprisingly little information regard-
Memory WMS RAVLT ing the use of cognitive test batteries in patients
Rey Complex CVLT with epilepsy. While measures such
Figure Recall as the Woodcock-Johnson battery (WJR-III)
Mood BDI (Woodcock, McGrew, & Mather, 2001) have
BAI been used in children with epilepsy, there is little
Personality MMPI information on the use of this measure in adults,
PAI in spite of there being ample norms for this
BAI Beck Anxiety Inventory, BDI Beck Depression group. Investigators from the United Kingdom
Inventory, COWAT Controlled Oral Word Association Test, have demonstrated some success using the Adult
CVLT California Verbal Learning Test, MMPI Minnesota
Multiphasic Personality Inventory, PAI Personality Memory and Information Processing Battery
Assessment Inventory, RAVLT Rey Auditory Verbal (AMIPB) (Baxendale, Thompson, & Duncan,
Learning Test, WCST Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, WAIS 2008; Baxendale, Thompson, Harkness, &
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, WASI Wechsler Duncan, 2006), a set of tests including speeded
Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence, WMS Wechsler Memory
Scale, WRAT Wide Range Achievement Test cancellation tests and measures of verbal and
nonverbal memory. There is little information on
the value of using the Repeatable Battery for
evaluations performed in epilepsy centers is 5.6 h. Assessment of Neuropsychological Status
The number of tests administered varies widely, (RBANS) (Randolph, Tierney, Mohr, & Chase,
with a range from 12 to 56 tests considered part of 1998) or the Neuropsychological Assessment
a “standard” battery. Neuropsychologists across Battery (NAB) (Stern & White, 2003) in patients
the globe are in general agreement about the with epilepsy in spite of growing use of these
domains of functioning assessed in patients with batteries in North America.
epilepsy and the type of core battery that is used, In spite of the entry of computer tests into the
although there is certainly evidence that many market, only a few studies have reported the use
centers continue to use their own specific choice of these batteries with epilepsy patients (Witt,
of tests for many applications. Alpherts, & Helmstaedter, 2013). Hoppe and
1 Neuropsychological Assessment of Patients with Epilepsy 17

Table 1.7 Epilepsy common data elements: recom- and provide means for assessing individual
mended neuropsychological instruments—adult (16+
strengths and weaknesses through comprehen-
years old) (Loring, Lowenstein et al., 2011)
sive statistical methods.
Domain Test One of the most important issues encountered
General IQ Estimation American National Adult
in the context of a neuropsychological evaluation
Reading Test (AmNART)
Formal IQ Testinga Wechsler Adult Intelligence
is whether or not the patient has experienced any
Scale (WAIS-IV) limitation in general intellectual functioning sec-
Wechsler Abbreviated Scale ondary to epilepsy or any other causes.
of Intelligence (WASI) Standardized tests of intelligence are generally
Executive Function Trail making A and B used for this purpose with the Wechsler Adult
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test Intelligence Scale (WAIS), now in its fourth edi-
tion (WAIS-IV) (Wechsler, 2008), as the most
Motor Speed Grooved Pegboard
commonly used of these tests. Recent editions of
Language Boston Naming Test (BNT)
the WAIS have moved from a previous focus on
Controlled Oral Word
Association Test (COWAT) intelligence quotient (IQ) scores to analysis of
Animal Naming four cognitive composite scores, which is more
Verbal Memory Rey Auditory Verbal Learning consistent with results of factor analytic research
Test (AVLT) on intelligence. This allows clinicians to examine
Either WAIS-IV or WASI is recommended and measure factors that are more relevant to the
effects of various clinical disorders. There is a
rather large literature on the use of the various
colleagues demonstrated “fair” to “good” Wechsler scales in patients with epilepsy, provid-
diagnostic utility of computerized measures in ing a rationale for standard use with that
comparison to established neuropsychological population.
tests. Based on initial investigations examining While the WAIS also provides valuable infor-
the reliability and validity of computerized tests, mation for specific diagnostic purposes, such as
there is a long way to go before there will be any the identification of intellectual disability (ID),
evidence that such measures have any diagnostic there is evidence that its use in epilepsy centers
advantage over traditional neuropsychological has declined over the years (Djordjevic & Jones-
tests (Hoppe, Fliessbach, Schlegel, Elger, & Gotman, 2011). Some clinicians might prefer the
Helmstaedter, 2009). use of other tests, such as the Stanford Binet
Intelligence Scales, now in their fifth revision
Intellectual Functioning (SB5) (Roid, 2003), for evaluation of those
As mentioned above, measuring and tracking patients with IQ scores falling below 70. When
cognitive decline is one of the most important addressing the issue of ID, the clinician needs to
functions a neuropsychologist plays in a compre- be sure to take into account all of the issues rele-
hensive epilepsy center. Assessment of intellec- vant to that diagnosis, as spelled out by definition
tual functioning is therefore an essential provided by the American Association of
component of the neuropsychological test bat- Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
tery. Administering a measure of intelligence (AAIDD) (A. T. C. Committee & Schalock,
provides one of the most sensitive means of 2007). In adults with possible ID it is often help-
tracking cognitive functions primarily as a result ful to supplement the IQ testing with assessment
of the fact that these tests provide composite of adaptive functioning through either interview
scores that are the most reliable measures found (e.g., Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale-II)
within the test battery. Furthermore, these batter- (Sparrow, Cicchetti, & Balla, 2006) or question-
ies provide assessment of a number of different naire (Adaptive Behavior Assessment Scale—
functional domains that can be compared statisti- ABAS-II) (Harrison & Oakland, 2003)
cally, based on the fact that they are co-normed techniques.
18 W.B. Barr

There are a number of other measures of intel- also a number of performance-based indices
ligence that are available, although much less is where indices of vocabulary or oral reading are
known about their validity and clinical utility in used (e.g., WTAR, TOPF) (Pearson Assessment,
evaluating cognitive functions in patients with 2009) or the North American version of the
epilepsy. Some criticize the Wechsler scales as National Adult Reading Test (NART) (Blair &
taking too long to administer. Some measures Spreen, 1989), either alone or in combination
designed to provide IQ estimates in a relatively with demographic indices, to arrive at estimates
short period of time, including the Shipley- of IQ scores. To date, while these methods have
Hartford Scale (Shipley, 1940), have been avail- been demonstrated to be of use in identifying the
able for many years but have not been widely degree of cognitive decline observed in clinical
used in patients with epilepsy. Dodrill (1981) samples of dementia or traumatically brain
demonstrated that the Wonderlic Test of injured patients, no studies have validated their
Intelligence (Wonderlic, 2004) can be used effec- use in patients with cognitive impairment sec-
tively for rapid assessment of intelligence in epi- ondary to epilepsy.
lepsy patients. A number of shorter forms of the
WAIS, including the abbreviation methods rec- Attention and Processing Speed
ommended by Kaufman (Kaufman & Most discussions on the neuropsychology of
Lichtenberger, 2005), have been used in some attention begin with the topic of attention span,
studies as well as the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale which is typically assessed through the Digit
of Intelligence (WASI-II), which is the short Span subtest from one of the Wechsler scales
form developed by publishers of the WAIS (Wechsler, 2008). Scores from this subtest are
(Wechsler, 2011). While norms for adults are generally combined with the score from the
available for other tests, such as the Woodcock Arithmetic subtest to comprise with Working
Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ3) Memory Index (WMI). While scores on the WMI
(Woodcock et al., 2001) and the Reynolds are reduced in some patients, performances on
Intelligence Screening Tests (RIST) (Kamphaus digit span tasks, both forward and backward, are
& Reynolds, 2003), these measures do not appear generally preserved in patients with epilepsy,
to be used commonly in adults with epilepsy. In similar to what is seen in many other clinical
some cases, where native language might be an populations (Wilde et al., 2001).
issue tests such as the Raven Standard Progressive There are no indications that Digit Span per-
Matrices (RSPM) (Raven, Raven, & Court, 1998) formance is affected appreciably by either drug
or Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (TONI-4) effects or the ongoing influence of uncontrolled
(Brown, Sherbenou, & Johnson, 2010) can be seizures. The claims from clinical folklore, that
used for assessment of intelligence through non- forward and backward span tasks assessed differ-
verbal means. ent neuropsychological processes, have not been
Up until 20 years ago, neuropsychologists supported through empirical study of patients
would address the issue of cognitive decline with epilepsy (Bowden, Petrauskas, Bardenhagen,
through informal “historical” means comparing Meade, & Simpson, 2013). While interest in the
IQ scores to estimations of intelligence vaguely spatial span analog of the digit span subtest was
defined by the individual’s demographic, educa- generated through early studies by Milner and
tional, and occupational backgrounds Corsi (Milner, 1968), there has been little evi-
(Vanderploeg & Schinka, 1995). More recently, a dence that addition of a spatial span task adds any
number of actuarial methods have been devel- novel information about cognitive functioning or
oped for this purpose. Some of these involve use cerebral localization in routine assessment of epi-
of statistical regression techniques, where vari- lepsy patients (Piekema et al., 2007).
ous demographic indices can be inserted into an Patients with epilepsy commonly demonstrate
equation to arrive at predicted WAIS IQ scores decrements in processing speed, defined primar-
(Barona, Reynolds, & Chastain, 1984). There are ily through performance on paper-pencil tests.
1 Neuropsychological Assessment of Patients with Epilepsy 19

Reduced scores are commonly observed on the is an important component to the clinical test
Digit Symbol and Symbol Search subtests from battery for evaluation of epilepsy patients,
the Wechsler scales, both of which comprise the although in practice one sees that only a limited
Processing Speed Index (PSI). Low scores on number of tests are used on a regular basis. The
these tests can be attributed to a combination of Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) (Heaton,
different factors, including medication effects Chelune, Talley, Kay, & Curtiss, 1993) and mea-
and more generalized effects of seizures and sures of verbal fluency are the measures most
brain dysfunction. Clinicians should keep in commonly used in epilepsy centers (Djordjevic
mind that signs of reduced processing speed can & Jones-Gotman, 2011). The WCST is com-
also be observed on other neuropsychological monly utilized as a measure of problem solving
tests, including many tests of executive function, and set shifting while the verbal fluency mea-
such as Part A of the Trail Making Test (Reitan & sures are used for evaluation of initiation, partic-
Wolfson, 1985), the initial trials of the Stroop ularly in reference to left hemisphere functions.
Color Naming Test (Golden, 1978), and on mea- While the results of pioneering studies by Milner
sures of verbal and visual fluency. (1964) demonstrated that low levels of perfor-
On an interesting historical note, neuropsy- mance on these tests could be used to identify
chologists should be aware that the paradigm for patients with frontal lobe seizures, more recent
the Continuous Performance Test (CPT) com- studies have demonstrated that performance dec-
monly associated with evaluations of patients rements are also common in patients with epilep-
with ADHD was initially developed for assess- tic foci localized in other regions (Barr &
ment of attentional lapses in patients with epi- Goldberg, 2003; B. P. Hermann et al., 1988).
leptic seizures (Rosvold, Mirsky, Sarason, There are a number of other tests that are use-
Bransome, & Beck, 1956). While one can argue ful for evaluating executive functions in patients
that use of the CPT might provide additional data with epilepsy. Impairments in mental rigidity and
to diagnose ADHD in an adult with epilepsy, the higher-order sequencing are commonly identified
evidence is that these measures are used on a rou- through poor performance on Part B of the Trail
tine basis in only 13 % of epilepsy centers Making Test. The Stroop Color Naming Test
(Djordjevic & Jones-Gotman, 2011) and that epi- (Golden, 1978) can be useful for identifying dif-
lepsy patients, as a whole, demonstrate minimal ficulties with impulsivity or response inhibition.
signs of impairment on these measures (Fleck, While there had been suggestions that verbal flu-
Shear, & Strakowski, 2002). Studies using exper- ency tests, such as the COWAT, could be com-
imental computerized tasks have demonstrated bined with measures of figural fluency [e.g., Ruff
decrements in reaction time in epilepsy patients, Figural Fluency Test (Ruff, 1988)] to help lateral-
particularly in studies of medication side effects ize frontal lobe dysfunction, the empirical evi-
(Witt et al., 2013). However, neuropsychologists dence to support this practice appears mixed
have apparently been reluctant to include com- (Suchy, Sands, & Chelune, 2003).
puterized assessment of reaction time, processing Many clinicians have now turned to the Delis
speed, or vigilance into their routine test batter- Kaplan Executive Function System (DKEFS)
ies, as only 5 % indicate usage of these tests on a (Delis, Kaplan, & Kramer, 2001) versions of
routine basis (Djordjevic & Jones-Gotman, many executive function measures as a result of
2011). its inclusion of co-normed instrument across a
wide age spectrum. While the research literature
Executive Functions on use of the DKEFS in assessment of epilepsy
The term executive functions is commonly used patients is limited, there are suggestions that
to describe a wide range of psychological con- many of these measures can be used successfully
structs, including initiation, sequencing, organi- in patients with frontal and temporal lobe sei-
zation, and planning. Most neuropsychologists zures (McDonald, Delis, Norman, Tecoma, &
will agree that evaluation of executive functions Iragui, 2005; McDonald, Delis, Norman, Wetter,
20 W.B. Barr

et al., 2005). While the use of executive function- more severe forms of epilepsy. Performance on
ing questionnaires can be useful for identifying the Grooved Pegboard Test has also been dem-
daily functioning in some patients, there remains onstrated to be a measure that is sensitive to
little published research supporting the use of detecting psychomotor slowing associated with
measures, such as the Behavioural Assessment of antiepileptic drug treatment (Meador, Loring,
the Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS) (Wilson, Huh, Gallagher, & King, 1990). Additional
Alderman, Burgess, Emslie, & Evans, 1996) or measures of motor functioning, such as the
Frontal Systems Behavior Scale (FrSBE) (Grace Finger Tapping Test and Hand Dynamometer,
& Malloy, 2001), for evaluating patients with can also be added to the neuropsychological
epilepsy. test battery to determine the presence of consis-
tent lateralized performance decrements,
Motor and Sensory Functions although these tests have been shown to be less
It is important to include a comprehensive assess- sensitive to detecting subtle motor deficits in
ment of handedness when assessing motor func- this population (Klove & Matthews, 1966).
tions in patients with epilepsy. An association Neuropsychologists have paid much less
between hand preference patterns and underlying attention to a formal assessment of somatosen-
patterns of brain organization has been demon- sory functions in patients with epilepsy with only
strated in numerous studies (Sveller et al., 2006). 16 % reporting that they evaluate these functions
The Edinburgh Handedness Inventory (Oldfield, on a routine basis (Djordjevic & Jones-Gotman,
1971) is a ten-item instrument that provides an 2011). A formal evaluation of a wide range of
effective means of measuring hand preference somatosensory tasks, including manual extinc-
patterns on a continuum by computing a lateral- tion, graphesthesia, finger gnosis, and stereogno-
ity quotient range from +100 (totally right sis, can be accomplished through the use of the
handed) to −100 (totally left handed). Location Reitan-Klove Sensory Perceptual Examination
on this continuum has been demonstrated to cor- (Reitan & Wolfson, 1985). Evaluation of these
relate with degree of language lateralization functions can be helpful when the examiner
(Isaacs, Barr, Nelson, & Devinsky, 2006). wants to go beyond assessment of motor func-
Knowing whether a patient exhibits a pattern of tions for assessment of lateralized symptoms or
left or mixed-handedness can be extremely help- when there is a suspected focus in parietal regions
ful when interpreting unusual combinations of adjacent to the post-central gyrus.
verbal and nonverbal performance in patients
with epilepsy, as deficits in perceptual tasks sec- Language
ondary to the “crowding effects” are known to Neuropsychologists commonly begin their
exist in patients with right hemisphere language assessment of language functions in patients with
representation (Loring et al., 1999). epilepsy by examining the profile of performance
The Grooved Pegboard Test is included in on the Wechsler scales. Weaknesses in language
many neuropsychological test batteries as the skills can be identified through relative decre-
sole measure of motor functions, owing to its ments on the Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI)
demonstrated sensitivity to detecting general relative to other scales, which correspond in
effects of brain dysfunction. This test is cur- some cases to more widespread deficits in aca-
rently used by more than 60 % of neuropsy- demic skills such as reading and spelling. Further
chologists practicing in specialized epilepsy screening of those academic skills can be accom-
centers (Djordjevic & Jones-Gotman, 2011). plished quickly with a screening measure such as
Based on published research studies, patients the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT)
with epilepsy exhibit relative decrements on (Wilkinson & Robertson, 2006) or in a more
this test in comparison to healthy controls comprehensive fashion with the Wechsler
(Kupke & Lewis, 1985). Greater levels of Individual Achievement Test (WIAT-III) (NCS
impairment are generally seen in patients with Pearson, 2009).
1 Neuropsychological Assessment of Patients with Epilepsy 21

For analysis of more specific language (PRI) from the WAIS can be helpful in identifying
functions, neuropsychologists will often turn weaknesses in perceptual functions that are poten-
their attention to scores from the subtests com- tially the result of a disruption of right hemisphere
prising the VCI score, most notably Vocabulary. functions. This can be followed up with further
In terms of adding specific language tests to the analysis of performance on any one of a number of
battery, most will include the Boston Naming other more specific tests.
Test (Kaplan, Goodglass, & Weintraub, 1983), Based on survey results (Djordjevic & Jones-
which has demonstrated to be a sensitive indica- Gotman, 2011), more than 20 % of neuropsychol-
tor of language dysfunction in patients with left ogists in epilepsy centers commonly use the tests
temporal lobe seizures (B. P. Hermann et al., of Judgment of Line Orientation (JLO) and Facial
1999; Loring et al., 2008). There has also been Recognition Test (FRT) developed by Benton and
recent interest in assessment of naming in rela- colleagues for more detailed evaluation of right
tion to auditory descriptors, which is reported to hemisphere functions in patients with epilepsy
be a more sensitive indicator than visual naming (Benton, Hamsher, Varney, & Spreen, 1983). Both
as a result of its reliance on a more widespread tests, used in combination, can be helpful in iden-
network of representation in left hemisphere lan- tifying lesions affecting either the dorsal (where)
guage zones (Hamberger et al., 2003). or ventral (what) perceptual streams described in
Additional information about language flu- the posterior cortex in the 1980s (Ungerleider &
ency and semantic retrieval can be identified Mishkin, 1982). While studies have shown that
through analysis of performances on verbal flu- patients with temporal lobe epilepsy do not typi-
ency tests, such as the COWAT and the Animal cally exhibit impairments on the FRT prior to sur-
Naming Test. To complete the most thorough gery, they do exhibit declines on that test following
evaluation of language, one would add tests of surgery, consistent with the effects of a disruption
sentence repetition and comprehension. The of the ventral stream (B. P. Hermann, Seidenberg,
Token Test is commonly used for the latter. Wyler, & Haltiner, 1993). Low scores on the JLO,
Administration of complete language batteries theoretically affecting the dorsal stream, have
such as the Multilingual Aphasia Examination been demonstrated in patients with epilepsy local-
(MAE) (Benton & Hamsher, 1978) or the Boston ized in more posterior brain regions (Guerrini
Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE) et al., 1997).
(Goodglass & Kaplan, 1983) is generally reserved While measures of visual construction are a
for those patients showing frank signs of aphasia standard component of most neuropsychological
during the interview or on simple mental status test batteries, interpretation of performance dec-
testing. rements can be problematic, owing to the multi-
factorial nature of these tasks. Determining the
Visual Perceptual and Spatial Skills core deficit on these tasks will often require anal-
Neuropsychologists exhibit a natural interest in ysis of scores from measures of executive func-
evaluating a broad category of visual, spatial, and tions and motor skills to determine the degree to
constructive skills that are typically given one of a which the decrement is associated with efferent
number of hybrid names, such as visuospatial or factors as opposed to purely perceptual factors.
visuoconstructive functions. In spite of years of Survey results indicate that the majority of neuro-
study, our understanding of these skills and their psychologists working in epilepsy centers include
relationship to underlying brain function in epi- the WAIS Block Design subtest (79 %) and copy
lepsy and most other neurological conditions is of a complex figure (68 %) in their test batteries
not well developed. Most neuropsychologists (Djordjevic & Jones-Gotman, 2011). It is impor-
working in epilepsy centers begin their assessment tant to remember that much about the mecha-
of these skills with use of the Wechsler subtests nisms underlying dysfunction on these tests can
(Wechsler, 2008). Identification of differentially be identified through a careful analysis of the
low scores on the Perceptual Reasoning Index process by which the patient proceeds with his or
22 W.B. Barr

her construction of the figure or design (Kaplan, provide the clinician more detailed information
1988; Swenson, Bettcher, Barr, Campbell-Marsh, about the underlying processes involved in learn-
& Libon, 2013). Patients with disturbances of the ing and recall, results of empirical studies indi-
left hemisphere will commonly make errors with cate that the RAVLT is actually more sensitive to
perceptual details while those with right hemi- the effects of left hemisphere dysfunction (Loring
sphere disturbance are prone to making more et al., 2008). The remaining centers appear to use
globally based errors, affecting the larger contour a combination of other tasks, including selective
of the figure (Barr, 2003). reminding measures, or lists of words meeting
specific language and/or normative needs for the
Learning and Memory population served at that center.
Memory is a primary area of concern for most Neuropsychologists continue to find the
patients with epilepsy, with over 70 % reporting Paired Associates and Logical Memory subtests
subjective concerns about their memory func- from the WMS helpful for evaluation of memory
tions at any given time (Thompson & Corcoran, skills in patients with epilepsy, with evidence that
1992). Examination of memory skills thus these measures remain in use in nearly 50 % of
becomes one of the major purposes of the neuro- the surveyed centers (Djordjevic & Jones-
psychological evaluation and a thorough assess- Gotman, 2011). Many argue that inclusion of
ment of these skills requires observation of a paired associate learning tasks provides a useful
patient’s performance on a range of different adjunct to the information obtained from list-
types of memory tasks. To accomplish this, most learning tests with suggestions that these tests
neuropsychological batteries will include tests of might even be more sensitive to the effects of hip-
rote learning, using lists of individual words or pocampal dysfunction than other tests (Rausch &
word pairs to study learning skills and retention. Crandall, 1982). The Logical Memory subtest, in
Many will also use story recall tasks for evalua- turn, is alleged to provide a more ecologically
tion of larger units of learning and retention. valid measure than the rote memory tasks. There
Inclusion of tests of nonverbal memory, using is also evidence that a decline in performance on
learning and recall of figures and designs, is still delayed memory versus immediate memory trials
common, although questions about the validity of provides a valid and sensitive measure reflecting
that practice have been raised over the years due consolidation impairment, particularly in patients
to a lack of empirical data supporting the use of with left temporal lobe epilepsy (Delaney, Rosen,
these tests. Mattson, & Novelly, 1980).
Most neuropsychologists will agree that ver- Inclusion of tests of “nonverbal” memory
bal list-learning tasks provide extremely valuable remains common in most neuropsychological test
information on the degree and type of memory batteries, based on Milner’s (1967) early descrip-
impairment observed in patients with epilepsy. tion of dual “material-based” memory systems
Useful information about the nature of encoding involving the left and right hemispheres. While
can be determined through analysis of the initial empirical support for the relationship between
learning trials while details about retention and verbal memory impairment and dysfunction in
retrieval can be discerned through analysis of the left temporal lobe has been strong, there is
delayed recall and recognition trials. There is, little support for the existence of specific deficits
however, a lack of consensus on which test to in nonverbal memory in patients with right tem-
use. Survey results (Djordjevic & Jones-Gotman, poral lobe impairment (Barr et al., 1997;
2011) indicate that the majority of clinicians Kneebone, Lee, Wade, & Loring, 2007). Based on
working in epilepsy centers use either the Rey these findings, the recommendation from an NIH
Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT—40 %) panel was to omit nonverbal memory tests from
(Schmidt, 1996) or the California Verbal Learning inclusion of the Common Data Elements test bat-
Test (CVLT—31 %) (Delis, Kramer, Kaplan, & tery for evaluation of patients with epilepsy (see
Ober, 2000). While the CVLT is alleged to Table 1.7) (Loring, Lowenstein, et al., 2011).
1 Neuropsychological Assessment of Patients with Epilepsy 23

Survey results indicate that, in spite of the In a continuing search for a valid test of
empirical findings, neuropsychologists continue nonverbal memory, there have been some posi-
to use measures of figural reproduction in their tive findings from use of facial memory tests,
test batteries, nonetheless, with most including although the results from these studies, too, have
the Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT—65 %) and been mixed. Findings from studies using the
a lesser amount using the Visual Reproduction Facial Recognition subtest of the Recognition
subtest (21 %) from the WMS (Djordjevic & Memory Test (Warrington, 1984) have been posi-
Jones-Gotman, 2011). The results of a large-scale tive in studies performed in the United Kingdom
study on 757 patients demonstrated that neither (Baxendale, 1997), but these findings have not
of these tests is useful for lateralizing the hemi- been replicated in North America (B. P. Hermann,
spheric location of memory dysfunction in tem- Connell, Barr, & Wyler, 1995; Kneebone,
poral lobe epilepsy patients before surgery (Barr Chelune, & Luders, 1997). Results from studies
et al., 1997). However, there are suggestions from using the Facial Recognition subtest from the
other studies indicating that useful information WMS have also been mixed (Wilde et al., 2001),
can be obtained from the RCFT when more qual- while there have been more positive results using
itatively based scoring systems are used (Barr, other tests (Barr, 1997). Further work in develop-
2003). The challenge becomes whether there is ing valid tests for assessment of nonverbal mem-
value added by going through the rigorous pro- ory is clearly needed.
cess of using one of the many qualitative systems
developed for scoring these figures. Many have Performance Validity Testing
now turned to a basic subjective phenomenal There has been an increasing trend in the field of
analysis of the figure, determining whether it neuropsychology to include tests of validity,
shows qualitative signs, such as fragmentation or effort, and response bias when administering a
spatial errors, associated with right hemisphere clinical test battery. A distinction is now made
dysfunction. between performance validity tests (PVTs),
Some neuropsychologists have reported suc- which are measures designed to evaluate the
cess using figural learning tests, with procedures validity of cognitive test performance, and symp-
that are analogous to the verbal list-learning para- tom validity tests (SVTs), which are scales used
digms, using groups of geometric designs pre- to evaluate the validity and response biases in
sented over multiple trials instead of words relation to symptom reporting (Larrabee, 2012).
(Helmstaedter, Pohl, Hufnagel, & Elger, 1991; In terms of PVTs, neuropsychologists distinguish
Jones-Gotman et al., 1997). Patients with right between the use of free-standing measures such
temporal lobe seizures have been observed to as the Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM)
perform poorly across the initial learning trials (Tombaugh, 1996) or Victoria Symptom Validity
but do not typically show impairment on the Test (VSVT) (Slick et al., 1997) and embedded
delayed recall trial (Jones-Gotman et al., 1997). measures obtained from tests that are included
These findings suggest that individuals with right routinely in the test battery, such as the Reliable
temporal lobe dysfunction might exhibit a quali- Digit Span (RDS) (Greiffenstein, Baker, & Gola,
tatively different type of impairment in learning 1994) or recognition trials from the RAVLT and
and memory than what is seen in patients with CVLT (Lu, Rogers, & Boone, 2007).
left temporal lobe dysfunction. The challenge has While inclusion of PVTs and SVTs is now
been that most of the published data on figural considered routine in forensic applications where
list-learning tests are based on measures that are rates of malingering are estimated in the range of
not widely available to other clinicians and inves- 40 %, the question is whether these tests need to
tigators. Attempts to replicate these findings with be used routinely in clinical settings, where the
commercially available tests, such as the Brief estimated rate of invalid performance is less than
Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised (BVMT-R), 10 % (Mittenberg, Patton, Canyock, & Condit,
have been unsuccessful (Barr, Morrison, Zaroff, 2002). Based on survey results, PVTs are used by
& Devinsky, 2004). less than 7 % of neuropsychologists working in
24 W.B. Barr

epilepsy centers in spite of the fact that there are the presence of malingering, but may identify
studies demonstrating that rates of invalid test other clinical factors, such as the effects of sei-
performance exceeding 20 % on single tests zures, that would signal the presence of poten-
(Djordjevic & Jones-Gotman, 2011). However, tially invalid test findings.
the rates of failure on multiple tests are shown to
be much lower, with failures on two or more tests Mood and Personality
seen in less than 5 % (Cragar, Berry, Fakhoury, It is well known that increased rates of psychiat-
Cibula, & Schmitt, 2006). ric disturbance are observed in patients with epi-
The highest rates of test failure in epilepsy lepsy as compared to the general population.
samples are seen in studies using the VSVT Screening for disturbances in mood and person-
where failure rates exceeding 20 % have been ality is thus a key component to neuropsycho-
reported (Cragar et al., 2006; Loring, Lee, & logical evaluations performed in this population.
Meador, 2005). It has been suggested that this While most well-trained neuropsychologists
test might yield a high false positive rate in this learn to identify the presence of many psychiatric
population due to its dependence on IQ and conditions through interview techniques and
working memory skills, which are known to be observational methods, it is often useful to
reduced in epilepsy samples relative to the gen- include self-report as part of the neuropsycho-
eral population (Keary et al., 2013). Similarly, logical test battery to obtain more objective data
false positives were also identified in another to support those conclusions.
study using the Word Memory Test (Drane et al., Nearly a third of patients with epilepsy will
2006; Green, 2003), suggesting that PVTs in this experience a depressive episode in their lifetime,
population are not limited to identification of making this the most common psychiatric comor-
potential malingering, but can be useful for iden- bidity encountered in patients with epilepsy
tifying invalid test performance secondary to low (Kanner, 2013). In the majority of these cases, the
intelligence, amnesia, or increased seizures patients will also exhibit clinically relevant fea-
(Drane et al., 2006). Failure rates on the Test of tures of anxiety. Survey results indicate that
Memory Malingering (TOMM) are reported to approximately 50 % of neuropsychologists work-
be less than 3 % in patients with epilepsy (Cragar ing in epilepsy centers use a self-report symptom
et al., 2006). inventory to screen for underlying depressive and
Results from other studies have suggested that anxiety disorders (Djordjevic & Jones-Gotman,
increased rates of PVT failure are seen in patients 2011). The majority of these centers report use of
with diagnoses of PNES, with failure rates in the the Beck Depression Inventory (Beck, Steer, &
range of 30–50 % (Drane et al., 2006). Again the Brown, 1996) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (Beck,
increased rates observed in these samples might 1993). There are indications that depression and
not necessarily be the result of outright malinger- anxiety might be manifested in qualitatively dif-
ing, but rather a result of somatization and other ferent manner in patients with epilepsy, leading
psychological processes related to the expression some investigators to develop specialized mea-
of seizures in that group (D. J. Williamson, sures for assessment of mood disorder in this
Holsman, Chaytor, Miller, & Drane, 2012). population (Kanner et al., 2012). The Neurological
Taken together, the suggestion is to include Disorders Depression Inventory in Epilepsy
routine administration of at least one free- (NDDI-E) is one such measure, consisting of six
standing PVT (e.g., TOMM or WMT) in the neu- items designed to provide a more sensitive assess-
ropsychological test battery in addition to ment of depressive symptoms in epilepsy by
utilizing data from one or more of the embedded avoiding overlap with symptoms that could poten-
measures (e.g., RDS or CVLT-II). However, it is tially be the result of medication side effects
important for clinicians to remember that failures (Kessler et al., 1996).
on these tests seen in epilepsy patients evaluated More comprehensive evaluations of mood and
in a clinical setting will not necessarily indicate personality are performed by clinicians at nearly
1 Neuropsychological Assessment of Patients with Epilepsy 25

one-third of epilepsy centers, with most includ- Psychosocial Seizure Inventory (WPSI), which
ing either the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality was a 132-item questionnaire designed to iden-
Inventory (MMPI) (Butcher, Dahlstrom, Graham, tify various difficulties in emotional, interper-
Tellegen, & Kaemmer, 1990) or the Personality sonal, and vocational adjustment, in addition to
Assessment Inventory (PAI) (Morey, 1991) as other factors including family background, finan-
part of their routine test battery. One of the major cial status, adjustment to seizures, and medical
advantages to using these more comprehensive management. The WPSI never gained wide
measures is that they naturally include a number acceptance or usage in spite of a number of
of validity scales that enable them to serve as papers demonstrating its empirical utility. The
SVTs by helping identify patients that might be Bear-Fedio Personality Inventory (Bear & Fedio,
overreporting or underreporting symptoms. 1977) was another inventory developed to mea-
These measures also go beyond assessment of sure the temporal lobe personality that had been
depression and anxiety, providing a means for the described by Geschwind and others (Waxman &
neuropsychologist to potentially identify other Geschwind, 1975). However, that scale never
psychiatric conditions, particularly those involv- gained wide acceptance due to its lack of empiri-
ing the presence of underlying thought disorder. cal validity and inability to distinguish personal-
Many clinicians are moving towards the ity factors in patients with epilepsy from those
use of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality observed in other clinical samples (Devinsky &
Inventory-2, Restructured Format (MMPI-2-RF), Najjar, 1999).
which is a shortened and newly validated version During the 1990s attention turned from assess-
of the older instrument (Ben-Porath & Tellegan, ment from the development of measures to assess
2008). This version of the test includes a number quality of life (QOL) in patients with epilepsy.
of the newer validity scales, such as the Symptom The ultimate goal was to provide a means of eval-
Validity Scale (FBS-r) and Response Bias Scale uating treatment effects by moving beyond
(RBS) that have been demonstrated to be useful assessment of frequency into more meaningful
in identifying invalid test profiles in epilepsy aspects of an individual’s life and experience.
patients as well as in other clinical samples The result was the development of a number of
(Nelson, Hoelzle, Sweet, Arbisi, & Demakis, Quality of Life in Epilepsy Instruments (QOLIE)
2010; Wygant et al., 2010). This test also pro- (Devinsky et al., 1995). These instruments
vides a means for identifying underlying psy- include a number of epilepsy-specific items such
chotic or behavioral disorders through analysis of as seizure severity, fear of having a seizure, the
newly developed superordinate scales, including associated loss of control over one’s life, cogni-
the Thought Dysfunction (THD) and Behavioral/ tive and behavioral dysfunction, social limita-
Externalizing Dysfunction (BXD) scales. It is tions and stigma, sexual functioning, driving
important to remember, however, that certain restrictions, and medication side effects. The
interpretive strategies need to be employed QOLIE-89 is the longest and most commonly
when interpreting this and all other versions of used of these instrument. The QOLIE-31 and
the MMPI as some of the symptoms associated QOLIE-10 are both shorter instruments derived
with seizures might serve to inflate scales asso- from the larger form that are useful for screening
ciated with somatic (RC1) or bizarre (RC8) QOL in conjunction with other instruments.
symptoms. The test has also been shown to be Survey results indicate that these instruments are
very helpful in identifying patients with PNES used routinely in approximately 30 % of epilepsy
(Locke et al., 2010). centers (Djordjevic & Jones-Gotman, 2011).
There have been prior attempts to develop
“epilepsy-specific” measures to screen for psy- Interpreting and Reporting Test Results
chopathology in this population. In the 1980s, The major task following completion of the neu-
Dodrill and colleagues (Dodrill, Batzel, Queisser, ropsychological test battery is to score the test
& Temkin, 1980) developed the Washington protocols, interpret them, and communicate the
26 W.B. Barr

results to the patient, referral source, and other chapter. They should also be aware of the set of
health care professionals. Scoring the test proto- empirically derived “cognitive phenotypes” iden-
cols is a rather straightforward process, with tified by Hermann and Seidenberg (B. Hermann,
detailed criteria typically specified in test manu- Seidenberg, Lee, Chan, & Rutecki, 2007) through
als. Most manuals also contain normative infor- cluster analytic techniques. These investigators
mation that will suffice for interpretation of the found statistical support for three groups using
test data in most cases. However, there are some cluster analytic techniques, based on distinct neu-
instances when the neuropsychologist might ropsychological test, clinical, and structural
want to obtain more detailed normative informa- imaging data. The first was a group with minimal
tion relative to a demographically matched sam- cognitive impairment. The second included a
ple. In those cases, he or she is encouraged to group with specific impairment in the domain of
utilize the Comprehensive Norms for an memory and the third involved a group with com-
Expanded Halstead-Reitan Battery developed by bined impairment in memory, executive func-
Heaton and colleagues (2004) and supplemental tions, and processing speed. Knowledge of these
material for WAIS-IV interpretation (Brooks, empirically validated profiles can be extremely
Holdnack, & Iverson, 2011). Use of those norms useful in guiding the interpretive process when
will also facilitate profile interpretation by plac- integrating test data from an individual patient.
ing test scores on a common metric with co- The clinician’s knowledge and training in brain-
normed instruments. Neuropsychologists are behavior relationships will influence their ability
known to vary across patients and tests in the cri- to identify relevant profiles not meeting any of
teria they set to identify “impairment,” with defi- these typical patterns, which in some cases may
nitions of abnormally low scores often ranging reflect the effects of dysfunction in extra-temporal
from −1 SD to −2 SDs below the normative brain regions.
mean. There is a movement in the field of neuro- Results of the neuropsychological examina-
psychology to make clinicians aware of the pos- tion are typically summarized in a written report.
sibility of identifying impairment by “chance” The scope and length of the report will vary
when numerous test scores are analyzed. The widely across settings. There is a movement, in
reader is encouraged to consult papers providing general, for neuropsychologists to reduce the
tables and interpretive guidelines that will enable length of their reports, which might vary from a
them to reduce the probability of making a Type one-page length to over 30 pages across centers
I error regarding identification of cognitive (Donders, 2001a, 2001b). There is no set stan-
impairment when analyzing test profiles (Binder dard or limit with regard to page length. The ulti-
et al., 2009; Schretlen et al., 2008). mate length of a report will depend on the degree
Moving on to profile interpretation, this chap- to which the clinician summarizes the medical
ter has provided some background on the tests and neurological history. In many epilepsy set-
and methods used to evaluate a range of different tings, only minor details about seizures and their
cognitive domains. As mentioned, impairments onset are required, as this information is com-
in attention, executive functions, and memory monly summarized in great detail in neurological
will be observed most often in patients with epi- notes and other sources. In most cases, the neuro-
lepsy, owing to the combined effects of neural psychologist might want to focus on providing
systems involved in propagation of seizures, more detail on psychosocial factors, including
medication, and other factors. Individuals work- the patient’s education, occupation, and home
ing in epilepsy settings should be prepared to life, which are often not specified in great detail
identify neuropsychological profiles in patients in other medical records. In some settings, the
with idiopathic generalized (Shehata & Bateh neuropsychological report might also be the only
Ael, 2009), mesial-temporal (B. P. Hermann place where details about the patient’s psychiat-
et al., 1997), and lateral temporal (Pacia et al., ric and emotional state are provided. Details
1996) lobe syndromes, as outlined earlier in the regarding other aspects of the patient’s medical
1 Neuropsychological Assessment of Patients with Epilepsy 27

history will be outlined to the degree that is how these results relate to the presence of
necessary for interpretation of the test findings. seizures, medication, and underlying brain func-
For example, reports for patients with a history of tions and/or to other relevant medical or
traumatic brain injury will require some detail psychiatric factors. In some settings, a written
regarding the nature and functional outcome of description of these factors will suffice. In other
that injury. In contrast, reporting of other medical settings, a formal diagnosis will be required. In
factors, such as those placing the patient at risks terms of the DSM-V (APA, 2013), clinicians
for the metabolic syndrome (e.g., hypertension, evaluating patients will be commonly using the
diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia), only need diagnosis Mild Neurocognitive Dysfunction due
be provided in list form. to Another Medical Condition (331.83; Epilepsy,
There are also wide variations in the degree to 345.90) to characterize the diagnosis reached
which neuropsychologists report the neuropsy- through administration of the neuropsychologi-
chological test findings. Some provide a simple cal test battery.
paragraph-length summary of the entire protocol, The neuropsychological test report will gener-
while others provide detailed summaries of vari- ally conclude with recommendations, which will
ous cognitive domains assessed through the test again vary widely by setting. In some settings,
battery, with specific information about perfor- recommendations from the neuropsychologist
mance on each test (Donders, 2001a). Again, the regarding further medical work-up, including
degree to which the clinician provides this detail EEG and MRI, can be helpful, although these
will vary across setting. However, it is known that same recommendations will often not be appro-
many physicians prefer to hear the neuropsychol- priate in a specialized epilepsy center, where it
ogist’s bottom-line account of the test findings can be assumed that the referring epileptologist
and often ignore many of the details provided in has addressed these issues in a competent man-
the test results section. There are variations in the ner. One needs to keep in mind what recommen-
degree to which neuropsychologists report spe- dations can be drawn from the neuropsychological
cific test scores. Some reports will include evaluation that will be unique to the care of the
selected test scores embedded in the body of the patient in comparison to those recommendations
report, while others will include summary tables originating from more medically oriented evalua-
of scores from specific tests (e.g., Wechsler tions. In some settings, the neuropsychologist
scales) or the entire test battery. Another approach might be the primary clinician who is identifying
is to omit test scores from the report entirely, the need for further psychiatric and/or psycho-
while making them available in summary sheet logical care through initiation of psychopharma-
form in the event that another neuropsychologist cological and/or psychotherapeutic interventions.
needs them for interpretation of change on a sub- The neuropsychologist is most often the primary
sequent report. clinician utilized for identification and docu-
All neuropsychological test reports should mentation of a patient’s need for accommoda-
conclude with a concise summary section, con- tions in school or the workplace secondary to the
taining a brief review of the findings, an outline effects of cognitive dysfunction. Results from
of the final interpretation, and the final conclu- the testing will also be used to determine the
sions. This is the most important section of the patient’s need for any form of cognitive remedia-
report, which reflects the ultimate work product, tion. Further information regarding psychologi-
where the clinician has provided a final integra- cal treatments for patients with epilepsy can be
tion of results from the interview, record review, found in Chap. 10. Finally, the neuropsychologi-
and test findings. The summary section should cal recommendations should address if or when
include specific information to directly address the patient will need to return for follow-up test-
the referral question. This will commonly include ing to monitor or assess any changes over time
details about the presence or absence of cognitive secondary to a progression of disease or to the
decline, observed strengths and weaknesses, and effects of treatment.
28 W.B. Barr

Preparation of the written report will often be

followed by providing more specific feedback Case Example
directly to the patient. Many neuropsychologists
prefer to provide this feedback in a personalized This chapter will conclude with a case example
manner through a formally scheduled session highlighting many of the issues and procedures
with the patient and his or her family. While this described in this chapter. The patient is a 29-year-
is often done in person, there are certain circum- old right-handed woman with a history of com-
stances such as distance that will dictate perform- plex partial seizures dating back to childhood.
ing this session by telephone. In an effort to She was referred for a neuropsychological evalu-
become more “consumer friendly,” neuropsy- ation as part of a comprehensive outpatient evalu-
chologists have worked very hard on developing ation for assessment of reported difficulties with
and improving the feedback process and the memory and word finding. The examination was
patient’s experience of the entire testing process performed in the outpatient department of a large
(Postal & Armstrong, 2013). There has been a comprehensive epilepsy center located in an aca-
growing emphasis on using the feedback session demic medical center.
for therapeutic purposes, using some of the tech- According to the history that was obtained,
niques developed in a style of motivational inter- the patient’s first witnessed seizure occurred in
viewing (Gorske & Smith, 2009). The feedback adolescence when her father saw her experience
appointment should begin with an opportunity to an event while she was watching television.
address the patient’s perceptions of the testing However, the patient reported having similar pre-
process and their thoughts about their test perfor- vious events since early childhood (i.e., 6 or 7
mance. This can be followed by the clinician’s years of age), but assumed that they were a nor-
systematic review of the test findings and conclu- mal occurrence that everyone experienced. With
sions. A review of recommendations will often regard to current semiology, the patient typically
be provided in the context of further exploration has an aura (i.e., feeling of deja vu) followed by a
of the patient’s responses to the test results. brief period of altered consciousness during
The written report provides the most common which she is generally unable to understand or
means to communicate the assessment results to respond to others. Despite this, she can still often
the referral source. However, some clinicians will execute purposeful tasks (e.g., stop at a red light
prefer to receive an additional brief communica- when walking, continue running on a treadmill).
tion through telephone or some other HIPAA Seizures can also include oral automatisms and
compliant form of transmission where there is an repetitive right hand fist clenching, with events
opportunity for other questions to be addressed. generally lasting a few minutes.
It is important for the neuropsychologist to know The patient reported that lack of sleep, stress,
these preferences when cultivating their referral alcohol use, and missing medication dosages all
sources. In epilepsy specialty centers, the staff provoke events. The patient has experienced two
neuropsychologists are often asked to present the lifetime secondarily generalized seizures related
assessment results at a multidisciplinary treat- to these precipitating factors. Despite good medi-
ment meeting. In these settings, the clinician will cation compliance more recently, she has been
often need to keep in mind the unique contribu- experiencing several seizures occurring in a clus-
tions offered by the neuropsychological evalua- ter (i.e., over the course of a day or 2) approxi-
tion, and how this is often the only means of mately every 4–6 weeks. Her typical events are
communicating the factors that are unique to the characterized as complex partial seizures. She
patient as a person and how these will influence was taking lamotrigine at the time of the neuro-
the developing treatment plan. The challenge is psychological evaluation.
to reduce what is often very rich material into a Video-EEG performed within months of the
few brief sentences that will be absorbed effec- neuropsychological evaluation captured four sei-
tively by those working in other professions. zures, including “one complex partial seizure
1 Neuropsychological Assessment of Patients with Epilepsy 29

with secondary generalization arising from the a Polish-American background, and English is
left posterior quadrant, one complex partial sei- her first and only language. She currently lives in
zure arising from the left frontotemporal region,” a large northeast metropolitan region with her
and “two complex partial seizures arising from husband. The patient reported doing well in
the left hemisphere [which could not be local- school, experiencing no learning difficulties. She
ized].” An early MRI of the brain reportedly indi- obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree from a small
cated left mesial temporal sclerosis. However, northeastern university. She currently works as a
additional MRI studies performed subsequently product representative for a large pharmaceutical
were interpreted as normal. industry firm.
The patient reported some mild and chronic The neuropsychological test results are listed
memory difficulties. She described herself as a in Table 1.8. The test findings indicated that her
“forgetful” person in general, noting that her general level of intellectual functioning was in
family and friends would characterize her as the high average range. Higher-order verbal rea-
such, if asked. Specifically, she noted trouble soning abilities, visuospatial skills, attention, and
recalling smaller details of past events. In addi- most aspects of executive function were all areas
tion, she felt that her memory difficulties had of strength. Word finding deficits were clearly
worsened somewhat over time. The patient documented, in addition to relative weaknesses
reported word finding difficulties as well, noting in verbal memory, more specifically related to
that it takes her a few moments to recall peoples’ memory retention or retrieval. No mood-related
names and words more generally. difficulties were endorsed on self-report invento-
This patient had been informed by her neu- ries. However, some internalizing behaviors were
rologist that she might be a surgical candidate at evident on the MMPI-2-RF, with evidence of a
some time in the future, but she expressed a mild focus on somatic symptoms.
desire to delay any decisions for surgery while The test findings demonstrated that the patient
making a decision to start a family. is a bright woman with an average level of intel-
With regard to her birth and early develop- ligence and some specific weaknesses in verbal
mental history, no delivery complications or memory and word finding. The resulting test
delays in achievement of developmental mile- profile was rather consistent with the effects of
stones were reported. The patient experienced left temporal lobe epilepsy, which was compati-
febrile convulsions at 8 months related to an ill- ble with the reported findings from EEG and
ness (roseola), which included a generalized imaging studies. There was no evidence of any
tonic–clonic event lasting 30–45 min followed by underlying mood disorder, but there was evi-
a brief right hemiparesis. She reported that, at the dence of a mild focus on somatic symptoms,
time of the assessment, she was in good physical which could warrant a referral for psychothera-
health, with no significant medical problems. She peutic intervention. The patient did exhibit some
denied any prior history of concussion, head mild cognitive deficit and was provided with an
injury, surgical intervention, or substance abuse. opportunity to request appropriate accommoda-
The patient did not report a history of psycho- tions in the workplace, which she declined, indi-
logical difficulties and has never sought psycho- cating that she felt that she was holding her own
therapeutic treatment. There is no family history on the job. She was offered a referral to one of
of memory disorder or psychiatric problems. the university’s ongoing memory enhancement
Both parents are alive and in good health. The groups. She was informed that records from the
patient’s father is left-handed. She grew up in a neuropsychological evaluation would be kept on
large northeastern city where she lived with her file in the event that they are needed for future
parents and three sisters. She is Caucasian, from reference.
30 W.B. Barr

Table 1.8 Neuropsychological test scores

Demographics: 29 year old Caucasian female with 16 years of formal education. Complex partial seizures diagnosed
in adolescence. Experiences clusters of seizures every 4
TOPF, Estimated FSIQ =
WAIS-IV Standard Score (SS) Demographic T-Score
– Verbal Comprehension Index (VCI) 115 55
– Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI) 113 55
– Working Memory Index (WMI) 111 53
– Processing Speed Index (PSI) 102 46
– General Abilities Index (GAI) 115 56
– Full Scale Intelligence Quotient (FSIQ) 113 53
WAIS-IV Digit Span, T-Score = 56 Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT)
– Forward, raw = 10, ss = 9 – Total Learning (5-Trials), raw = 51, T = 51
– Backward, raw = 11, ss = 13 – Delayed Recall, raw = 7/15, T = 34
– Sequenced, raw = 13, ss = 16 – Recognition (Hits/FP), Hits = 15, FP = 0
Trail making Test WMS-IV Logical Memory
– Trails A, raw = 16, T = 63 – LMI, raw = 22, T = 41
– Trails B, raw = 49, T = 46 – LMII, raw = 21, T = 43
Stroop Color Naming Test Rey Complex Figure
– Word, raw = 96, T = 44 – Copy Trial = 34.5, WNL
– Color, raw = 82, T = 53 – 30-min recall = 21, T = 43
– Color-Word, raw = 50, T = 55 WMS-IV Visual Reproduction
Ruff Figural Fluency Test (RFFT) – VRI, raw = 37, T = 43
– Unique Designs = 95, T = 51 – VRII, raw = 27, T = 44
– Perseverations = 5, T = 47 Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM)
Controlled Oral Word Association Test (COWAT) – Trial 1, raw score = 47/50 correct
– Raw Score = 55, T = 55 – Trial 2, raw score = 50/50 correct
– Categories, raw = 4
– Errors, raw = 9, T = 58
– Perseverative Errors, raw = 7, T = 47
Boston Naming Test Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II)
– Raw Score = 51, T = 36 – raw score = 3
Animal Naming Test Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)
Raw Score = 22, T = 41 – raw score = 5
– Validity Scales—L-r, F-r, and K-r, <60
• FBS, T = 57
• RBS, T = 59
– Clinical Profile
• EID, T = 74
• RC1, T = 72

diagnostic methods. Clinical neuropsychologists

Conclusions are now considered key members of the special-
ized treatment team. Those entering positions in
Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that is unique comprehensive epilepsy centers will need to have
as a result of its relatively high rate of cognitive background knowledge on the heterogeneity of
and behavioral disorders. It has been established seizures, various epilepsy syndromes, and the
over the years that neuropsychological testing is effects of treatment. Neuropsychological assess-
valuable to the care of patients with epilepsy, pro- ment strategies will focus on evaluation of atten-
viding information that is unique to what is tion, executive functions, and memory, which are
obtained using EEG, brain imaging, and other the skills most often affected in patients with
1 Neuropsychological Assessment of Patients with Epilepsy 31

epilepsy. The assessment will also extend to a dates. Journal of the International Neuropsychological
Society, 3, 435–443.
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lying cause. The goal of this opening chapter was 5(2), 175–179. doi:10.1016/j.yebeh.2003.12.010.
to provide the reader with a general overview of Baxendale, S. (1997). The role of the hippocampus in rec-
ognition memory. Neuropsychologia, 35, 591–598.
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Baxendale, S., Thompson, P., Harkness, W., & Duncan,
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